Sunday, October 25, 2009

You know our valiant president obama? He's kind of a little bitch isnt he?

Our fearless webster president to no ones surprise has turned out to be a bit of a little bitch. It's true.

"The problem with obama has never been the color of his skin, but the thickness of it."

That's the crit on obama and he's proving his critics right over and over and over again.
The recent much publicized war with Fox News because he doesn't like that they aren't rolling over like every other 'news' network to his every word, has shown lil webster to be a very petty and small little puss of a man.

Getting himself an 'enemies list' on anyone that does not have that 'tingle running down his leg', such as Fox News who has the 'audacity' to (GASP) actually REPORT on news stories such as his EXTREME 'czar' appointments such as Van Jones, ACCORN scandals, his string of broken promises, his lack of transparency, his massive deficits that he's racking up. His EXTREME spending. The 10% unemployment (which was to have been curbed at 8% with his ridiculous pork laden 800 billion+ 'stimulous' program of which every republican RIGHTLY declined to vote for)...the list goes on and on.

Part of the reason that he has warned other networks to "not follow Fox's lead" is because he (and he admits this) wants to 'marginalize his critics'.
He needs to really do this because he has something coming up which he doesn't want people to remember. Which is his "I wont raise taxes".
Which he will most definitely HAVE TO. And he wants no one to remember this and most of all, no one to REPORT IT.

Obama isn't used to people not climbing into his anus. It hurts his feelings, and he pouts and stomps his foot about it.
The problem warning in the most condescending way...the other networks to not follow foxs lead, puts the others which ARE ALL TRAILING fox in ratings-- in a very bad position.
It in some ways does what the nobel prize UNDERLINES the very incompetence of obama AND the media.
"Do what I say. Do what I tell you to do media. Report what I deem reportable."

So they (the media) are now in a spot where they either have to look like they are lap dogs for obama (which they are). OR they will feel like they now HAVE to actually do some (GASP AGAIN) actual reporting.

The latest embarrassment came this past week as the obama admin tried to leave Fox News out of the pool interview of the pay czar. The other networks voted to not interview him at all if Fox was left out. The white house, with tail tucked between its Ba-gina.... relented.

As if they ever had a choice in the matter.

Obama, is coming off as what he is. With a decline steeper and faster than any president in history....He is showing what he is.

A spoiled little sissy. An efeminite elitist little bitch, with his own mean girl 'enemies list'.


(and I love it. Bring on 2010.)

Prelude to obamacare.

In Oakland County, Michigan, the vaccination wait was 5-7 hours. Prelude to what we should expect from obamacare. Laughable.


From the people who brought us the swine flu vaccine shortage - Government-run health care! UPDATED

By: Mark Tapscott
Editorial Page Editor
10/24/09 12:25 PM EDT

President Obama's late-night declaration of a nationwide public health emergency last night shouldn't be allowed to obscure the most important lesson of the developing swine flu crisis - The same government that only weeks ago promised abundant supplies of swine flu vaccine by mid-October will be running your health care system under Obamacare.

On Sept. 13, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, told ABC's This Week program that the government was on schedule to deliver an "ample supply" of swine flu vaccine by mid-October:

"We're on track to have an ample supply rolling by the middle of October. But we may have some early vaccine as early as the first full week in October. We'll get the vaccine out the door as fast as it rolls off the production line."

But here we are five weeks later and news reports are coming in from across the nation of long waiting lines of people wanting the shot, but being turned away because of grossly inadequate supplies. The typical explanation from public health offiials is that the swine flu vaccine requires more time to be cultivated than seasonal flu vaccine.

That's no doubt true, but did federal public health officials just discover that fact? These are the same government officials who will be in charge of your health care under the government-run health care system being sought by Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress.

And the president's declaration contains this statement that is rich with irony in the context of the debate on health care reform: "The foundation of our national approach to the H1N1 flu has been preparedness at all levels -- personal, business, and government -- and this proclamation helps that effort by advancing our overall response capability," according to Fox News.

The declaration will allow waiving of federal regulations on a case-by-case basis. But how will we waive an entire government-run health care system?

Here's something else to think about: How will Obama and congressional Democrats seek to take advantage of this public health crisis? This is, after all, the administration that never lets a good crisis go to waste, right?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

obama administration...The Gang that couldn't shoot straight.

And is it any wonder why?


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Doin' a bang up job there 'Webster-obama'

Fox News Poll: 43% would vote to reelect Obama.

Harris Poll: obama approval 45%
(losing support across the board in all age groups)

Rasmussen Poll: Obama-care- 42% in favor 54% are opposed

Friday, October 16, 2009

And now...for something completely different. Godly Panties !


