Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nigel Farage harangues EU President Herman van Rompuy

Friday, February 26, 2010

(R) Paul Ryan to obama: "Your running a ponzi scheme."

Ryan beats obamas assy with some knowledge. MMmmmm pretty yummy.

California Assembly passes resolution for Cuss Free Week

With brain power like this working away in it any wonder why Cali is in the toilet? viva la democrat!


California Assembly passes resolution for Cuss Free Week

Updated: 02/25/2010 10:55:51 PM PST


""Feeling a little salty, Californians? Better get it out of your system while you can.

Amid the ongoing — and occasionally tense — debate over how to clean up California's budget mess, lawmakers are trying to tidy something else, almost as unmanageable: our language. Thursday morning, the Assembly approved a ceremonial resolution turning the first week of March into "Cuss Free Week."

With the Senate expected to follow suit next week, all Californians will be asked to bite back on four-letter words and a few choice compound phrases. WT (bleep)?, you ask. Don't sweat: Police officers won't be waiting with soap. That's not the point.

According to sponsors of the measure —

inspired by a Southern California teen whose creation of a "no cussing" school club sparked an international movement — it's more about minding the delicate sensibilities of those around you. Like your grandmother. "When we're at our grandmother's house," said Anthony Portantino, D-Pasadena, "we have respect and decorum."

Aren't there more important things on government's agenda right now? Sure, Portantino concedes. But maybe a little civility is just the prescription to help "break through that logjam." To keep things honest, Portantino is handing out no-cuss jars to all 120 legislative offices in the Capitol — and to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every time a naughty word slips out, a few coins get dropped in. He'd like us all to try it at home, too. How's that for a deficit-reduction strategy""

World Trade Center DISASTER!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On the Eve of the Sham health care talks..

The support/opposition split on the health care bill, according to various pollsters:

Rasmussen: 41/56 oppose
Newsweek: 40/49 oppose
Public Policy Polling: 39/50 oppose
Pew: 38/50 oppose
Quinnipiac: 35/54 oppose
Ipsos/McClatchy: 37/51 oppose
NBC/WSJ: 31/46 oppose
CNN: 38/58 oppose
NPR: 39/55 oppose

Charlie Cook...on obama 'communication problem'.

"And so I think, no, this is one of the biggest miscalculations that we've seen in modern political history."

Charlie Cook-
Feb 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Record low for dem congress.


""Just when you thought Congress couldn't reach a new low, it did.

Only a third of US voters think their Congress members have earned the right to get sent back next year -- a record-low number, a poll released yesterday shows.

Thirty-four percent of voters queried think members of the House and the Senate ought to be re-elected -- while an astonishing 63 percent were in favor of throwing the bums out, the new CNN poll showed.

That's the worst performance for Congress in the history of the network's polling -- the latest red flag for the floundering Democratic leadership as it heads into an anti-incumbent voter wave just eight months before the midterm elections"".

CNN POLL: 52% say obama doesn't deserve re-election in 2012.

CNN poll: 52% say Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012

By Michael O'Brien - 02/16/10 01:35 PM ET

""52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new poll.

44 percent of all Americans said they would vote to reelect the president in two and a half years, less than the slight majority who said they would prefer to elect someone else.

Obama faces a 44-52 deficit among both all Americans and registered voters, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Tuesday. Four percent had no opinion.

The reelection numbers are slightly more sour than Obama's approval ratings, which are basically tied. 49 percent of people told CNN that they approve of the way Obama is handling his job, while 50 percent disapprove.

Still, the 2012 election is still a long way's away, with this fall's midterm elections looming large. Republicans are hoping to make inroads into Congress, while Democrats are hoping to hold onto gains won in the 2006 and 2008 cycles. ""

Thursday, February 11, 2010


To celebrate the silliness known as 'global warming' I give you this little musical nugget.
You know...I really love this whole global warming nuttiness. It gives me an excuse to go out and buy a new heavy jacket!
Anyone seen Al Gore? Al?? You out there ?
Probably hiding out with my ole buddy 'countsy'. Maybe hiding under the bed trying to hide his utter embarrassment. Hoping that no one notices how ridiculous they both really are.
See that guy ahead of you in the "embarrassed idiot" line? let me introduce you..

Barrack..this is Al and countsy. Countsy and Al, this is barrack. He's the president you know!
Hope and change!!!!
I sure HOPE that it gets back to global warming and I can CHANGE back into some shorts and a t-shirt!


Story is that he's having some heart problems. Bill is a leach. A parasite. But I don't want him dyin on us. I want him around to witness the second repub revolution .
So stick around bubba..someone get a doc around him 24/7. preferably an intern.

Counterstrike will be going away...

Just kidding. Actually, I'll be making a post every week. Gonna try to step it up a bit.

New polls.

Quinnipiac: Obama down to 45%


Economy – 45/53
Federal deficit – 40/56
Creating jobs – 47/51
Health care – 43/53

I just loooooooooooooooooooooove the smell of burnin lib in the mernin'!
Speakin of rotted, burning flesh...Coooouuuuntssyyyyyy? Where aaaaaaaaaaare youuuuuuu?


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Paging Al Gore. Paging Al Gore... advised you will be needing a jacket and maybe some mittens.
(and maybe a smidge of credibility)

Thursday, February 04, 2010

AND NOW!.... For something completely different!


Monday, February 01, 2010

Never let old democrat Ku Kluxsmen drink before giving a speech..

Or do, and grab some popcorn to watch the trainwreck.

A few years old, but still laugh worthy. DIG the obvious pause for dramatic effect at around the 58 mark. You'll know it when you get to it.
I tried using that pause for effect method with my wife...It only annoyed her. Sooo I guess I succeeded in my mission.
