Sunday, April 19, 2009
Its been a long time since I've had an "animation industry" post. I've been so busy with the politics of present I've literally had TOO much to comment on and too little time to do it. It's proven hard to keep up with the incompetence of the boy wonder obama, that I just have not been able to carve out the needed time to post an 'industry' post.
So being that I haven't had an industry post in quite a while, I thought I'd comment on this little nugget from the past.
"The Union"
Specifically the animation guild, Local 839. First let me preface my comment on this possible two part post, by saying that I am not anti union. Not at all.
In its most ideal form, the union is a beeeeeeeeeee-autiful thing. The organization that looks out for the little guy. Fights for the oppressed worker! Attempts to level the playing field! Dons its armor, shield and sword to do battle with the mean, big, old animation studios!!
Our hero's.
But in the real world....when you are confronted with the realization the the Disney studios is not the magical place where you could walk in off the street and see employees playing in a makeshift 'fireman' jazz band, or where everyone walks around whistling zipadee doo da out of there nether crevasses....You also come to realize that the union a nutshell...a racket.
Now, are there are good things about the union?
Of course.
But one thing I found out early was the union is only as powerful or as effective as the times that they are in.
Back when I was starting in the animation world, it was BOOM TIME! Every one was working! Every one was having fantastic times! We was rollin' baby!
The union touted success after success. And some of it rightly so! It was a form of 'sellers market' in animation. I remember being really stoked to have this union. I thought "Man! They are really REALLY on top of this stuff!" I remember really being glad that Tom Sito was at the helm.
But, looking back..that had more to do with the times and less to do with the union or with Tom.
Now let me say..I'm not anti Tom Sito. Far from it! I think Tom is an amiable feller. With a twinkle in his eye, a broad face and a little round belly, that shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly..yeah...sure! He was indeed chubby and plump. A right jolly old elf! >:)
If you ever want to have a drink with him and get some useful information about how many toes bugs almost had or if Walt had a freckle on his left testicle that had to be removed, (you know, real important stuff like that), then you couldn't ask for a better person to hang with.
But as the union head honcho back then...he was just another bureaucrat. Another pol. Ironically, another "head honcho" of the sort that he no doubt disliked from the big old nasty studios.
Only HIS cause was a moral one, cuz he fought for the common man, don'tcha know?
To be fair, he is a nice guy. But you really have to (like all politicians) keep in mind that he's in it for Tom, and once you have it in mind that he really doesn't give a rats assy about individuals in the industry, then your in good company with him.
NOW... let me lay some ground work for ya. To work in the industry..for feature films...You had to BE in the union. Required.
You want to work, you have to join. No work.
With that..that means you pay fees. Or as they dress them up.....'dues'.
These "fees/dues" are usually spent on political causes or political candidates ...usually leftist democrats. Not due to any evidence that they (the democrat candidates and causes) ACTUALLY HELP business or workers, but just because they say they do. And because Tom and Steve Hulett are in fact democrats.
Now they would say (and have said to me) : "well you do have a say in where your money (dues) go to."
But being that many in the entertainment field pretty much have the same insipid mindset as Tom and Steve...any 'say ' is pretty much voided out.
My beef is that if I DON'T want my money going to people or causes that I FEEL harm our industry BASED ON FACTS and the RECORDS of those individuals....I should have the option of 'opting out'.
Now I've had several run ins with Steve Hulett where I stated JUST THAT. After a long lengthy argument, he finally said: "well you do have an opt out. You don't have to be in the union".
Which led me to ask "oh so I don't have to be in the union, but I can still work in studio".
Heulett : "no...."
So basically...If one wanted to work, you have to be in the union and you have to pay dues and you have no say as to how those dues are (foolishly) spent. (can anyone say extortion?)
I had a few talks with Hulett . Especially was when the animation industry was starting to go into its crash. I was adamantly against spending any more money on political candidates due to their histories and stances that was causing more and more work to be sent overseas. Not just in the animation world but across the board in the entertainment fields.
The candidates and stances were all leftists, by all democrats...and the union was endorsing them. With OUR money. With plans to keep doing so.
Yeah..that got me cranky and I said so.
I mention Steve Hulett. Who is himself a nice guy. But like Sito, a racketeer (in my humble opinion). A recruiter for the cause.
When I was a starry eyed CAl-Arts student, I remember Steve Hulett coming in and giving us a talk in the life drawing room. I remember thinkin, '"ooo makes sense!" And really..much of it did make sense. The studios are bastards that will take advantage of you in any way possible!
But... what he neglected to say- was that the union were bastards too, that will take advantage of you as well. Also that they (unions) CAN be a force that can make things EXTREMELY bad for workers and cause mass unemployment due to being totally unreasonable.
But see...that's stuff that doesn't play well when they're trying to depict themselves as the ones wearing the white hats.
