Monday, August 31, 2009
"Grassroots" vs "Astro-turf"
Hmmm...I"m looking through my rollo-dex for my ole lefty dummi, er I mean friends!
Ole 'countsy' and his little muse 'robo'....
I just want to make sure that they see this. I know that they would want me to cuz they so need some education.
BADLY need some education.
Ahh well. no such luck. But I'm sure that they are seeing this..
Aren't you 'countsy'.
Po' thing..... Po' Po', PO' thing...
RASMUSSEN: Obama approval 46%
RASMUSSEN: Obama approval 46%
Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. That’s the lowest level of total approval yet measured for Obama. Fifty-three percent (53%) now disapprove.
Presidential Approval Index rating of -11…
ZOGBY: Obama approval 42% !!!
Pollster John Zogby: "President Obama is now firmly between a rock and a hard place..
President Barack Obama's job approval rating is down to 42%, with a decline in approval from Democrats the leading factor."
The latest Zogby Interactive poll of 4,518 likely voters conducted from August 28-31 found 48% disapprove and 42% approve of the job Obama is doing.
*************************DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!!!
"The Government Can !"
Lets turn our attention from one bloated, festering mess to another , shall we ?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My last on Kennedy.
My last on this degenerate.
The kennedy's are and have always been a shining example of how NOT to be. In all respects. Below (in the article) are some good examples (and not the only one's mind you) of what an utter tool ted was/is.
Keep these in mind when you hear the glowing accounts that will be fed to you by the media.
Whether it be the sexual assaults on waitresses, or the trolling around for 16 year old girls to get them drunk...or the abandonment of a 29 year old woman in a car, left to drown while he swims back to shore, goes home and takes a nap.
Theres much said about the 'kennedy curse'.
About how so many of them met truly awful demises and had such shattered lives .
Perhaps brought on as punishment for shattering so many others lives.
I truly hope that God had mercy on him. (sincerely).
Because if grace can be given to this bottom feeder, then I'd say the rest of us are in pretty good shape !
The kennedy's are gone.
I mean there are still some snivelly kennedy's left. (Rob JR).
But he as well as the rest of them left over kennedy's are of such a wimpy, wussy type, that no real damage can be done by any of them.
For some reason, the air smells a little cleaner now, doesn't it?
Last updated: 11:46 am
August 30, 2009
"In all the obits published and specials aired this week, Chappaquiddick gets a few paragraphs, a few minutes, a tidy recapping of the events of July 19, 1969: The married Ted Kennedy, driving late at night with young campaign aide Mary Jo Kopechne, pitches off a bridge and into the water below. He escapes; she drowns. He does not report the accident for 10 hours. He pleads guilty and gets a suspended sentence, two months in jail.
In most of these narratives, Chappaquiddick is told as Ted's tragedy, the thing that kept him from ever becoming president. And in these narratives, he is chastened, goes on to make amends through a life of public service, advocating for the disadvantaged and the downtrodden -- and, especially, women. No one's perfect, right?
But how is it that so many women unabashedly revere Kennedy today? The particulars of Chappaquiddick are especially gory; his behavior after the accident approaches the amoral. Once he broke free and swam to the surface, Kennedy said that he dove back down seven or eight times to rescue Kopechne. Failing, he swam back to shore and checked back into his hotel, and a short time later lodged a noise complaint with the desk clerk. The people in the room next to his were partying and it was interfering with his sleep. Then he asked the desk clerk for the time.
According to the Aug. 4, 1969 edition of Newsweek, that clerk, Russell E. Peachey, told Kennedy it was 2:25 a.m., then asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"No, thank you," Kennedy replied.
In 1990, GQ magazine ran a devastating profile of Kennedy. Two 16-year-old girls near the Capitol startled by a limo rolling up, the door opening, Ted sitting in the back with a bottle of wine, asking one, then the other, to join. A former aide who acted as Ted's "pimp." His penchant for dating women so young that one did not know he was the subject of many books. Kennedy, at a swank DC restaurant with his drinking buddy Chris Dodd, throwing a petite waitress on his dinner table with such force that glass and flatware shatters and goes flying. Then Ted throws her on to Dodd's lap and grinds against her. He is interrupted by other waitstaff. He is later caught in the same restaurant, in a semi-private area, having sex on the floor with a lobbyist.
In 1991, Kennedy's nephew William Kennedy Smith is charged with rape. Kennedy Smith had been out drinking with Ted and Ted's son Patrick at Au Bar in Palm Beach. Kennedy Smith is eventually acquitted, and it's never proved that Ted had any knowledge of what happened on the Kennedy grounds that night. He remarried, in 1992, and very publicly domesticated himself.
But the tawdriness -- the ostensible elder statesmen getting s - - t-faced and picking up women with his son and his nephew; the acquittal won, in part, by shredding the accuser on the stand and in the press; privilege winning out, always -- is in such stark contrast to Kennedy's politics that you have to wonder: Is this really what Kennedy thought of women?
Most feminists don't think Ted Kennedy was a misogynist. Upon news of his death, NOW, Emily's List and Planned Parenthood all released emotional, laudatory statements. It's true that Kennedy's legislative record deserves such a response. And he was quiet enough in the last 15 years of his life that it's not hard to minimize his past behavior if you want to.
Or if you're unaware -- Google reported that "Chappaquiddick" and "Mary Jo Kopechne" were the top searches Wednesday and Thursday.
"I didn't know about Chappaquiddick and the rape case until yesterday," says Miriam Perez, a 25-year-old editor at She admires Kennedy's accomplishments, but is perplexed. "Like every person, he's human and there are lots of flaws involved," she says. "But a big feminist tenet is: The personal is political. So I don't feel it's fair to fully ignore it in this case."
Perhaps, along with the hagiographic Kennedy myth, we can bury this outdated tradition of excusing the reprehensible treatment of women by the same male legislators who otherwise advocate for our rights politically. It's degrading. It's like making excuses for the husband who beats you up but pays the bills on time. It may be 2009, but the bulk of the talking heads who covered this funeral were older white males, and among the few women -- eminent historian Doris Kearns Goodwin among them -- it's still shocking to hear them, nearly to a one, reduce Kennedy's bad behavior to rakish abandon or poor judgement. Why shouldn't we hold our elected male officials -- especially those who so assiduously court the female vote -- to a standard of personal decency in their treatment of women? Why do we still assume that this is an either/or proposition?
