Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well I know that I was going to give my next post as a response to your challenge to me on 'story artists'. But I saw some of the comments you left about my lil banter with countsy, I was a little surprised that you got such a rise out of such a small passerby comment. Kinda fascinating really. But ok. Worth a response.

Obviously, you didn't find it as humorous as countsy.

""robo says:
"" Yeah. Fucking hilarious. Only Handel's should read "Pompous Douchebag" with and arrow pointing up."""

So you piggy back on my joke. Fine. I know it can be difficult to think quick on your feet. Forgiven.

"""Be myself, Handel dear? I've never been anything but!"""


"""UNfortunately, I won't be at the con.
I'm sorry I'll be missing you.
I'm sure you will be at a "Counterstrike" booth with a huge banner and a name tag that says "Hi, I'm Handel" and you'll be hawking bound copies of yiour rants to the passerby.
Oh wait, no you won't.
That would require "Cahones".
Hi-Ho, Douchebag."""

Aaaaand that was the extent of the comment/post. Nothing all that dynamic or exciting or even tough, and sadly rather thoughtless. No biggie. I think your capable of much better than that, so I thought 'ok, robo is mad about the slim jims comment.'
But what I thought was really funny was countsy's followup with:

"""Holy shit John! You've out-hated me to handel this time! ...""""

That is such A PANIC! 'OH wow robo, you suuure told him!'
I actually had to go back and re-read your post robo, to see if I missed the shot that supposedly parted my hair.
Was it the part where imaginary Handel is 'hawking copies of rants" at comicon?
Was it the "oh wait, no you wont?"

OOOOOf! I'm wounded!

Was it the "douchebag" comment?


I'm personally thinkin it was the " HI-HO", myself


Anyway!There wasn't allot there. But again, I found it bizarre that countsy for WHATEVER reason thought that there was.
It kinda reminds me of a game show called "the Family Feud". I don't know if your familiar with it. Being that you two argue like a couple of 17 year olds, It may be a little before your time.
But in the game show, each group had to come up with an answer to a question and once he/she did give an answer, no matter how stupid,insipid, assinine...the rest of the group would chime in with a "GOOD ANSWER! GOOD ANSWER!! WOOT WOOT! GOOD ANSWER!"
HAHA! That's what countsy's response to your comment reminded me of.

But THEN! Then you come back with another comment, which was just astonishing to me. For several reasons.
Lets break it down shall we?

robo says:
"""he has it in his head that I am not being myself and giving into pack mentality regarding the war and how GW is doing in general."""

Not quite. I think your in an industry. An industry -yes- with a pack mentality. And I think your easily influenced. It takes no effort to 'go with the flow'. Just straighten your tail (from its tucked position), close your eyes and let the current take you where it may.
It takes real strength to go against the current. Courage to fight upstream. Effort.
You seem to have chosen the same pansy ass views as several in that industry have.
You've chosen to believe in the idiotic notion that the biggest threat to humanity is the lie of man made 'global warming'. While I on the other hand believe that its the threat of global terrorism.
Your go with the flow attitude aligns you with those that poo poo on that. "WHAT global terrorism? its a bumper sticker!"
Its incredible that in the past THREE dem debates, NOT ONE of them mentioned terrorism.
Incredible. Not ONCE. Pathetic. Or don't you think so?
Go with flow. Just let the current take ya. That way you can hang with the other dolts at 'Dalton's', And pretend to be intellectuals.
Again, you can choose your views as you like. But from this stand point it reminds me of the same weak pansies in the 60's (who we call leftist baby boomers) who were saying anything to just get lucky with some hairy feminist who was pissed off at men and yet did everything to be just like them. Those same people grew up to be democrat leaders like harry reid. A pillar of strength- striking fear in the hearts of terrorists. And probably will be one of the first that the bad guys throw into a burka and give a clitorectomy to.
But again...Your choice.
But I'll challenge you on it, robo. Like it or not.
Lets see how you do.

""robo says:
"""Apparently, he thinks that people stay frozen in time and don't grow and change. Things change. People change, tastes change. When I was a teenager, I hated jazz and would listen to nothing but heavy metal. Now, while I still enjoy Megadeth and Metallica, I also love Charlie Parker, Dizzie Gillespie, Coleman Hawkins, etc.
I grew up. I opened my mind."""

Well good for you, robo...I guess. Good for you. But your doing it again. You list alot of different types of MUSIC and view that as "growing up". Robo, that's not growing up. That's borrowing Cd's and signing up with napster.
Who cares? Who cares about the music you listen to now? Your a late bloomer, ok. You should have listened to jazz when you were a punk ass kid, rather than waiting till you were a taller punk ass kid.
Jazz. Good stuff. But...so what?
Once again you have listed the most unimportant things in the world..media/cultural crap...as evidence of 'opening your mind' and 'growing up'.
I call it shallow.
That's the current that you and yours flow in. A fast, steady flow..But the water is shallow.
But at least its safe.

Lastly, you then go on some stupid tear on ::

"""Why, once upon a time, I knew a young man who was absolutely incensed by an "Official English" initiative in a certain Southwestern city in a State shaped like a square. He was also fond of saying "American isn't any better than any other country in the world" and actually agreed with a few thiings said by Mohmar Khadafi in a televison interview regarding America.
This young man grew up too, eventually adoptiing some remarkably conservative viewpoints.
People change. """

I mean what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? What do I care about someone you knew who listened to kadafi and was bugged about English, blah blah blah?
I mean talk about a weird tangent. What does that have to do with anything that I'VE said? What does it matter to ME?
I mean its almost pathological.

You are correct that people change. Times change. Its natural. It happens to us all. Could be a good thing. As long as their core doesn't change.
That is unless they had no core at all.

Now shut the hell up, so I can get a post to you regarding the story topic.