I'm still needing a post. I will try and put one up tomorrow. Deadlines and my side gig at pimpin' just gots me all outta wiggetty wack.
I was going to do a post on animation, but countsy has an interesting post that's filled with yummy gooey filling. But ya know,,,,I did promise one on animation so I'm going to stick to that and get back to my little gay friend over the weekend. (no robo...the other gay friend).
So check it, if ya like...or don't. Isssss allll gooooood.
EDIT:: NAWWW. I just cant. Countsy..I'll give you a reply first. Just cuz I think your cute. And since your throwin in the towel. And no..I don't think that its due to not having the intellectual makeup to defend your own asinine beliefs. (well not totally anyway). I do believe you when you say its because work is picking up.
So comb your hair and brush your tooth, and look for it over the weekend.
Till then........
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Your response to my Osama argument was rather weak countsy. It basically didn't answer any of my points YET AGAIN. You have now had TWO chances...and you opted NOT to. But how could you? You don't argue your side, because really you cant.
"""Just because because you say you served someone doesn't mean you did. It means you think you did. Again, distinguishing facts from opinion. Clearly you can't."""
Let me break it down for you, sanjay:
1) Did Osama release a video? Yes.
2) In the statement, Did he express alot of leftist junk, from love of Noam Chomsky to global warming? Yes.
3)Did it sound like the dems were the party of HIS choice? Yes.
4)Did he express frustration that they have been unable to do what it is that HE wants them to do? Yes.
5)Was the speech fashioned by Adam Gudahn? Yes.
6) Is Adam Gudahn a leftist nut? Yes.
7) Did the speech expouse the same goofy stance as say, 'The Daily Kos' or 'Moveon.Org'? YES.
8) Are those two organizations leftist? YES.
Sorry lil skipperdoodle, those ARE facts, not opinion.
That's why I say that I served you your assy. And the fact that you don't and cant argue it - Only to try to feebly shrug it off and say the equivalent of "Uhh oh yeah?? Well YOUR UGLY!WAHHHH WAAAAAAAAHHH!"
Is pretty pathetic really. But that's my countsy in a nutshell (and I mean that quite literally).
"""You hate your fellow Americans. You know who else hates Americans? Osama Bin Laden.""
Oh countsy, I don't hate you. I don't hate nancy pelosi. I dont hate harry 'the lassy' reid.
I do confess that I don't like any of you all that much though. But that said, even though I don't like you, I don't want you to damage the country by surrendering it to evil people. you see my dim wit pal, that would be bad. Really Really bad. Because after they kill off the people that really DO love this country, their gonna have to deal with the submissives. The ones that are all to ready to conform- so that they can live. But they wont want to keep all of you. So they'll probably gut you as well. And I don't want that for ya, countsy.
For you or any of the others that don't really believe in what this country is all about. For you out there that are just benefiting off of America. The ones that are just...here.
Taking up space.
I would like you all to be able to keep all of your brainless lil noggins right on your shoulders- so that you can live another day... with the hope of someday raising that white flag.
""""So let me make it clear as a leftist and a patriot.
Fuck Adam Gudahn.
Fuck Che Guevera.
Fuck Stalin.
Fuck Osama Bin Laden.
Fuck You Steve."""
'Leftist Patriot'....Oxymoron?
Look, big time KUDO'S to you for distancing yourself from these individuals. I just find it sad that you and leftists LIKE you- wont divorce yourselves from their (Osama, Stalin,Che Guevera, adam gudahn) beliefs and mindsets.
Sad indeed.
""Easy, don't come in your own mouth Steve. I'm not upset...."""
Well, thanky for giving me( I assume its me) the benefit of the doubt on BOTH my girth and my aim. It really is quite descent of you. Again, thanky!
""Also, fuck Alberto Gonzalez.
Fuck George Bush.
Fuck ANY Congressman, Democrat or Republican, who would sign on to destroy our freedoms in the name of security. Because to destroy one is to destroy both.""
Your such an intellectual heavyweight countsy. You really, REALLY are. What freedoms have you lost in the name of security? Name them. Tell me JUST ONE that you've lost. One that you were able to do pre 9-11, that you cant do POST 9-11. How many times have you been arrested or thrown into Guantanamo.
