Well its been some time since my FIRST "introduction post". Now I told you that I might not post as often as one might think. For a couple of reasons. One being that I just wasn’t sure if I would have the time to POST as often as I think the blog would deserve. So there might be loooong periods of time between some posts, IF I were to continue this 'Blog' thing.
So I figure that since I took that initial first step. I'll do a little more. you know...BABY STEPS!
Between my first post(march 18th) and THIS post, I've been in and out of other bloggies. Arguing with both elitist "arteeeeests" , And with people that genuinely hate this country. Very often I found that the two went hand in hand. Its rarely ever difficult arguing with them though...all you ever have to do is hit them with facts and watch them drown in there own silly arguments. More on that at another time.
The blog world is a very interesting one. So many people have one now. Wasn’t always the case not too long ago .Now everyone and their aunt petunia on their mothers side has one. The wonderful thing is that they are soooo varied. You have your political blogs, You have your art blogs of any sort, animation, illustration, design, fine art(so called), etc. You have quilt blogs, cooking blogs, travel blogs, PET blogs!!!etc etc etc. Online journals of ANY and ALL sorts.
Like anything else one the net, there is alot of good blogs, and a WHOLE lotta caca. When its good, Its great! And when its bad.......oooooooooo is it bad!
And then there is the "in-between blogs". Many 'art' blogs fall into this category. But again...I'll touch on this at another time.
In case you are unfamiliar with my political leanings, Let me be straight up with you on this. I don’t burn the flag, or flip it off, or spit on it. I don’t wanna change the pledge, or ban it entirely. In short, I love this country. So YES...I suppose that would automatically rule out that I would be a leftist liberal in any way.
I would be a conservative in the arts field. I know that must sound as strange as say a conservative who also happens to be a homosexual or (((gasp!!!))) stranger yet: BLACK!!
BUT believe me...there are more of us out there than you might think. Most of us tend to work and go home to our families. staying out of the fights. Some of us just don’t think its worth the time to sit and argue with juveniles who think EVERYTHING is relative. I mean there SURELY are better things to do than argue Whether or not hitler was evil (or to hear our leftist friends),, maybe he was just having a bad day with people with long beards and yamakas ( and for that matter...their children as well.).
For anyone that knows me...You would know that I am not one of those people that just keeps quiet. I'm not one who just laughs under their breath as some left wing cacklesak makes with one of many nutty conspiracy theories of how Bush orchestrated 911. likewise, I'm not one of those who will sit and listen to a colleague go on and on (AND ON!) about how great a drawing/painting (etc) is , when he/she knows full well that its poo but they would rather lie about it because to do otherwise would put them in bad stead’s with their buddies who are also in the same blog. OOOOOOORRRRR walk around a gallery and agree with the snively masses, that a tampon glued to a canvas next to a dead mouse is some sort of "deep statement" about hunger in the
"Blogs" have been deemed the "new media", by political conservatives, and I must agree whole heartily! No longer does the public have to rely on the same three leftist channels for their news. The "blogs" were pivotal in slapping dan rather around when he threw out on the 'news' airwaves, the fake documents on bush. Without the blogs...danny would have gotten away with it. Because his BUDDIES on the other channels werent gonna take him to task. HOOORAY for the "new media"!
The 'new media'....which serves as a sort of "watch dog", of the old (leftist) media. Cnn, msnbc, cbs,abc,nbc,new york times,
And maaaaaaaaaan do they hate that...being kept "in check".
Now that’s not to say that the leftists don’t have their fair share of the bloggy pie. NONONO! Believe me...they more than have their squeally, shrill voices out there spewing the same old same old. The point is.....that they have NO CONTROL over the voices on the blogs. They don’t have any control over the voices of talk radio, like they do on the tv stations and newspapers AND entertainment avenues. And that irks them sumpin fierce. these "tolerant" ones.
Its not as if things are split right down the middle as far as the media. Its not as if its EVEN on both sides. Its just with these TWO LONE OUTLETS: 'blogs and talk radio, They don’t "own" everything anymore. Other voices are heard. Instantly. And to the "open minded progressives", these defenders of the first amendment, These..'fighters' of and for 'free speech.'
well...they just hate that.