Hiya Robo.
Well its been awhile. Busy busy, busy. You know how it is.
I’m way behind on the many things that I’ve needed to write about. On that long list of things was a proper response to your post (way back in august on ‘countsy’s’ carnival blog.) And while you were a little farther down the line on the list, I DID want to get to you before things got crazy busy again.
Firstly, thanks for your post. I appreciate it…I do. Now, TO your post. I get the feeling as though you think I’ve been unfair to you in some way. I’ll come back to that in a second.
But to the specifics of your post: You quote me:
“”Handel sez:
"I don’t care if you and ‘countsy’ are friends. Not in the least!"
and robo says::
“””You say this, and yet your actions prove to be contrary. You may not care, and you may be a happy-go -lucky guy who is happy with his life and his family, and yet your actions are those of a warped frustrated old man….Guys who sit around and write angry rants on the internet are generally lonely bitter guys. Once again, you say that you do not fit this description, and yet in word and deed, you do.”””
Well robo, You believe what you want. But mind you, I didn’t even HAVE a blog before I came across yours and countsy’s blog. Of which I was met with the typical hostility that is trademark of the left. It was even YOU who said “BAN HIM”, and that was to the very mild criticism to countsy’s BS on ‘free speech’, and I said it was the left that preaches ‘free speech’ and then does everything it can to squelch it. I thought you by saying “BAN HIM” was SUCH a lovely illustration at just the right time. I thank you.
Again, You and countsy had a great deal of a head start on the ‘blog thing’ long before I came in, writing your own “ angry rants”. And that was fine then! Oh yes it was. Why? Hmmmm, was it because you were all engaged in a mutual thought, pet-athon? AAAAAND utterly UNchallenged. Well sure it was. Then and only then is writing angry rants on the internet a fine and dandy thing. And I would be careful with your terms and definitions about “guys who sit around writing angry rants…bitter LOOOONLY guys.”” I mean after all, what is your strip, but one loooooong bitter angry rant.
Comon robo, do you mean to tell me that countsy’s postings which far outnumber MINE are NOT angry rants? Is HE a “bitter, lonely, warped man”? Of course you would say no. because he’s your amigo, compadre, ((siiiiiigh))soulmate (in a non ‘broke back’ way of course…although I don’t really know ya both so I cant assume either way.)
Its just inconsistent robo…Not really surprised by it. But it IS what it is.
But if you want to see me in that light, well what can I say? I look around me and I see nothing but goodness. A life truly blessed. The fact that lil ole ME makes all of you lefties a little crazy…well…that’s just puddin’ sugah….just puddin’.
But STILL, back to you…where have I been UNFAIR to you. You’re mad because I have the gall to challenge you and countsy on any NUMBER of issues? Is THAT it?
Hmmm if that IS it then its pretty shallow ground you stand on. Seriously…tell me where I’ve been unfair to you. I would really like to know.
You quote me as saying:
"I’ve found it fascinating to watch YOU be loud on some issues and yet oddly silent on other issues. “Why?” I wondered….I pressed you on it and came to the conclusion that you just might have differing opinions than the rest of your crew….yet chose to be silent. Because you maybe what?....felt uncomfortable being…the ‘odd man out’ as well?"
and then robo says:
“””Which issues? Religeon? Hey, when the time comes, I'll throw my 2 cents in. This is an issue that is difficult to discuss in this day and age. What I did say on the issue was that I wondered why so many got the wrong idea about Christianity. I know of a few reasons. Like I said, when Count brings it up, I'll throw in. The last time he brought it up, I did a lot of listening in order to figure out what everyone was upset about.”””
Right robo..You’ll throw your two cents in. When? “when the time comes”. That’s what I thought. So I waited. I’m a people watcher. I’m just curious to see what they say and when they say it….I was curious on YOUR views of the subject. I knew countsy’s and it pretty much was what I thought it would be, bigoted, stupid, insipid, ignorant and smelling of bad cheese. Your typical thoughtless lefty.
But YOU robo…I wanted to hear from you. And so I waited and continued to wait…sifting through countsy’s and then rickarts silliness…waiting.
YOU who were not too shy usually about piping up.((chirp, chirp, chirp)) It’s often said that when so many are shouting that the one voice that is the loudest is the one that is silent.
You were silent.
Which piqued my curiosity sompin fierce!
So I asked you a question…(POKE)
And another question…(POKE, POKE).
And I got a lil insight….(POKE, POKE, POKE}
And Then I knew that I had struck pay dirt.
YOU didn’t pipe in, or as you say “throw your 2 cents in”, and you wouldn’t have EVER piped in unless I pushed you. Unless I poked you out of your cone of silence. Turns out you might have a little different view (not by much maybe), than that of countsy, and the other bots. So it’s safer to be silent. Let it pass. After all, lunch is at the ‘smokehouse’ tomorrow and why rock the boat.
WHEN prodded…you then come out but then try and alter it as much as possible to still seem…oh I dunno…palatable to the wing nuts. (Remember the ‘smokehouse’. remember the ‘smokehouse’).
Some such sillyness about Bush and …..etc, etc.
But as you say….I know it’s a tough issue to talk about, especially in the world we work in. And its not always comfy. ESPECIALLY when you hear your pals bashing it to the hilt ---oh and they were. Hard! And yet….
How was lunch by the way? Good, I’m sure.
Robo says::
“””and I’m not the lefty you think I am”””
dude…I don’t care really what you are. As long as it’s for real. Countsy is a jack ass, fine. You’re a lefty, whatever. I can deal with all that. As long as I know that what I’m dealing WITH is for real.
You quote me as saying:
“”And sticking to my beliefs and values even if that means clashing heads with a lot of the people around me””
Robo says::
“””””Good for you, but on this issue, you have no idea what you are talking about. I recently lost a job because I wouldn't roll over and agree with what everyone said.”””
Ok robo. Let me put this to you bluntly…but as clearly as I can. Everything that I’m talking about there has to do WITH REAL LIFE!! NOT THE FRIGGIN CARTOONS! NOT TALKING SQUIRRELS AND DANCING FARTING BUNNIES!!
Look, I’m sorry you lost your job over whatever. I can only imagine how that conversation went:
Director: “no, no I think that he should just drop his pants.”
Robo: “NO! NO! NO! It would have the cinematic PUNCH we’re looking for, the emotional pull if you will, if he farted a little while the pants fell.”
Director: “hmmm..nooooo I think we did that the last three films robo. Let’s return to the basics, okee doke?”
Robo: NO! We’ll move the camera and have an upshot of the pants and THEN the fart! THE CROWD WILL LOVE IT!
Director: “I…”
I mean really…If you lost your job, I’m sorry about that. I knew that you would bounce back. I did. And I’m glad you did, sincerely. BUT if you are equating what I’m saying about “beliefs and values” to your JOB. Then you have a problem with priorities. And that’s HUGE.