Wednesday, May 21, 2008
..By more than 30 points...
and lost West Virginia by over 40 points.
Thats pretty astonishing.
I know that a blogger 'pal' of mine, has a new post touting obamas 70,000 'audience'.
What he fails to tell , is that how many of those were ALREADY there to see some free live music.
The truth is in the counts. The loss of west virginia and kentucky by such HUGE margins at this point in 'messiahs' much touted run is extremely telling.
So is the close running with McCAIN in a dead heat with him.
I mean..shouldn't obama have wrapped this up by now?
Shouldn't he be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ahead of McCain?
Its going to be a head to head fight. That much is sure. Even if he takes the shrew (hillary) as a running mate . (which is very doubtful) Its gonna be a close one. This is up for grabs.
Let the games begin.
AP: WASHINGTON - The House overwhelmingly rejected President Bush's veto Wednesday of a $290 billion farm bill, but what should have been a stinging defeat for the president became an embarrassment for Democrats. Only hours before the House's 316-108 vote, Bush had vetoed the five-year measure, saying it was too expensive and gave too much money to wealthy farmers when farm incomes are high. The Senate then was expected to follow suit quickly. Action stalled, however, after the discovery that Congress had omitted a 34-page section of the bill when lawmakers sent the massive measure to the White House. That means Bush vetoed a different bill from the one Congress passed, raising questions that the eventual law would be unconstitutional.
The White House, almost gleefully, seized on the fumble and said the mix-up could give Congress time to fix the "bloated" bill.
"We are trying to understand the ramifications of this congressional farm bill foul-up. We haven't found a precedent for a congressional blunder of this magnitude," said Scott Stanzel, a White House spokesman. "It looks like it may be back to square one for them."
*****CLAP ! CLAP ! CLAP ! CLAP!!
Good thing they aren't tested on walking while chewing gum.....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
For those of you that know me, you probably know that I cant stand the Kennedy's. I can't stand the party that they are in. And I can't stand just about everything that they stand for.
This ridiculous overrated family and their ridiculous ways and views.
And if you think that I was standing with arms raised up and fists clenched screaming "YES!!! THANK YOU!!", when the news came down just a short time ago that he had a malignant brain would be wrong.
I prayed for him instead.
I wouldnt wish this on any enemy. Not any of them. I have this fear in the pit of my stomach for him and his family. And I pray for strength courage and yeah...a FULL RECOVERY for him.
When conservative show host Laura Ingraham was diagnosed with breast cancer, the liberal blogs were abuzz with happiness and cheers of delight. They posted some of the most vile things wishing her a fast death and saying that their hopes are finally being realized.
The same thing was being posted about Rush, Cheney and others that were diagnosed with health challenges.
The most hateful things have been written in leftist blogs, wishing death to conservatives....Just because they have differing views and values than they (leftists) do.
Now to be fair, their is SOME of that on the right as well...but no where...NOWHERE near as much as what is on the left.
When John Edwards wife was diagnosed with cancer, you did NOT see any ill will towards her. Quite the opposite. There was hope and prayer to her and her family. I was one of those that did just that. (of which you can find in this very blog if you go back and look for it)
The point? Self evident. Different types of people, the ones on the right and the ones on the left.
One side is truly "open minded, kind, happy, inclusive, positive, lovers of life, and tolerant"
The other side are 'democrats'
You are in our prayers Ted Kennedy. I pray for a speedy and full recovery for you. Strength and courage for you and your family.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Obama: "I've been to...uhh...57 states.."
HAH! What I really really like is that he says, I've been to 57 states, with ONE LEFT TO GO. Oh! but Alaska and Hawaii I wasn't allowed to go to.."
Sooo...whats the count then....
57 states that hes GONE to, with ONE left to go..
That brings the number toooo 58?
Oh no, no..We haven't been to Alaska and Hawaii...but if you put those in the mix, thats...60?
{Empty + Suit = obama}
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Alas po' hillary...
Well, the counts are in !
Obama destroys hil/bill in North Carolina while Hil/bill barely eaks out obama in Indiana.
The feeling has been for some time that its over for hil/bill and with her near loss of Indiana she will be getting more and more pressure to "get out".
"For sake of the party...get out!!"
So we'll see what happens as she DESPERATELY tries to get Florida and Michigan counted.
("count every vote".....indeed.)
I have had some pals actually accuse me of WANTING hillary to win, SAYING: "You just think that she would be easier to win against."
Let me assure you...that that couldn't be further from the truth. I've said it before, I'll say it again....I don't think one of these socialist bozo's would be any easier to beat than the other. It's gonna be a hard battle no matter who wins on their side.
But what I do want, is them to continue this internal fight as long as possible. Because it allows us to see what they are all about. And we (the good guys) don't have to fire a shot (politically speaking).
We get to see how the "unifiers" and "positive candidates" and "candidates of change"....literally RIP EACHOTHER APART.
As we get to the end of the primaries and starting to see the start line of the general...I think its safe to say....
.......we (the good guys)...have alot, ALOT of ammunition, and we're ready to roll.
Oh yeah..I almost forgot. What I predict.
I predict that Hilary will stay she says. But not to win this. I think she'll stay in , in an effort to try and play nice with barack. To try and mend some SHATTERED fences!
Wont work.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
...Or will the fight on the democrat side keep going on through June?
Well to this wiley, full bottomed handsome man, it looks as if its going on. And I'm hoping that it goes to the convention.
As we stand, obama looks to be taking North Carolina, while hillary is leading in Indiana.
ALSO: Hillary seems to be putting the pressure to have the votes count in Florida and Michigan.
Again..Would someone, ANYONE tell me why a party (once upon a time) would fight so hard to count the votes of florida and recount and recount AND RECOUNT those votes under the guise that "EVERY VOTE MUST COUNT!".....And when seven years later, that same party just doesn't seem to care if TWO ENTIRE STATES aren't counted at all?
Make sense to anyone? (chirp chirp chirp)
And whats even more fun, is that this everyone who HAS voted and who HAS been counted around the country..There are these things called "super delegates"(read: Party Elite")...
...the actual voter may have his vote pretty much VETO'ED. Nullified. THROWN OUT......
"EVERY VOTE MUST BE COUNTED".......uh huh. Yeah...sure.
The dems cant even do their own primaries correctly and they want us to turn over the keys to the country?
Well take a good look folks. Take a goooood long look. This is the government (in a small style way), that you will be getting.
One of the most beneficial things to come from the drawn out dem primary, is that we get to see them be exposed for what they are:
Bureaucratic hypocritical, elitist nightmares.
So fight on dems.......fight on.