Thursday, August 27, 2009

'The Dark Pelosi'

As obama sets up the extraordinarily foolish witch hunt against the CIA, Here's a little ditty reminding you that the dems are...well....I'll say it..both idiots and downright hate our country.
Obama, by showing little to no reaction to the release of the lockerbie bomber but yet, shows extreme disgust for the CIA shows that the only enemies he sees and has ever seen, are the people of his own country.

We are a much less safe country with this man-child in the office .

Even dems like carville are saying this is not a good idea.
The morons that voted for obama, many of my own friends, who aren't morons (per'se...) made an extremely MORONIC decision based on lots of emotion and very little (if any) intellect...

Welcome to the fruits of your foolishness.

The blame is yours.