The long awaited
countsy response.
I see that you have taken down your blog
countsy, so I'll respond as best I can from my memory of your last post.
you had a freeze screen up of a member to the
'comic space' group, that you
associate to be me, and your caption is something to the effect of: " surprising, this from a guy who
doesn't need the praise".
Lets look at some aspects of the member that you posted.
he/she is a member of the "
comicspace forum"
As I said A
LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago, I am involved in several art/animation/comics forums.
And I too am a member of the '
comic space forum.
When I look at this members gallery, I find it interesting that this person has four pieces in the 'gallery'. As opposed to most everyone else who has
OOOODLES of pieces up in
their respective galleries. I also find it interesting that he/she has apparently entered those four pieces within a couple days--way back in what...may?
Now the work is fairly competent,
doesn't he have any thing else to show? Or maybe he
doesn't want to have a whole lot up. Why do you think that is the case oh king of stupid?
Lets move on to another point. Lets just say that it WAS me. Cute, cuddly, pizza nippled me.
IF you can remember a little while back, I remember telling
robo, that I had spoken to some friends that are comic book artists(funnily enough through '
comicspace'). Telling them that I thought you guys were butt sniffers.
They (for the most part) pretty much agreed, being that you all were pretty much doing this for nothing more than being stroked by your friends. But they ALL told me that I was essentially going a bit far with my thoughts on 'art blogs'. That they, being artists in the comics, use their respective blogs as extensions of
their portfolio's. And that it opens tons of doors for
commission work, and that they have
received numerous job offers THROUGH and because of them. They were serving a purpose OTHER than stoking their egos (which they said they
didn't mind that either!:).
So I thought about this
countsy. I thought about it long and hard. I kept telling
robo that I might have an 'apology' for him. I finally DID tell him (
robo) that after talking to my buddies, that I think I may have been a bit hard on him (and for that matter-you) on the blog issue. Now while I still think you two are kind of butt sniffers, I DO think that the blog thing can be useful in other ways other than making your friends giggle like school girls.
And I've even come around to the idea of putting up some work on a blog (at some point). So IF I were to open up a gallery on comic space, it might be very similar to the member that you
screen saved. very sparse until I feel good about it. More comfortable with it.
that's a fact jack. Nothing inconsistent at all. Just go back on my blog and look for what I told
robo. Or (if his 'pragmatic' mind
hasn't lapsed) ask him about it. Whether or not I said, JUST THAT.
The other thing if I remember correctly, is a
screen grab of a 'references' list?
robo, right?
Boy that IS something.
Sooooooooooo, lets see. IF this guy IS me....
THAT'S nerve huh??
My goodness gracious!! That would make me the ballsiest dude ON THE FACE
talkin van
wilder's bulldog
Man, I seriously HOPE its me, because
that's pretty balls nasty. If its NOT me, lets just say it IS, because
that's so
friggin impressive.Whew!!
countcrusty. I'm guessing by your 'this is priceless' comment, that IF this WAS me, you cant understand it. But now that I think about it, If I knew someone in the industry who I just
don't get along with or
didn't see I to eye with, and yet they were competent and good at what they did. I would TELL them to go ahead and list me as a reference and I would list THEM as such.
Even YOU..if someone came up to me and said, hey what do you think of
countsy, I would (if I knew of your work ethic and dependability. I'll go on a limb and say its good.) ..I'd tell them that I think he's very capable.
IF you are...YOU ARE! Regardless of whether or not your a
dick weed. (which you are).
IF you can draw dancing bears and singing monkeys...Your good for what the job needs.
I am not petty.
As for me, I am comfortable with my skill sets. I am confident in what I can do. And in my work. If that is me, And someone comes to
robo inquiring about me (which would never happen, believe me. You know as well as I do it is the work that matters and after looking at a portfolio, no one asks anyone anything.)
But what would
robo say? That I cant draw? That I
don't know what I'm doing? That I'm inexperienced?
Robo isn't a dummy (on some things yes-but not this). And he
doesn't want to look like a dummy.
Now, how about a critique of the
comic space members work that you screen grabbed.
1)cowchick: values, good. could pop the
darks a bit more. No I take it back. Really needs more contrast.
Don't be a chicken
chitters with the values. I almost wonder if its just scanned badly.
2)BATMAN: I like this
allot. Good values. Good contrast. Which is why I think that the
cowchik might have scanned lighter.
The gun is a little small too. Is it a gun? Does batman use guns?
hmm. Anyway..I like it.
3)Storm tank spider thing: I hate this one. Its done well enough, but this type of stuff is so overly done. I just think its boring. This is probably done for games. The problem the games industry has is the same as the animation industry. They just want to do the same old thing over and over and over again. So I have sympathy for him on this one. Its fine tho. Just typical.
4)ZOMBIE COWBOY: I like zombies. So I like it. Face could use a little more polish though. But over all. Fine
don't like it. muddled in the middle with the blast hitting the rock.
Don't like the ink work. No where near as good as the graphite value work. Just my opinion.
Whoops. There's eight instead of four...
6)PAN GUY: I like this one. I wish it
wasn't scanned blurry. I like his weight. I like the expression. I like his garb.
OK, I like goat people.
Countsy, IF you were half goat instead of half
assed, I would dig you a whole lot more.
7)punker dude: Eh. Its
OK. Something rubs me the wrong way on it. Not the drawing..maybe the painting of it. Maybe the color..I
don't know. Just 'Eh'.
8)Vampire guy: I'd rework the face. Its too typical. Maybe
that's whats wanted I guess. It's too typical though. Also the chest area needs work. Also the left hand is slipping for me. Re-work, Re-work.
Just my two bits. Overall, not too shabby.
Lets see....what else is there? Is that it? I think so, yeah.
I think
that's that. I also think that I will take a little rest from you,
countsy. Just for a little while. I really want to get some animation and comic posts up.
I'll beat on you again soon. Pat the
robo on the noggin for me.
Tell him that I had gas today. And I
pootied all the drive home. It was not good.
PS: And
countsy, tell
pelosi and
moveon that I thank them for the continued funding for the war.I almost wish you guys had taken over congress earlier. I think we would have been able to get more of our agenda done. THANKS MUCH, fish taco!
Next post will be on:
Just my two cents on it.