Saturday, February 28, 2009

going from bad to worse...

A nation run by dems?

You only have to look to california to see what can become of that.

B A N K R U P T !

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Quoting Ed Morrisey:

"""When Barack Obama won the presidential election, the DNC and the Obama campaign staged a massive party in Chicago’s Grant Park. They wanted to emphasize that Hope and Change had finally come to America. Instead, it looks as though they showed how they planned to deal with the mortgage crisis — by letting the bill go unpaid..

Chicago has yet to recoup the $1.74 million cost of President Obama’s victory celebration in Grant Park — despite a burgeoning $50.5 million budget shortfall that threatens more layoffs and union concessions.

“The Democratic National Committee has not yet paid us,” Peter Scales, a spokesman for the city’s Office of Budget and Management, said Thursday after questions from the Chicago Sun-Times. “We’re reaching out to them this week.”

Stacie Paxton, a spokeswoman for the Obama-controlled DNC, explained the reimbursement delay by saying, “We are still looking at various costs and bills.” She would not say whether parts of the bill are disputed.

This wasn’t the Hope and Change Mayor Daley promised:

In late October, Mayor Daley assured that the cash-flush Obama campaign would reimburse the city for every penny spent on the rally. “We have a financial crisis,” he said at the time. “The City of Chicago could not afford $2 million on this because we’re gonna be laying off people, cutting back. That [cost] would really be unfortunate. . . . It’s a huge cost to the City of Chicago.

“This is not a presidential visit. . . . This is a political event, and they’ve agreed to pay for all those services — all the expenses of that. … It’s costly, but they raised quite a bit of money. There’s no [shortage] of money in that campaign.”

Maybe it was the Sub-Prime Campaign?

It sounds a lot like Obama’s economic policies. Spend the money now, and simply default when the bills come due. How is this any different from Porkulus, or from Obama’s plan to have the government force banks to write off parts of mortgages by having judges set interest rates? All of this gives the same message: spend it now, promise to pay it back, and then walk away. It’s Deadbeatonomics, which is the simplest way to describe Obama’s entire economic approach.""

Yeah..thats about right I'd say.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Twisted, old fool.

Astonishing...just astonishing.
I was going to write more, but someone else had a caption that made me laugh..So i'll quote it.:

"""If only Islamic martyrs (freaks) knew that they actually get 72 Helen Thomases and NOT 72 virgins! ""

thats gold.
>: )

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Floored: Dow Dives 298, Nears Six-Year Low

The 'messiah's' magic touch...

We are digging a hole..a very VERY big hole. And this moron that was elected (by other morons) is making things worse by the day. If you have any kids, you have just made thier futures that much more difficult.
If you are a conservative, you know this, and your angered.
If your a democrat....chances are, you don't really care. Hard to care when your on your knees in worship to the man-cub known as obama.



feb 17, 2009

""The Dow plunged nearly 300 points and barely avoided making a new six-year low Tuesday as the markets continue to worry the government's rescue efforts won't stop the nation's economic bleeding any time soon.

Today’s Markets

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 297.81 points, or 3.79%, to 7552.60, the S&P 500 lost 37.67 points, or 4.56%, to 789.17 and the Nasdaq Composite sank 63.70 points, or 4.15%, to 1470.66. The consumer-friendly FOX 50 declined 24.59 points, or 4.01%, to 588.82.

The latest selloff illustrates how confused the markets remain about the Treasury Department’s latest financial rescue plan and how skeptical many are about the speed of the $787 billion stimulus package President Barack Obama signed into law on Tuesday.

“We are concerned that the three-pronged approach -- stimulus package, financial rescue and foreclosure initiatives -- is just going to take a whole lot longer than we thought a month ago. That should've been something we wrapped our arms around a while ago,” said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Jefferies & Co.

By a fraction of a point, the Dow ended above the crucial 7552.29 level at which the benchmark index settled in November for the first time since 2003. Since hitting a record high of 14164 in November 2007, the Dow has lost 46.7% of its value, including a drop of 13.9% in 2009 alone. The S&P 500, which traders follow more closely, fell below the crucial 800 level Tuesday to the lowest level since Nov. 20.

