NOW...For the longest time, I have been wondering WHICH of the two democratic candidates ole traitor jane would choose to throw her support to. Who she would put her voice behind.
Oh, I had my suspicions of course but I was just waiting....patiently for this complete fool to come out and voice who it is that SHE (Oh, wise lefty that she is) , who it is that she thinks most comes closest to how she herself thinks. Who best embodies her 'values' (so called).
Who is most like her.
Last Thursday while at work, I almost fell out of my chair when I heard the news on the radio..
Does it get any better than that? Now tell can you be a democrat and NOT be embarrassed by that?
Well you cant. Not really. On the forums that I frequent I had alot of fun with it, I can tell you that!
The feel I get from those lefties is more of "oh shes not really relevant anymore!"
As usual...missing the point. Entirely.
And not at all true by the way.
If it were true that she weren't "relevant" . Why not have her tour with you? Be alongside you as you hit the campaign trail? Shes well known . Why not?
Academy award winner, toting the obama flag (white flag, thank you very much).
Why? Because she is exactly the symbol that obama doesn't want. The symbol that parallels his foreign policies. Not dressed up like a pig with lipstick, with flowery rhetoric.
But the sheer TRUTH of it. The REALITY of it.
The picture I posted is an interesting one. While this brainless, moraly vapid individual grins and giggles like some little cheerleader at a homecoming dance. Sitting on a gun turret (the very same kind that shot down a plane of a one John McCain), wearing her little helmet....
Somewhere at that very moment, (maybe in one of those tents directly in back of her in that photo).....Somewhere, good men are being killed. Good men are being brutally tortured.
...and one of those men..
..was a man by the name of.......John McCain.