"It's a great question," says Gloria Feldt, former president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Feldt worked with Kennedy and is an admirer, still. "He worked with women's groups in a very respectful way, in a way that few other senators do," she says. "But I don't know that you can reconcile it -- when it's in a group's best interest that said person stays in that chair, how do you weigh that moral equation? I wish it were simpler than that."
At first I was going to write a commentary on old ted. But then I thought..rather than what would be considered a biased rant by a 'far right conservative', I thought I'd just state the historical facts based from editorials.
On a day that this....'man' is being hailed so in the the biased media.
Not surprising. I would expect no less from them.
But heres some facts about a guy who left a woman to die....went home, and took a nap.:
(article below)
By Mary Ellen Synon
...."Kennedy’s character has been flawed from the start, but then he came from bad stock. His father Joe Kennedy made no secret of the fortune he made from bootlegging during Prohibition or his decades-long close connections with the heavies of organised crime. Nor did he make any secret of his adulterous affairs with such women as the Hollywood star Gloria Swanson, at a time when such affairs were scandalous.
Ted Kennedy, the spoilt baby of Joe and Rose Kennedy’s vast brood, was a poor student at his private school, but his family ensured he was admitted to Harvard University.
Ted couldn’t manage the work. In order to avoid certain failure on a Spanish exam, he paid another, brighter student to sit the exam for him. Both students were caught and expelled. Family pressure ensured Ted was eventually readmitted.
When he was then manoeuvred by his rich family into the prestigious University of Virginia Law School, he was cited four times by local police for reckless driving. On one occasion he was stopped by police late at night driving at 90 miles an hour through a suburban street with his headlights off.
How did a cheating knucklehead end up, aged 30, with a seat in the Senate? Easy. His older brother Jack vacated one of the seats in the Kennedy home state of Massachusetts when he was elected US President in 1960.
Since in 1960 Teddy was not yet old enough to take a seat in the Senate - Article One of the US Constitution bars anyone under the age of 30 - his father had the governor of Massachusetts appoint a tame family friend to occupy the seat until Ted (or ‘Teddy’ as he was still known at that time) was old enough to take it in 1962. Then the friend stepped down.
Or as Joe was reported to have said about the seat, ‘It’s mine, I bought it.’
All of which tells you a lot about what sort of man Ted Kennedy was. But the key moment of his life, the moment which crystallised his character is known by one word:
Most people in Britain, if they know Chappaquiddick at all, only know something about Kennedy and a car accident in which a girl died. But it was far worse than just some accident.
In August 1969 Kennedy abandoned Mary Jo Kopechne, a 28-year old campaign worker, to drown at midnight in a car he had driven over the side of a wooden bridge on Chappaquiddick, a small holiday island near Martha’s Vineyard.
The married senator and Mary Jo had left a party together in his mother’s Oldsmobile. They got as far as Dyke’s Bridge, which leads over Poucha Pond to a deserted beach, but Kennedy ran the car over the side into the water.
Kennedy got himself out of the submerged car, but he didn’t go back for Mary Jo. He didn’t even ring for the police or the rescue squad, though there were four cottages nearby and he could have rung from any one of them.
Instead he ran away to find a lawyer. The police only heard about the accident the next day, after some fishermen found the overturned car in the water.
At the inquest it was estimated that Mary Jo had stayed alive for about 25 minutes as she sucked the last oxygen out of the air bubble in the car. That would have been enough time to rescue her, if Kennedy had called for help.
The worst sanction Kennedy received for the death of Mary Jo was a conviction for the misdemeanour of leaving the scene of an accident, with a two-month suspended sentence.
As critics pointed out, since Chappaquiddick is in Massachusetts, there was little chance of justice being done. In almost any other state, Kennedy would have served a prison sentence.
However, the death of Mary Jo meant that Kennedy could never secure his party’s nomination for President. Despite his support among Democrats, the party’s leaders knew that, no matter how many years passed, the word ‘Chappaquiddick’ would taint any campaign.
So Kennedy instead built up his power in the Senate. He based his power on following the dogma of the hard left of the Democratic party.
For example, he has given unwavering support for the most ruthless and cruel form of abortion, a procedure known as partial-birth abortion: in other words, Kennedy has been a consistent supporter of the law that allows a full-term baby to be killed in the birth canal - without anaesthetic.
Or a 29-year old woman to be killed in his car - without hope."
Friday, August 28, 2009
And now...for something completely different...
As we take a break from the repulsive democrat salute to Mary Jo's killer, 'ted'....
Lets look at a fun thrown together clip of another leftist as he gets a lil cranky about the trailer to "Avatar".
A great many of them are far too often merged with it, and comfortable with being so. They don't 'see' it as "Evil".
But instead.....a perverse 'intellectualism' mixed with elitism.
First your a liberal, then you switch it to be 'progressive'. but in the end, it is what it is...Fascist.
Which is why one can, toss away the taking of an innocent womans life-- without batting an eye,
as long as it served a purpose to get some leftist agenda accomplished.
The same attitudes that casually send millions to the furnace, and justify it by saying you were "just following orders".....without batting an eye.
Joyce Carol Oates:
"Yet if one weighs the life of a single young woman against the accomplishments of the man President Obama has called the greatest Democratic senator in history, what is one to think?"
Sarah Palin: "Bring it leftist wussy-boys!"
Every now and then, a lefty gets it right. It happens very rarely as lefties aren't too swift and have a over abundance of arrogance and elitism. So facts and reality escape them.
This is one lefty (Ron Rosenbaum) who definitely understands what has actually happened. And while I don't agree with his article in its entirety (such as the idiotic notion that the protesters are all conservatives ("MOB")..when the polls show that obama-care is despised across the board. I again point to my above statement about leftists and their shakey grasp on reality. )
He IS correct on what Palin has actually done, and how the lefts "class-conscious, snobbish disdain for Palin" (his words not mine...altho they sure COULD be mine) ...completely blinds them to what is and has actually happened.
