Writers strike.
Well it looks as if the studios are trying to rip off the writers. The beef is (partially) that the writers don't feel as if they are getting their fair share of the pie when it comes to things like the fees that writers receive when the content they create is distributed on the Internet.
And the studios are chincing where they can.
Do ya care? Do ya?
Let me see if I totally understand this. The writers are complaining that they are not getting enough ducket when things go internet. So the Union says
strike. Let me tell you who I
do feel bad for. I feel bad for the folk, good decent folk that are caught between bastard #1 (studios) and Bastard#2 (writers)
People such as the craft folk. People that don't have anything to do with the writers or studio heads. Those are the people that are totally screwed.
Now I know that there are writers that make the high end of the money scale and there are writers that are at the low end of the pay scale. As with ANYTHING. But let me tell you, IF you are living in California and you have any sort of benefits package
with the studio that you are working for...that covers
you and your family...What in the hell are you doing by going on strike?
But Handel...shouldn't the writers FIGHT to get what they deserve?
Well sure. But one problem that I have with unions, is that they are every bit as self serving and asinine as the studios they go up against. They are bull headed, stubborn and push too far.
Who are the people hurt?
Well they are the very people that they (Unions) are supposed to represent.
Who is the brain child that said..."Guh huh! I think that it would be a great idea to go on strike right BEFORE CHRISTMAS?"
Ooooo thats smart. Thats good thinkin'. Thats a Union head.
The writers:Now how bout the writers. You have a job that tons of people would look at as a dream job. Your bitching because you aren't getting some extra ducket based off internet distribution.
As I said, If you are at the top of the pay scale of writers and you have benefits through your studio, you are blessed. IF you are at the middle to lower end and you have benefits, You are blessed. If you get paid on time you are really really blessed! If you really are ticked at how things are done in Hollywood. Well.....WELCOME
TO HOLLYWOOD! Are ya new here?
I personally don't think that this is coming from the middle to lower end of the pay scale writer. I think those people are more concerned about getting and keeping the jobs and going up in pay with experience and time. I think this comes from the union heads, who are looking at everyone that this strike will effect and thinking that they can use this for leverage.
A sort of hostage type of scenario.
And those craft people, gaffers, light people, make up, set and props, etc....are the ones that are feeling it.
My solution?:FIRE THEM ALL. Give those writers that want it, a
chance to get back in studio and get to work..If they opt not to, ....out.
Get new writers. Writers are a dime a dozen. There are some great ones out there just waiting for their clarion call. Waiting for their shot. Their moment to prove themselves.
IF you cant find great writers, then......well get crappy writers. Its tv for petes sake. Whose going to notice?
Which leads me to this.
Tv is so awful. Most of the stuff on there is just plain crap. Crap. As far as I'm concerned the longer the strike goes on, the less new crap will be out there. Maybe it will force us to get off of our fat butts, put the cheetos down and...Oh I don't know. Heres a novel idea...GO OUTSIDE?
I mean really? Who really needs tv? When studies show that we are spending upwards of 24 hours a week in front of the tube??? 24 hours A WEEK???
The "STARS":So I see that the stars are coming up to bat for the struggling writers. Danny Glover, Tim Robbins, etc etc etc. All there to lend their support.
Heres what I find kinda funny. Most of these clowns are the ones out there complaining about the rich and wanting to redistribute wealth. They're socialists.
Why don't
they give a little? Give some of
THEIR money to offset the writers plight.
Follow your own philosophies.
They wont. Because they are Hollywood, and they don't really believe the crap that they spew. And as for standing with the writers. Well thats nonsense. Its just another role for them. Another "part". It is another act of TYPICAL narcissism. Just to look THE PART of someone that gives a damn. (they don't).
I dont know folks. I say the less tv the better.
Now I have my favorites. "24", "hero's", "lost", etc...but, I can give it up if need be.
Maybe its a good thing for the country. To turn it off. And discover, that life..REAL life is so much more interesting than life in the lil box.
Certainly better written.