End part one
Coming up...part two "WHITE HATTED BLACK BARTS"
"Sito and Hulett: Hypocrites running the asylum"
.....Yeah, It gets better....
Animation Industry related.
For anyone interested in that sort of thing.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ass clown meets Ass clown..
Red Eye Rips Keith Olbermann and Garofalo!
So damn funny, cuzzzzz itss soooo damn true.
Watch and feast.
Friday, April 17, 2009
What'd I say?
HAHA! I had forgotton all about the THROW OUT of the term "TERRORISM" and being replaced by....(wait for it...)
......"man-made disaster".
"President puss".....
PS: you know..when 'robo' had balls, I wonder what he would have thought about that.
Probably would have rolled his eyes and laughed as hard as I am.
Of course now he probably would think "yeah makes perfect sense".
self castration. Now THERE'S a "man-made disaster."
Sarkozy dismisses Obama as “unsubstantial”
Times of London:
President puss.....""Mr Sarkozy is pouring cold water on President Obama’s efforts to recast American leadership on the world stage, depicting them as unoriginal, unsubstantial and overrated. Behind leaks and briefings from the Elysée Palace lies Mr Sarkozy’s irritation at the rock-star welcome that Europe gave Mr Obama on his Europan tour earlier this month.
The American President’s call “to free the world of the menace of a nuclear nightmare” was hot air, Mr Sarkozy’s diplomatic staff told him in a report. “It was rhetoric – not a speech on American security policy but an export model aimed at improving the image of the United States,” they said. Most of Mr Obama’s proposals had already been made by the Bush administration and Washington was dragging its feet on disarmament and treaties against nuclear proliferation, the leaked report said.""
As well as having to be "shamed" into acting on disputes between china and the EU, and for brokering the acceptance by Turkey of Anders Fogh Rasmussen as NATO Secretary-General.
""According to the leaks, Mr Sarkozy shamed Mr Obama into intervening: “You were elected to build a new world. Tax havens are the embodiment of the old world,” he is quoted as saying. He also reprimanded Mr Obama for setting US goals for climate change that were inferior to Europe’s, according to his staff.
Again, according to the Sarkozy version, at the Nato summit in Strasbourg, Mr Obama was meekly yielding to Turkey’s refusal to endorse Anders Fogh Rasmussen as the alliance’s new Secretary-General. It took pressure from Mr Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel of Germany to stiffen him up and change his mind, say the French.""
president puss.
In the boy wonders European trip this month..he proceeded to get them even more flustered and joyous. Now a lefty..ANY lefty will tell you "whats wrong with that? They are loving us again!"
Leftists suffer from a need to be loved. Its a lack of time with Daddy I would venture to guess.
The reason Europeans 'love' obama, is basically because he is (like them) a leftist of which all leftists are (like Europeans) pusses. By and large.
They view obama (man-cub) to have similar views and values (or lack of) and will do what they (the Europeans) have always wanted . To bring the U.S. down to their level.
They are weak, and they are failed...and they have always been jealous of America. They want America 'cut down to size'. And in the name of 'equality' of all things.
We (America) are to be no better than any other country. That's the want.
They also see him for what he is.. a pliable lightweight. Inexperienced and empty.
So obama went...and what happened?...he gets rolled. He gets nothing and gives away everything.
He gets no help for Afghanistan..oh SURE! The dummy lefty will say.."But Handel! He got 5 thousand more troops!"
Yeah..but not for combat use. Not for any use that we would need them for.
No stimulus spending help from the Euro's.
No help on Iran.
No help with N Korea.
In fact the same day that obama was saying he was unilaterally going to draw down our arms and possibly nix missile defense..North Korea sent up a missile test of their own. boy.
He and the Euros got plenty upset saying that there would be consequences..all of which fell to the way side and ...(surprise) nothing happened.
Further more..obama was also looking for some help with the Guantanamo filth. Only to have France say they would take ONE and Austria Interior Minister Maria Fekter wondering aloud..
"if they are not dangerous...why not keep them in America?"
Brilliant. And true. If president puss thinks that they AREN'T dangerous...why not stick them in good ole Chicago? or how bout Modesto? or maybe instead of building a new monument to the Trade Center..put some housing up in that spot and stick them there.
President puss also in his trip apologized for America, and slapped it in the face.
Nothing to be surprised about from the pupil of Rev Wright.
A perfect sum up would be his bow to the Saudi king. Some on the left are saying its just a 'respect thing'.
But they are hard pressed to explain why our closest Ally Britain gets a slight head bow while the good king gets a full on bow .
The Saudis look at that as SUBMISSION. And I'm pretty sure that obama knows that. Which is why he bowed so low and raised his hiney so high.
Whether he's bowing so low to service well the Saudi king
bowing so low to raise his ass high enough for a proper Saudi free for all remains to be known.
I'm guessing both.
After all... to bow to evil while slapping your own country in the face is the leftist thing to do.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
""And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said...""
Mathew 28: 2-6
...He is risen indeed.