Yes yes..I know it's been awhile. And yes there's been lots going on. But I've purposely stayed away to sort of...let things shake out. And while I so wanted to make this post on Nov 3..ELECTION NIGHT, it seemed more fitting to let all the races shake out. And post nearest to the 2009 January Inauguration date of our beloved barry obama almost two years ago exactly.
You remember the guy right? ...the lefts great 'Messiah'.
On November 3rd the people of this nation gave barry and his idiotic embarrassing party a spanking to end all spankings. A huge vote of NO CONFIDENCE.
After witnessing ineptitude and arrogance on such a grand scale for not even two years-found themselves with a huge amount of regret....
"How could he NOT be what we thought he was??"
Well...as I said two years ago...All one would have to do is look at his bio. Or lack of it. I said it..ME...LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before Rush did...
That obama was destined to fail. Because :
1) He had no record of ANYTHING other than writing a silly book.
2) The things that he said he wanted to do...wouldn't work and couldn't work, due to not making sense! The numbers didn't add up and neither did the logic, not to mention the that all of what he wanted to do- had been tried by more competent socialists than he...and they STILL didn't work!!
The result was the GOP re-taking the house...by HUUUUUUUUUGE margins. And making a HUUUUUUUUUGE cut into the Senate! Not to mention the killing that the repubs made in legislatures and state houses across the country!
The dems and media downplayed it of course, but the nov 3rd elections were more than 'historic'..they were seismically historic! Severely devastating the dems, beyond what i think they are even aware of thus far.
Two years ago, on inauguration day, I wrote this:
"As for me...I almost feel a little bad for obama. He has been put on such a pedastal, (partially of his own doing), that when the crash happens...which it almost certainly will (cuz no man can be ALL things to all men)...
The crash will be.....SPECTACULAR.
And for that....I break out the really good popcorn."
On November 3rd...it was simply that. Spectacular! I said it would be and it was. And didn't take all that long for the fog of deceit from a slogan of 'hopenchange' to lift and the people to see the nothing that was voted in. And November 3rd we saw the people RUSH to start the process of expelling it from their midst.
Bring on 2012.
Looking back...when I did battle with "Countsy" and "Robo" (who i am on somewhat speaking terms with now)..I think it's safe to say that they were both so embarrassingly wrong. And I was so so SOOOO right. And as I said it then, I say it now.
--Is it because I'm a genius? No.
I am actually a genius but no..It's not because of that. It just because I base things always on facts, logic and common sense. Not a stupid slogan or bumper sticker mentality. I don't base things on simple emotion. To do so would make me a liberal.
And I am definitely not that.
Hi 'Countsy' and 'Robo'. Happy New year...
Here's the link to my post just TWO YEARS ago: