Our fearless webster president to no ones surprise has turned out to be a bit of a little bitch. It's true.
"The problem with obama has never been the color of his skin, but the thickness of it."
That's the crit on obama and he's proving his critics right over and over and over again.
The recent much publicized war with Fox News because he doesn't like that they aren't rolling over like every other 'news' network to his every word, has shown lil webster to be a very petty and small little puss of a man.
Getting himself an 'enemies list' on anyone that does not have that 'tingle running down his leg', such as Fox News who has the 'audacity' to (GASP) actually REPORT on news stories such as his EXTREME 'czar' appointments such as Van Jones, ACCORN scandals, his string of broken promises, his lack of transparency, his massive deficits that he's racking up. His EXTREME spending. The 10% unemployment (which was to have been curbed at 8% with his ridiculous pork laden 800 billion+ 'stimulous' program of which every republican RIGHTLY declined to vote for)...the list goes on and on.
Part of the reason that he has warned other networks to "not follow Fox's lead" is because he (and he admits this) wants to 'marginalize his critics'.
He needs to really do this because he has something coming up which he doesn't want people to remember. Which is his "I wont raise taxes".
Which he will most definitely HAVE TO. And he wants no one to remember this and most of all, no one to REPORT IT.
Obama isn't used to people not climbing into his anus. It hurts his feelings, and he pouts and stomps his foot about it.
The problem is...by warning in the most condescending way...the other networks to not follow foxs lead, puts the others which ARE ALL TRAILING fox in ratings-- in a very bad position.
It in some ways does what the nobel prize does..it UNDERLINES the very incompetence of obama AND the media.
"Do what I say. Do what I tell you to do media. Report what I deem reportable."
So they (the media) are now in a spot where they either have to look like they are lap dogs for obama (which they are). OR they will feel like they now HAVE to actually do some (GASP AGAIN) actual reporting.
The latest embarrassment came this past week as the obama admin tried to leave Fox News out of the pool interview of the pay czar. The other networks voted to not interview him at all if Fox was left out. The white house, with tail tucked between its Ba-gina.... relented.
As if they ever had a choice in the matter.
Obama, is coming off as what he is. With a decline steeper and faster than any president in history....He is showing what he is.
A spoiled little sissy. An efeminite elitist little bitch, with his own mean girl 'enemies list'.
(and I love it. Bring on 2010.)