They underestimate her at their peril.
I like that.
(article posted below)
"How Sarah Palin rope-a-doped all too many liberal ass clowns " "
( I added the 'ass clowns'. It just seemed to fit perfectly.)
Ron Rosenbaum
August 28th, 2009
""As a liberal myself, I was amazed by the obtuseness of the liberal reaction to Sarah Palin’s “death panels” quote. They fell into a trap because all too many were blinded by their class-conscious, snobbish disdain for Palin, who, whatever else you think of her, is one cagey operator.
And in doing so they allowed that one brilliantly crafted propaganda phrase to undo the chance for some necessary health care reforms (portability of coverage, no disqualification for previous conditions, eligibility to some plan for all, subsidized coverage for the impoverished uninsured).
They couldn’t believe that Sarah Palin was capable of something as canny as that deadly “death panels” phrase. They couldn’t see that it was a metaphoric shorthand for something real. Instead they thought she was too dumb, that she meant it literally (to have seen the potential for rationed end-of-life care in the bill), and instead indulged in an orgy of disdain for her “crazy,” “ignorant” “lies” and malicious misrepresentation.
No! “Death panels” was a Lenny Bruce black-humored kind of line and she proved herself far hipper than the terminally square liberals who didn’t get it. And who started an ill-conceived war on the phrase which most of the country, when the facts came out, saw as meretricious or ignorant on the liberals’ part — with good reason. And caused ordinary citizens to turn against the whole cause of health care — really it should be health insurance — reform.
Liberals should have responded the way my friend Joe Conason (and a few other non-snotty liberals) did, by pointing out that we already have death panels of a sort: the ones manned by the insurance companies who ration and deny coverage for the sake of their profit margins. Would government rationing be better? It might be less greed-motivated, but maybe not. There at least should have been a discussion of the real issue of health care rationing.
Because yes, there is a “panel” in the bill that will “evaluate” the cost effectiveness of various expensive, minimally life-extending treatment decisions — decisions that any health-care program, public or private, may have to make. No, individuals won’t have to stand before it, but individuals will be affected — and sometimes suffer — from its decisions.
But liberals and, shamefully, liberal oriented media — most of them — made the mistake they keep making about Sarah Palin: because she didn’t go to Princeton she’s incapable of seeing or cutting to the heart of the matter so shrewdly. They had a chance to respond as Conason did: put her on the spot by asking her exactly what she’d do about existing insurance company “death panels.” Instead, they didn’t believe she was sophisticated enough (like them) to make the point she was making.
And then the facts began to leak out, as even the media began to read the bill and its implications and backtrack on its deeply flawed literal-to-the point of stupidity “fact checks”– and people got legitimately outraged at being treated like Sarah Palin: too dumb to understand. When in fact they — the liberals and the media — were the ones whose knee jerk reactions were ignorant.
Of course the overreaction by genuinely ignorant right-wingers (”I don’t want the government to mess with my Medicare”) and the thuggish, lynch mob behavior at town halls (boasting of shouting others’ down and other mob tactics, Hitler mustaches etc., rather than making rational arguments and respecting other citizens) including the terrorist tactic of bringing guns to town hall meetings, showed that the right could squander an advantage in legitimate debate by making an ugly spectacle of itself.
Nonetheless, when the history of the whole misbegotten health care reform effort is written, Sarah Palin has to be given credit for stopping it on a dime — and the snotty liberals who underestimated her should be held responsible.""
ted kennedy liked to joke about Chappaquiddick..
Knock Knock!
Well, it turns out (no great shock) that high on kennedy's joke list were jokes about Chappaquiddick..
Listen to the audio of Kennedy’s close friend, former editor of Newsweek and New York Times Magazine Ed Klein, as he retells in a stunning admission ...seemingly unintended as it looks like he realizes what he's done and starts to dial it back some.
Kennedy might have passed from cancer...but it is the kennedy's themselves that ARE a cancer.
More to come....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Obama hits 50% job approval in Gallup
Rasmussen : 50%
A little bit from the L.A. times:
"Should the slide continue, Obama will by no means be the first president to slide below 50% in the Gallup Poll, which has been tracking public approval of presidents since Harry S. Truman.
But Obama has reached his new low more quickly than most of his predecessors did, according to Gallup. The percentage of people voicing disapproval for the job the president is performing also stands at a near-high of 43%.
Slipping below 50% before November of the first year in office would represent “the third-fastest drop” since World War II, Gallup reports. Republican Gerald Ford slipped below 50% in his third month as president, Democrat Bill Clinton during his fourth month.
It took Republican President Eisenhower five years to fall below 50% in the public’s eye, Gallup notes. It took both Republican George Bushes about three years. It took Democrat Lyndon Johnson and Republican Richard Nixon more than two years."
NOW! Let me say this...
Again, I don't expect obamas polls to hold here. I expect them to to fluctuate up and down. Some days higher and some days lower. But they will be jumpy due to continued unrest with a very very nervous and increasingly skeptical public, as they deal with the daily feelings of "oh my gosh..what the hell did we just do last Nov????".
So we'll see up and downs..mainly because what we are seeing HERE is NOT the 'big dip'.
What I am more and more thinking what we'll see is: A double dip recession.
Now..for the benefit of my somewhat dim storyboard pals out there...That means a "w" shape recession instead of a "v" shape recession.
To break it down to Disney lingo (again for my story pals..)...think of what is happening NOW as the small dip in "splash mountain" BEFORE the BIIIIIIIIIG DIP at the end.
That 'big dip' will come when the 'webster prez' and his dumbass leftist congress pass some of those policies. (obama care, cap and trade etc) and we start to see some of the consequences on the economy --due to them.
I already have in place some things (financially) in case i'm correct. Because if I am correct (even slightly)....It taint' gonna be no picnic folks.
And its going to be nationwide.
I hope not..but honestly, i cant' see how it could not be.
Think California times 12.
AND if its going to be that for the much worse is it going to be for those states LIKE california that are already in the crapper (due to their own state legislatures being infested by dems).
For those of you in the calif animation industry, that are still working in studio IN the country......enjoy it while you can.
(And you know who you are).