“We just aren’t sure that everything the government is doing is going to be quick enough to bail us out of the trouble we are in,” said Ryan Detrick, equity analyst at Schaeffer’s Investment Research. “We’re in the camp that November was not the lows and we do think this market is going to continue to go lower. The problems are still there.”""

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HUGE screw up diane feinstein...

Why should she really be expected to do well in these defense issues?
I mean she IS a democrat after all.

In just over a month, we've seen screw up after screw up after screw up.
Its just gonna keep on happening as the democrats (as well as America) finds that shock of shocks....

The world is STILL the world, even AFTER the obama election.

Owner of Muslim TV Network Beheads Wife, Media Mum

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Religion of peace"

Man charged in beheading

Founder of Buffalo TV station aimed at depicting Muslims in positive light accused of killing wife

Feb 15, 2009 04:30 AM


""The founder of a Buffalo Muslim TV station established to portray Muslims in a good light has been charged with murder after his wife was beheaded.

Muzzammil Hassan, 44, arrived at a police station in surburban Orchard Park, N.Y., on Thursday night to say his wife, Aasiya Hassan, 37, was dead.

Police found her body at the offices of Bridges TV, founded in 2004 by Muzzammil Hassan who was inspired by his wife's post-9/11 distress at hearing a radio report she thought portrayed Muslims negatively.

He was charged with second-degree murder. No weapon was found but "the investigation is ongoing," Orchard Park police said.

Aasiya Hassan recently filed for divorce, authorities said. According to Buffalo News reports, she obtained an order of protection on Feb. 6, barring her husband from their home in Orchard Park.

Under sharia law followed by Muslims, a woman can ask for a divorce, but only a man can grant the request, and he can refuse, according to a book on sharia published last month, Cruel and Usual Punishment, by Egyptian-born American author Nonie Darwish.

Under Islamic law, crimes such as apostasy (leaving Islam), adultery, theft or drinking alcohol are punishable by beheading, stoning, amputation of limbs or flogging, the book says.

Nobody at Bridges TV answered phones yesterday and the station's website declared it was "closed for maintenance."

Muzzammil Hassan arrived in the United States from Pakistan in 1979, news reports from 2004 say. They do not say whether his wife arrived with him.

He became a successful Buffalo banker. He has said that his wife was offended by a report she heard shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the United States.

"She was seven months' pregnant," he told Reuters news Agency in 2004. "She didn't want her kids growing up in this environment."

In response, he founded Bridges TV partly with the stated aim of helping non-Muslims overcome negative images they might have of Muslims and Islam.

"I had no background in television," Muzzammil Hassan told Voice of America at the time.

He said his wife's comment was: `You have an MBA. Why don't you write a business plan?'"

He quit his bank job and launched Bridges TV as a news and lifestyle cable channel.""

USS Cole Families Outraged—Obama Drops Charges Against Terror Planner

Anyone surprised? Anyone?

Inept, Incompetent, Immoral, Immature......IDIOT.


Sunday, February 15, 2009


truth to power....

>: )

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Keep this in mind...

Since election, the Dow has dropped...... more than 2000 points.

Surprised? I'm not.

He's been in office a little over a month and we've seen him botch up his cabinet picks, prove to be a liar as per his "non partisanship" label. Shown such bad planning in his "STIMULUS' program and held one of the oddest first press conferences I've ever seen in which he only took questions from the pre-chosen of the press.

Poor junior. Poor poor junior......


Monday, February 09, 2009

Obama Bumps Head Boarding Marine One

Why do I have a feeling that we'll see a whole lot of these types of moments as the man-cub tries to pretend that he's an adult.

The truly funny thing is watching him salute the marine guard.
You can't make it out at this angle but it is pretty funny. It reminds me of a really young girl scout giving it her very cute and adorable best shot. With obama its not as cute as much as it is sad.

"America's Most Miserable Cities"

Something to keep in mind. Commentary following after collumn.


""Chicago would seem to be on quite a roll these days. The city is a leading contender to host the Summer Olympics in 2016. The hometown Cubs had the most wins of any team in the National League last year and are one of the early favorites to win the 2009 World Series. And, of course, one of its own just became the most powerful person in the world (we're not talking about Oprah either, but she's close).

So with all of the good vibes coming out of Chicago, how does it show up as the third worst city on our second annual list of America's Most Miserable Cities?