I'll await your answer on that one. As I'm STILL awaiting your answer to whether or not the Moveon attack on General Petraeus was over the line.
You would think that THAT would at least be an easy one for you to answer. I know your a big fan of 'moveon.org'. (Hey so is Osama!)
Just be 'honest'. Let me know if you need a definition on that Mr. panties.
"""You're a fucking sheep Steve, who will bleat gladly to the slaughter of his own liberty because the music from the "kill 'em all" right is so pretty to you, you're hypnotized into celebrating the destruction of The Constitution and the principals on which this country was founded.""
Moveon.org AND npr crap. regurgitated by those who don't know how to think for themselves. Which you'll take in, wait till you have lunch with robo, where he will violently throw his head back so you can THROW up in HIS mouth, all the worthless, meaningless, thoughtless caca that has been fed to YOU.
You've lost no liberty. It is the fight for liberty and to preserve Liberty that you and other leftist are so eager to attack. To throw in the towel and settle for appeasement to those who wont be appeased until they've conquered and killed both you and your family.
You and other leftists are just spoiled, pampered, selfish, elititst, nancy's.. that have no idea of what the constitution even stands for much less Liberty or 'principals'.
Don't try and act smart countsy. I have no respect for that. And even LESS for truly smart people that opt, for sake of pragmatism-to 'fit in' with the crowd, in an effort to be included.
That said...."kill em all" IS indeed a good album. Gotta go back to the roots baby!
"""Surrender to the enemies of America? Never. Not to those foreign or domestic."""
Now, Now countsy. You and other thin skinned poo-sasies, in the face of any evil, are all to willing to raise the white flag of surrender, stick your heads in the sand, raise your pampered spoiled assy's high in the air, and murmer...."be gentle".
Because as we all know, leftist due to a broken moral compass, have never...NEVER met an evil that they are not willing to either run away from or coddle up to.
Its your way. Its what you are. Its WHO you are.
Its your core.
And basically, to those in this country who DO love their country and know what needs to be done to carry on, in order to protect the liberty and freedoms that are loved and cherished,...
You're dead weight.
"""Just because because you say you served someone doesn't mean you did. It means you think you did. Again, distinguishing facts from opinion. Clearly you can't."""
Let me break it down for you, sanjay:
1) Did Osama release a video? Yes.
2) In the statement, Did he express alot of leftist junk, from love of Noam Chomsky to global warming? Yes.
3)Did it sound like the dems were the party of HIS choice? Yes.
4)Did he express frustration that they have been unable to do what it is that HE wants them to do? Yes.
5)Was the speech fashioned by Adam Gudahn? Yes.
6) Is Adam Gudahn a leftist nut? Yes.
7) Did the speech expouse the same goofy stance as say, 'The Daily Kos' or 'Moveon.Org'? YES.
8) Are those two organizations leftist? YES.
Sorry lil skipperdoodle, those ARE facts, not opinion.
That's why I say that I served you your assy. And the fact that you don't and cant argue it - Only to try to feebly shrug it off and say the equivalent of "Uhh oh yeah?? Well YOUR UGLY!WAHHHH WAAAAAAAAHHH!"
Is pretty pathetic really. But that's my countsy in a nutshell (and I mean that quite literally).
"""You hate your fellow Americans. You know who else hates Americans? Osama Bin Laden.""
Oh countsy, I don't hate you. I don't hate nancy pelosi. I dont hate harry 'the lassy' reid.
I do confess that I don't like any of you all that much though. But that said, even though I don't like you, I don't want you to damage the country by surrendering it to evil people. you see my dim wit pal, that would be bad. Really Really bad. Because after they kill off the people that really DO love this country, their gonna have to deal with the submissives. The ones that are all to ready to conform- so that they can live. But they wont want to keep all of you. So they'll probably gut you as well. And I don't want that for ya, countsy.
For you or any of the others that don't really believe in what this country is all about. For you out there that are just benefiting off of America. The ones that are just...here.
Taking up space.
I would like you all to be able to keep all of your brainless lil noggins right on your shoulders- so that you can live another day... with the hope of someday raising that white flag.