Is Using A Minotaur To Gore Detainees A Form Of Torture?
This is a spoof by our pals at the "ONION".
Mind you..the obama admin. wants us to stick firmly to the field guide of interrogation. Which has "lying" to the detainee's as a way to go about interrogation, but only in "very specific circumstances. "
"The silent treatment"......
Is it any wonder why the obama has ended the term "War on Terror"? Mainly cuz they don't have the stones to fight it or really the want to fight it.
After obama, the real enemy is .........America.
'The Dark Pelosi'
As obama sets up the extraordinarily foolish witch hunt against the CIA, Here's a little ditty reminding you that the dems are...well....I'll say it..both idiots and downright hate our country.
Obama, by showing little to no reaction to the release of the lockerbie bomber but yet, shows extreme disgust for the CIA shows that the only enemies he sees and has ever seen, are the people of his own country.
We are a much less safe country with this man-child in the office .
Even dems like carville are saying this is not a good idea.
The morons that voted for obama, many of my own friends, who aren't morons (per'se...) made an extremely MORONIC decision based on lots of emotion and very little (if any) intellect...
Welcome to the fruits of your foolishness.
The blame is yours.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
ted kenndy dead at 77.....

I don't expect the polls to stay at this point forever. I do expect them to jump up and down for awhile as America feels more and more anxiety and more buyers regret.
If obama care goes through....hold onto your hats. Its gonna be ugly.
(wheres my popcorn and wine..?)
Monday, August 24, 2009
TARGET: Harry Reid
Harry Reid could be the second spineless Democratic Senate Majority Leader to get the boot from his own constituents. (Tom Daschle being the first).
'Mason-Dixon' has him trailing relative newcomer Danny Tarkanian, by 11, and Sue Lowden by 5.It would be sweet sweet sweet to get Reid out of there. And looking more and more like a definite each day.
Reid has alot of money behind him, but definitely not the times nor the people apparently.
With NV unemployment hitting a whopping really should be a no brainer for NV.
Take out the garbage.
Do it in NV.
Do it (with boxer ) in CA.
And for the love of the country...Do it in Washington.
via fox news:
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trailing a top Republican challenger by 11 points ahead of next year’s election, according to a new poll.
The Mason-Dixon Polling and Research survey, reported Sunday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, showed GOP candidate Danny Tarkanian leading Reid by 49 percent to 38 percent in Nevada.
Tarkanian is a former basketball player for the University of Nevada-Las Vegas and recently announced his candidacy.
The new poll also showed Sue Lowden, chairwoman of the Nevada Republican Party and a possible candidate, leading Reid by 45 percent to 40 percent."
"One single payer system"
A funny lil ditty about a not at all funny policy.
Think of this as the band playing as the titanic is going down.
Rasmussen: Obama passion index at -12
Yesterday his passion index was -14%
Obama is continuing to struggle. It will at some point ease up. But then tank drastically again if his insane juvenile policies pass.
Bet on it.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
"Cash for Clunkers" dies on monday.
Well when rolled out to the public as something that would last for about three months ended up running out of money within a week.
When more money got thrown into it, it lasted again for just about a week, before finally given the boot this Monday.
Plagued by bureaucratic nightmare after bureaucratic nightmare, now car dealers are faced with the possibilities of having to write off unpaid credits:
"Laura Sodano, a sales manager at Curry Chevrolet in Scarsdale, N.Y., said dealers were not told why their applications had not been approved and were having to review the entire form to determine what went wrong.
“I don’t know one dealership that’s gotten paid yet,” Ms. Sodano said. “If they run out, we’re in trouble. It’s bringing us a lot of traffic, but it’s not a very good program.”…
If the funding is exhausted before all reimbursements are made, some dealers — and possibly G.M. — could end up having to write off the unpaid credits.""
But hey! This program was touted a "success" by obama. He SAVED THE CAR INDUSTRY!
who do you think...received the most out of these sales?
Keep in mind folks...that lil webster wants to control health care. He can't even get a grasp on his own stupid car program.
(swing and a miss!)
He upgraded the ten year deficit projection by TWO TRILLION!
(swing and a miss!)
What we have here are red flag after red flag of warnings. I am hoping...hoping that people out there...even those as dense as "countsy", can at least see these as a slap in the face of cold hard reality....
He's not your savior. He's not anyone's.
He's just another small man/ big liberal.
I've kept my oath, do you EVER intend to keep yours!"
Democrat brian baird gets his assy handed to him on a plate by a Marine.
Good stuff. The butt kickin is especially nice since baird refered to the folks coming to town halls as "Brownshirts".
Like all democrats, they have a very slim grasp on history and I'm guessing this MARINE didn't much care for being called that.
Dems are taking a pummeling. Obama is feeling alot of sting. Mind you...I said this awhile back, that I still expect them to ram this through. It came out last week that they "Intend to go it alone, if need be."
That means getting it done through 'reconciliation'. Which is something that it (reconciliation) was really not meant for in the first place, but thats what they're going to shoot for.
IF that happens, look for things to get alot...ALOT worse for this country.
In other words...I was (of course) correct. And HAVE been from the beginning.
Hmmm I wonder what "countsy" and his lass "robo" are doin right about now?
I'm guessing looking around the room, whistling a "please don't look over here" type of tune...faking ignorance.
But...they do it sooooo well, that one has to wonder if its faked at all.
Actually to be quite honest...I've stopped wondering.
It's the real deal with those two.
Friday, August 21, 2009
air america: "Obama the Fascist "
I love it that its to the point where the left is starting to eat their own.
Ahhh panic! I love it.
"Is Obama creating a civil war in America? "
Voight: Is Obama creating a civil war in America?
Inside the Beltway column
By Jennifer Harper INSIDE THE BELTWAY (Contact)
Originally published 04:45 a.m., August 21, 2009, updated 05:23 p.m., August 21, 2009
"There's a real question at stake now. Is President Obama creating a civil war in our own country?" Mr. Voight tells Inside the Beltway.
"We are witnessing a slow, steady takeover of our true freedoms. We are becoming a socialist nation, and whoever can't see this is probably hoping it isn't true. If we permit Mr. Obama to take over all our industries, if we permit him to raise our taxes to support unconstitutional causes, then we will be in default. This great America will become a paralyzed nation."
