OK! Here we go-
Well there was an election the other day. Perhaps you've heard. Virginia DOWN THE LINE. Down the friggin line!
The governorship by a whopping 59 percent and democrat Deeds had paltry 41 percent.
18 points. That's called a blowout my friends.
Not only did they lose the Gov'shp, but they also lost five (possibly six) Virginia seats.
As well as:
Republican Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling also won a second term Tuesday, defeating Democrat Jody Wagner. And Republican state Sen. Ken Cuccinelli was the winner of the race for state attorney general, beating Democratic state Del. Steve Shannon.
In Jersey..that's NEW JERSEY..A place so blue that one would think impossible for a Repub to win there. A state that SO overwhelmingly voted for obama ,now...has turned over and voted for Republican Christie .
With a turning of the independents by OVERWHELMINGLY huge margins in Virginia AND jersey.
So what does that tell us?...It tells us that people by and large are so FREAKED by the exploding (and dangerously irresponsible) spending by the dems, that they are feeling the classic case of buyers remorse.
And are now feeling thier senses being RATTLED back! In JUST 11 MONTHS!!!
The dems..of course are trying their best to dismiss this as nothing more than 'local politics and local matters'.
That of course is laughable.
Either, the dems are total morons and really are ignorant to what has just happened and truely believe that it really is nothing at all....
the dems know full well what a dire thing this is and what it foretells and they are scared
$&#$T 'less.
amp;#$T 'less.
amp;#$T 'less.
amp;#$T 'less.
Either way, I love it! If they are so dumb as to believe this is nothing....then they will barrel forward and screw themselves.
If they DO know what has just happened.....then they are totally spooked, and the blue dogs are even MORESO, therefore leaving them utterly between a rock and a really really hardplace.
They are holding onto NY-23 as thier sole reason for living.
San fran nan is saying that due to that..that the dems look at the night as a "Dems win".
Well....it should be noted as that the last minute repub candidate for that seat was indeed a no name person who ran and he only lost by JUST a smidge!
A no name!!! A last minute NO NAME! HAHAAAAA!
Oh folks...what we have here, is what you call the choppy waters right before the Niagra Falls drop.
If you don't believe me.....all you have to do is go back and check out 1994.
The dems are making their own noose...and their making it really really tight.
The least we can do is supply the ladder.