Sunday, August 31, 2008
2008 Democrat National Convention, Day 2, Part 1
This is sooo great.
Jason mattera again at the Dem convention Talkting to some of the great unwashed.
some highlights are:
1:40 in : some dumb little girl (fer sure dude") says "They're still talking about the 'war on terrorism, like it still exists."
She also quotes Marx and claims that as hone of her "heros"
ALSO AT 3:46 IN, there are two democrats/leftists of the democrat female persuasion that appear. Jason (undercover conservative) says to one girl (who has facial hair),,"you know..i gotta say, you have a lotta balls to grow that out. (The sheer brilliance of that line is almost scary).
And she says..."It's not about balls..its just about being who you are.."
The other girl says something about her having body odor and hair on her legs...ah yes...Democrats.
Now mind you..this is the democratic 'youth vote' that obama so badly wants.
Which reminds me. Let me just say this for the record. Parents BEWARE! Make sure your kids have a solid foundation before sending them off to a 'place of higher learning'.
Because if will send them off far smarter and far more coherent than what they will come out with. And far more hairier and stinkier.
"Higher learning" ...oxymoron.
2008 Democrat National Convention, Day 2, Part 1
This is sooo great.
Jason mattera again at the Dem convention Talkting to some of the great unwashed.
some highlights are:
1:40 in : some dumb little girl (fer sure dude") says "They're still talking about the 'war on terrorism, like it still exists."
She also quotes Marx and claims that as hone of her "heros"
Thursday, August 28, 2008
pro-abortion rally, DNC Convention 08
I love this . This kid is a conservative, and he goes around interviewing democrats and pretty much just lets them hang themselves. Great stuff.
Here hes at the dem convention talking to phsycos, weenies, and the smelly hairy backed dumbasses and their wimpy spined efeminite husbands.Also known as 'the base'
Love the poetry of this first guy.
"like abortion deadly?" (classic)
I love the expression at the end. >:)
The freak show continues....
Monday, August 25, 2008

An obama lookalike at the dem convention. Now this is nothing new really. there are always the lookalikes around these things. But in this case, this is one of the times when the lookalike has just as much experience as the candidate himself.
Maybe obama should have nominated the lookalike to be a vp. Then he could spoon with him (due to his infatuation with himself).
He could...i don't know...He could have those quiet moments alone with the lookalike, wehre they could look at eachother and say to one another:
"YOU so messiah! No YOU so messiah! No, YOU are! No, YOU are!!"
Then they could pause for a moment, and one of them say..
"HEY!! Are WE the ones we've been waiting for?""
(In unison): "YES! YES WE ARE!!"
"you so messiah"
spooning again commences.
I know that I said I was going to post page two to the san diego adventure..but there is just way too much happening right now. Especially since obama named silly joe biden as VP pick. And when you add the freak fest thats happening in Denver right oh man. There is just too too much fun to poke. So I'm going to bump the mini comic that I was planning for next weekend.
Poor Denver...a good city, that is going to have to fumigate and pick up tons of trash once the walking trash have their convention.
Fun stuff coming...tonight.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I wish BOTH of these guys would pick their VP's already. Tired of all this meaningless junk. Lets get this over with and get back to thinking about the important things.
Apparently obamarama is going to announce tomorrow(ish).
One things for sure, He WILL almost definitely get something that he has yet to get.
A "bounce"
A short lived one, but yes...a bounce.
Only because its the only NEW thing that is going to be happening with the both of them till the debates.
So lets go already...both of you.
Get it done with and lets get back to bidness.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm just sayin...'
And no, I'm not saying anything about religion or anything like that. I just find the contrast of ones early years.....interesting.
A palie of mine sent me an email talking about the poll today from zogby showing mccain up by five (which is about a 12 point swing). Now that doesn't mean a whole lot to me. I know that this thing is close, and it could break either way. Bigtime.
The only thing that is interesting and of some importance to me is the 'trend'.
But I'm not cocky bout this. McCain could be up by 20 and I wouldn't be cocky about it. This is going to be one of those years, where even history is against the conservatives.
That being the case.....ask any leftist about why the polls are so close and you'll get a puzzled looky.
But the reason is...that people just aren't sure they want to hand the country over to a man cub with very little experience (if any at all) who has very extreme views. And the Saddleback forum did nothing but fuel these doubts.
Just so the public can feel good about themselves.
Thats a huge question...lets see who they go for..
The War Hero?.........or the "community organizer" (what ever the hell that is).
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
On Saturday, paster Rick Warren from Saddleback Church held a forum with the two candidates.
John McCain and obambi.
Some very interesting things happened.
1) Due to a coin toss, obama didn't have the media pulling for him, and therefore they didn't choose for him to go second. (a much more valued position to be in. Remember Hilary whining about always having to go first? While obama went second.)
2) Obama was not on his most valued piece of equipment. The teleprompter. And when that happens, The eloquent "one" isn't...well...very eloquent.
The thing about obama is that everything that he says doesn't really mean anything. Its just high rhetoric. Platitudes.......all empty.
