More on this later. But it is a GOOOOOD DAY! Unless your a lefty and dont like capital punishment for evil people. But for all of us normal people...GOOOD DAY INDEED!
a counter viewpoint to all things
OKAY! Here we are with your other post robo. This one I find to abit more important than the whole “I know you..” thing. The reason I find this more important is that I really want us to understand eachother. The fact that you think I say what I say to just be a….a….’dick’. Well that’s just frustrating. It takes no effort to be a dick, just ask countsy. I on the other hand have points to make. Not based on nastiness, not based on anger, but based in logic. Now you can toss em out the window if you like..but the fact that you think its just because I want to be a meanie shows me that you really ARENT understanding what I’m saying. ESPECIALLY on these points in your post.
Robo says:::
“””’ You manage to cover a lot of subjects in your post,…. RELIGION
Here's what you said about my Storyboredom compadres:””””
(quoting me, ‘Handel’)”” Yesssss, I saw the saintly and descent behavior for my very own self. Very saintly. Very tolerant. Very descent."
Back to robo saying:: “””You saw nothing. You don't know them, you've never spent anytime with them. The internet is NOT real life Handel. It's the internet. I'm talking about REAL LIFE. You remember, the stuff that matters? I have observed behavior in the Count and Underbite that is the very definition of Christian behavior in REAL LIFE.
Clever use of the word descent though. You made a funny.””
Robo you must be a very VERY skinny guy, very flexible, because your bending over backwards and tieing your self in pretzels to make excuses for these gonads. It’s actually a little embarrassing …your justifications, and defense for them.
So! What is it that you are saying then? that they are either ignorantly spoofing or they are lying about what they are saying, and don’t really even believe what they are saying. Both of which are hardly noble causes. When you say that the internet is NOT real life, well…duh?
BUT am I to believe that countsy and the rest don’t believe in what they are saying? Are they lying? Are you? I said long ago, that people will know ME by my posts. Do you think that I believe something, ANYTHING differently than what I have thus far written?
You say I ‘don’t know them, have never spent time with them’. Tell me,,,do you think that they have a good idea of who I am? Based on my writing? I do. And so I feel I have a good idea of who THEY are, based on theirs.
There are really only two choices robo. Either they are lying and bigoted, or they really do believe what they are saying, and are just honest and bigoted Take your pick.
But don’t be disingenuous robo….that’s a suit that doesn’t look good on you.
Robo says:::
“””I have observed behavior in the Count and Underbite that is the very definition of Christian behavior in REAL LIFE.””
Right….I’m …..Sure you have. What did they do? Pet a puppy? Give to their locale ‘planned parenthood’? Laugh at fat people but in a very HUSHED voice as opposed to their regular HAR HAR way? Yes, I’m sure you have.
Robo says:::
“””Clever use of the word descent though. You made a funny.”””
Thanks, I’m a very clever guy. And my bottom is plump like a ripe strawberry.
Robo says:::
“””Then you make assumptions regarding me and how I conduct myself among these "heathens".
You weren't there, so you don't get to pass judgement. Let God do that. Remember him?”””
Okay robo. Heres where we get into some down and dirty. Please (and I am saying this with all sincerity), DO NOT put words to me that I haven’t said. DO NOT quote me as saying something that I have NOT said. Countsy does it, and several others do it to try and lend credence to their flawed point(s). It is a form of lying. I don’t think you are a liar. I think you have been caught up with how others express themselves though. Because you hear nothing but ONE view.
You have “heathens” in quotes. I ask you, have I said that they were “heathens”? Ever? No.
Nothing bugs me more than having words put to me that I never said. I go out of my way to quote you and everyone else-word for word. It’s important for me to do so.
1) I owe it to you to do so.
2) Because your (or anyone else’s) words are often times MY best weapon. If you cannot quote me, then all I ask is that you do not bestow words to me that I have not said.
I didn’t make ‘assumptions’ on how you conduct yourself among the good ole boys. I made observations of your silence.
Observations on your justifications.
