Look for it late Thursday. Then another on sat. It's a response to robo.
AND THEN.....possibly another late Sunday.
I'm back...let da pain commence.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
robo yet again...
Hi again Robo- Sorry to leave ya hanging, just lots to do before my fun weekend. I see that you responded to my last post. Well I don't wanna be rude and not answer you. So let me reply in kind.
"" he (Handel) is too dense to notice that I called him a coward!!!""
Did'ja? I looked again, and I still didn't see that. Look if that's what you truly think, robo..just SAY it. Really. Be CLEAR about it. (again, clarity clarity clarity story guy). Just say : 'Handel..YOU sir are a COWARD'. You SEE what I did there? Clear, precise, not vague whatsoever. There is no need to pussy foot around (and in your case I emphasize the first half of that term).
Be clear. Because if you WERE trying to be clever in how you were saying that...It just doesn't read. And really..if you have that big of trouble actually saying something that is really quite easy to say clearly, I can only imagine how rough it is for you to rough out an 'acting' scene. They must give you the action scenes. Which is good! They're fun to do. Seriously, practice at being less cute and clever and try being clear and precise. Because you are neither cute or clever, so if you don't have clarity.......well, Action scenes.
"" I'm a rarity in this industry.""
Now that's clear and precise! A wonderful phrase that is both its own set up AND punchline.
'rarity'. You so silly!
"""I don't think Global terrorism isn't a problem.
On the contrary, it's a big problem.
A problem that Little GW doesn't have the mental capacity to handle.
I think he's soft on terrorism, Handy. """
Oh really! I know that you aren't a fan of Bush. That's fine. But why do you say that about a guy that had better grades than Kerry? Why do you say that of a guy that had better grades than gore?
Why do you say that about someone who has managed to keep another attack from happening thus far after about 6 years since sept 11? Or don't you believe that he has anything to do with that? Perhaps your one of those infants that think its just a...oh I dunno...a WACKY coink-a-dink! If you don't mind, I'd love an answer to any of those questions. Please.
As far as being 'soft' on terrorism. I see. Compared to what? Compared to who? Please inform me of this, oh good general robo. Which democrat would be tougher than Bush? Who do ya like?
Slow joe biden? hillary? yeah, right. Maybe obama? uh huh. A guy that said he would open the door to speaking to Iran and North Korea. himself to be a propaganda tool.
Or maybe you like trial lawyer john edwards. Another one who strikes fear into the hearts of the terrorists.
Again...please answer that. I mean obviously a story guy like your self, who no doubt has much more mental capacity than Bush to handle global terrorism. Please let me know what general robo would do differently. Hell, democrats are already doing everything they can to smother even the smallest of ways to fight against these bastards. Why, did you know general robo, that just recently the dems tried to pass law that if you see something suspicious and speak out about it...YOU CAN BE SUED. You see something suspicious at an airport robo...don't report it...the dems want you to be sued. That's coming from the folks that no doubt you think have much more mental capacity than Bush.
You know what, robo? I'd like to know who you like and who you think your gonna vote for. Please tell me. I'm very VERY curious about this my 'pragmatic friend'. Which party do you think would handle terrorism better? Remember now...Your 'pragmatic'.
"""I think Invading Iraq was a tactical mistake."""
Well once again we disagree. But again I'm interested...If NOT Iraq, then where? Iran? You wanna do Iran?
Do you know WHY Iraq was the choice, robo? No you don't. Let me help you, oh enlightened, pragmatic one. Morons like countsy has said what all the other leftists morons have said. "Iraq didn't cause sept 11! Why are we there?""
Bush never said Iraq was responsible for 9-11. Not once. Go back to the State of the Union after 9-11. And read what he said about HARBORING NATIONS that sponsor terrorism.
Now the question for you is ....WAS Iraq-- BEFORE we attacked them-- a harboring nation? WERE they sponsors of terror? If so, WOULD that fit into EXACTLY what he said?
I await your answer.
But on these issues, I see a trend with you, that I see in most lefties. Your a bitcher. You just like to bitch about it. I understand, Its easier to do than come up with solutions.
Unless your solution is the kusinich solution. The 'policy of peace', kill them with smootches.
If so...please point out in history where this has been effective.
robo::"""I think turning our ports over to Dubai an even bigger mistake.
I'd like to close the borders, and deport everyone not currently holding a green card.""
Well now, you see? You fall into that 'even an ugly broken clock is right two times a day" category. Good for you! I'd love to see you post about something like the borders. Although..I wont hold my breath.
robo::""However, I also believe in due process and the right to Habeus Corpus for war prisoners."""
Sure. Although If they're enemy combatives, the last thing in the world I want is some evil bastard getting into and abusing our justice system with some leftist/ democrat lawyer supplied by the oh so sympathetic 'aclu'. Or don't you agree that they (aclu) are in fact dems? This will show if your intellectually honest. Again.....holding my breath- I will not.
"""I am not a democrat. I am not a republican.
I am a pragmatist.""
Now this is even more funny than the 'I am rarity in this industry' gag.
But OK. Your a 'pragmatist'. I swear, I've never seen a bunch that were so embarrassed to call themselves what they are. So they're no longer "liberals". No! No! We're "PrOgReSsIvEs".
Or "NO!NO! I'm not a leftist, I am an "Independent".
"NO! NO! I'm not a democrat, I am a.......'pragmatist.'
And you called ME a 'coward'.
But ok....your a 'praaaaaaaaaaaaaagmatist'
Let me know what it will be changed to next month, I don't wanna be on the back end of the name trend. That would be oh so embarrassing. I can just hear it.
"Dude your soooooo last year, We're now 'peacy-nicey-free's'.
But to me they will always be what they are.
And robo, I haven't 'put words into your mouth'. Not once. I quote you WORD for WORD.
And I go from there. Sorry if that bothers you. But if its your own stupid phrases that bother you, then maybe you should get some better views, or better defend the dumb ones that you have.
"". Like Alan Berg, or Morton Downey Jr.
(If these references are beyond you, do a google search and educate yourself)."""
No I have a vague idea of who these people are through news articles of when they died. I must confess that I have never watched or listened to either of these people. Obviously, you have.
Tell me, was this part of your 'opening your mind' experience? Your 'growing up'.
Well, since listening to different music was what helped you grow and open your mind, maybe your watching and listening to them will make you qualified for your own talk show!
robo::'''I'm sorry my music example confused you so much. I was using it as a way of illustrating personal and intellectual growth. Little did I know that you lack the ability to think in the abstract and thus it was lost on you. So sorry.""""
Oh no! I wasn't confused at all by your music example robo. Please don't misunderstand me. I just thought it was stupid. So, no need to apologize, unless its to apologize for the silliness of it.
I mean really. It wasn't exactly DEEP or anything.
ROBO:""I listened to different music and therefore I have personal growth, and I am open minded because Dizzy rocks. I grew up cuz Charlie Parker rips!"
I get it. You know what? Maybe if you listen to some Spin Doctors or the soundtrack to Doctor Who, maybe that'll turn you into a doctor. Then you could be 'robo PHD'!
Maybe? Well suuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Why not?
""""From now on, I'll speak more simply so that you can understand."""
Robo, my sweet, sweet need to speak more simply. I understand you fully. You speak 'simply' enough. In fact...
I think 'simple' should be your middle name.
Now you've gone on and screwed up all my time for the post on story guys, Which is really much MUCH more interesting to me than what you title yourself as this year, or how jazz helped you reach puberty.
I actually think you may like it. BUT it will have to wait till after the festivities of the weekend.
Later robo. Do let me know how that doctorate is coming along, will you?
"" he (Handel) is too dense to notice that I called him a coward!!!""
Did'ja? I looked again, and I still didn't see that. Look if that's what you truly think, robo..just SAY it. Really. Be CLEAR about it. (again, clarity clarity clarity story guy). Just say : 'Handel..YOU sir are a COWARD'. You SEE what I did there? Clear, precise, not vague whatsoever. There is no need to pussy foot around (and in your case I emphasize the first half of that term).
Be clear. Because if you WERE trying to be clever in how you were saying that...It just doesn't read. And really..if you have that big of trouble actually saying something that is really quite easy to say clearly, I can only imagine how rough it is for you to rough out an 'acting' scene. They must give you the action scenes. Which is good! They're fun to do. Seriously, practice at being less cute and clever and try being clear and precise. Because you are neither cute or clever, so if you don't have clarity.......well, Action scenes.
"" I'm a rarity in this industry.""
Now that's clear and precise! A wonderful phrase that is both its own set up AND punchline.
'rarity'. You so silly!
"""I don't think Global terrorism isn't a problem.
On the contrary, it's a big problem.
A problem that Little GW doesn't have the mental capacity to handle.
I think he's soft on terrorism, Handy. """
Oh really! I know that you aren't a fan of Bush. That's fine. But why do you say that about a guy that had better grades than Kerry? Why do you say that of a guy that had better grades than gore?