It was a trainwreck.
McCain by contrast was energetic. Tough. Direct. And CLEAR.
Obama was anything but. In some areas...downright lying .
The left blogs are whining and crying saying it "just wasn't fair". Another sign that obama wiped out.
McCain has a record. He has a history. Obama, again in contrast is trying to as always, have it ALL ways. To be all things to all people. And that usually leads to a massive fall down.
Saturday was one of those massive fall downs.
Waaaaay back when, obama boasted of "debates, anytime and anywhere!"
Since then he has avoided them at all costs. McCain said "how bout 10 town hall debates".
And what you heard from the obama camp was excuses and crickets....
Now, we know why.
Obama off teleprompter, is obama without brains.
....and lil tyke obama knows it.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Liberals and feces (cant have one without thinking of the other)

(comment at bottom of article)
With DNC in mind, city bans carrying urine, feces
Rocky Mountain News
August 5, 2008""Poo and pee dominated a public hearing Monday on a new law that prohibits people from carrying certain items if they intend to use them for nefarious purposes.
The law, crafted in advance of the Democratic National Convention, was adopted unanimously by the City Council.
But not before a hearing laced with comedy and profanity.
Representatives from some of the groups planning large-scale protests during the DNC this month said the ordinance was unnecessary and accused city officials of fear mongering.
"The intent of this ordinance is to try to smear protesters and make them look as if they are somehow criminal or somehow going to engage in some kind of gross conduct," said Glenn Spagnuolo, an organizer with the Re- create 68 Alliance.
The ordinance makes it illegal to carry certain items, such as chains, padlocks, carabiners and other locking devices. It also prohibits the possession of noxious substances. Two of the most frequently used examples of a noxious substance are a bucket of urine and a "feces bomb."
Police have to prove that people carrying such items intend to use them to block public access or emergency equipment or to thwart crowd control measures.""
Well...I guess this is what passes as deep thought from "progressives" (so-called).
A whole lot of pee and poo. And as with most liberals...more than a smattering of B.O. to go with their BS.
Monday, August 11, 2008
clap........clap.....................clap. (chirp chirp chirp)
"Al Franken is trying to turn his former fame as a comedian into the gain of one U.S. Senate seat for Democrats by upsetting incumbent Republican Sen. Norm Coleman in Minnesota.
But he probably didn't intend his town hall meeting on veterans issues yesterday to turn into the joke.
Only one person attended.
Ouch.."For the record, The 'ouch' at the end was actually in the article. It was not added on by myself.
I would not have added that.
For myself, I don't know how I would sum up 'laughing so hard that I pee'd myself' in one snappy word.
So I guess the TIMES 'ouch' line will have to suffice.
Friday, August 08, 2008
You know...way back when..when all the rumors came out on this. I wrestled with the question of whether or not I should post anything on this.. I opted not to.
For a few reasons.
I just hoped that it wasn't true. Because if it were, it would just be devastating for the family.
And I just take no joy in that.
So, I let it be.
Now that its out, let me say dis' bout dat'.
I cant stand john edwards. I have always thought he was an awful, AWFUL person, who as a trial lawyer, has hurt many many people and made things harder for people by bringing silly lawsuits against doctors and in total..hurting good people, both in the medical profession and ordinary joes by helping to raise costs for them.
He's a bad person.
But this is something different. I don't have any joy in things like this. (Republicans OR democrats).
With all that said (above), My personal feelings about him and his world views aside...I have no doubt that he loves his kids. I have no doubt that he loves his wife. I have no doubt about the regret that he feels at this time.
I feel for his family. I feel for his wife who is and has already gone through so much. I feel INCREDIBLY bad for his children.
...and I hope and pray for healing for them.
(Gonna lighten this up this weekend. a small series coming....)
"If you're gonna steal from me "
Thats a post from my very good and more than a little retarded friend 'countsy' on his very little bloggy.
He was a little bothered by the fact that I was quoting him when answering his post (july 25).
For my LAST post (August 2. below).
And IN quoting his post I altered his title to read :
" cant make this 'STUFF' up."
Countsy...two things:
1) I was mocking you. Making fun of you. And when I was in the process of doing so, I thought, "well....theres no need to use the expletive. There just isn't a reason to.
THEN I thought, hmm, this is a good (not great) showing of the differences between us. You (countsy) feel the need to lower yourself in doing so. I don't know..maybe you think it adds 'heft' to your thought (or lack of 'thought').
While I on the other hand, try not to use those words. Not that I'm not guilty of doing so. But just in that I think I've used em' too much in the past and I'm trying to ween myself off of doing it (to the best of my abilities).
I just think that if I don't try my best to..the next thing you know, I'm adding the "f" word in EVERY bit of work that I put out. And thats rather cheap, and doesn't add much to the work or more importantly... myself .
Now I know that THATS alot to digest there, countsy. So let me break it down for you. Quite simply :
1) Its a bad habit
2) I'm smarter and more disciplined than you. And yeah..dare I say, maybe even more 'bootyliscious'
Enjoy your weekend, 'stuff' head.