And as now, observations for your defense of them and their words. Nobodies perfect robo. Just know when to stop digging that hole for yourself.
robo says:
“”””my 2 cents on this cinematic masterpiece. ……””””
Ok..You say that with all the sarcasm that you could muster. So you didn’t like it. I thought it was cinematically amazing. Beautifully captured and filmed, incredibly acted, brave in its choosing of having it in its native language. All together a very VERY courageous effort. Especially since Gibson went over the heads of the big studios in order to get it done! Really incredible feat. And in the end, a 110% total success. Even with all the flack that was raised against it (wrongly).
Surely any reasonable person would say that that is an incredible achievement. And Gibson didn’t even a garner a nod for best director. Why? Hmmmm is it any less a directing feat than Scorsese ‘last temptation”?
Why didn’t it get more of a notice from the Oscars? Well. Because the ‘last temptation’ was more in line with the way
But truth be told, I really don’t care if it gets nominated or not. I laughed upon hearing the ‘snub’. But for THIS film, I didn’t mind that it wasn’t up there with the rest. Its like that old saying (As with people) you are often known by the company you keep.
Robo says:::
Now, why didn’t I like it …Gibson neglected Christ's teachings. You know, the stuff that takes up about a full 3rd of the New Testament?..... 3 hours, lots of blood. No teachings. No sermon on the Mount, no Beatudes, nothing. Even the "Let he who is without sin" beat was played silently (although I thought that was cool, a lot of people didn't know what was happening).
So, in the
Well now I can understand WHY you didn’t like it robo. I don’t agree with it but at least I can understand it. You didn’t like it because you didn’t understand it.
The movie isnt called “the life and time of J.C.” or “Jesus :word up” OR even “Jesus of Nazareth”. It was called “The PASSION”. The title itself tells you right off the bat what this film is about.
It is not the PASSION for pizza, or the PASSION of baseball. Or the PASSION for talking fish and dancing camels.
Its about specifically the last 12 hours of Jesus life.(with some other scenes intercut).
Its about the mental and physical suffering of Jesus in the hours before as well as his trial and execution by crucifixion.
The anguish of knowing WHO you are, and what you are to do. And what you have to GIVE, what you must sacrifice. To redeem the sins of the world.
No content? To know that you could leave or escape your situation at anytime, but choose to stay. To stay not because of the nails driven in you, but out of love. The agonizing fight between your human and heavenly wills as you struggle with your fate.
“No content”?
Is there really “No content” in that, robo?
And if there really is nothing in THAT to converse with and about….then surely the scenes/flashbacks of the saving of the prostitute from stoning….(”those without sin”)…with just the visuals, OR the washing of the disciples feet (“…The world will hate you, remember they hated me first…..they persecute me, they will also persecute you”).
OR yes, the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ segment (“…I say to you love you enemies and pray for those who persecute you…”)
Teachings that YOU say (for whatever reason), are not there.
The whole thing is about Christs ‘teachings’. The fact that you pass it off as a “blood fest” and that you didn’t like it because there was a “LACK of content” is kind of odd, robo.
I think that THAT is one of the truly astonishing things about this movie, And probably the reason that so many in your congregation found it ‘important’ Because it was respectful to Christianity and it was fairly accurate (with of course some creative license—for maximum impact). And THAT’S why it is in fact important. Because in today’s “movie world” those two things are usually absent when making a “Christian” movie.
Your congregation understood what the “PASSION” is, and what it means.
I’m sorry that you didn’t, and that you walked out of the theater ‘numb’ and missing what the whole point was.
NOTE: For the record; ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ is a GREAT movie as well. And yeah, I love it for what it documents. As I love “THE PASSION” for EXACTLY what IT documents. In all of its harsh reality. (as well as its beauty. ). Some things you can’t water down. Just so one feels more comfortable when they’re eating their popcorn.
I don’t mean to sound like I’m judging you, robo. No doubt you’re going to use that as a defense. I just strongly disagree with you. And if you’re “HIGH PROFILE director wanted to know more”, and you said nothing about any of the facts, or the bits of the movie that I pointed out to you. Then let it be shown that once again, you listened but said nothing.