Why do you say that about someone who has managed to keep another attack from happening thus far after about 6 years since sept 11? Or don't you believe that he has anything to do with that? Perhaps your one of those infants that think its just a...oh I dunno...a WACKY coink-a-dink! If you don't mind, I'd love an answer to any of those questions. Please.
As far as being 'soft' on terrorism. I see. Compared to what? Compared to who? Please inform me of this, oh good general robo. Which democrat would be tougher than Bush? Who do ya like?
Slow joe biden? hillary? yeah, right. Maybe obama? uh huh. A guy that said he would open the door to speaking to Iran and North Korea. himself to be a propaganda tool.
Or maybe you like trial lawyer john edwards. Another one who strikes fear into the hearts of the terrorists.
Again...please answer that. I mean obviously a story guy like your self, who no doubt has much more mental capacity than Bush to handle global terrorism. Please let me know what general robo would do differently. Hell, democrats are already doing everything they can to smother even the smallest of ways to fight against these bastards. Why, did you know general robo, that just recently the dems tried to pass law that if you see something suspicious and speak out about it...YOU CAN BE SUED. You see something suspicious at an airport robo...don't report it...the dems want you to be sued. That's coming from the folks that no doubt you think have much more mental capacity than Bush.
You know what, robo? I'd like to know who you like and who you think your gonna vote for. Please tell me. I'm very VERY curious about this my 'pragmatic friend'. Which party do you think would handle terrorism better? Remember now...Your 'pragmatic'.
"""I think Invading Iraq was a tactical mistake."""
Well once again we disagree. But again I'm interested...If NOT Iraq, then where? Iran? You wanna do Iran?
Do you know WHY Iraq was the choice, robo? No you don't. Let me help you, oh enlightened, pragmatic one. Morons like countsy has said what all the other leftists morons have said. "Iraq didn't cause sept 11! Why are we there?""
Bush never said Iraq was responsible for 9-11. Not once. Go back to the State of the Union after 9-11. And read what he said about HARBORING NATIONS that sponsor terrorism.
Now the question for you is ....WAS Iraq-- BEFORE we attacked them-- a harboring nation? WERE they sponsors of terror? If so, WOULD that fit into EXACTLY what he said?
I await your answer.
But on these issues, I see a trend with you, that I see in most lefties. Your a bitcher. You just like to bitch about it. I understand, Its easier to do than come up with solutions.
Unless your solution is the kusinich solution. The 'policy of peace', kill them with smootches.
If so...please point out in history where this has been effective.
robo::"""I think turning our ports over to Dubai an even bigger mistake.
I'd like to close the borders, and deport everyone not currently holding a green card.""
Well now, you see? You fall into that 'even an ugly broken clock is right two times a day" category. Good for you! I'd love to see you post about something like the borders. Although..I wont hold my breath.
robo::""However, I also believe in due process and the right to Habeus Corpus for war prisoners."""
Sure. Although If they're enemy combatives, the last thing in the world I want is some evil bastard getting into and abusing our justice system with some leftist/ democrat lawyer supplied by the oh so sympathetic 'aclu'. Or don't you agree that they (aclu) are in fact dems? This will show if your intellectually honest. Again.....holding my breath- I will not.
"""I am not a democrat. I am not a republican.
I am a pragmatist.""
Now this is even more funny than the 'I am rarity in this industry' gag.
But OK. Your a 'pragmatist'. I swear, I've never seen a bunch that were so embarrassed to call themselves what they are. So they're no longer "liberals". No! No! We're "PrOgReSsIvEs".
Or "NO!NO! I'm not a leftist, I am an "Independent".
"NO! NO! I'm not a democrat, I am a.......'pragmatist.'
And you called ME a 'coward'.
But ok....your a 'praaaaaaaaaaaaaagmatist'
Let me know what it will be changed to next month, I don't wanna be on the back end of the name trend. That would be oh so embarrassing. I can just hear it.
"Dude your soooooo last year, We're now 'peacy-nicey-free's'.
But to me they will always be what they are.
And robo, I haven't 'put words into your mouth'. Not once. I quote you WORD for WORD.
And I go from there. Sorry if that bothers you. But if its your own stupid phrases that bother you, then maybe you should get some better views, or better defend the dumb ones that you have.
"". Like Alan Berg, or Morton Downey Jr.
(If these references are beyond you, do a google search and educate yourself)."""
No I have a vague idea of who these people are through news articles of when they died. I must confess that I have never watched or listened to either of these people. Obviously, you have.
Tell me, was this part of your 'opening your mind' experience? Your 'growing up'.
Well, since listening to different music was what helped you grow and open your mind, maybe your watching and listening to them will make you qualified for your own talk show!
robo::'''I'm sorry my music example confused you so much. I was using it as a way of illustrating personal and intellectual growth. Little did I know that you lack the ability to think in the abstract and thus it was lost on you. So sorry.""""
Oh no! I wasn't confused at all by your music example robo. Please don't misunderstand me. I just thought it was stupid. So, no need to apologize, unless its to apologize for the silliness of it.
I mean really. It wasn't exactly DEEP or anything.
ROBO:""I listened to different music and therefore I have personal growth, and I am open minded because Dizzy rocks. I grew up cuz Charlie Parker rips!"
I get it. You know what? Maybe if you listen to some Spin Doctors or the soundtrack to Doctor Who, maybe that'll turn you into a doctor. Then you could be 'robo PHD'!
Maybe? Well suuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Why not?
""""From now on, I'll speak more simply so that you can understand."""
Robo, my sweet, sweet need to speak more simply. I understand you fully. You speak 'simply' enough. In fact...
I think 'simple' should be your middle name.
Now you've gone on and screwed up all my time for the post on story guys, Which is really much MUCH more interesting to me than what you title yourself as this year, or how jazz helped you reach puberty.
I actually think you may like it. BUT it will have to wait till after the festivities of the weekend.
Later robo. Do let me know how that doctorate is coming along, will you?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Well I know that I was going to give my next post as a response to your challenge to me on 'story artists'. But I saw some of the comments you left about my lil banter with countsy, I was a little surprised that you got such a rise out of such a small passerby comment. Kinda fascinating really. But ok. Worth a response.
Obviously, you didn't find it as humorous as countsy.
""robo says:
"" Yeah. Fucking hilarious. Only Handel's should read "Pompous Douchebag" with and arrow pointing up."""
So you piggy back on my joke. Fine. I know it can be difficult to think quick on your feet. Forgiven.
"""Be myself, Handel dear? I've never been anything but!"""
"""UNfortunately, I won't be at the con.
I'm sorry I'll be missing you.
I'm sure you will be at a "Counterstrike" booth with a huge banner and a name tag that says "Hi, I'm Handel" and you'll be hawking bound copies of yiour rants to the passerby.
Oh wait, no you won't.
That would require "Cahones".
Hi-Ho, Douchebag."""
Aaaaand that was the extent of the comment/post. Nothing all that dynamic or exciting or even tough, and sadly rather thoughtless. No biggie. I think your capable of much better than that, so I thought 'ok, robo is mad about the slim jims comment.'
But what I thought was really funny was countsy's followup with:
"""Holy shit John! You've out-hated me to handel this time! ...""""
That is such A PANIC! 'OH wow robo, you suuure told him!'
I actually had to go back and re-read your post robo, to see if I missed the shot that supposedly parted my hair.
Was it the part where imaginary Handel is 'hawking copies of rants" at comicon?
Was it the "oh wait, no you wont?"
OOOOOf! I'm wounded!
Was it the "douchebag" comment?
I'm personally thinkin it was the " HI-HO", myself
Anyway!There wasn't allot there. But again, I found it bizarre that countsy for WHATEVER reason thought that there was.
It kinda reminds me of a game show called "the Family Feud". I don't know if your familiar with it. Being that you two argue like a couple of 17 year olds, It may be a little before your time.
But in the game show, each group had to come up with an answer to a question and once he/she did give an answer, no matter how stupid,insipid, assinine...the rest of the group would chime in with a "GOOD ANSWER! GOOD ANSWER!! WOOT WOOT! GOOD ANSWER!"
HAHA! That's what countsy's response to your comment reminded me of.
But THEN! Then you come back with another comment, which was just astonishing to me. For several reasons.
Lets break it down shall we?
robo says:
"""he has it in his head that I am not being myself and giving into pack mentality regarding the war and how GW is doing in general."""
Not quite. I think your in an industry. An industry -yes- with a pack mentality. And I think your easily influenced. It takes no effort to 'go with the flow'. Just straighten your tail (from its tucked position), close your eyes and let the current take you where it may.
It takes real strength to go against the current. Courage to fight upstream. Effort.
You seem to have chosen the same pansy ass views as several in that industry have.
You've chosen to believe in the idiotic notion that the biggest threat to humanity is the lie of man made 'global warming'. While I on the other hand believe that its the threat of global terrorism.
Your go with the flow attitude aligns you with those that poo poo on that. "WHAT global terrorism? its a bumper sticker!"
Its incredible that in the past THREE dem debates, NOT ONE of them mentioned terrorism.