Be outraged, Mr. Voight advises.
"Do not let the Obama administration fool you with all their cunning Alinsky methods. And if you don't know what that method is, I implore you to get the book 'Rules for Radicals,' by Saul Alinsky. Mr. Obama is very well trained in these methods," he continues, citing a television campaign critical of the Republican Party and contentious town-hall meetings about health care reform.
"The real truth is that the Obama administration is professional at bullying, as we have witnessed with ACORN at work during the presidential campaign. It seems to me they are sending down their bullies to create fist fights among average American citizens who don't want a government-run health care plan forced upon them," Mr. Voight says. "So I ask again. Is President Obama creating a civil war in our own country?"
Obama hikes 10-year deficit projection from $7 trillion to $9 trillion !!
Looks like our lil webster President decided to plop a big ole turd on us before he skipped out the door to take his vacation.
And that is to hike up the 10 year deficit...up two TRILLION. To make a whopping total of:
........... wow.......... Just wow.
Now if that doesn't slap you to the floor, I don't know what will. That is just ASTONISHING.
And we really thought that this guy was a good choice for prez?
That this is the guy to take over HEALTHCARE?
Mr prissydent....please.....Take as long a vacation as you want. Cuz the longer your on vacation with sasqua (AHEM!!) "Michelle".....the better chance we have as a country to survive having you as the 'President'.
Obamas "read my lips" moment coming soon..
And looky looky...people are saying just that and making the comparisons. (note in article).
As we move ever closer to the edge of disaster, The public doesn't buy his happy talk of NOT raising taxes. Gallup Poll (article) below:
Most Americans Expect Income-Tax Hike Under Obama
Even a majority of lower-income Americans expect an increase
PRINCETON, NJ -- A new Gallup Poll finds that 68% of Americans believe their federal income taxes will be higher by the time Barack Obama's first term as president ends. This includes 35% who say their taxes will be "a lot higher."
Obama campaigned on the promise that he would raise income taxes on only the wealthiest Americans. While Americans were not necessarily convinced of that at the time -- in Gallup's final 2008 pre-election poll, 49% thought their income taxes would be higher if Obama were elected -- many more expect a tax hike now than did so during the campaign.
The rise in expectations that taxes will go up probably is a reflection on Obama's ambitious domestic agenda, which began with a $787 billion economic stimulus plan and is now focused on a roughly $1 trillion healthcare reform bill. Still, the Obama administration has made no definite plans to increase income taxes on any but the wealthiest Americans.
Despite this, even a majority of Americans in the lowest income group -- whose annual household incomes are less than $30,000 -- believe their taxes will go up. Much larger majorities of middle- and upper-income Americans expect their taxes to be raised. Part of that relationship could be explained by the fact that upper-income Americans tend to be more Republican in their party orientation.
But even Obama's political base has doubts about his being able to hold the line on income taxes -- 48% of Democrats expect their taxes to rise during his first term. More than 7 in 10 independents and 9 in 10 Republicans agree.
Bottom Line
In a town hall meeting last week to discuss healthcare reform, a questioner asked President Obama how he would pay for his plan without raising Americans' taxes. Obama reiterated his pledge not to raise taxes on all but the wealthiest Americans -- those making above $250,000 a year. But like that town hall questioner, most Americans remain skeptical that the administration can pay for healthcare reform and its other programs without raising their taxes.
Obama's pledge not to raise income taxes on average Americans evokes former president George H.W. Bush's "no new taxes" pledge during the 1988 presidential campaign. Bush's decision to break that pledge was politically damaging and likely contributed to his 1992 election defeat. That damage occurred even though, as in the case of Obama, most Americans expected during the early part of Bush's presidency that he would not be able to avoid raising taxes. Thus, Bush appears to have been harmed not by his decision to raise taxes as much as by his not being able to live up to his campaign pledge.
"Trojan Donkey"
My old lefty friends "Robo" and "countfunkypants" wet their pants over editorial cartoonists like Ted Rall.
Me? I tend to like the ones that can draw and are witty. Call me a traditionalist in this regard.
Since he passed away some years ago, my New favorite has been Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Ramirez.
The guy can just draw like a mutha!
New ZOGBY POLL::Obama down to 45% approval ...
ZOGBY POLL : 45% Approval.
""Asked whether they approve or disapprove of the president’s job performance, just 45.3 percent of likely voters say they approve. That compares with 50.5 percent who disapprove of the job Obama is doing.
The results are a strong indication that contentious national debate over healthcare reform has taken a major toll on the president’s popularity…
Of greatest concern to Obama may well be his decline among all-important independent voters. Just 37.5 percent of self-identified independents say they approve of how Obama is handling the presidency. That compares with 59.2 percent of independents who disapprove…
Continued evidence of declining popularity there will ratchet up the pressure on congressional blue dogs and other conservative Democrats to go their own way on controversial proposals such as public-option healthcare and energy cap-and-trade, knowing they can’t rely on presidential coattails to prop them up with voters.""
Victory Dance.
Some interesting things happened this past week.
We saw obama scurry in a panic, and after he and his knob gobbler obama bots trashed Palin for uttering her now famous "Death Panels" statement on obama care....
He has now taken that provision out of the bill, and is trying to reword it entirely.
Now..if there was nothing in it that had anything to do with a "Death Panel"..what is it that they are taking out of the bill?
Also...the "obama snitch central" has NOW been shut down...
ALSO...We saw obama send some trial balloons on taking out the 'public option' (Socialized medicine) out of the bill...Only to get FLAMED by the nutter butters on the left.
Because of that, he has opted BACK to saying that its still in there and he's still fighting for it.
Talk about a muddled message????
This video was put up before obama stepped back into pushing for his 'public option' again.
But its a great vid and yes..........WE DANCE!
This was in response to obamas' snitch central website. Put up so that people can snitch on their neighbors if those neighbors have opposing viewpoints to his moronic policies.
Of course, due to the outrage that has come from comrade obamas idiotic snitch site, they have recently taken it off.
This flag yourself thing was brilliant. It flooded the marxists site with tons of people who were volunteering to be flagged.
