First of all, I'm totally shocked! TOTALLY shocked on
so many different levels. You don’t look at all what I
thought you would look like. your the one making the
face. The one on the left?:) Anyway. Good for you! You
two look very happy...um together. I'm just joshin you
skeeter. Don’t get cranky.
Well countsy, I think I understand your thing now.
Your slightly retarded. Just a little bit though. Not
entirely, Just enough to partially chew your
spaghetti, then take it out of your gooey lil face and
dangle it from your nostrils, while saying "LOOKY ME!
Dude, You've just gotta be. To NOT hear ANYTHING that
I say to you is just amazing. I just don’t see how you
do it.
countsy:: """ I don't talk shit about the good, hard working people in this industry.""
mattsy, WHO have I talked 'shit' about? WHO? Tell me?
What artists have I "crapped on"?
Have I crapped on you and your ability? Nope. I've
stated several times that I think your very skilled. I
have said that you would HAVE to be. To be able to
mimic a Searle that well is not easy. And I've said
that you do it probably better than anyone I know. I
do think you might be stunting yourself, as its the
ONLY thing that I ever see. But whatever
Have I crapped on robo's ability? I don’t think so. I
have stated in some of his strips where I think he
could pop it abit. I have stated where I thought he
was doing well in my opinion.
So again, who have I crapped on exactly? Is it that I
have some stuff to say that is both good and bad about
the industry? Dude, why does that tick you off so
countsymattsey:: """Oh, and by the way, one of my friends you outed in your little pics is a hard core "dyed in the wool" conservative Republican.... See, the thing is, more than that, waaay more than that, he's my friend. And a real human being. He doesn't need to make sweeping generalizations about people he doesn't know. We've debated politics and culture for years and years, but there's always RESPECT for each other as people."""
HAHA! Yeah, actually he was my FIRST guess for you.
But then I thought that "this guy looks to happy and
peaceful to be him". Then I noticed this little
hyperactive angry lil dweeb running around in the
background with spaghetti hanging from his nostrils,
and I thought ""NOOO, its gotta be this guy.""
Your such a puss dude. I soo know your type. "always
respect for each other" "doesn’t make generalizations
about people he doesn’t know".
I'm sure your pal doesn’t, but YOU DO! Your posts are
nothing BUT that. You cant possibly be serious that
you have respect for everyone. You don’t. Your posts
are filled with disrespect for Conservatives,
Christians, which is fine- But you don’t pull any
punches. But when someone kicks back, You feel as if
they don’t have the right to do so. You want respect
rain man, you gotta give it. Otherwise quite crying
like a baby.
countsmatseysfunk:: """"Brilliant artists. Brilliant. I have to assume that you're a way better artist than them to pass so much judgment on other peoples' work.""
I think your talking about my post on story people.
That’s fine. Your can gripe about it if you like. It’s
not their artistic ability that I'm questioning. Not
all story people. But I stand by what I wrote. Was
there something specific that bothered you? If so,
spit it out po-dunk.
countsy:: """You know the old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words". For an alleged artist, you sure do seem to go for the thousand words every time."""
Countsy, I've said it before, tho you didn’t hear me
when I said it waaaaaaaaaay back when so I don’t expect
you to hear me now. I don’t think that I am better than
anyone else. AND I don’t call myself an 'artist'. I
don’t. It always struck me as a bit presumptuous. Do
you consider yourself an 'artist'? Based on what? The
sticker on your wall or door that says story’ artist'?
What qualifies you to be an artist? How many different
mediums to you paint in? How many different styles do
you create in. Have you mastered your abilities?
Who knows? Maybe you have. As for me. I have never
considered myself an 'artist'. For the reasons I've
stated AND that I've seen menstrual blood splashed on
canvasses, with a cigarette in a pile of poo passed
as art by 'artists'. Personally I think the term has
lost its meaning. So I'll pass on it.
counts:: """Cuz I'm sure the whole animation industry is waiting to drool all over your dork the second you put up one your drawings. And again, they might. But I'll tell you what. It better be fucking DaVinci, based on how much you crap on other artists (bet you won't copy and paste that part, will you).
matt, I don’t care what the industry does or doesn’t do.
I really don’t. Been there, done that.
I don’t do things for the animation industries approval
or disapproval. I haven’t crapped on any artists. List
where you think I have dimwit. Where? Don’t just
vaguely whine about it. Gimme specifics.
And you complained that I wouldn’t copy paste something
in your last post. I didn’t quote it, because there was
nothing interesting to quote. Jeesh! You call me a
douche. Is that what you wanted quoted? What a freak.
And just for the record lil matty. I don’t speak to
everyone like their assholes. Because they are not all
assholes. You ARE an asshole. So I speak
asshole-enease to you. Robo is a different matter. But
you, You most definitely are an asshole. You are their
king, I think.
mathew says:: """And please if you don't think calling other artists "group thinking whiny girls" is insulting, you and I must really be looking at different dictionaries. So if you are that good, and again, you very well could be, what a shame. The way you shit on everyone would just make you that much sadder."""
Oh yes. That's right. you are group think whiny girls.
That’s right. But that has nothing to do with your
abilities. But you are whiny lil girls. Makes me think
you need pigtails. And a hanky. Maybe a dolly. Unless
your a teddy bear kinda whiny girl.
Again mathew. I have never said that I was "that
I don’t even know how to gauge how good I am or NOT.
I've been fortunate to be able to know a lil bit of
many styles and genres/industries, which has been very
good for me. Its allowed me to be fluid and versatile, and not have
to be dependent on the animation industry. Which is
very nice because I don’t like to have my life ruled by
the whims of an animation studio. Which can be the case in down
I'll tell you again what I do:
I design, animate, storyboard, paint, Illustrate, I've
been called on to draw/paint in styles ranging from
comic book style, animation style, realistic, to the
very broad. I've done development for animation
features, television, and others. I've done work for
entertainment industries, and children’s projects.
Unfortunately had to turn down a job for the Dept of
Defense due to my crunchy schedule.
Now...does that mean I'm the bee's knees? No. Does that
mean I'm the bestest in the whole world? No. I don’t
even call myself an 'artist'.
I am just fortunate to be able to be a little
versatile. That’s all.
count matsy:: """That's why I don't wanna talk comics and art and movies and fun stuff with you. You're a self-righteous, pompous gasbag. What's the fun of talking to you? Yeesh. Get over your fucking self.""
You proved my point ginger. You CANT put aside your
views. Like the mental sickness that I described in a
previous post...You are incapable of doing so. I figured
as much. But then you WILL pout that someone has the
nerve to slap your ears back rather than let you just
punch at them freely. Well whine on lil wendy. Whine
countsy matt says:: ""Don't know what you mean about wanting to know if John is Christy, only you. You handjob. Cuz you're the only one I see beating people over the head with Christ.""
Nonsense whiny Wendy. I've had chats with robo. And
they have been good and telling. I havent beat anyone
with it. Stop being so insecure. Get a girlfriend who
says your bottom looks good in those pants. That way
it will build up your confidence. You so cazzzzy.
As for me hoping that you don’t go to hell. Well I
don’t! Hahaha! I mean why are you yelling at me for
hoping that you go the other way? I mean who am I
gonna pick on if you DONT go to Heaven?
countsy:: """But I honest and truly will say this. Thanks handjob. No, really. Enough of countfunkula. My friends call me Matt. You can call me "Countsy".""
Ok. That’s good for tonight. Gotta go nigh nigh.
gooood niiiity night......matt.
PS: I like your black shirt in the pic.