Incredible. Not ONCE. Pathetic. Or don't you think so?
Go with flow. Just let the current take ya. That way you can hang with the other dolts at 'Dalton's', And pretend to be intellectuals.
Again, you can choose your views as you like. But from this stand point it reminds me of the same weak pansies in the 60's (who we call leftist baby boomers) who were saying anything to just get lucky with some hairy feminist who was pissed off at men and yet did everything to be just like them. Those same people grew up to be democrat leaders like harry reid. A pillar of strength- striking fear in the hearts of terrorists. And probably will be one of the first that the bad guys throw into a burka and give a clitorectomy to.
But again...Your choice.
But I'll challenge you on it, robo. Like it or not.
Lets see how you do.
""robo says:
"""Apparently, he thinks that people stay frozen in time and don't grow and change. Things change. People change, tastes change. When I was a teenager, I hated jazz and would listen to nothing but heavy metal. Now, while I still enjoy Megadeth and Metallica, I also love Charlie Parker, Dizzie Gillespie, Coleman Hawkins, etc.
I grew up. I opened my mind."""
Well good for you, robo...I guess. Good for you. But your doing it again. You list alot of different types of MUSIC and view that as "growing up". Robo, that's not growing up. That's borrowing Cd's and signing up with napster.
Who cares? Who cares about the music you listen to now? Your a late bloomer, ok. You should have listened to jazz when you were a punk ass kid, rather than waiting till you were a taller punk ass kid.
Jazz. Good stuff. what?
Once again you have listed the most unimportant things in the evidence of 'opening your mind' and 'growing up'.
I call it shallow.
That's the current that you and yours flow in. A fast, steady flow..But the water is shallow.
But at least its safe.
Lastly, you then go on some stupid tear on ::
"""Why, once upon a time, I knew a young man who was absolutely incensed by an "Official English" initiative in a certain Southwestern city in a State shaped like a square. He was also fond of saying "American isn't any better than any other country in the world" and actually agreed with a few thiings said by Mohmar Khadafi in a televison interview regarding America.
This young man grew up too, eventually adoptiing some remarkably conservative viewpoints.
People change. """
I mean what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? What do I care about someone you knew who listened to kadafi and was bugged about English, blah blah blah?
I mean talk about a weird tangent. What does that have to do with anything that I'VE said? What does it matter to ME?
I mean its almost pathological.
You are correct that people change. Times change. Its natural. It happens to us all. Could be a good thing. As long as their core doesn't change.
That is unless they had no core at all.
Now shut the hell up, so I can get a post to you regarding the story topic.
Obviously, you didn't find it as humorous as countsy.
""robo says:
"" Yeah. Fucking hilarious. Only Handel's should read "Pompous Douchebag" with and arrow pointing up."""
So you piggy back on my joke. Fine. I know it can be difficult to think quick on your feet. Forgiven.
"""Be myself, Handel dear? I've never been anything but!"""
"""UNfortunately, I won't be at the con.
I'm sorry I'll be missing you.
I'm sure you will be at a "Counterstrike" booth with a huge banner and a name tag that says "Hi, I'm Handel" and you'll be hawking bound copies of yiour rants to the passerby.
Oh wait, no you won't.
That would require "Cahones".
Hi-Ho, Douchebag."""
Aaaaand that was the extent of the comment/post. Nothing all that dynamic or exciting or even tough, and sadly rather thoughtless. No biggie. I think your capable of much better than that, so I thought 'ok, robo is mad about the slim jims comment.'
But what I thought was really funny was countsy's followup with:
"""Holy shit John! You've out-hated me to handel this time! ...""""
That is such A PANIC! 'OH wow robo, you suuure told him!'
I actually had to go back and re-read your post robo, to see if I missed the shot that supposedly parted my hair.
Was it the part where imaginary Handel is 'hawking copies of rants" at comicon?
Was it the "oh wait, no you wont?"
OOOOOf! I'm wounded!
Was it the "douchebag" comment?
I'm personally thinkin it was the " HI-HO", myself
Anyway!There wasn't allot there. But again, I found it bizarre that countsy for WHATEVER reason thought that there was.
It kinda reminds me of a game show called "the Family Feud". I don't know if your familiar with it. Being that you two argue like a couple of 17 year olds, It may be a little before your time.
But in the game show, each group had to come up with an answer to a question and once he/she did give an answer, no matter how stupid,insipid, assinine...the rest of the group would chime in with a "GOOD ANSWER! GOOD ANSWER!! WOOT WOOT! GOOD ANSWER!"
HAHA! That's what countsy's response to your comment reminded me of.
But THEN! Then you come back with another comment, which was just astonishing to me. For several reasons.
Lets break it down shall we?
robo says:
"""he has it in his head that I am not being myself and giving into pack mentality regarding the war and how GW is doing in general."""
Not quite. I think your in an industry. An industry -yes- with a pack mentality. And I think your easily influenced. It takes no effort to 'go with the flow'. Just straighten your tail (from its tucked position), close your eyes and let the current take you where it may.
It takes real strength to go against the current. Courage to fight upstream. Effort.
You seem to have chosen the same pansy ass views as several in that industry have.
You've chosen to believe in the idiotic notion that the biggest threat to humanity is the lie of man made 'global warming'. While I on the other hand believe that its the threat of global terrorism.
Your go with the flow attitude aligns you with those that poo poo on that. "WHAT global terrorism? its a bumper sticker!"
Its incredible that in the past THREE dem debates, NOT ONE of them mentioned terrorism.
Incredible. Not ONCE. Pathetic. Or don't you think so?
Go with flow. Just let the current take ya. That way you can hang with the other dolts at 'Dalton's', And pretend to be intellectuals.
Again, you can choose your views as you like. But from this stand point it reminds me of the same weak pansies in the 60's (who we call leftist baby boomers) who were saying anything to just get lucky with some hairy feminist who was pissed off at men and yet did everything to be just like them. Those same people grew up to be democrat leaders like harry reid. A pillar of strength- striking fear in the hearts of terrorists. And probably will be one of the first that the bad guys throw into a burka and give a clitorectomy to.
But again...Your choice.
But I'll challenge you on it, robo. Like it or not.
Lets see how you do.
""robo says:
"""Apparently, he thinks that people stay frozen in time and don't grow and change. Things change. People change, tastes change. When I was a teenager, I hated jazz and would listen to nothing but heavy metal. Now, while I still enjoy Megadeth and Metallica, I also love Charlie Parker, Dizzie Gillespie, Coleman Hawkins, etc.
I grew up. I opened my mind."""
Well good for you, robo...I guess. Good for you. But your doing it again. You list alot of different types of MUSIC and view that as "growing up". Robo, that's not growing up. That's borrowing Cd's and signing up with napster.
Who cares? Who cares about the music you listen to now? Your a late bloomer, ok. You should have listened to jazz when you were a punk ass kid, rather than waiting till you were a taller punk ass kid.
Jazz. Good stuff. what?
Once again you have listed the most unimportant things in the evidence of 'opening your mind' and 'growing up'.
I call it shallow.
That's the current that you and yours flow in. A fast, steady flow..But the water is shallow.
But at least its safe.
Lastly, you then go on some stupid tear on ::
"""Why, once upon a time, I knew a young man who was absolutely incensed by an "Official English" initiative in a certain Southwestern city in a State shaped like a square. He was also fond of saying "American isn't any better than any other country in the world" and actually agreed with a few thiings said by Mohmar Khadafi in a televison interview regarding America.
This young man grew up too, eventually adoptiing some remarkably conservative viewpoints.
People change. """
I mean what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? What do I care about someone you knew who listened to kadafi and was bugged about English, blah blah blah?
I mean talk about a weird tangent. What does that have to do with anything that I'VE said? What does it matter to ME?
I mean its almost pathological.
You are correct that people change. Times change. Its natural. It happens to us all. Could be a good thing. As long as their core doesn't change.
That is unless they had no core at all.
Now shut the hell up, so I can get a post to you regarding the story topic.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I'm coming for you robo...
Just kiddin. Gimme a few more days though. I'm now in the midst of finishing up a few things before a big event.
Tune in in a few days! Who knows? You may even be surprised. I may have an apology for you.
I MAY even have TWO apologies for you!
(oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo---intriguing, no?)
See ya soon.
PS: Hey count, I saw your post about comic con- to keep an eye out for you because you'll have a 'Political cartoon carny' shirt on.
That will give me an excuse to break out my: "I'm with stupid" tshirt. Just in case I see you.
You'll have to stand on my left though, because that's where the arrow points. I DO REALIZE I'll have to point out to you which side is the left side. Don't worry- I'm very patient.
Lets grab a beer wearing our shirts! What'dya say. countsy ole boy.
I'm going to have to find one for robo. I'm thinkin one that says:
"WANTED: Slim Jim's, cohones, and the ability to be myself"
naw..too long. maybe one that just says :"no, no..the other stupid"
That way he can go dancing with us and not feel left out.
Tune in in a few days! Who knows? You may even be surprised. I may have an apology for you.
