Sunday, July 16, 2006


When attending these types of things. You encounter a WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE variety of people. From the older 40-50 year old to the pre- teenager dressed up as their favorite "sailor moon" character. You also get to see a lot of the “hardcore” fan. You know the ones I’m talkin about. The ones that have their batman shirts on, or better yet, the ones that have their batman SUITS on!

You see so many different types of fans that you find yourself tending to roll your eyes as you pass them by. Upon going with some friends and fellow industry people, we were having a dinner after a fun day at the con. And as these things go, we were discussing the day, and the four that I was with were just hammering on allot of the people that we had seen during the day. Making fun of them in every way! One tends to get caught up in the discussion and I was no different while I laughed along with my group, I had been thinking about it the ENTIRE second day..And I just couldn’t seem to get it out of my mind

So the time that dinner rolled around once again,,(same place. sue us, we like sea food), There was even MORE conversation about the assorted people that we saw. I sat and listened as the jokes flew. This time I didn’t laugh.

I said to them:”.....But wait. Aren’t these people...US? I mean really?? The only difference is that THEY are just a little more honest about it? I mean crap! If only I could have enough courage to put on a killer batman outfit!! HA!"

Well needless to say, that kind of spurned a bit of a light debate at our table. But really...I mean the only difference is that we (at my table) are now within this industry, But it wasn’t all that long ago that we would go to these things with the hope of talking with our favorite artists and writers,(We STILL DO!). And we're talking about the "civil war" story arc, which is probably the same conversation that they are having at the OTHER table. And we're wearing our own industry paraphernalia, toting our own bags of crap that we spent the day acquiring. And WE'RE scoffing at THEM? Since when did we get so coo' for schoo'?

Fact is...we're just trying to cover up our own 'geekiness' as if we are somewhat 'above' that sort of thing. And yet...we are amongst the first to mark the con on our calendars.

Lets remember....once a fan, always a fan....lets just be honest about it, and stop being ashamed of it.