Saturday, August 05, 2006


Ok...thought I’d take a sec and answer a few more things from our old friend 'count flatulence' and some of his comrades, before going on to some other things.

‘countsy’says:: in his July 26th post,::::

"""""Sorry gang, it's hard to roll over when someone straight up lies about you. And also just lies. Handel , when he started his blog, said he was going to open up his blog to comments and that has never happened."""

Yes, if you look at my very FIRST post. My introductory post, you will see that I did indeed say that I would open my bloggy for comments at SOME time. But I later said that I might have to rethink that. Why? Well because I tend to want to answer (and argue) with each comment/commenter. I feel like I would be obligated to do so, as I do when I argue on other people’s blogs. I tend to (for better or worse) garner LOTS of response. One only has to look at any of the other blogs that I attend and offer comment on. For instance, take poor 'robo'....for a while he was garnering 6 comments, maybe 7comments per post. Till I left a comment, which THEN garnered something like 60 comments, (And up to 87 on countsy’s blog : kagematch march 16th),consisting of allot of back and fourth argument and debate. Fun...but also time consuming. VERY time consuming.

SO! I had to rethink the open comments for my bloggy. If I did have it open. I would spend MORE time answering comments than writing on my own bloggy.

Which is one of the reasons that I have momentarily stopped commenting on other blogs such as ‘countsys’, and ‘robos’? Also not coincidentally, the reason you've seen more posted on MY bloggy.

It’s either: find the time (somewhere!) to write on this thing or cancel it out totally. So I've found the time from NOT commenting as much on other blogs, OR my own.

But that’s not to say that I won’t be commenting on the other bloggys again soon though....stay tuned.

The kind of nice thing is that THIS sort of becomes my "comments" section. THE ENTIRE BLOG. I can answer comments and attacks leveled at me from others in other blogs AND post on MY OWN blog while doing so. Viola!

""""Countsy""" says::::::

""""""Coupled with the fact that he calls me a hypocrite about free speech. AS always always always, I am here with the comments section wide open and I NEVER delete comments, even those that disagree with my politics""""

Wooohoooooooo!! There be some serious B.S. stank in here now, and it aint my bottom lip (not tonight anyway)! Well lessee here. Firstly, 'countsy' are a hypocrite. No doubt about it sweet cheeks. You IS! You IS! And you are, sadly but not surprisingly, also a liar. (You big fat fibber McGee you!)

You say that you "NEVER delete comments".....And yet....for some reason, I couldn’t find any of the comments that I left on 'storybordom'. HMMMMMMM! curious id'nt it? Where did they go? ALL gone! POOF! Well, except for one. It's quite telling that out of ALL the comments that you deleted of mine, the one that you left up happens to be.................a compliment.

Quite telling indeed.

But you said that you never delete any comments though, right? Sorry to break it to ya sugar. But I'm afraid that’s EXACTLY what that is: "DELETING comments". Is it not? Not to mention the "lest we offend" thread that no longer exists due to you DELETING it.

What’s more of an amazing thing to me than you saying these stupid things ( ''I NEVER delete comments!!"), is that everyone there such as 'scrbles' and ESPECIALLY 'robo', KNOW that you have ‘deleted comments’ and WHOLE threads. And yet......silence about the lie. Hmmmmmm.

My theory on this is: That while all you lefties are 'emote’rs' rather than thinkers....the 'power' belongs to the one that can whine the loudest. The others just kind of roll up on their backsides and well.....follow. Soooooo, your kinda the "LEADER"!! You’re kind of like "KING OF THE BOOBS"! "LORD OF THE WHINERS"!! So good for you 'countsy'. Who says you don’t have aspirations and lofty goals.

Although I feel sad for the others though. Not solely for the fact that their standard for leadership is so low. But also because I wish I could give them more credit for at least standing on their own beliefs, instead of being cowed to believing what others do, solely to fit in with the crowd. It’s disappointing.

"robo" says:::::

""Ignore him. If he wants to argue, he'll post a comment. Currently he's not posting on any of our blogs anymore. Perhaps we hurt his feelings. Ahh, well, I've moved on.""

Naw, you didn’t hurt my feelings robo..not at all. I think I've stated quite clearly what I’m doing though. But I’ll be back around. Don’t fret. (And for the record, I like the Photoshop colors.) And if you want to ignore me...well you go right on ahead and do so. Its a free country (unless hillary gets in***shudder***).

'robo' says::::

""It's like Pat Benatar says: "Love is a Battlefield",
Right Handel? Wink,wink, nudge nudge!"""

WOW! What are you, like 45 years old or something????

'countsy and robo' say::::

'countsy'::""""How's it going, John?""

'robo"::::"""Pretty good. I'll call you, we gotta do lunch again!"""


'countsy': Hows it goin?

'robo': “Pretty good, I'll call you and we can jump into our cars and go to “Spagos” for lunch, and bitch about how much this country sucks for not conserving by carpooling. OR about how commercial this country is. Consume, consume, consume.”

'countsy': “Sounds good. Meet you at “Spagos” then?”

'robo': “Yes master.”

‘countsy’: “g’boy.”

That’s it for now! Next up,,,A tribute of sorts, And a wrap on comic con. Have a good one all and be good people.