I MAY even have TWO apologies for you!
(oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo---intriguing, no?)
See ya soon.
PS: Hey count, I saw your post about comic con- to keep an eye out for you because you'll have a 'Political cartoon carny' shirt on.
That will give me an excuse to break out my: "I'm with stupid" tshirt. Just in case I see you.
You'll have to stand on my left though, because that's where the arrow points. I DO REALIZE I'll have to point out to you which side is the left side. Don't worry- I'm very patient.
Lets grab a beer wearing our shirts! What'dya say. countsy ole boy.
I'm going to have to find one for robo. I'm thinkin one that says:
"WANTED: Slim Jim's, cohones, and the ability to be myself"
naw..too long. maybe one that just says :"no, no..the other stupid"
That way he can go dancing with us and not feel left out.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
countsy says:::
""Handel, you don't have to believe this. I don't care if you do or not. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost both my grandparents this year. I know from loss. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Don't get me wrong. From what you've written on your blog, I don't think you're a particularly compassionate human being. But I do believe somewhere down in you there is a human being. There has to be somewhere. Any human being grieves at loss. And look, if we ever meet in real life, I don't really see us getting along. But death is death. Again, I am sorry for your loss. You can believe that or not. Sorry about your friend.""
I take your well wishes at face value. And I do thank you for them. Dave was a sweet sweet guy. He left behind a Beautiful wife and an even more beautiful little girl. The news of his passing came the same time as I heard about the little girl that was taken, abused and killed by a monster piece of filth in Washington.
The combination of those two things broke my heart.
Children hurting. Pains me more than anything else. In my friends case, the thing that cut me deep, deeper than Dave's passing itself, was his little girls ache.
Little girls need their daddies.
countsy says:::
""" From what you've written on your blog, I don't think you're a particularly compassionate human being.""
Funny, I would be very curious as to what (if any) examples you might have to show for that observation. But then we might have very different ideas as to what 'compassion' is.
But we don't REALLY know a whole lot about each other. Who knows? Maybe just maybe,I volunteer at thanksgiving time to help feed masses of homeless families. Maybe I contribute to charities. Maybe I've sponsored children from overseas. Maybe I tithe and give to organizations that help clothe and feed families. Maybe when I go to conventions, I go a little extra early to buy breakfasts for people on the street who might need a little something. Maybe I write emails to our soldiers overseas through organizations such as or '
But who knows? maybe I don't! Maybe I just go through life thinking that someone else will do it, and then bury myself in my industry. In my work. Just bask in my self centered ness.
So yeah..maybe I don't do any of those things. Doesnt really matter if I do or not, as long as SOMEONE does.
countsy says:
"""look, if we ever meet in real life, I don't really see us getting along. ""
Yup. You may be correct on that. Though I'll have you know, My friend Dave was a lefty. He was. I have many many friends that are lefties. And we get along famously. We would have to! You cant have a gig in ANY art industry and NOT have a fair share of lefties as friends.
As far as "friends" go, I take the term "friends" very VERY seriously. Probably TOO seriously.
I would go through a hail of bew-wets for my friends. But there have been times (due to my taking the term "friends" very seriously), when I have had to come to a cross-roads with friends for what ever reason. I've had to be honest with them. The friendships that make it through that, are some of my longest and strongest of friendships. The ones that don't. Don't.
But I wont lie to them. Wont do it.
That's that.
Again, Thanks for the well wishes.
""Handel, you don't have to believe this. I don't care if you do or not. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost both my grandparents this year. I know from loss. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Don't get me wrong. From what you've written on your blog, I don't think you're a particularly compassionate human being. But I do believe somewhere down in you there is a human being. There has to be somewhere. Any human being grieves at loss. And look, if we ever meet in real life, I don't really see us getting along. But death is death. Again, I am sorry for your loss. You can believe that or not. Sorry about your friend.""
I take your well wishes at face value. And I do thank you for them. Dave was a sweet sweet guy. He left behind a Beautiful wife and an even more beautiful little girl. The news of his passing came the same time as I heard about the little girl that was taken, abused and killed by a monster piece of filth in Washington.
The combination of those two things broke my heart.
Children hurting. Pains me more than anything else. In my friends case, the thing that cut me deep, deeper than Dave's passing itself, was his little girls ache.
Little girls need their daddies.
countsy says:::
""" From what you've written on your blog, I don't think you're a particularly compassionate human being.""
Funny, I would be very curious as to what (if any) examples you might have to show for that observation. But then we might have very different ideas as to what 'compassion' is.
But we don't REALLY know a whole lot about each other. Who knows? Maybe just maybe,I volunteer at thanksgiving time to help feed masses of homeless families. Maybe I contribute to charities. Maybe I've sponsored children from overseas. Maybe I tithe and give to organizations that help clothe and feed families. Maybe when I go to conventions, I go a little extra early to buy breakfasts for people on the street who might need a little something. Maybe I write emails to our soldiers overseas through organizations such as or '
But who knows? maybe I don't! Maybe I just go through life thinking that someone else will do it, and then bury myself in my industry. In my work. Just bask in my self centered ness.
So yeah..maybe I don't do any of those things. Doesnt really matter if I do or not, as long as SOMEONE does.
countsy says:
"""look, if we ever meet in real life, I don't really see us getting along. ""
Yup. You may be correct on that. Though I'll have you know, My friend Dave was a lefty. He was. I have many many friends that are lefties. And we get along famously. We would have to! You cant have a gig in ANY art industry and NOT have a fair share of lefties as friends.
As far as "friends" go, I take the term "friends" very VERY seriously. Probably TOO seriously.
I would go through a hail of bew-wets for my friends. But there have been times (due to my taking the term "friends" very seriously), when I have had to come to a cross-roads with friends for what ever reason. I've had to be honest with them. The friendships that make it through that, are some of my longest and strongest of friendships. The ones that don't. Don't.
But I wont lie to them. Wont do it.
That's that.
Again, Thanks for the well wishes.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I got an IM from someone on a comic book forum that I frequent, asking me why I haven't responded to a post from my old....friend, robo. Well needless to say, I was kinda puzzled. "WHAT post?" I asked.
I went to where she told me it was, and sure enough, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in a comments section he posted a link to ANOTHER blog.
Well, I was plenty surprised. There was also some nonsense from 'countcrapsalot' that I was thinkin I'd touch on. But Robo's is usually a little more interesting because it has to do with industry stuff and I think that It would be important for us both to understand each other. Even if we don't agree. And I do think hes getting a few things confused. SO..I'll touch on that first.
But it'll have to wait, at least a few days. Reason being, a friend of mine passed away a week ago. And its hit me pretty hard.
So gimme a few days robo. And we'll rap a lil bit. And hopefully we'll both have a better understanding.
(not holding breath)
A word to the not so wise robo: if you want to tell me something, DON'T put it in a past comments section. Be current boy! I'm a happening guy on the move. I have a 'cut off' point to how long I go back and look at OLD comments sections.
Talk to you soon.
I went to where she told me it was, and sure enough, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in a comments section he posted a link to ANOTHER blog.
Well, I was plenty surprised. There was also some nonsense from 'countcrapsalot' that I was thinkin I'd touch on. But Robo's is usually a little more interesting because it has to do with industry stuff and I think that It would be important for us both to understand each other. Even if we don't agree. And I do think hes getting a few things confused. SO..I'll touch on that first.
But it'll have to wait, at least a few days. Reason being, a friend of mine passed away a week ago. And its hit me pretty hard.
So gimme a few days robo. And we'll rap a lil bit. And hopefully we'll both have a better understanding.
(not holding breath)
A word to the not so wise robo: if you want to tell me something, DON'T put it in a past comments section. Be current boy! I'm a happening guy on the move. I have a 'cut off' point to how long I go back and look at OLD comments sections.
Talk to you soon.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Pics from my VACATION!!!!
Well first off, My apologies for a long time being off. Its been kind of a tough two weeks since my return from vacation. More on that later.
BUT NOW!! Here are some of my pictures from my vacation-
Where did you go, you ask? san fransisco? NOOOOOO. Because as we all know only two things come from san fransisco. Piers and.....well, you know.
If your from san fransisco, (or work there)---which one are YOU? Be honest now.
Anyway, I went to.............A L A S K A !
Yes, Alaska. It was beautiful! Truly majestic and jaw dropping! The mountains are just incredible, and....well, there just aren't words to really express it. Simply amazing would be an understatement.
They are currently going through their 24 hour of sunlight faze. Which is just friggin bizarre! It is the strangest thing to be walking on the beach area, with sunlight beaming on you, you look down and see that its 11:00 PM!! And then since they are an hour UNDER calif time, (Two hours under mountain time, THREE hours under central time) ---its LATER THAN THAT!
Here are a handful of pics. The first four are of me and the rest are of some scenery, baby!
By the way, the FIRST PIC is of me holding my fish (Handel and his halibut). The damn things range from the big to the monstrously huge. Mine was in the big(ish)range. 25 pounds. Not too bad.
