Friday, March 30, 2007
I adore it, cherish it, bask in it.
I recently read a eulogy from someones wife about his father. "Ulpiano", who passed away on March 16, at the age of 82.
The eulogy spoke of a good man, a passionate man. A man who was filled with a huge love. A love for his family.
A man that even in hard times, be it in the separation of him from his wife as he waited for the slow immigration process to work,
or the hard times of being in bed due to illness, how he longed to have his family near him. Warmed himself in the light of their love.
A man that served, and worked hard at his job and did it to the very best of his ability for a wife of 54 years, with 7 children, 16 grandchildren, and
6 great-grandchildren.
There's a word for that folks.
I tip my hat to you "Ulpiano". I tip my hat to you for knowing what your priorities in life are. Not many people do these days. I tip my hat to you for your deep and passionate love for your family.
I tip my hat to you for being an inspiration BECAUSE of that love.
I don't know you, I've never even heard of you before today. But I know a little about your story. Its similar to others that I know, others that have true happiness and joy due to the love of and for family.
I wish that I HAD met you at some point. Because your the type that inspire me. The kind that remind me of those most important of priorities.
To remind me of what I'm shooting for.
Not the next animated scene to get done in order to wow the audience.
Not the next painting or drawing or design.
Not the next illustration to get the next pat on the back...
Instead, to try with all my heart to be a great man,
So that I may be that great Husband.
To be that great Daddy.....
To be that cornerstone so that I too, may leave a great legacy.....In the form of... my Family.
Monday, March 26, 2007
About a week ago, the news came out that democrat and presidential hopeful (God forbid), john edwards was going to have a news conference about his wife’s health.
His wife Elizabeth has had a recurrence of cancer.
Now I can’t stand john edwards, I think he is as horrid a person as a trial lawyer is capable of being. And that’s pretty horrid. But I feel for them. I do. I remember being in an argument/debate with a guy. He had made a comment in a blog entry wishing cancer on a Republican (cant remember who exactly-but a conservative all the same.).When I cornered him and properly spanked him about that, telling him that I thought it was a juvenile thing to wish that on any human being. He got a lil whiney and wished prostate cancer on me.
nice, huh. But...very typical of the left.
When conservative commentator Laura Ingraham had HER bout with cancer, the leftist blogs were abuzz with hatred towards her, wishing her death. And wishing it quickly.
Nasty post after nasty post.
To be fair, the right...MY side has its nutter butters as well. But no where near what the left has. I checked the blogs and forums to see what the right was saying about Elizabeth Edwards’s story.
What I saw was a lot of well wishes, and prayers for her and her family. Nary a nasty post. Nary a hateful word toward her.
Its just another difference between the two parties. One party grounds itself (or tries with all its might) in values, rooted in their faith. Accountable to a higher being, to live their lives in the shadow of God.
The other party, the party of the left, believes themselves to be 'humanists'. Living by the moral code of ..."as long as I live a good life and I'm a good person".
Ironically those 'humanists' are the ones who despise humanity the MOST.
Which is why they so enthusiastic choose to throw the people of
Or... why it is so easy, to casually wish someone that you hate..... An incurable disease.
I said to this guy that I was arguing with, that I could never do that...for several reasons. Such as, that that person may be a Daddy, or a Mommy. Or a Precious Son, Or Precious Daughter.
They would be memories. They would be missed. And they would always be loved...even in absence.
So with that, I wish you well Elizabeth Edwards. You and your family. I WILL pray for you. I WILL pray for your husband.
I WILL pray for your CHILDREN.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Which is pretty much what a sci fi movie would be like if done by the weather channel. Boring special effects, dull acting, stiff actors and excruciating voice over work.
The comedic thing about this is that this fiction is and was passed off as non fiction, by true believers that have chosen to make 'environmentalism', their own stand in for a real religion.
YEPPERS! That’s what this is, my lil poots. It’s a pseudo religion. Set up by shallow people that are uncomfortable with any religion that has any standards, or believes in any sort of values.
Nope...better to worship a tree or a rock. And good ole al has set himself up as the high priest.
Now, this entry isn’t going to be a post about 'global warming', as I just don’t have the time for that at this point. Maybe later though. No, this is just going to be on the Oscars.
Now I didn’t watch the Oscars. I just did enough reading pre-Oscar to know that the 'stars' were all going to be showing up in 'hybrid' limos! And it was deemed as the 'green' Oscars!!! I mean crap-doodles, even the stupid and dark animated 'Happy Feet' (which is an enviro flick-duh.) got the Oscar for 'best' animated show.
The writing was on the wall. Of COURSE al gore was going to get the Oscar...........and he did.
And the weiner is????
So the
ANYWAY! So al gets up there and gives his "You love me! You really, REALLY love me!" speech. A pretty lil diddy about how we can allllll make a difference if we just face reality and do our part.
All of the plastic people got up and cheered and applauded and wiped tears from there stretched eyes. frickin beautiful!
It was only after the show was over that we were able to get a nice, fluffy looky loo at 'the real reality'. The plastic people abandoned their green 'hybrids' for their jets and zipped off to the parties or back to their homes. Al himself went back to his home, and word got out that al lives in not one, not TWO, but THREE HUUUUGE energy gobbling houses.
And al loves to travel! Boy Howdy does he?! Very much like his plastic
NOT necessarily believing in anything, but saying ENOUGH and doing enough to make you feel better about yourself and make it look as if you do indeed give a damn. When you really don’t.
A bunch of losers in life came together and voted to give another loser, a loser award for a loser movie about a loser cause.
Doesn’t make you any bit closer to being a winner al, It just makes you.... well, the high priest of your own made up religion.
But still a loser.
At least it makes you feel good about yourself though. And really isn’t that what liberalism is all about?