Lousy weather, long commutes, rising unemployment and the highest sales tax rate in the country are to blame for the Windy City being near the top of our list. High rates of corruption by public officials didn't help either.""

Here is the list for "Americas Most Miserable Cities"

1) Stockton, Calif

2) Memphis, TN


4) Cleveland, OH

5) Modesto, Calif

6) Flint, Mich

7) Detroit, Mich

8) Buffalo, NY

9) Miami, Fla

10) St. Louis, MO

Now! What do you think all TEN of these cities..all listed as "Americas most miserable cities to live in". What do you think all of them have in common?

Well if you said, all of them are run almost entirely by DEMOCRATS...


All of them are run by democrats. By and large. 9 out of the 10 are democratic mayors and the one that isn't has a state run by democrat legislatures and Governors AND Senators.

Look it up for yourself. Google the govts for each of these cities and the states that they are in. Look to see who Governs these places. Look who the senators are. Look. Look who the mayors are. Look who the Legislature is. Look who the govornors are. And lastly..

look who the population is largly made up of.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk !

Places like Michigan have sky rocketing unemployment. MICHIGAN, who touts the importance of UNIONS.....of which are only helping to kill jobs and send more and more people out of those cities and out of those states.

Obama's (man-child) own city and state..another union stronghold govorned entirelly by him and his party (democrats) is in total disary! Pathetically so.

So my question is: WHY? Why is this so? These should be (if you follow the logic that the 'democrat way' IS THE way to prosperity) the most THRIVING of cities and states. shouldn't they?

But.....then there is the reality. Democrats don't know what they are doing. And people suffer for a utopian IDEA, rather than a working and tested method.

In the end....while these moron democrats that govorn these states and cities are at fault, so to are the same dumbasses that vote them in only to whine and complain about it as they are packing their bags or losing their houses or packing their work belongings due to a pink slip on their desks.

It is they too who are responsible for much of their own woe's.

Will they learn? doubtfull. They are democrats after all.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

And NOW...for something completely different.

So dogon funny, I almost had a heart attack laughing!

check him out after his freakout where he pulls it together and does it calm.

ONLY to at the VERY END where hes off camera and rusumes FREAKOUT!

....sooooooooooo awesome. >: )

Nobel prize economist Milton Friedman schools little socialist donahue.

...pretty relevant today as the socialists try and pass a socialist agenda.

Phil gets his assy handed to him with his own hammer and sickle.

Eat it Phil, and pass some on down to the man-cub obama.

Friday, February 06, 2009

USS Cole Families Outraged—Obama Drops Charges Against Terror Planner

"Ethics"? We no need no stinkin "Ethics"

Mickey Mouse man-child.

Right after the inaugural, there was an outpouring from the left, of such joy and happiness.
I let them have it. Being the sporty sport that I am. Of course there were the snide little idiotic comments and I again...let it pass.
They were feeling their oats. Having their moment. Enjoying their day.

To be expected.

Many of those people were my friends of which I have many on the left. It is to be expected since I work in the arts and entertainment world. One of my friends Had a friend that pushed it just a little I ever so gently piped in. Which led to a very heated (he was heated, I was calm) exchange, which had in the end my friend coming in and joining the fray.

He didn't like that I was saying that most (if not all) people that voted for obama did so out of a 'feeling'. They voted for a slogan rather than a record. Voting for a slogan or to just 'feel good' is the way a child would vote. No intelect behind it. No reason behind it.
Its a childs way of thinking. Which is the liberal way.
To 'FEEL good'.

The adult way, which is the way conservatives vote, is to do their research..Look at the record, Look at how that individual runs a state, or what their voting patterns are. How their state is actually DOING.
What they contributed to.
Again...a RECORD.

And since obama has NONE OF THAT..It leaves only the pure emotional side.
I mentioned that when he (my friend) asks for my advice on a project, he does so due to MY RESUME. MY EXPERIENCE. MY RECORD.
How much moreso should we do with choosing our President!
To do otherwise would be catastrophic.

Well that didn't go over very well with my friend. We are still palies but I can tell that he didn't like that..he said he would get back to me....and he has yet to do so.

I can only think that it might have something to do with watching obama FLOUNDER aimlessly in these two devestatingly inept examples of utter incompetance.