PIC TWO AND THREE are of me and a feller fisher bloke, talking pictures and composing operas.
PIC FOUR is of me trying on an outfit that I picked up in the shops. I don't know...It fit better in the store. I ultimately abandoned the duds due to them making me look a little.....stumpy.
I was going for that 'Alaskan gangsta' look. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just makes you look stumpy. Oh well. Enjoy!

BUT NOW!! Here are some of my pictures from my vacation-
Where did you go, you ask? san fransisco? NOOOOOO. Because as we all know only two things come from san fransisco. Piers and.....well, you know.
If your from san fransisco, (or work there)---which one are YOU? Be honest now.
Anyway, I went to.............A L A S K A !
Yes, Alaska. It was beautiful! Truly majestic and jaw dropping! The mountains are just incredible, and....well, there just aren't words to really express it. Simply amazing would be an understatement.
They are currently going through their 24 hour of sunlight faze. Which is just friggin bizarre! It is the strangest thing to be walking on the beach area, with sunlight beaming on you, you look down and see that its 11:00 PM!! And then since they are an hour UNDER calif time, (Two hours under mountain time, THREE hours under central time) ---its LATER THAN THAT!
Here are a handful of pics. The first four are of me and the rest are of some scenery, baby!
By the way, the FIRST PIC is of me holding my fish (Handel and his halibut). The damn things range from the big to the monstrously huge. Mine was in the big(ish)range. 25 pounds. Not too bad.
PIC TWO AND THREE are of me and a feller fisher bloke, talking pictures and composing operas.
PIC FOUR is of me trying on an outfit that I picked up in the shops. I don't know...It fit better in the store. I ultimately abandoned the duds due to them making me look a little.....stumpy.
I was going for that 'Alaskan gangsta' look. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just makes you look stumpy. Oh well. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
I say this even to those on the liberal left who don't celebrate the fourth of July, because well they don't believe in it. Happy fourth anyways! I hope you can find your way to the country that DOES share your beliefs and values. Say....Yemen for example!
May God bless and continue to bless this most wonderful of countries.
countsy, robo (edit#3)
countsy. How old are you. Seriously. I mean your lil post directed at me("lame lame lame") read like what a pouty 6 year old would say. Incoherent and very embarrassing.
"""Again, trying to use my own previous insults on me. """
Which insults? What ones are you talking about. I mean you say I'm copying you and then turn around and say;
""" I'll give you credit for this handel. My idea of pulling your crap off your own page came from you. ""
And I HOPE that I didn't give you the idea that I minded that you are screen capping me. I don't mind it at all. Feel free, princess. The more the better.
And just for the record, robo DID need some help. I remember waiting for one of you dilweeds to point out the obvious to him. No one did. Either because to do so, would violate the "PET GENTLY PLEASE" policy that you all have, or you guys didn't catch the all to common mistake. (not saying much for your group in either case if you ask me).
Now whether he appreciates it or not is another thing. But I bet he'll remember that when he comes to another action scene.
As per the comments section that countsy keeps harping on. Let me again recap my thinking.
Way back when I was starting this bloggy, I said that I would have a comments section up at some point. The more I thought about it, the more I thought of how much TIME I spent arguing with everyone on these blogs. And I mean everyone on countsys story blog and robos angry squirrel blog. That to open a comments section would mean that the little time I have for posts would be taken up in the comments section--arguing with countless people. In short, I would not have ANY time to post.
Now lil miss countsy and apparently robo have for whatever reason chalked this up to some notion that I don't want to argue or I'm afraid of debate. This of course is kind of silly since I have several posts arguing back and fourth with them. (and really kinda creaming them).
I basically thought that THIS blog would serve as both blog AND comments section, where I would answer them (while quoting their very words), and they could answer me on their respective blogs. Should they feel so inclined.
Its turned out pretty much how I thought it would.
And who knows, I may yet open the comments section, for now why change whats obviously working. (THIS POST will be what I will direct anyone to if they whine about the comments section again. That way I dont have to keep writing the reason over and over again.)
Please countsy, get someone to proof your posts. Just to make sure that they are...well...worth reading. Being incoherent is not a good thing.
Oh and before I forget, I didn't check the kieth link. I figured If I just read your insipid posts, Its only a touch brighter than kieth's thoughts, so I pretty much get the jist of yours and kieths...intellect. (so-called).
"""Again, trying to use my own previous insults on me. """
Which insults? What ones are you talking about. I mean you say I'm copying you and then turn around and say;
""" I'll give you credit for this handel. My idea of pulling your crap off your own page came from you. ""
And I HOPE that I didn't give you the idea that I minded that you are screen capping me. I don't mind it at all. Feel free, princess. The more the better.
And just for the record, robo DID need some help. I remember waiting for one of you dilweeds to point out the obvious to him. No one did. Either because to do so, would violate the "PET GENTLY PLEASE" policy that you all have, or you guys didn't catch the all to common mistake. (not saying much for your group in either case if you ask me).
Now whether he appreciates it or not is another thing. But I bet he'll remember that when he comes to another action scene.
As per the comments section that countsy keeps harping on. Let me again recap my thinking.
Way back when I was starting this bloggy, I said that I would have a comments section up at some point. The more I thought about it, the more I thought of how much TIME I spent arguing with everyone on these blogs. And I mean everyone on countsys story blog and robos angry squirrel blog. That to open a comments section would mean that the little time I have for posts would be taken up in the comments section--arguing with countless people. In short, I would not have ANY time to post.
Now lil miss countsy and apparently robo have for whatever reason chalked this up to some notion that I don't want to argue or I'm afraid of debate. This of course is kind of silly since I have several posts arguing back and fourth with them. (and really kinda creaming them).
I basically thought that THIS blog would serve as both blog AND comments section, where I would answer them (while quoting their very words), and they could answer me on their respective blogs. Should they feel so inclined.
Its turned out pretty much how I thought it would.
And who knows, I may yet open the comments section, for now why change whats obviously working. (THIS POST will be what I will direct anyone to if they whine about the comments section again. That way I dont have to keep writing the reason over and over again.)
Please countsy, get someone to proof your posts. Just to make sure that they are...well...worth reading. Being incoherent is not a good thing.
Oh and before I forget, I didn't check the kieth link. I figured If I just read your insipid posts, Its only a touch brighter than kieth's thoughts, so I pretty much get the jist of yours and kieths...intellect. (so-called).
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
countsy,robo (edit#2)
Well robo keeps yakkin at me, so lets not be rude-lets answer the sister shall we?
robo says:::
""Oh! Handel!!! Wow!! Fast answer!""
thank you, I'm very quick.
"""Way to backpedal, pal. If you say you weren't disparaging Peet's drawing ability, then fine. However, if you go back and read your Peet post, if you are really honest with yourself, then you'll see how I drew that conclusion."""
I'm not backpedalin' robo. Why would I need to backpedal? To keep from hurting someones feelings? Comon. I know what I said. I DID go back and re-read my peet posts. I read my posts SINCE them. I said "peet was a great story man" "the greatest story man that ever lived", "a great artist". Where...WHERE did I say that he was not good at drawing? WHERE did I disparage his work? Point it out to me.
My comments had to do with WHO he was comparing his ability to, belittling others draughtsmanship. I said that if you compare a drawing of his to just a toss off drawing from any animator, that its on par. But if you compare a dumbo to a dumbo..its not as good.
Here is the reason why a plain drawing put side by side any animators drawing, it might be on par..the reason its a 'great drawing' is: that there are many factors that make a 'great drawing'. And while something might lack in draughtsmanship, it makes up for in clarity and appeal (amongst other dynamics like attitude and emotion.)
COMON man, is that so hard for you to follow. Do we really have to go back to school for this??
Please DO point out where I've said that I have a low opinion of Peets drawing ability- or for that matter story artists drawing ability. What have I said that ISN'T TRUE.
Searching for responses took no time at all, really. I did it while eating lunch and making phonecalls. No one is talking about you or your article.
Uh oh! Robo's making phone calls! Let me see if I have this correct. An industry goof-is making phone calls to....OTHER industry goofs to see if they have read a blog post about an industry goof. He comes to the conclusion that in his mass network of people that he knows (which apparently both consists of 80 % of the world population who apparently work in the animation industry) has never heard of the posts I made regarding Bill Peet. So one is reading it?
Folks, If you read back to some of my earlier posts, You will see where I stated that the industry has gotten very incestuous. Very 'clicky'. And all you have to do is read 'robo's lil bit there to see what I mean. The world as he sees it consists of the people he knows in studio and in the industry. To people like robo and countsy...It truly is a small world after all.
"""robo says::
""" Me Self centered? Arrogant? Doof? """
You see? NOW your listening! Gold star for you!
robo says:::
""" On a side note it's hilarious that you think that YOU are the reason that Will Finn started moderating his comments.
Your comment on his blog was obnoxious and stupid, it didn't bother him that much. Naw, it was a different jackass that got Will's goat.
And he's never seen your blog either.
Otherwise, he would have written me a quick e-mail asking why you wrote that ridiculous post about him."""
