In the boy wonders European trip this month..he proceeded to get them even more flustered and joyous. Now a lefty..ANY lefty will tell you "whats wrong with that? They are loving us again!"
Leftists suffer from a need to be loved. Its a lack of time with Daddy I would venture to guess.
The reason Europeans 'love' obama, is basically because he is (like them) a leftist of which all leftists are (like Europeans) pusses. By and large.
They view obama (man-cub) to have similar views and values (or lack of) and will do what they (the Europeans) have always wanted . To bring the U.S. down to their level.
They are weak, and they are failed...and they have always been jealous of America. They want America 'cut down to size'. And in the name of 'equality' of all things.
We (America) are to be no better than any other country. That's the want.
They also see him for what he is.. a pliable lightweight. Inexperienced and empty.
So obama went...and what happened?...he gets rolled. He gets nothing and gives away everything.
He gets no help for Afghanistan..oh SURE! The dummy lefty will say.."But Handel! He got 5 thousand more troops!"
Yeah..but not for combat use. Not for any use that we would need them for.
No stimulus spending help from the Euro's.
No help on Iran.
No help with N Korea.
In fact the same day that obama was saying he was unilaterally going to draw down our arms and possibly nix missile defense..North Korea sent up a missile test of their own. boy.
He and the Euros got plenty upset saying that there would be consequences..all of which fell to the way side and ...(surprise) nothing happened.
Further more..obama was also looking for some help with the Guantanamo filth. Only to have France say they would take ONE and Austria Interior Minister Maria Fekter wondering aloud..
"if they are not dangerous...why not keep them in America?"
Brilliant. And true. If president puss thinks that they AREN'T dangerous...why not stick them in good ole Chicago? or how bout Modesto? or maybe instead of building a new monument to the Trade Center..put some housing up in that spot and stick them there.
President puss also in his trip apologized for America, and slapped it in the face.
Nothing to be surprised about from the pupil of Rev Wright.
A perfect sum up would be his bow to the Saudi king. Some on the left are saying its just a 'respect thing'.
But they are hard pressed to explain why our closest Ally Britain gets a slight head bow while the good king gets a full on bow .
The Saudis look at that as SUBMISSION. And I'm pretty sure that obama knows that. Which is why he bowed so low and raised his hiney so high.
Whether he's bowing so low to service well the Saudi king
bowing so low to raise his ass high enough for a proper Saudi free for all remains to be known.
I'm guessing both.
After all... to bow to evil while slapping your own country in the face is the leftist thing to do.