(I blame global warming. OOPS! Sorry, that's different lie.) >:)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Hillary: "ahh I remember it like it was yesterday.."
(I blame global warming. OOPS! Sorry, that's different lie.) >:)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Obama: "Grandmother....A 'typical white person'.
Wow. Obama ..... This was said on the 20th on a radio interview. AFTER his speech on race (which didn't address any of the issues that hes been hit on.)
Seems like Obama is showing himself to be pretty much the opposite of what he has been campaigning on.
Stay TUNED!! Theres going to be more! MUCH MUCH MORE!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
"Obama recieves endorsement from the New Black Panther Party"
""Barack Obama’s campaign has rejected the support of the New Black Panther Party, after removing an endorsement by the group from its Web site Wednesday.""
....Black panther leader: “We believe that Black People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that holds us captive and does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of America,”
...."Black Panther leader: "The group’s message said it is backing Obama because he “represents ‘positive change’ for all of America. Obama will stir the ‘Melting Pot’ into a better ‘Molten America.’”
....Isn't that nice.
Kinda sounds like obamas pastor doesn't it? You know ..the guy that obama says is his life mentor?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Well, it seems as though Brutha Obama is going to give us a speech about race.
What I expect? I expect it to be a good speech. The man is good at turning a phrase. A good teleprompter reader. Good at dealing with things when there aren't any follow up questions.
I think it will be a good speech.
Do I expect it to 'go away'? No.
I expect it to dog him for a loooooong time. There are just too many questions. Why did he stay in this church? He is telling us that he has NEVER heard these views before? AFTER 20 YEARS???
How long till we see a video of him nodding his head in approval to what the good rev was preaching?
several several years ago...a very high profile of obamas by the name of oprah winfrey, joined that same church....and left. Too controversial. Too divisive. Too extreme.
So I guess she would have the same problem as obama...a question of JUDGMENT. Due to her knowing about this and STILL supporting obama.
Would you not say that it shows BAD JUDGMENT to not know? OR to know and not care enough to stop going?
Or bad judgment to take your CHILDREN to this church?
Doesn't fly.
The dems are stuck..Stuck because I think that theres no turning around from a candidate that will get the nomination, a nominee that they didn't vet at all.
"Its going to get all obama up in here"....indeed.
The candidate of change. The candidate of hope....the candidate that 'TRANSCENDS' RACE.
Its going to get more interesting, isn't it? Sure is..because there is so much more coming.
Can't wait for the speech !
EDIT: He's late......well...can't rush the lefts messiah. (sigh)
Maybe he's getting some last minute counseling from his life mentor pastor Jeremiah wright.
("Don't be nervous! Think of whitey in their underpants").. type of stuff
Monday, March 17, 2008
I see.....
that my old nutty A.D.D friend from once upon a time has posted a response to me (at least I think its me :) on his lil site. It reminded me why I liked to argue with him..mainly because it was sooooo easy. Like shooting flea bitten monkeys in a barrel. The thoughts and responses just kind of wrote themselves.(kinda unfair really).
So I see ya countsy..I'll respond to you at some point. Not now though because I'm having just a BALL with some sensory overload regarding this obama pastor thing. Theres just SOOO much to listen to. But soon. Until then? Lets take a look at this little gem of a video and see who obama, his pastor and congregation have given the 'lifetime achievements award' to...
Good stuff from the man who touts his "good judgment".
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
democrat primaries.....

WHEW!! I am having a BLAST watching the democrat primaries !
I am. I truly have been having a blast. heres why..
The latest being the "outrage" at republicans for 'crossing over' to vote for Hillary in the Texas and Ohio primaries. NOW they call foul? NOW??Oh but when dems do it (in the guise of the label 'independent' voters), to cross over to cause trouble in republican primaries...oh THEN its hunky dorey. ..indeed.
But lets be honest, just a little bit...the republican 'crossover' did very little to affect the vote in Texas or Ohio.
I personally was hoping for Hillary..not because I think one socialist will be any easier to beat than the other socialist. But simply because I want it to drag on.. and on and on.
Because the more it drags on, the more it will be very very VERY....revealing.
1) We will see the candidates of 'change' using the same tactics and methods that have always been used to win. The same politics of personal destruction. The same knives and razors used from those that are preaching a NEW way of doing things. A ''change' from politics as usual. From BOTH of them.
Both of them.
2) We see them being frustrated...by their own tactics. Democrats getting caught up in an awful net that they have created where anything thats said is called "racist". "sexist","negative"......
