For those of you that know me, you probably know that I cant stand the Kennedy's. I can't stand the party that they are in. And I can't stand just about everything that they stand for.
This ridiculous overrated family and their ridiculous ways and views.
And if you think that I was standing with arms raised up and fists clenched screaming "YES!!! THANK YOU!!", when the news came down just a short time ago that he had a malignant brain would be wrong.
I prayed for him instead.
I wouldnt wish this on any enemy. Not any of them. I have this fear in the pit of my stomach for him and his family. And I pray for strength courage and yeah...a FULL RECOVERY for him.
When conservative show host Laura Ingraham was diagnosed with breast cancer, the liberal blogs were abuzz with happiness and cheers of delight. They posted some of the most vile things wishing her a fast death and saying that their hopes are finally being realized.
The same thing was being posted about Rush, Cheney and others that were diagnosed with health challenges.
The most hateful things have been written in leftist blogs, wishing death to conservatives....Just because they have differing views and values than they (leftists) do.
Now to be fair, their is SOME of that on the right as well...but no where...NOWHERE near as much as what is on the left.
When John Edwards wife was diagnosed with cancer, you did NOT see any ill will towards her. Quite the opposite. There was hope and prayer to her and her family. I was one of those that did just that. (of which you can find in this very blog if you go back and look for it)
The point? Self evident. Different types of people, the ones on the right and the ones on the left.
One side is truly "open minded, kind, happy, inclusive, positive, lovers of life, and tolerant"
The other side are 'democrats'
You are in our prayers Ted Kennedy. I pray for a speedy and full recovery for you. Strength and courage for you and your family.