"Hey I wanna tell you something okay, and I wanna leave a message for you right now because again its 10:30 here in New York on a Wednesday and once again I've made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone to call you at a specific time. When the time comes for me to make the phone call I stop whatever I'm doing and I go and I make that phone call at eleven-o-clock in the morning in New York and if you don't pick up the phone at ten-o-clock at night and you don't even have that god damn phone turned on. I want you to know something okay, I'm tired of playing this game with you. I'm leaving this message with you to tell you, you have insulted me for the last time. You have insulted me, you don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being, I don't give a damn if you're 12-years-old, or 11-years-old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass, who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned, you have humiliated me for the last time with this phone, and when I come out there next week, I'm gonna fly out there for the day just to straighten you out on this issue, I'm gonna let you know just how disappointed in you I am and how angry I am with you that you've done this to me again. You have made me feel like shit and you have made me feel like a fool over and over and over again, and this crap you pull on me with this god damn phone situation that you would never dream of doing to your mother and you do it to me constantly, and over and over again. I am gonna get on a plane or I am gonna come out there for the day and I'm gonna straighten your ass out when I see you, do you understand me? I'm gonna really make sure you get it. Then I'm gonna get on a plane and I'm gonna turn around and I'm gonna come home. So you better be ready Friday, the 20th, to meet with me so I'm gonna let you know just how I feel about what a rude little pig you really are. You are a rude thoughtless little pig, okay."
Well, that's non other than alec baldwin, thespian extraordinaire! And hes leaving a phone message for his daughter....His 11YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. Now...I'm sure that all of you have heard this by now, Its really come down on poor ole alec. Every day and Every night people talking about alec. Poor, poor alec.
Now its been said that the reason al(ick) and kim bassinger ended up getting divorced is because alec, a democrat has a terrible problem controlling his anger. Alec, a democrat, and like most democrats--is a very emotional individual. delving very heavily into the emotional and barely dipping his toe into the abstract notion of THOUGHT. And really...this is a great example of this.
Think about it, if you were an angry hot head, and chances are you have yelled at your daughter repeatedly, belittling her, tearing her down, and causing emotional damage to her....wouldn't you THINK that by leaving a message like this on your daughters phone---your daughter who probably HATES you, that this MIGHT, just MIGHT get leaked by someone???
Well..if you were a thinking man and not an emotionally unstable man, such as alec, a democrat, obviously is.
I hope he at least took comfort in the fact that none other than rosie o'donnell, another democrat, stood up for him.
Pretty much saying something to the extent that he was just having a bad day. "who HASN'T said something like that to their children".
Ummmmm....rosie...my dear, stupid rosie...I'm pretty sure that I have never called my child a 'rude little thoughtless pig". Nope, not once. Something tells me that alec, a democrat, has done it several times.
Poor kid. I only hope that her Mother, while a 'peta' member-therefore a democrat...isn't AS insane or AS idiotic as alec is. One can only hope that the kid realizes that her parents (democrats) are morons and goes the OTHER way.
Oh yeah..I don't usually write titles like the one above. In fact, I saw that on another site...but for the life of me...couldn't come up with one that fits BETTER!