Including yours truly!
Well after being HAMMERED on it and for keeping a list of email addresses of THOSE people, our marxist leader has decided to shut down his site.
Good job...comrade.
White House Folds "," Makes Security Changes, After Internet Flaps
August 18, 2009 7:25 AM
Jake Tapper
In a tacit acknowledgment of some new media missteps, the White House made changes to its White House’s “Reality Check” website this week after anger that some people were receiving unsolicited emails generated from the White House, and suggestions from a Republican senator that the White House was using an email address to compile a list of political opponents.
White House Director of Media Macon Phillips writes in a blog post that the irony is that the website, which tried to clear up misinformation caused by “fear-mongering” has now become the subject of the same beast.
“An ironic development is that the launch of an online program meant to provide facts about health insurance reform has itself become the target of fear-mongering and online rumors that are the tactics of choice for the defenders of the status quo," Phillips writes.
Macon says that it has come to his attention that some people may have been added to the White House email list without their knowledge, “likely as a result of efforts by outside groups of all political stripes” and that they regret any inconvenience it has caused.
The blog post stated that the White House continues to take online privacy very seriously.
“We’re certainly not interested in anyone receiving emails from the White House who don’t want them," says Phillips. "That’s one reason why we have never -- and will never -- add names from a commercial or political list to the White House list."
The change in policy comes a few days after White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked by Fox News' Major Garrett about individuals receiving unsolicited emails from the White House. (Garrett and his team have written quite a bit about this at their blog "Row 2, Seat 4.")
The White House blog, posted Monday evening on the White House website, instructs those that do not wish to receive the emails anymore to click on the “unsubscribe” tab that is in every email sent out. And the White House has now also implemented measures on the main White House website to boost the security of the mailing list.
“We will carefully evaluate signups already received to work toward preventing this problem in the future,” Macon writes.
The White House has also shut down an email address President Obama personally had to explain was not a way for him to compile an "enemies list."
Phillips had previously requested that if citizens “get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy,” they “send it to"
In response, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, wrote to President Obama that he was concerned “about a new White House program to monitor American citizens' speech opposing your health care policies, and to seek your assurances that this program is being carried out in a manner consistent with the First Amendment and America's tradition of free speech and public discourse.”
The Texas Republican said it seemed “inevitable that the names, email addresses, IP addresses, and private speech of U.S. citizens will be reported to the White House. You should not be surprised that these actions taken by your White House staff raise the specter of a data collection program.”
Last week at a town hall meeting in Portsmouth, NH, one self-described "skeptic" of the President's health care reform push said he was "one of the people that turned myself in on the White House Web page the other day for being a skeptic of this bill. I'm proud to have done so."
"Can I just say this is another example of how the media just ends up completely distorting what’s taking place," President Obama responded. "What we’ve said is that...if you get an email from somebody that says for example, 'ObamaCare is creating a death panel,' forward us the email and we will answer the question that is being raised in the email. Suddenly, on some of these news outlets, this is being portrayed as Obama collecting an enemies list. Now, come on guys, here I am trying to be responsive to questions that are being raised out there."
But as of this week, is now dead.
“To better understand what new misinformation is bubbling up online or in other venues, we want your suggestions about topics to address through the Reality Check site," Phillips writes. "To consolidate the process, the email address set up last week for this same purpose is now closed and all feedback should be sent through: *****"
Macon writes that despite some in the media and in the blogosphere that have invoked “a variety of sinister conspiracy theorists” about the reality check website, more people signed up for updates last week than during the entire month of July – showing that the updates are wanted.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
"President Pantywaist in retreat"
President Pantywaist in retreat: Barack Obama hoists the white flag over Stalinist health care proposals
By Gerald Warner Last updated: August 17th,
The white flag is flying over Camp Obama, which makes a pleasant change from the red flag that, metaphorically speaking, has been flying there since January 20. Barack Obama’s plan for socialised health care on the Stalinist model across the United States is now in full retreat. Not only will it not play in Peoria, it will not play anywhere.
Politicians returning to Washington after scrubbing off the tar and feathers acquired at town-hall meetings are bringing with them a blast of reality that has been absent from Obama’s dreamland regime since his inauguration. For months Obama had been trumpeting the indispensable nature of his “public option” in a new health care system. Suddenly, it is no big deal. Kathleen Sebelius, the Health and Human Services Secretary, is now telling Americans that taxpayer-funded insurance was “not the essential element”.
So, President Pantywaist is in full retreat; but he is desperate for some face-saving measure to pretend he has achieved revolutionary reform. The Senate should not oblige. Obama has no interest in genuine health care reform: as a Senator he voted against all the moderate, achievable measures that were proposed. So far as he was concerned, the worse things got for 48 million uninsured Americans the better: it might persuade them to buy into his socialist scheme, the primary objective of which was not relief of suffering but expansion of Big Government.
Now that is in tatters. Politically, it is interesting to analyse why. Obama has no notion of cautious, consensual reform: he wants a Union of Soviet States of America and he wants it now. A realist would have taken up the existing reform proposals, perhaps radicalised them a little, and tried to take them forward. Above all, he would not have alienated the pro-life lobby by rolling abortion into the plan. But not Obama. He brings to the White House the abilities and experience of a Chicago community organiser. As Sarah Palin witheringly said: “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organiser’ except that you have actual responsibilities.”
President Pantywaist has been found out and it will get worse. The one glimmer of realism he displayed was when he recently told an audience in Montana that, with regard to health care, he was “not in favour of the British system”. Perhaps he had just seen the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics revealing that more than 30,000 people have died in England and Wales from hospital infections in just five years. Translated proportionately into American demographics, that would be 150,000 fatalities. Not the best advertisement for socialised health care.
There will be many more U-turns as reality overtakes Obama. His economic recovery plan, which cost nearly $1 trillion dollars and masked 9,000 pork barrels, has removed his halo for even quite gullible voters. This will be a one-term presidency.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Over 60,0000 members cancel their AARP memberships.
(Watch cbs video link above--its awesome)
Ticked at AARP's support for obamas planned Govt takeover of healthcare...Over 60,0000 members have ditched the AARP since July.
