Wednesday, July 18, 2007


countsy says:::
""Handel, you don't have to believe this. I don't care if you do or not. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost both my grandparents this year. I know from loss. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Don't get me wrong. From what you've written on your blog, I don't think you're a particularly compassionate human being. But I do believe somewhere down in you there is a human being. There has to be somewhere. Any human being grieves at loss. And look, if we ever meet in real life, I don't really see us getting along. But death is death. Again, I am sorry for your loss. You can believe that or not. Sorry about your friend.""

I take your well wishes at face value. And I do thank you for them. Dave was a sweet sweet guy. He left behind a Beautiful wife and an even more beautiful little girl. The news of his passing came the same time as I heard about the little girl that was taken, abused and killed by a monster piece of filth in Washington.
The combination of those two things broke my heart.
Children hurting. Pains me more than anything else. In my friends case, the thing that cut me deep, deeper than Dave's passing itself, was his little girls ache.

Little girls need their daddies.

countsy says:::

From what you've written on your blog, I don't think you're a particularly compassionate human being.""

Funny, I would be very curious as to what (if any) examples you might have to show for that observation. But then we might have very different ideas as to what 'compassion' is.
But we don't REALLY know a whole lot about each other. Who knows? Maybe just maybe,I volunteer at thanksgiving time to help feed masses of homeless families. Maybe I contribute to charities. Maybe I've sponsored children from overseas. Maybe I tithe and give to organizations that help clothe and feed families. Maybe when I go to conventions, I go a little extra early to buy breakfasts for people on the street who might need a little something. Maybe I write emails to our soldiers overseas through organizations such as or '


But who knows? maybe I don't! Maybe I just go through life thinking that someone else will do it, and then bury myself in my industry. In my work. Just bask in my self centered ness.
So yeah..maybe I don't do any of those things. Doesnt really matter if I do or not, as long as SOMEONE does.

countsy says:

"""look, if we ever meet in real life, I don't really see us getting along. ""

Yup. You may be correct on that. Though I'll have you know, My friend Dave was a lefty. He was. I have many many friends that are lefties. And we get along famously. We would have to! You cant have a gig in ANY art industry and NOT have a fair share of lefties as friends.
As far as "friends" go, I take the term "friends" very VERY seriously. Probably TOO seriously.
I would go through a hail of bew-wets for my friends. But there have been times (due to my taking the term "friends" very seriously), when I have had to come to a cross-roads with friends for what ever reason. I've had to be honest with them. The friendships that make it through that, are some of my longest and strongest of friendships. The ones that don't. Don't.
But I wont lie to them. Wont do it.
That's that.

Again, Thanks for the well wishes.