""""So let me make it clear as a leftist and a patriot.
Fuck Adam Gudahn.
Fuck Che Guevera.
Fuck Stalin.
Fuck Osama Bin Laden.
Fuck You Steve."""
'Leftist Patriot'....Oxymoron?
Look, big time KUDO'S to you for distancing yourself from these individuals. I just find it sad that you and leftists LIKE you- wont divorce yourselves from their (Osama, Stalin,Che Guevera, adam gudahn) beliefs and mindsets.
Sad indeed.
""Easy, don't come in your own mouth Steve. I'm not upset...."""
Well, thanky for giving me( I assume its me) the benefit of the doubt on BOTH my girth and my aim. It really is quite descent of you. Again, thanky!
""Also, fuck Alberto Gonzalez.
Fuck George Bush.
Fuck ANY Congressman, Democrat or Republican, who would sign on to destroy our freedoms in the name of security. Because to destroy one is to destroy both.""
Your such an intellectual heavyweight countsy. You really, REALLY are. What freedoms have you lost in the name of security? Name them. Tell me JUST ONE that you've lost. One that you were able to do pre 9-11, that you cant do POST 9-11. How many times have you been arrested or thrown into Guantanamo.
I'll await your answer on that one. As I'm STILL awaiting your answer to whether or not the Moveon attack on General Petraeus was over the line.
You would think that THAT would at least be an easy one for you to answer. I know your a big fan of 'moveon.org'. (Hey so is Osama!)
Just be 'honest'. Let me know if you need a definition on that Mr. panties.
"""You're a fucking sheep Steve, who will bleat gladly to the slaughter of his own liberty because the music from the "kill 'em all" right is so pretty to you, you're hypnotized into celebrating the destruction of The Constitution and the principals on which this country was founded.""
Moveon.org AND npr crap. regurgitated by those who don't know how to think for themselves. Which you'll take in, wait till you have lunch with robo, where he will violently throw his head back so you can THROW up in HIS mouth, all the worthless, meaningless, thoughtless caca that has been fed to YOU.
You've lost no liberty. It is the fight for liberty and to preserve Liberty that you and other leftist are so eager to attack. To throw in the towel and settle for appeasement to those who wont be appeased until they've conquered and killed both you and your family.
You and other leftists are just spoiled, pampered, selfish, elititst, nancy's.. that have no idea of what the constitution even stands for much less Liberty or 'principals'.
Don't try and act smart countsy. I have no respect for that. And even LESS for truly smart people that opt, for sake of pragmatism-to 'fit in' with the crowd, in an effort to be included.
That said...."kill em all" IS indeed a good album. Gotta go back to the roots baby!
"""Surrender to the enemies of America? Never. Not to those foreign or domestic."""
Now, Now countsy. You and other thin skinned poo-sasies, in the face of any evil, are all to willing to raise the white flag of surrender, stick your heads in the sand, raise your pampered spoiled assy's high in the air, and murmer...."be gentle".
Because as we all know, leftist due to a broken moral compass, have never...NEVER met an evil that they are not willing to either run away from or coddle up to.
Its your way. Its what you are. Its WHO you are.
Its your core.
And basically, to those in this country who DO love their country and know what needs to be done to carry on, in order to protect the liberty and freedoms that are loved and cherished,...
You're dead weight.
Thursday, September 13, 2007

So there I am, taking a walk with my family. Just a nice leisurely stroll on a Saturday morning.
Every now and then the neighborhood does a block party garage sale. Those are always alot of fun. People selling their old stuff for money to buy NEW stuff, so that in a few years it can be deemed 'old' stuff, that they can again sit outside on a Saturday morning to sell to people that want to buy old stuff that will be considered 'new' stuff that they can add to the mass of 'stuff' that they have collected in their household of 'stuff'.
In a nutshell.
There we are strolling and looking. And most of the time, there really isn't anything to git. Nothing that meets your guidelines of acceptable 'stuff'. We were turning the corner, and just about to our house. I was playing 'zoooom' with my kid, when all of a sudden.....a pop of GREEN flashes through the corner of my eye. I turn back and look...