Robo, sweatypie ( and yes..I meant to spell it that way). I don't think that it was ME that was the reason that Will started to moderate his comments. I DO think that by him listing me, tells me that he was playing it cautious. I don't blame him.
Further, I simply said that I was sure that someone told him about me. Some one did. YOU. You did in the comment almost DIRECTLY after mine, warning him "don't pay any attention to.."""
Or don't you remember that? Its probably still there. Go and looky at it if you need some memories jolted.
As for my comments being 'obnoxious and stupid'. Nonsense. They were spot on. If you would like to argue the point. I'm game if you are, but you've lost before you've even begun. Trust me.
And I don't care if it it 'bothered him'. Its not my intent to 'bother him'.
And I don't care that "hes never seen my blog either".
My blog isn't meant for industry goons. That's your bag.
Mine is what it is.
By the way, What is the "ridiculous thing that I said about him"? I don't think that I said anything about HIM. Robo....are you making things up again? Now you know how that frustrates me, so.
The thing that's worse than a lite fibber is a full on liar.
robo says::
""" I gotta tell ya, that one even had ME scratching my head.
I thought "Geez, I know Handel is an ass, but why would he take a crack at someone who has never said an unkind word to are about him AT ALL?"""
Well, are you sure your scratching isn't due to something else? Perhaps some head and shoulders might do you well. I think Andreas told me that if you find small Australian Pygmies to pee on your head, that THAT might do the trick. But I think Andreas motives were suspect. (AHEM).
Robo...I think your a lil crazy. I think your a lil pathological in fact. PLEASE tell me what I said to Will that made you red in your lil ole cheeks? Tell me. Please...I'm askin nice and all.
I mean JEEEZE!
'Project much'?
"robo says::
""" In all seriousness though, I'm not the one who is constantly rememnding everyone how clever and smart I am.
I'm fairly aware of my place in the grand scheme of things. It's pretty small. But that's okay. Life is good."""
Well in all seriousness, robo..I myself am not all that smart or clever. Apparently just smarter and more clever than your average story artist. (sorry countsy-that means you to.)
I'm glad that you realize your place in the grand scheme of things. it IS small. But your world is small. The 'clik' is small. The network is small. It makes you a little on the 'elitist side'.
But it doesn't matter that your world is small, as long as you continue to believe that it should always revolve around you.
And yes...Life is good. Because as long as you continue to believe that, nothing else matters, does it?
robo says::
""" But you love me, don't you.
You can't stop thinking about me.
You lie awake dreaming of ways to get my attention.
You're so cute.""
Uhhh..yeah, sure. Whatever gets you through the lonely times, sugah.
robo says::
"""Oh, and try googling my real name next time and not "robo", silly. Or google "Chippy and Loopus." You'll get a few hits. Not many, but a few.
Congratulations on getting a Cintiq, Handel!!
You can use it is it you do again?"""
Oh, I googled your real name, along with 'robo', and even a few that I just made up that seemed to fit the bill. Nothin'. So again...I think your fibbing. (tsk tsk).
As to what I do? well, I'm very blessed in that I have more than one skill. In which art industry are you asking about?
You see, I find that the more you know and the more you do..obviously the more rounded a person is. The better a person is. The more he can bring to the table.
Unfortunately there are many that are happy to be industry drones. Happy with just slagging along. Doing the same type of film over and over and over and over and over and over again. It doesn't matter to them really, so why change. That would mean changing it up abit and THAT would take work. Some just aren't comfy with that. I think that's rather sad.
Don't you agree?
If so...what is it that YOU do? How many industries have you done work in? Styles? Genres?
You get back to me on that.
robo says:::
""Oh! Handel!!! Wow!! Fast answer!""
thank you, I'm very quick.
"""Way to backpedal, pal. If you say you weren't disparaging Peet's drawing ability, then fine. However, if you go back and read your Peet post, if you are really honest with yourself, then you'll see how I drew that conclusion."""
I'm not backpedalin' robo. Why would I need to backpedal? To keep from hurting someones feelings? Comon. I know what I said. I DID go back and re-read my peet posts. I read my posts SINCE them. I said "peet was a great story man" "the greatest story man that ever lived", "a great artist". Where...WHERE did I say that he was not good at drawing? WHERE did I disparage his work? Point it out to me.
My comments had to do with WHO he was comparing his ability to, belittling others draughtsmanship. I said that if you compare a drawing of his to just a toss off drawing from any animator, that its on par. But if you compare a dumbo to a dumbo..its not as good.
Here is the reason why a plain drawing put side by side any animators drawing, it might be on par..the reason its a 'great drawing' is: that there are many factors that make a 'great drawing'. And while something might lack in draughtsmanship, it makes up for in clarity and appeal (amongst other dynamics like attitude and emotion.)
COMON man, is that so hard for you to follow. Do we really have to go back to school for this??
Please DO point out where I've said that I have a low opinion of Peets drawing ability- or for that matter story artists drawing ability. What have I said that ISN'T TRUE.
Searching for responses took no time at all, really. I did it while eating lunch and making phonecalls. No one is talking about you or your article.
Uh oh! Robo's making phone calls! Let me see if I have this correct. An industry goof-is making phone calls to....OTHER industry goofs to see if they have read a blog post about an industry goof. He comes to the conclusion that in his mass network of people that he knows (which apparently both consists of 80 % of the world population who apparently work in the animation industry) has never heard of the posts I made regarding Bill Peet. So one is reading it?
Folks, If you read back to some of my earlier posts, You will see where I stated that the industry has gotten very incestuous. Very 'clicky'. And all you have to do is read 'robo's lil bit there to see what I mean. The world as he sees it consists of the people he knows in studio and in the industry. To people like robo and countsy...It truly is a small world after all.
"""robo says::
""" Me Self centered? Arrogant? Doof? """
You see? NOW your listening! Gold star for you!
robo says:::
""" On a side note it's hilarious that you think that YOU are the reason that Will Finn started moderating his comments.
Your comment on his blog was obnoxious and stupid, it didn't bother him that much. Naw, it was a different jackass that got Will's goat.
And he's never seen your blog either.
Otherwise, he would have written me a quick e-mail asking why you wrote that ridiculous post about him."""
Robo, sweatypie ( and yes..I meant to spell it that way). I don't think that it was ME that was the reason that Will started to moderate his comments. I DO think that by him listing me, tells me that he was playing it cautious. I don't blame him.
Further, I simply said that I was sure that someone told him about me. Some one did. YOU. You did in the comment almost DIRECTLY after mine, warning him "don't pay any attention to.."""
Or don't you remember that? Its probably still there. Go and looky at it if you need some memories jolted.
As for my comments being 'obnoxious and stupid'. Nonsense. They were spot on. If you would like to argue the point. I'm game if you are, but you've lost before you've even begun. Trust me.
And I don't care if it it 'bothered him'. Its not my intent to 'bother him'.
And I don't care that "hes never seen my blog either".
My blog isn't meant for industry goons. That's your bag.
Mine is what it is.
By the way, What is the "ridiculous thing that I said about him"? I don't think that I said anything about HIM. Robo....are you making things up again? Now you know how that frustrates me, so.
The thing that's worse than a lite fibber is a full on liar.
robo says::
""" I gotta tell ya, that one even had ME scratching my head.
I thought "Geez, I know Handel is an ass, but why would he take a crack at someone who has never said an unkind word to are about him AT ALL?"""
Well, are you sure your scratching isn't due to something else? Perhaps some head and shoulders might do you well. I think Andreas told me that if you find small Australian Pygmies to pee on your head, that THAT might do the trick. But I think Andreas motives were suspect. (AHEM).
Robo...I think your a lil crazy. I think your a lil pathological in fact. PLEASE tell me what I said to Will that made you red in your lil ole cheeks? Tell me. Please...I'm askin nice and all.
I mean JEEEZE!
'Project much'?
"robo says::
""" In all seriousness though, I'm not the one who is constantly rememnding everyone how clever and smart I am.
I'm fairly aware of my place in the grand scheme of things. It's pretty small. But that's okay. Life is good."""
Well in all seriousness, robo..I myself am not all that smart or clever. Apparently just smarter and more clever than your average story artist. (sorry countsy-that means you to.)
I'm glad that you realize your place in the grand scheme of things. it IS small. But your world is small. The 'clik' is small. The network is small. It makes you a little on the 'elitist side'.
But it doesn't matter that your world is small, as long as you continue to believe that it should always revolve around you.
And yes...Life is good. Because as long as you continue to believe that, nothing else matters, does it?
robo says::
""" But you love me, don't you.
You can't stop thinking about me.
You lie awake dreaming of ways to get my attention.
You're so cute.""
Uhhh..yeah, sure. Whatever gets you through the lonely times, sugah.
robo says::
"""Oh, and try googling my real name next time and not "robo", silly. Or google "Chippy and Loopus." You'll get a few hits. Not many, but a few.
Congratulations on getting a Cintiq, Handel!!
You can use it is it you do again?"""
