I found out a week ago that Mike Wieringo had passed away on August 12, from an apparent heart attack. He was 44 years old. I'll say it again..... 44 years old.
What is a little surreal is that he passed away on the 12th. Which also happens to be my little ones Birthday. While I was celebrating with my kid, little did I know that the world was losing a fantastic person and fantastic artist.
Now, if you're at all involved in the comic book world, you know who Mike Wieringo is.
Now I'm talking who he IS, NOT just what he does. What he was by profession was a great comic book artist. Truly. He had a style that was not what you would think might 'sell' in a comic book world that like many other mediums wants more 'edgier' work. MORE TEETH AND MUSCLES! MORE GORE AND NEKIDNESS!
Mikes style was a more 'simplified' look. Less lines. Less realistic. There was almost an innocence to the look. I hesitate to call it an 'animated' or 'cartoony' look, because I think to do so would cheapen what Mikes style is.
But it was fresh, it was appealing. It was honest and sincere. It was captivating. And with that...magical.
And that garnered him a huge fan base that led him to pencil some of Marvels most prominent characters including but not limited to "Spiderman" and a much celebrated run on the "Fantastic Four".
When Mike left Fantastic Four in protest to his writer partner (Mark Waid) getting the boot from Marvel, the fan base screamed to have him/them back.So loud was the outcry, that Marvel did indeed bring back the duo. He was that good. His work was that loved.
That was Mike Wieringo: the COMIC BOOK ARTIST
THAT'S what he did.
Who he WAS was a wonderful, gentleman. Generous with support and suggestions for up and comers to the craft. He was the sweetest man. A good man. Kind and humble beyond belief!
It is ALWAYS a strange thing to see one of the giants in any art field, that just does not have a bad bone in their body. There isn't one person, not ONE person that has ever uttered a bad thing about Mike (or 'RINGO' as he liked to be called and how he signed his work).
When the news of his passing hit the wires on the 13th, the forums were overloaded with tributes and memorials. People paying their respects to not JUST a great artist. But to a man that was just good. A man that was just descent. A man that you would meet for the first time and walk away thinking: "what a great guy!"
What a great guy.
Even if his work wasn't your 'thing', after meeting him, you walk away impressed. You walk away a fan.
A fan of the man.
We should all have a little more Mike Wieringo in us.
God speed Mike.
And God bless.