In the post election, obama (along with the press) boasted that it would be the most seamless transition in modern history!
Picking his cabinet way in advance!
Now we see that YES, the people were chosen in advance but TOTALLY without vetting!

We have seen many nominees get sidelined or dropped out entirelly.
Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle and now Hilda Solis have all had TAX EVASION problems.
Add to that Bill Richardson dropping out due to a pay-for-play federal grand jury investigation, and the dozen-plus lobbyists hired by Obama (who said that he "Hates Lobbyists".).


Have you ever seen anything this ridiculous? This is supposed to be the easy thing.

Add to that this awful pork heavy SPENDING BILL ( falsly called a 'stimulous') which the public is just now opening thier sleepy eyes on...

Its a disaster.
Its an embarasment.
But it is, what it is...

Obama was heard the other day to say that he's 'exhausted'.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeally? After just a few weeks mr president? Exhausted?
Why don't you take a nigh nigh mr president?

The thing thats really that the world is watching.
And that includes our enemies.....
At the utter fecklessness of our dem leaders.
And they see what they are, and what they have always been.....


Thursday, February 05, 2009

A response to countsy..

Well howdy doo 'Countsy'.

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Its been very VERY busy on my end.
First of all..I am bummed that you seemed to have forfeited your political blog. Especially since I didn't get a chance to respond to your last post.

SO! I will do my best to respond to at least what I REMEMBER from it.

First, let me say, that I do appreciate your apology. Seriously I do. Looksie..I don't mind the nastiness of the back and forth. I don't. The only thing I mind is the complaining that the other side is nasty while you feel free to slam away to your hearts content.

But still..I do appreciate your feelings of regret. Thanks for it.

You said that you "loathe" my take on this country and my views politically and on any other number of things. That's fine. I DON'T mind that. I feel the same about your views and outlooks and feelings on any number of issues as well.
But I am not bothered that you feel the want to let it all hang out. My problem if there WAS one is that (and this was the original issue) I felt you really did not want to have differing views expressed or put forth. Which obviously goes against the whole 'progressive and open minded' crap that is put forth by lefties.

Countsy...Believe it or not..I actually dig that you feel as deeply as you do. You are who you are and chances are, you've always had whatever beliefs that you do have. You are you.
And I can respect that.
Robo, is another thing all together. I wont go into I think I've pretty much made my piece with that. It is what it is.
But I'll leave that issue with this....My issue with you really isnt one based on real anger. My issue with robo is different. But again..I've moved on from that, and chalked it up to people doing what they feel is the best rout for them. For them personally.

And thats that. I wish robo (as well as you) all the best and hope nothing but good things.. for you both. Always have, always will.


Which leads me to this:

You said that you dont think that we could ever hang out together and something about me feeling a certain way about/ against you.
Countsy..I've said it once I'll say it again. Most of my pals and buddies are of the opposite political bend than I am. Its just par for the course considering what industry I am in.
When you say that you dont think we can sit down together it is your way of implying that I am the one that WOULDN'T DO IT. When in reality it is YOU that would never do it.

I...the great and all powerful 'HANDEL' (>:) ... could and would sit down with you. I wasn't BS'ing when I said I could easily sit down with ya. Buy ya a brewski...have some giggles and shoot some breezy breezes. I do it all the time.
But I think its YOU that would have the problem and really..lets just admit to would lack the very openmindedness and tolerance to even WANT to do so.
We wouldnt even have to talk about politics. With all the common ground that we would share..politics doesn't even have to be brotched. But thats a discipline..and its been my experience that lefties just can't help themselves.

So as for us 'never getting together for a sit down' and giggles...its not due to me. Its due to you. And you alone.

I think I've covered the 'jist' of it.
I do regret that you gave up on your blog, but I know that it must be frustrating to have a few blogs that you cant really contribute to, due to time.

I will continue to carve up on my bloggie, the very slim (I mean in substance as well as poundage) tuckus of the lefts 'messiah'.

Cuz its gonna be (by the looks of things) really, really.................EaSy.

Catch ya on the flippers Countsy. Thanks for the fisticuffs and please....throw 'robo' a biscuit for me willya?

Tell him not to rely so much on technology cuz it makes people lazy. And shows.