Oh, I googled your real name, along with 'robo', and even a few that I just made up that seemed to fit the bill. Nothin'. So again...I think your fibbing. (tsk tsk).
As to what I do? well, I'm very blessed in that I have more than one skill. In which art industry are you asking about?
You see, I find that the more you know and the more you do..obviously the more rounded a person is. The better a person is. The more he can bring to the table.
Unfortunately there are many that are happy to be industry drones. Happy with just slagging along. Doing the same type of film over and over and over and over and over and over again. It doesn't matter to them really, so why change. That would mean changing it up abit and THAT would take work. Some just aren't comfy with that. I think that's rather sad.
Don't you agree?
If so...what is it that YOU do? How many industries have you done work in? Styles? Genres?
You get back to me on that.
Hiya countsy and robo!(EDIT)
Well, as I'm trying to figure out my next post, I see that robo has posted a response to MY response. Rather than wait for someone to read my post to countsy and help him with the big words, I thought I would do a post for my lil pony, 'robo'.
Robo says:::
""He disagrees with my assessment of Bill Peet's drawing ability.
Hand seems to have a rather low opinion of the drawing ability of story artists in general and Mr. Peet's in particular. Nothing I can do to change that, I'm afraid, as this is a ridiculously wrong-headied opinion colored by personal bias."""
Now robo, I'm not sure of which of the two of you have the more challenging disability. 'Countsy' cant figure out how to communicate clearly, and YOU don't seem to listen too well.
I DON'T disagree with you on Peets drawing ability. He drew wonderfully, and beautifully. I never said that he didn't. In fact, IF you look at my post, I said that if you took his drawing of anything, and put it alongside any animators typical drawing or sketch, I would put it in its own way- on par with any of them. BUT if the intent is to draw DUMBO or any other character, and place it alongside an animators drawing of DUMBO, again with the INTENT being to draw
.........D U M B O.
yeah...Its not as good. Its not MEANT to be. In fairness, typical story guys aren't supposed to draw anything WELL, there supposed to draw it CLEAR. And fast. And if its well drawn, well that's a bonus too.
I have ALWAYS said that.
I also think that's something that creates a bit of a crutch for story people as well. Animators fall victim to other things. I'll talk about that at a later point.
I hope I've stated it for you in a way you'll understand. Let me know. If its still not clear, I'll double space it next time.
And for the record, I have no personal bias. I just speak'a da trufe! I certainly do not have a low opinion of Mr Peet's work. He was an originator, not a copier. I respect that about him.
As for you 'googling' responses to my bill peet posts. And checking around and asking (lil on the sad side).
But just for giggles, I wanted to see what did turn up. So I googled it myself and threw your name and countsy's name in there...I didn't even get YOU GUYS, much less anyone else.
But no doubt you did a much better check than I did. I mean you asked people! And in 'robo's world, the entire world revolves AROUND robo, and consists of only the people that robo knows or hangs out with. (READ: self centered arrogant doof?)
BUT you didn't find anything regarding my posts,,neither did I --even with your name typed in there for good measure. Perhaps you did a better search than I did. No doubt you did. I mean, after DO have a wacom/cintique.
(oh do I...)
And if you like to believe that no one is reading, that's your choice robo. But people are interested for whatever reason some of my takes on the industry. That's not bragging, I don't know why. I can only guess that they find it interesting because they don't hear the type of things that I express on any given subject. Its usually, "look at my drawing co-worker, tell me I'm neat", type of stuff.
Who knows why people find it mildly interesting. They find all sorts of silly things interesting. Whether it be industry junk, to doilies, to silly cursing squirrels.
And I'm in all sorts of forums, Robo. All sorts of them. You've even seen me in a few of those others. So yeah....I've had many a good chat about them. Don't believe me? Well, what can I say other than......'so?'
I'm glad I'm your favorite wackpacker (what ever that is).
Now go help countsy with the big words and have him help you understand them.
Robo says:::
""He disagrees with my assessment of Bill Peet's drawing ability.
Hand seems to have a rather low opinion of the drawing ability of story artists in general and Mr. Peet's in particular. Nothing I can do to change that, I'm afraid, as this is a ridiculously wrong-headied opinion colored by personal bias."""
Now robo, I'm not sure of which of the two of you have the more challenging disability. 'Countsy' cant figure out how to communicate clearly, and YOU don't seem to listen too well.
I DON'T disagree with you on Peets drawing ability. He drew wonderfully, and beautifully. I never said that he didn't. In fact, IF you look at my post, I said that if you took his drawing of anything, and put it alongside any animators typical drawing or sketch, I would put it in its own way- on par with any of them. BUT if the intent is to draw DUMBO or any other character, and place it alongside an animators drawing of DUMBO, again with the INTENT being to draw
.........D U M B O.
yeah...Its not as good. Its not MEANT to be. In fairness, typical story guys aren't supposed to draw anything WELL, there supposed to draw it CLEAR. And fast. And if its well drawn, well that's a bonus too.
I have ALWAYS said that.
I also think that's something that creates a bit of a crutch for story people as well. Animators fall victim to other things. I'll talk about that at a later point.
I hope I've stated it for you in a way you'll understand. Let me know. If its still not clear, I'll double space it next time.
And for the record, I have no personal bias. I just speak'a da trufe! I certainly do not have a low opinion of Mr Peet's work. He was an originator, not a copier. I respect that about him.
As for you 'googling' responses to my bill peet posts. And checking around and asking (lil on the sad side).
But just for giggles, I wanted to see what did turn up. So I googled it myself and threw your name and countsy's name in there...I didn't even get YOU GUYS, much less anyone else.
But no doubt you did a much better check than I did. I mean you asked people! And in 'robo's world, the entire world revolves AROUND robo, and consists of only the people that robo knows or hangs out with. (READ: self centered arrogant doof?)
BUT you didn't find anything regarding my posts,,neither did I --even with your name typed in there for good measure. Perhaps you did a better search than I did. No doubt you did. I mean, after DO have a wacom/cintique.
(oh do I...)
And if you like to believe that no one is reading, that's your choice robo. But people are interested for whatever reason some of my takes on the industry. That's not bragging, I don't know why. I can only guess that they find it interesting because they don't hear the type of things that I express on any given subject. Its usually, "look at my drawing co-worker, tell me I'm neat", type of stuff.
Who knows why people find it mildly interesting. They find all sorts of silly things interesting. Whether it be industry junk, to doilies, to silly cursing squirrels.
And I'm in all sorts of forums, Robo. All sorts of them. You've even seen me in a few of those others. So yeah....I've had many a good chat about them. Don't believe me? Well, what can I say other than......'so?'
I'm glad I'm your favorite wackpacker (what ever that is).
Now go help countsy with the big words and have him help you understand them.
Well, it seems as though I've kicked over a stone and a couple of 'story guys' crawled out.
Let me take a moment to answer ole countsy-poo's post.
When I read through it, it read kinda like the hysterical raves of a ditched girlfriend.
All the way through where he complains again, for what seems to be the hundreth time about me not having a comments section (as if we havent gone through that over and over again).
Which kind of sounds like that old jilted girlfriend who leaves countless messages on your machine saying things like: "Why dont you call me!, why dont you return my CALLLLLS!I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!" And starts crying and screaming on the phone.
HAHA! seriously, if you look at his entry, he EVEN has a bit of my post on my bloggy screen capped on his blog, some of my post circled in white and some circled in RED! With words written maniacally.
Have you ever seen a movie where the guy returns home, and looks at the mirror and there's a crazy message written in lipstick?
Yup. I half way expect to have my dog turn up in a boiling pot.
Its not surprising tho, you see 'countsy' is a leftist liberal...and liberals are an emotional mess.
What I found the most entertaining was his last sentence in the actual post:
countsy says:::
"""p.s. sorry about the sloppy handwriting on the pics. Hard to write with the old 1st gen. Wacom tablet I have at home. Man I need a Cintiq at home..."""
Isn't that precious? I've heard other story guys make remarks about wacoms and cintiq's. As if they have learned to fly the space shuttle because they are now doing more of their scribbling on high tech pads. Gimme a break......
NOW! The comments in countsies comments section. It was nice to see that countsy let the leash go long so that robo could come out to make a nice little bark and poopy on the floor.
"robo says:::
"""Sometimes, he has something interesting, like the Bill Peet interview, which I liked. Believe it or not, I agreed with Handel when he said he thought it was sad that Peet was making all sorts of outrageous claims about his accomplishments, although I disagree with some of the particulars (I've seen Peet's Dumbo drawings first hand. He drew as well as ANY animator, but I still don't believe he had to re-draw Tytla's scene.)"""
Robo, stop being so friggin self centered. Its not all about you and YOUR comments. Do you think your the only one reading this junk? MMMMNNNOOOOOOOO?
You did say that I hate story artists. Yes you did. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have a grand respect for the story man. (Except the ones who 'slept' there way to get there-uncool.) There are some great great people out there. And I tip my toupee' to them.
