(Nov 11, 1943 - Nov 26, 2006)
(Nov 11, 1943 - Nov 26, 2006)
According to several sources, legendary X-Men and comic book artist Dave Cockrum passed away in his sleep last night, his death a result of diabetes and its resultant complications. He was 63 years old.
While his Legion work is widely known to Legion fans, Cockrum will forever be known as the artist who, with Len Wein, and later with Chris Claremont, created the new X-Men, and redefined both the existing characters and revitalized the world of the mutants and the franchise for Marvel. Cockrum had two major stints as artist on Uncanny X-Men, from Giant-Size X-Men #1 in 1975 through 1977, and then from 1981-1983.
For anyone growing up in the 70's who was even remotlely interested in comic books, you had your share of great GREAT artists. Surely some of the cream of the crop in super critters were:
Gil Kane, Neal Adams, Ross Andru, John Romita, and ......Dave Cockrum.
Dave Cockrum Died yesterday morning. Due to complications from diabetes. Dave was a fantastic guy. Down to earch, Humble and just an all around accessible person. He was you and me. He was a fan of the medium. And the fans of the medium loved Dave Cockrum.
Now I'm sure that there are those out there that arent familiar with anyone predating Jim Lee, So have no idea of who Dave is. In a nutshell, Dave Cockrum is responsible for the Creation of the modern day X-men. Starting with Giant size X-MEN #1 (which I own, thank you very much) and for characters such as "Nightcrawler", "Storm", "Collusus", And "Phoenix","Thunderbird", "mystique", "the Brood" and "StarJammers".
And while not the FIRST artist to draw 'Wolverine',(HERB TRIMPE Hulk 180-181, circ1974), Cockrum was the first to draw him in the way he's been drawn (for the most part) for the past 30 years.
Comic book Accomplishments that are indeed rather on the huge side.
Unfortunatly, like so many comic creators working at that time, as in the golden age...Dave didnt have the knowledge or the foresight to see what impact those characters...HIS characters, would have on the entertainment world.
As with Seigal and Shuster...you had people, both comic book creators AND fans that came to his defense and with a spotlight on Marvel that was NOT altogether positive, Marvel settled with Dave Cockrum on his royalties.
Dave had been sick off and on for some time and in 2004, the comic world was stunned to see just how sick he was. Diabetes. The mounting costs of treatment and lack of ducket had made things pretty tough, And his many fans and peers held a benefit for him to help out someone who'se work inspired them and will continue to inspire.
Sadly, Yesterday morning, (monday the 26th) at the age of 63, Dave Cockrum passed away in his sleep.
So passes a GREAT ARTIST and more importantly a GREAT, GREAT MAN. To be always remembered through countless stories from friends and family, and TONS of truly beautiful artwork, in panels, strewn together to make what we call....Comics.
God bless ya Dave Cockrum. And my prayers and heart go out to your loving family.
Thank you.