And they are stuck. Stuck.
Democrat against democrat. Caught up in a bitter, awful, WONDERFUL shreading....due to their own mindsets.
Heres more examples:
3) Florida and Michigan :
Now once upon a time in a land called Florida...there was a cry that 'EVERY VOTE MUST COUNT!"
Now..here we are with delegates that wont be 'counted' because the dems have setup their primaries to be bureaucratic nightmares....So every vote must count? It appears that thats exactly what I thought it meant back in2000 where they are concerned....a bunch of hooey.
Ye old matron of victim hood, Hillary..claimed once upon a time...that they should DO AWAY with the electoral college...
And now...here she is....depending on it for political survival..Electoral collage in a different name. "SUPER DELEGATES"
Which breaks down to : all you voters don't mean spit. Because if you fuck up we'll straighten you out."
Tis the 'democrat' way. Elitist.. "screw you, we know better"
The longer it goes on..the more we see how and what they love...bureaucracies.
The republican primaries have been done for a little while. With some controversy, as John McCain is not everyones cup of chai tea...But they've made their peace with it and are rallying around him..slowly but surely...A winner is a winner. Forward.
By contrast...The dems primaries are a bureaucratic mess! Laid out in the most inept way, in the most incompetent way. That NO winner can break through ! The numbers aren't there for either one of these bozos.It....is......a......mess.
Even the simplest things are turned into an elitist chaotic pile of bureaucratic poo !
And thats very very VERY revealing. THIS being THEIR primary. THEIR dance.You would think that it would move at least...a TAD more smoothly?
How....HOW IN THE WORLD are these two..either ONE of them...going to do in office?When they cant even do their primaries correctly? Smoothly.
In the process...I've seen them ...the dems get caught up in their own nets. The nets that they usually have for their opponents. "your a racist!" your negative!" hater hater masterbater!"
...here I sit...In the past year...I've seen the racists comments such as: " "you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,""
And who made this statement?...tom delay? Bush? no...
A democrat...by the name of BIDEN.
I've seen democrats getting thrown out of campaigns and being stunned because their own tactics are being used against them by....OTHER democrats! "HOW DO YOU FIGHT ...YOUR OWN PEOPLE using YOUR OWN TACTICS AND RHETORIC!!
I've also seen the dems, both Hilary AND the great messiah obama...actually CHANGE the way they speak (in reality)when they speak to a group of blacks.
truly...truly......disgusting. But very VERY revealing.
**YUMMY!!** because it speaks volumes.
Hillary has to now (after hedging for awhile) toss a super delegate over the edge for being in a prostitution ring...NOW!! How come now it isn't"just a private affair"
I mean...did spitzer get caught? hmmm yeah? Was he breaking the LAW? HMM...yeeeeeeeeeeahhh?
Wouldn't this be the same as it was...say ...ten years ago?
Why not stand by your super delegate ?
I mean wheres the loyalty?
I mean comon!
And NOW...we will see how my candidate of 'change'...my candidate of hope and doing things more POSITIVE......how he will deal with his kooky pastor..The pastor Jeremiah Wright.
They (the obama campaign) just called Ferraro, a fellow democrat.... "racist'?
Will they call Obamas own reverend 'racist' (and he clearly is).
Oh this is just too fun...
So far..obama isn't doing too well with the 'splainin'.
And its going to get better...Much MUCH better.
The bottom line is that anyway you slice this..the longer this continues the more truth comes out.
The more revealing it becomes.....The more contrast.
At the end of the day...There they will be...both Hillary and obama.
The candidates of 'change' from the party of 'change'....
coming out of the most FUCKED up primaries in the history of primaries..bloody, with poop on both of them. Standing in a big pile of hypocrisy and irony.
And there will be McCain.
And the public will have a clear choice...Vote fore McCain?
Vote for fuck up number one (Hillary)
or fuck up number two (junior)
Put them with a fuck up congress (who has STILL a lower approval rating than 'W' !)
Who in turn, have just put on the most fucked up primary in history......
My advice?
Don't vote for the fuck ups.
McCain 2008.
EDIT: And no... I don't hate all democrats. some of my best friends are democrats and I do my very best to educate them.
Sadly, it doesn't always work..sigh....robo, robo, robo....
(you can lead an ass to water...but you can't stop him from eating his own poop...robo robo robo...sigh)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Baracks pastor...
I'd like to introduce you to the pastor to the leftists.
Its good to see the media finally getting around to this..Theres going to be alot more to come :)