Too good. And too true. HAH! (lyrics included)


I heard it today, Barack got a prize
Seams theyre dishin peace, prizes left and right
If you wanna prize, you can do it to
Theres just a few things, that you gotta do

Im mowing the lawn
You get a peace prize
Doing the laundry
Thats a peace prize
Im grooming my dog
Peace prize
He seems to like it
Thats a peace prize
You, get a peace prize
He, gets a peace prize
I, get a peace prize
Everybody, gets a peace prize

They gave a peace prize, to our president
Hed only been prez, for two weeks by then
The same time he takes, to dust his smokes
Some people call this, nobel prize a joke
But remember yall, Big O gives us hope
More hope for all man, even for the pope
This award aint for, anything he did
But for things he promises that he will
The first man to win, a peace prize for hope
Bankrupt America, The man is dope
Obama wants change, see it in his eyes
If you do to, youve earned yourself a prize

Im in the hot tub
Peace prize
Im doing some dips
Peace prize
Showing potential
Peace prize
Being a black guy
Gets a peace prize
Im making a sandwich
Thats a peace prize
Shes eating the sandwich
Peace prize
Its delicious
Heres a peace prize
Uh, yeah peace prize

The Nobel prize, aint given to fools
The whole committee, Went to greater schools
They thought Barack, Was Nobel worthy
they decided to, look at his story
He was voted to, be our president
Then they closed the books, The man is in
His namell go down, with other cool cats
Al Gore, Carter, Yasser Araffat
The prize aint always given to the best
Its got to be, politically correct
Thats why its not, everybody wins
For what not to do, Take a look at him

Liberate Iraq
You get no peace prize
Curb AIDS in Africa
No peace prize
Your last name is Bush
You get no peace prize
Ha, no peace prize
Obama, gets a peace prize
Automatic, Peace Prize
Huh, peace prize
Everybody, peace prize

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reich argues for the public option against.... himself.

The second clip (below) is audio with Reich being more honest when speaking to an audience at UC Berkeley.

Ahhhhh the left. Intellectually dishonest, morally bankrupt, and overall void of any soul.

He says at the end of the first clip to send your friends a copy of that video. I say send both of these and let the viewer decide for themselves...WHICH is the truth.

Prepare for High tax and low quality..

IF this goes through.....
The next question will be how long will it take for the Republicans to undo the damage?
With dunces like 'robo' and 'countsy' out there clutching there 'blankies' and suckin they're thumbs with they're silly (yet sweet) childish ways of's no wonder we find our selves in the mess that we are in.

It is true that elections have consequences. And its the people of this country that will have to pay those consequences.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Democrat leadership...flatline.

Saturday, October 03, 2009


The Audacity of Hos
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

Enjoy the ass kickin.

More olympic yumminess..

CNN anchor freaks with disbelief as he realizes that obama is not a god.

Enjoy the freak out. I know I did.


..And landed HARD with an excruciating (and delicious) THUD!

Yesterday, I wrote: "Does anyone else out there think that this ISN'T in the bag.
Of course it is. It's nothing but a PR stunt to make it look as if this pansy ass still has clout.
IF it ISN'T already in the bag...and the olympics aren't coming to chicago....then that would make obama one of the dumbest people to ever hold the office."....

The reason I said this, is that It just doesn't make sense for him to go to this and lobby for it if it weren't already in the bag. Why risk so much of your credibility, so much for so little??
Why risk going and pandering and then stand the chance of getting egg all over your face and looking weak as you come back to America looking WEAK to THIS country and every other country???

WHY go and look like an utter fool by : In the midst of an economic recession, when joblessness have ticked up to 9.8% WASTED TAX PAYERS MONEY by taking TWO jets, filled with a presidential entourage and secret service (and using extra gas to cart the tonage known as 'oprah and michele'),
In a time when the economy is very shaky, and his universal health care is running into all kinds of trouble with the PEOPLE of this country...When IRAN is testing missles and new facilities to create nuclear weapons...

..why do this? Unless you actually had it in the bag and were looking for an easy PR win?

Again..the fact that he DIDN'T have it in the bag, and put everything up for nothing...means he is more about arrogance and less on intellect.
He is...despite the whole "HAAAW-VAAAHD" thing...He is not, a very bright person.

Sorry...he just isn't.

The press was STUNNED! As was the crowd gathered at an outdoor event in chicago..STUNNED that chicago got wiped out.
And not just wiped out, BUT IT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE!
Chicago got layed out! IN THE FIRST ROUND!!

If this were an olympic sprts 'event', they wouldn't have even got the bronze! They (chicago and obama) were in FOURTH! A distant FOURTH!!

(scuse me a sec..)


Oh man...that's just too delici-oh-so-yummy!

The crowd was in shock, the obama media was beside themselves. And the reason once that they couldn't believe that it WASN'T IN THE BAG!

The spin was wonderful. In order to try and do damage controll. But there was just no way around it. Damage was done.

An interesting thing that came out..was that it appears that the committee was just not all that impressed with obama and crew. The feel from his speech was that it was all about HIM.
ARROGANT little pantywaist.

Great job champ! Your doin a SWELL job!

>: D

Friday, October 02, 2009


Well, obama has decided that there is no better time than now (what economy problems? What joblessness problems? What Iran Problems?) head on out to Copenhagen to try and get the olympics (worthless) to be held in (worthless) chicago.

Now lets be clear....Who DOESN'T think that this isn't already in the bag?
Of course it is. It's nothing but a PR stunt to make it look as if this pansy ass still has clout.
IF it ISN'T already in the bag...and the olympics aren't coming to chicago....then that would make obama one of the dumbest people to ever hold the office.

The interesting thing about this, is that in the midst of all of the gangland killings and violence in the great city of's interesting that even chicago itself doesn't even want this stupid thing known as the 'olympics' to be held in their city.
Maybe bacause they sense what would really happen if it does come.

They...Chicago....will LOSE money. LOSE money in a state and city where they already have mas unemployment and mass violence. A city that is by all accounts in the toilet due to democratic rule.

Now if even they know this, then one has to hold out hope that even dems in that city might have at least a SMALL amount of common sense.

Or perhaps it falls in the realm of: "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while."