What I am speaking of, is a very large group of people, some story artists, some animators, artists that cover the spectrum of the animation industry. I just haven't gotten around to the others yet. But I will. Trust me, I will.
People are interested, and I will let them know from a very honest viewpoint...the good, the bad, and the countsy, I mean ugly.
I'm glad that you find me a guilty lil pleasure. I guess I'm like candy. Sweet and delicious. I'm here to spread my sugary goodness to all the fat people in the world. Eat up, hun.
Now, we come to the other cheek of the proverbial ass. Countsy.
countsy says
""I know what you mean, John. I mostly do the same thing, ignore him. And I totally know what you mean about him being a guilty pleasure. I guess this is really my issue. But like I said, I think I've come to think of Handjob as representing a number of people, and a certain mindset. So it's not really as much about handjob himself, but what he stands for, which I'm gonna address soon...""
Dude, do you think before you start writing? Are you a foreign student? I mean you don't even make sense sometimes. CLARITY, boy--C L A R I T Y!
This is "really your issue"? What is your issue? You say you ignore me mostly and then whine and stomp your rhinestone slippers because there's no comments page so you can....what?...ignore me?
I don't get you, man-cub. I think...I think you secretly find me attractive, and you want to whisper ugly countsy nothings (which I'm sure sounds like crusty burps smelling of old bacon and tofu), into my ear.
Dude...let me say this in the most delicate way. I don't go that way. I don't love you...I think your hideous. You remind me of smelly feet with a mouth full of yellow jagged teeth.
I DO give you permission to pine for me, though. All lowly scum must have something to live for. Like clam chowder and beef jerky.
And as for what I stand for? What would THAT BE? Ah yes...
All of which, being a leftist liberal, YOU wouldn't understand. Don't strain yourself, poindexter.
And lastly, 'ass in training': lil 'jack'.
Well lil 'jack-ass in training'...I'm unfamiliar with you lil feller, so I'm going to let you off with a warning. In short...
Your out of your league.
(Just ask countsy and robo what that feels like).
Watch a lil bit. See how countsy and robo and scrbbls take a blow to the cranium. How they pick themselves up, out of there own poo, to say: THANK YOU SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!" Only to be slapped down again.
After you observe that a few times...then and ONLY then, will I give you the pleasure of having the verbal and intellectual crap kicked out of your ears.
Let me take a moment to answer ole countsy-poo's post.
When I read through it, it read kinda like the hysterical raves of a ditched girlfriend.
All the way through where he complains again, for what seems to be the hundreth time about me not having a comments section (as if we havent gone through that over and over again).
Which kind of sounds like that old jilted girlfriend who leaves countless messages on your machine saying things like: "Why dont you call me!, why dont you return my CALLLLLS!I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!" And starts crying and screaming on the phone.
HAHA! seriously, if you look at his entry, he EVEN has a bit of my post on my bloggy screen capped on his blog, some of my post circled in white and some circled in RED! With words written maniacally.
Have you ever seen a movie where the guy returns home, and looks at the mirror and there's a crazy message written in lipstick?
Yup. I half way expect to have my dog turn up in a boiling pot.
Its not surprising tho, you see 'countsy' is a leftist liberal...and liberals are an emotional mess.
What I found the most entertaining was his last sentence in the actual post:
countsy says:::
"""p.s. sorry about the sloppy handwriting on the pics. Hard to write with the old 1st gen. Wacom tablet I have at home. Man I need a Cintiq at home..."""
Isn't that precious? I've heard other story guys make remarks about wacoms and cintiq's. As if they have learned to fly the space shuttle because they are now doing more of their scribbling on high tech pads. Gimme a break......
NOW! The comments in countsies comments section. It was nice to see that countsy let the leash go long so that robo could come out to make a nice little bark and poopy on the floor.
"robo says:::
"""Sometimes, he has something interesting, like the Bill Peet interview, which I liked. Believe it or not, I agreed with Handel when he said he thought it was sad that Peet was making all sorts of outrageous claims about his accomplishments, although I disagree with some of the particulars (I've seen Peet's Dumbo drawings first hand. He drew as well as ANY animator, but I still don't believe he had to re-draw Tytla's scene.)"""
Peet was a damn good story artist, but he did not draw anything as good as an animator. I've seen those Dumbo boards, and if they weren't supposed to be DUMBO I would take them as just great drawings and place them on a par with ANY animators sketch or toss off drawing. But if its DUMBO then I compare it to the animators DUMBO drawings.
They're not as good. Your seeing things through a story guys eyes. Compare apples to apples, not apples to road kill.
Robo says:
"""However, I don't think these claims are any sadder than any of the crazy claims made by Chuck Jones, Bob Kane, or Frank and Ollie in regards to their accomplishments.""
True.But the difference is that I've read very few people go out so publicly and be as insulting to people as Peet has. Perhaps I'm wrong. If you have any articles or interviews that you can point me to, I'd appreciate it--I love that stuff. Art Babbit probably has said a few nuggets of fun, I'm sure that Kahl has said many fun things as well. Again, perhaps I'm wrong.
I'd be pretty stunned to see if Jones has said anything to the level of what Peet has said.
I also don't think Ollie and Frank have, They're just to classy a pair to have done it publicly.
Look, Bill Peet is who he is! And I love him for it. Anyway...
Robo says::
""Somehow Handel thinks he's raised a storm of controversy with his Peet posts. He hasn't. I think he got that idea from something I said about him over at Will Finn's blog about him "hating story artists""".
They're not as good. Your seeing things through a story guys eyes. Compare apples to apples, not apples to road kill.
Robo says:
"""However, I don't think these claims are any sadder than any of the crazy claims made by Chuck Jones, Bob Kane, or Frank and Ollie in regards to their accomplishments.""
True.But the difference is that I've read very few people go out so publicly and be as insulting to people as Peet has. Perhaps I'm wrong. If you have any articles or interviews that you can point me to, I'd appreciate it--I love that stuff. Art Babbit probably has said a few nuggets of fun, I'm sure that Kahl has said many fun things as well. Again, perhaps I'm wrong.
I'd be pretty stunned to see if Jones has said anything to the level of what Peet has said.
I also don't think Ollie and Frank have, They're just to classy a pair to have done it publicly.
Look, Bill Peet is who he is! And I love him for it. Anyway...
Robo says::
""Somehow Handel thinks he's raised a storm of controversy with his Peet posts. He hasn't. I think he got that idea from something I said about him over at Will Finn's blog about him "hating story artists""".
Robo, stop being so friggin self centered. Its not all about you and YOUR comments. Do you think your the only one reading this junk? MMMMNNNOOOOOOOO?
You did say that I hate story artists. Yes you did. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have a grand respect for the story man. (Except the ones who 'slept' there way to get there-uncool.) There are some great great people out there. And I tip my toupee' to them.
What I am speaking of, is a very large group of people, some story artists, some animators, artists that cover the spectrum of the animation industry. I just haven't gotten around to the others yet. But I will. Trust me, I will.
People are interested, and I will let them know from a very honest viewpoint...the good, the bad, and the countsy, I mean ugly.
I'm glad that you find me a guilty lil pleasure. I guess I'm like candy. Sweet and delicious. I'm here to spread my sugary goodness to all the fat people in the world. Eat up, hun.
Now, we come to the other cheek of the proverbial ass. Countsy.
countsy says
""I know what you mean, John. I mostly do the same thing, ignore him. And I totally know what you mean about him being a guilty pleasure. I guess this is really my issue. But like I said, I think I've come to think of Handjob as representing a number of people, and a certain mindset. So it's not really as much about handjob himself, but what he stands for, which I'm gonna address soon...""
Dude, do you think before you start writing? Are you a foreign student? I mean you don't even make sense sometimes. CLARITY, boy--C L A R I T Y!
This is "really your issue"? What is your issue? You say you ignore me mostly and then whine and stomp your rhinestone slippers because there's no comments page so you can....what?...ignore me?
I don't get you, man-cub. I think...I think you secretly find me attractive, and you want to whisper ugly countsy nothings (which I'm sure sounds like crusty burps smelling of old bacon and tofu), into my ear.
Dude...let me say this in the most delicate way. I don't go that way. I don't love you...I think your hideous. You remind me of smelly feet with a mouth full of yellow jagged teeth.
I DO give you permission to pine for me, though. All lowly scum must have something to live for. Like clam chowder and beef jerky.
And as for what I stand for? What would THAT BE? Ah yes...
All of which, being a leftist liberal, YOU wouldn't understand. Don't strain yourself, poindexter.
And lastly, 'ass in training': lil 'jack'.
Well lil 'jack-ass in training'...I'm unfamiliar with you lil feller, so I'm going to let you off with a warning. In short...
Your out of your league.
(Just ask countsy and robo what that feels like).
Watch a lil bit. See how countsy and robo and scrbbls take a blow to the cranium. How they pick themselves up, out of there own poo, to say: THANK YOU SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!" Only to be slapped down again.
After you observe that a few times...then and ONLY then, will I give you the pleasure of having the verbal and intellectual crap kicked out of your ears.
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