Right after the inaugural, there was an outpouring from the left, of such joy and happiness.
I let them have it. Being the sporty sport that I am. Of course there were the snide little idiotic comments and I again...let it pass.
They were feeling their oats. Having their moment. Enjoying their day.
To be expected.
Many of those people were my friends of which I have many on the left. It is to be expected since I work in the arts and entertainment world. One of my friends Had a friend that pushed it just a little far...so I ever so gently piped in. Which led to a very heated (he was heated, I was calm) exchange, which had in the end my friend coming in and joining the fray.
He didn't like that I was saying that most (if not all) people that voted for obama did so out of a 'feeling'. They voted for a slogan rather than a record. Voting for a slogan or to just 'feel good' is the way a child would vote. No intelect behind it. No reason behind it.
Its a childs way of thinking. Which is the liberal way.
To 'FEEL good'.
The adult way, which is the way conservatives vote, is to do their research..Look at the record, Look at how that individual runs a state, or what their voting patterns are. How their state is actually DOING.
What they contributed to.
Again...a RECORD.
And since obama has NONE OF THAT..It leaves only the pure emotional side.
I mentioned that when he (my friend) asks for my advice on a project, he does so due to MY RESUME. MY EXPERIENCE. MY RECORD.
How much moreso should we do with choosing our President!
To do otherwise would be catastrophic.
Well that didn't go over very well with my friend. We are still palies but I can tell that he didn't like that..he said he would get back to me....and he has yet to do so.
I can only think that it might have something to do with watching obama FLOUNDER aimlessly in these two devestatingly inept examples of utter incompetance.
In the post election, obama (along with the press) boasted that it would be the most seamless transition in modern history!
Picking his cabinet way in advance!
Now we see that YES, the people were chosen in advance but TOTALLY without vetting!
We have seen many nominees get sidelined or dropped out entirelly.
Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle and now Hilda Solis have all had TAX EVASION problems.
Add to that Bill Richardson dropping out due to a pay-for-play federal grand jury investigation, and the dozen-plus lobbyists hired by Obama (who said that he "Hates Lobbyists".).
Have you ever seen anything this ridiculous? This is supposed to be the easy thing.
Add to that this awful pork heavy SPENDING BILL ( falsly called a 'stimulous') which the public is just now opening thier sleepy eyes on...
Its a disaster.
Its an embarasment.
But it is, what it is...
Obama was heard the other day to say that he's 'exhausted'.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeally? After just a few weeks mr president? Exhausted?
Why don't you take a nigh nigh mr president?
The thing thats really scary..is that the world is watching.
And that includes our enemies.....
At the utter fecklessness of our dem leaders.
And they see what they are, and what they have always been.....