Monday, March 17, 2008

I see.....

that my old nutty A.D.D friend from once upon a time has posted a response to me (at least I think its me :) on his lil site. It reminded me why I liked to argue with him..mainly because it was sooooo easy. Like shooting flea bitten monkeys in a barrel. The thoughts and responses just kind of wrote themselves.(kinda unfair really).
So I see ya countsy..I'll respond to you at some point. Not now though because I'm having just a BALL with some sensory overload regarding this obama pastor thing. Theres just SOOO much to listen to. But soon. Until then? Lets take a look at this little gem of a video and see who obama, his pastor and congregation have given the 'lifetime achievements award' to...

Good stuff from the man who touts his "good judgment".