It's a good start.
>: /
Government vs Private.
Last week, obama in an effort to buffer up his govt obama healthcare plan...used as an example of the Post office against Fed Ex.
Saying that the govt plan would NOT hurt the private sector healthplan, he said :
.."if you think about it, UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? No, they are. It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems. "
Now of course, he's being dishonest because if the govt plan gets rammed through the companies are going to dump their own plans and push everyone into a much crappier Govt plan.
BUT what I find especially delectable is that he is using the post office (A GOVT RUN ENTITY) as the example of the terrible rout, and Fed Ex ( A PRIVATE ENTITY) as the example of the GREAT rout.
He wants the GOVT to be in charge of health care and basically become....the Post Office.
Because that's what it would become. That's what it WILL become.
And this guy went to Harvard.
Awwww---some! HAH!!
White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase
Ahhh this certainly explains much, doesn't it?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Gallup Poll: Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States
I said it during the campaign...and I said it when he was elected...
"When the crash comes, (and it will) Its going to be spectacular!"
And it is proving to be just that.
Here's the best part of it though. Everything that is happening right now..well, this isn't the fall. Its just the tipping point. The point where all the platitudes and all of the soaring rhetoric prove to have very little behind them.
All of whats happening now is just the 'sputtering'.
The fall will come later..specifically when this arrogant fool jams the healthcare through by slight of hand, placing the public option (WHICH NO ONE WANTS) back into the bill at the last minute.
At that point, your going to see three things happen:
A public backlash at the loss of jobs that its going to spur(Mass layoffs),
A crappier and far weakened economy due to obama and his moron leftists NOT BEING ABLE TO PULL THE NUMBERS TOGETHER TO PAY FOR THIS!
.....and that means (yup, you guessed it)
Higher taxes for EVERYONE.
Folks, none of it..none of his numbers make sense. None of it comes together. Its impossible.
The money has to come from somewhere. It's just common sense.
Things will get worse..because obama and his pinhead leftist allies keep getting in the way.
Spending money that the country does NOT HAVE.
If the public doesn't start to turn things around come 2010 and ultimatly correcting their mistaken 'feel good vote' for obama..things will get much, MUCH worse.
Luckily...there does seem to be evidence that there are signs of people waking up from their sleep: (read below)
Mind you..what takes most Presidents YEARS to screw up and take a hit....obama has accomplished it in seven months.
Hail to the poser!
Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll
Monday, August 17, 2009
By Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief
( - Self-identified conservatives outnumber self-identified liberals in all 50 states of the union, according to the Gallup Poll.
At the same time, more Americans nationwide are saying this year that they are conservative than have made that claim in any of the last four years.
In 2009, 40% percent of respondents in Gallup surveys that have interviewed more than 160,000 Americans have said that they are either “conservative” (31%) or “very conservative” (9%). That is the highest percentage in any year since 2004.
Only 21% have told Gallup they are liberal, including 16% who say they are “liberal” and 5% who say they are “very liberal.”
Thirty-five percent of Americans say they are moderate.
During Republican President George W. Bush’s second term, the number of self-identified conservatives as measured by Gallup dropped, riding at a low of 37% as recently as last year.
According to new data released by Gallup on Friday, conservatives outnumber liberals in all 50 states--including President Obama’s home state of Illinois--even though Democrats have a significant advantage over Republicans in party identification in 30 states.
“In fact, while all 50 states are, to some degree, more conservative than liberal (with the conservative advantage ranging from 1 to 34 points), Gallup's 2009 party ID results indicate that Democrats have significant party ID advantages in 30 states and Republicans in only 4,” said an analysis of the survey results published by Gallup.
“Despite the Democratic Party's political strength-- seen in its majority representation in Congress and in state houses across the country--more Americans consider themselves conservative than liberal,” said Gallup’s analysis.
“While Gallup polling has found this to be true at the national level over many years, and spanning recent Republican as well as Democratic presidential administrations, the present analysis confirms that the pattern also largely holds at the state level,” said Gallup. “Conservatives outnumber liberals by statistically significant margins in 47 of the 50 states, with the two groups statistically tied in Hawaii, Vermont, and Massachusetts.”
Massachusetts, Vermont and Hawaii are the most liberal states, even though conservatives marginally outrank liberals even there. In Massachusetts, according to Gallup, 30% say they are conservative and 29% say they are liberal, a difference that falls within the margin of error for the state. In Vermont, 29% say they are conservative and 28% say they are liberal, which also falls within the survey’s margin of error for the state. In Hawaii, 29% say they are conservative and 24% say they are liberal, which falls within the margin of error for that state.
In one non-state jurisdiction covered by the survey, liberals did outnumber conservatives. That was Washington, D.C., where 37% said they were liberal, 35% said they were moderate and 23% said they were conservative.
Even in New York and New Jersey, conservatives outnumber liberals by 6 percentage points, according to Gallup. In those states, 32% say they are conservative and 26% say they are liberal. In Connecticut, conservatives outnumber liberals by 7 points, 31% to 24%.
Alabama is the state that comes closest to a conservative majority. In that state, according to Gallup, 49% say they are conservative and 15% say they are liberal.
In President Obama’s home state of Illinois, conservatives outnumber liberals, 35% to 23%.
Gallup's results were derived from interviewing 160,236 American adults between Jan. 2, 2009 and June 30, 2009.
"Cash 4 Clunkers" a beauricratic disaster.
Auto Dealers Paid for Just 2 Percent of 'Clunkers' Claims, Congressman Says
Rep. Joe Sestak says only 2 percent of claims have been paid and that four of every five applications have been "rejected for minor oversight."
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The federal government has only reimbursed auto dealers for 2 percent of the claims they've submitted through the popular "cash for clunkers" program, a Pennsylvania congressman said, calling on the Obama administration to help speed up the process.
Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., called for "immediate action" to address the problem in a statement Sunday, after writing a letter to President Obama Saturday expressing his concerns.
In the letter, Sestak said only 2 percent of claims have been paid and that four of every five applications have been "rejected for minor oversight."
