Friday, September 12, 2008

"Stand Up !!"

joe biden telling state senator Chuck Graham to "STAND UP!"

The only thing is, Chuck Graham is a paraplegic. In a wheel chair.

I don't know...I actually felt a little bad for slow joe.
Felt a little worse for Chuck Graham. Pretty embarrassing.
You would think joe would have done a little prep before the event, huh?
A little prep goes a long way , you know.

I mean whats next? Accusing McCain of not being computer illiterate because he has his staff and wife send emails for him?
Because if a campaign actually DID do something as dumb as that, It would really make them look ..I don't know...desperate.
SO desperate that you would be seen as swinging wildly and recklessly.

IF a campaign...a computer 'LITERATE' campaign did just the SIMPLEST of 'google searches', they might find that Mr McCain- due to his injuries of being tortured in a Vietnamese POW camp for five years, actually CAN'T type on a keyboard, due to it being TOO painful.

So its a good thing that obamas campaign is a little more together and smar....oh wait...

um....never mind.