I compose myself as I walk up the driveway. I was figuring:
1) That they will be priced around 7 bucks -At least! Considering that they sell for about 15 bucks in the stores.
2) That they would be really messed up with poop stains on them or something.
Well, Not only were they BOTH present and in good condition, they still worked (with crashing sounds and 'grrrs')!
When I turned them to see the sticker expecting a 8-10$ price, what did I see??
I turned to my wife and said in a controlled voice and demeanor, "one buck?"
She could tell by my smile that I wanted em'. So she said in a very supporting tone, obviously sympathetic to my lifetime dork qualities, of which I assume is one of the appealing things she sees in the goof that is 'me'. She sweetly said:
"You should get them!"
I thought to myself: "who knows? I may have to use these to fend off danger! To protect not only myself from oncoming threats but also MY FAMILY!!
It would almost be...almost be IRRESPONSIBLE of me if I DIDN'T buy these massive foam green mits with crashing, 'grr'ing sounds!"
I glanced down at my puzzled looking daughter and said...
"You know...I think I will. I think I will."
Although I make it a point to never carry mass wads of cash on me when strolling the neighborhood, so I didn't have the......dollar on me.
So I told the nice lady (who obviously didn't know the treasure that she was about to lose) to hold onto the Hulk Hands, that I would be right back.
We got home and I grabbed the.......dollar and walked (briskly) back to the house to take hold of my prize.
The lady was talking to another lady when I walked up her driveway.
"I'm back for the Hulk Hands." I said.
"Oh yes, here you go."
The lady that was talking to her when I walked up, turned to me and said,
"Boy, the kids walking around with their parents are sure making off well today!"
I said;
"Yeah, but whats sad is that these are for ME!"
They got a good laugh (as did I). I thought to myself (As I walked down the street making CRASHING and GRRR sounds)..
"what the heck do I care?....
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Moral compass. Or LACK OF.
Well about three days ago, I had a post about Osama bin Laden. I posted how he, in his video message to the U.S.- how he has many of the same interests and talking points as MOVE ON.ORG!
Everything from global warming to his glowing references to noam chumpsky.
He even expresses his frustrations at the dems for not being able to end the war. Seemingly the dems seem to be his party of choice. No big surprise to me, being that he SPEWS the same kind of crap that comes out of the 'daily kos' and 'move on.org'.
Now that said, When it came down to countsy writing up a reply, he simply says:(in its entirety)
"""This one's too laughable to even deal with. Steve, your little rants are going so far off the rails now, you're becoming a parody of a joke. If Crazy 'Lil Stevie still has some friends out there, throw this poor bastard a life line soon.""
That's it. Notice how there is not one word about the substance of my post. Now he'll say "Well!! That's because there IS none. Nonsense. If I say he (osama) sounds like a leftist and shares the same view points..AND then I give examples of that...THAT'S substance baby!
What is REALLY telling, Is that they are now saying that there is great reason to think that much of Osama's speach was fashioned by the American turned militant islamist; adam gudahn who ABSOLUTLY IS a leftist. Straight out of.......California.
But No...Countsy doesn't answer my points because he cant. He would have to admit that, YEAH...Osama DOES sound like a leftist. YEAH..Osama DOES have the same interests.
And YEAH...that I'm right.
Comon countsy. Fess up. I got'cha. Would you like me to link the transcript for you? Just so you can be sure that your voting for someone that has all of your values. You don't wanna cast your vote for someone that has even a smidge of a different mindset than yourself. I mean, He's a fan of chomsky!! YOU GOTTA LOOOOOVE THAT!
I know that I do! :)
The second thing that I want to bring up is my post on the 11Th. My tribute to 9-11.
Countsy had a reply to it.
basically stating that the country is in trouble because I (Handel) "attack fellow Americans"
"""I would rather attack Osama Bin Laden.
.... I know who our enemies are. They're not my fellow countrymen. Not even the ones I don't like."""
Countsy is a small thinker. And believe me, that's me being generous. What is worse than evil people who do evil things?
Answer: People who let them. People who look the other way. People who try and appease the evil and evil people.
The modern day democrat is a leftist by and large. A FAR leftist. Who do not care about this country. Who in great measure, don't even believe that there IS such thing as "EVIL".