In recent days, auto dealers across the country have been complaining that the reimbursement payments are slow to process. And they said some of their applications were being rejected because of apparent procedural issues. The statistics Sestak cited suggest those complaints are not based on isolated incidents.
Staffing could be one problem. According to sales data summarized by Transportation Department officials, dealers have submitted requests for rebates on 338,659 vehicles sold.
But while Congress just expanded the $1 billion program by $2 billion, the Department of Transportation says a staff of just 225 people is reviewing those claims.
Sestak wrote that he thinks 1,000 processors should be assigned to handle the claims. Sestak, who is challenging Sen. Arlen Specter in his state's Senate primary, wrote that auto dealers have contacted him to express their concern and ask for help.
"Failure to address delays with the cash for clunkers program will adversely harm auto dealers in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and around the country -- undoubtedly forcing many out of business," he said in a statement.
Under the clunkers program, passenger car owners are eligible for a voucher worth between $3,500 and $4,500 if they trade in their gas guzzlers for new, fuel-efficient vehicles.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
All alone. Somebody needs a hug me-thinks.
Health Debate Fails to Ignite Obama’s Grass Roots
new york times
Ms. Adkins, who for the past two years devoted hundreds of hours helping Mr. Obama get to the White House, hosted a potluck supper that was advertised to Democrats in this eastern Iowa town along the Mississippi River. People were invited to bring a favorite salad or dessert — and their cellphones — to make calls drumming up support for the president’s agenda.
She wondered whether her house would hold everyone, but there was no reason for worry.
“We had 10 people. Not a huge number, but good,” said Ms. Adkins, 55, who has been an Obama volunteer since the first day she saw him during a stop here on March 11, 2007. “The enthusiasm is not there like it was a year ago. Most people, when they get to Nov. 5, put their political hat away and it doesn’t come out for three years.”
As the health care debate intensifies, the president is turning to his grass-roots network — the 13 million members of Organizing for America — for support.
Mr. Obama engendered such passion last year that his allies believed they were on the verge of creating a movement that could be mobilized again. But if a week’s worth of events are any measure here in Iowa, it may not be so easy to reignite the machine that overwhelmed Republicans a year ago.
More than a dozen campaign volunteers, precinct captains and team leaders from all corners of Iowa, who dedicated a large share of their time in 2007 and 2008 to Mr. Obama, said in interviews this week that they supported the president completely but were taking a break from politics and were not active members of Organizing for America.
Some said they were reluctant to talk to their neighbors about something personal and complicated like health care. And others expressed frustration at the genteel approach, asking why Democrats were not filling the town-hall-style meetings of Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Finance Committee negotiating health care legislation, or Representative Leonard L. Boswell, a member of the moderate Blue Dog Democratic group.
“It’s a waste of time,” said Gilbert P. Sierra of Davenport, a Democrat who attended an Organizing for America meeting, where about 100 people gathered to vent frustrations and discuss how they could stand up to conservative critics. “Why spend money on this and only be talking to the choir?”
Iowa, where Mr. Obama’s candidacy sprang to life through a neighbor-to-neighbor style of organizing, offers a telling laboratory of the challenges as the president tries to keep at least some of his grass-roots organization active so it has not atrophied when re-election time arrives in three years.
Mitch Stewart, the executive director of Organizing for America who worked as the field director in the Iowa caucuses before running the Virginia operation in the general election, said there was no expectation that every supporter would remain active. Mr. Stewart said the group had chosen not to flood into meetings of Republican members of Congress, but rather to combat what they described as misinformation about the president’s health care plans.
“We’re not geared up to out scream the other side,” Mr. Stewart said in an interview, advocating a more methodical approach. “But if we were not engaged in this effort at all, I think our organization would certainly be asking us why not. They are here to support the president and he needs them at this moment.”
Organizing for America has paid political directors in 44 states, Mr. Stewart said. In recent months the group’s strategy has changed. Gone are the television commercials on health care, climate change and other issues that were broadcast in an effort to pressure moderate Democrats to support the president’s proposals. Now, after the White House received an earful from some of those Democrats, the group has started running advertisements of appreciation.
“Even if they aren’t 100 percent on board, we’re asking our folks to thank our members,” Mr. Stewart said. “Our tactics are continuing to evolve.”
Here in Iowa, the Organizing for America effort resembles the earliest days of a presidential campaign, a shoestring operation where homemade signs hang from the walls and only the most diehard of supporters attend events. Many of the young campaign aides who became familiar faces in towns across Iowa are now working in Washington, so a new crop of workers has taken over to help direct older volunteers.
Some of the activists Mr. Obama attracted to politics remain involved, but audiences at the Organizing for America events were largely filled with party stalwarts like Lynda Smith, 67, who retired from her factory job to work as a greeter at Wal-Mart. She initially supported Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, but now is a fierce advocate for Mr. Obama.
“People came out of the woodwork for Obama during the campaign, but now they are hibernating,” Ms. Smith said. “Now it is hard to find enough volunteers to fight the Republicans’ fire with more fire.”
Kevin Geiken, 27, is deputy director of the group in Iowa. He drives across the state to preside over meetings, where he explains the broad principles of the president’s health care agenda and, for the most part, listens as the supporters voice their opinions.
“The White House is very interested in what’s happening at these meetings,” Mr. Geiken said, reminding attendees to write their thoughts on pieces of paper that would be sent to Washington. As he bid people farewell, he offered a motivational cry: “We’re going to reach out to neighbors, hit the streets and knock on doors all across Iowa.”
But even among those who turned out for the meetings, many of whom had Obama buttons affixed to their shirts and spoke glowingly of the president, there was a sense of fatigue at the prospect of returning to the political calisthenics the Obama army once required.
Ms. Adkins, who hosted the meeting in her home this week here in Muscatine, speaks passionately about Mr. Obama. She attended the inauguration and carefully follows the developments at the White House. But she conceded that when it came time for door-to-door canvassing a few months ago — a task she has long disliked — she left town so she would not have to say no.
“I’ve had to take breaks for my family’s sake,” Ms. Adkins said, adding that she was awaiting the birth of her second grandchild. “When that phone rings, my Obama hat goes off and my grandma hat will go on.”
To my fearless leader...who is all by himself. I dedicate this number to you.