Again though (in your defense), I know how difficult it can be, especially in the industry that we both know.
Robo says:::
“””This thing that happened between me and Sony was a long process. it wasn't over one thing, it was over many things over a period of months. I was driving 2 and a half hours a day to a job that was stressing me out to the point I couldn't sleep. I'd very often fall asleep at the wheel. The situation was so bad that it affected my health AND my marriage. You know, REAL LIFE.
You weren't there, you know nothing. I'd have sucked it up and just did as I was told, I might be dead. I am not exaggerating.
Looking back was it worth it? Yes. I have my heath back, and my marriage is back on course.”””
Robo …that’s my whole point and your just underlining what I’m saying. If you look back at my “ROBO” post on this very blog, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
I said “You DO NOT get fired.” Not over dancing bears and singin fish. If it’s a problem that simply can’t be worked out…and you’ve tried everything and your just miserable, You (as I said way back when) you pack up your crayons and you go to somewhere else. You don’t blow your top and get fired. There’s no control of the situation in that. If your ‘stressed, not sleeping” and especially if its affecting your health and your marriage…you go somewhere else. You don’t risk everything for the toons. NOT singing horses or the next fart gag. You go somewhere else.
Robo says::
“””And I now work at one of the best cartoon studios in the world.
When I came up here, I discovered that most of the people who work here shared my experience in one studio or another. Many were labeled "pains in the ass….you'll find that a lot of people in this business have had similar experiences; Teddy Newton, Brad Bird, Kirk Wise, Glean Keane, John Lasseter, Mark Andrews etc. ".””
Robo, I don’t care if any or all of those people got fired. It doesn’t make it a good thing. Is that really what you want to hang your hat on? Do you think your wife would think that that’s a good rout to go, and a badge of honor? I have loads of respect for people that go and do ‘their thing’ (which is one of the reasons I like Mel Gibson, because he is doing is own thing), that takes a lot of guts. For someone to say, “Screw this. Cant make it work here”. That takes a lot of courage to make that decision. Getting fired is letting the circumstance make the decision FOR you. Not good.
Your talented, you could have gotten into that studio WITHOUT getting fired. You make it sound as if you couldn’t have UNLESS you DID get fired.
BUT you are NOW at that studio …with the SAME MENTALITY.
Again, not good.
Do you remember robo, when I said that you were ‘undisciplined’? Do you remember that? Do you remember the context of that comment?
I remember being astonished when you wrote back. You wrote back “he calls me undisciplined“,… and then you proceed to tell me about what ‘art program’ you were learning (I think it was ‘flash’).
The reason I called you ‘undisciplined’ was due to you saying that your into martial arts and wanted to fight me, because you didn’t like what I was saying to countsy…waaaaaaay back on the ‘lest ye be offended’ thread. Remember that?
YOU don’t even know me, and yet you assume what? Man…that’s pretty dangerous. You pull that out in the street and your gonna get your self killed by some numb nut gang member one of these days man.
That’s why I called you ‘undisciplined’. You have that same mentality when you said “no more” and got fired.
It’s something that you obviously need to work on. Something we all need to work on in some fashion. Although when I hear you…it doesn’t sound as if you’ve learned anything by the way your saying “well so and so have many of the same experiences and blah blah blah”.
You probably STILL don’t know what I’m talking about. And will probably tell me in another post “WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNDISCIPLINED?? I’M learning the latest version of ‘Photoshop’. HA!”
Robo says::
“””Now I work at a place where……..and CHIPPY AND LOOPUS…Texture? Yeah, …I…””..
dancing monkeys and singin fish…Just keep it in perspective robo.
I think that we covered the more important stuff robo. And I hope that there is better clarity now.
I don’t know if I’m going to be able to post again till the new year..(Although I do still owe countsy a proper ass wuppin). So I will say to you..Have a good Christmas, and to your family I wish nothing but the very best to. To you as well countsy (believe it or not).
A Merry CHRISTMAS and a safe and bountiful New Year!