And until one does admit to themselves that 'EVIL' exists, those people will glom onto Ideologies such as Communism,Socialism, Marxism and Fascism.
You will hold people such as Stalin, Castro, Che Guevara, and Arafat up as freedom fighters and great visionaries.
You will be more likely to have a twisted moral compass where "relativism" is your norm. Therefore making it easy to make idiotic statements like "Bush is worse than Hitler".
The Boy Scouts and Christianity become your idea of bad while those bastards that send out clueless children with bombs strapped to their bodies- with hopes to blow up as many people as possible at a popular Israeli hangout....become your idea of people who you should sympathize with.
Yeah..I attack those that are leftist. Because they are setting us up for another attack. They in their disdain for this country (all while taking full advantage of the perks of living in it) are doing everything they can to weaken it.
Let me ask you countsy. You have every NUTTER website linked on your blog. One of those of course being, "moveon.org".
How do you feel about that dumb ass organization attacking General Patraeus the way they did?
Are you embarrassed by it? You should be. But you probably aren't. Because in true leftist fashion, You probably agree with 'moveon'. In your view (and moveons) you probably think of Petraeus as the enemy. More so than you think of the terrorists that he is fighting the good fight against.
Right, countsy?
I'd ask robo the same questions? But I have a feeling that he's wanting to steer clear of any and all of this. You really cant defend the indefensible. So my guess is that he's under the bed on this one.
How pragmatic.
And just for the record countsy. You don't remember the victims of 9-11, by choosing to surrender to the enemy. That isn't doing them justice.
That's saying that they're lives didn't mean shit. Or possibly you have the same view as your fellow leftist Ward Churchill, likening the victims of 9-11 to "little Eichmann's". "Non Innocents".
No sir. IF you choose to run from evil, then you do NOT remember the victims with honor.
And why ARE leftists so quick to run from evil? Because remember..they don't believe in evil.
You've been served your ass, countsy. Would you like a spoon or a fork?
Bon appetite.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke
Everything from global warming to his glowing references to noam chumpsky.
He even expresses his frustrations at the dems for not being able to end the war. Seemingly the dems seem to be his party of choice. No big surprise to me, being that he SPEWS the same kind of crap that comes out of the 'daily kos' and 'move on.org'.
Now that said, When it came down to countsy writing up a reply, he simply says:(in its entirety)
"""This one's too laughable to even deal with. Steve, your little rants are going so far off the rails now, you're becoming a parody of a joke. If Crazy 'Lil Stevie still has some friends out there, throw this poor bastard a life line soon.""
That's it. Notice how there is not one word about the substance of my post. Now he'll say "Well!! That's because there IS none. Nonsense. If I say he (osama) sounds like a leftist and shares the same view points..AND then I give examples of that...THAT'S substance baby!
What is REALLY telling, Is that they are now saying that there is great reason to think that much of Osama's speach was fashioned by the American turned militant islamist; adam gudahn who ABSOLUTLY IS a leftist. Straight out of.......California.
But No...Countsy doesn't answer my points because he cant. He would have to admit that, YEAH...Osama DOES sound like a leftist. YEAH..Osama DOES have the same interests.
And YEAH...that I'm right.
Comon countsy. Fess up. I got'cha. Would you like me to link the transcript for you? Just so you can be sure that your voting for someone that has all of your values. You don't wanna cast your vote for someone that has even a smidge of a different mindset than yourself. I mean, He's a fan of chomsky!! YOU GOTTA LOOOOOVE THAT!
I know that I do! :)
The second thing that I want to bring up is my post on the 11Th. My tribute to 9-11.
Countsy had a reply to it.
basically stating that the country is in trouble because I (Handel) "attack fellow Americans"
"""I would rather attack Osama Bin Laden.
.... I know who our enemies are. They're not my fellow countrymen. Not even the ones I don't like."""
Countsy is a small thinker. And believe me, that's me being generous. What is worse than evil people who do evil things?
Answer: People who let them. People who look the other way. People who try and appease the evil and evil people.
The modern day democrat is a leftist by and large. A FAR leftist. Who do not care about this country. Who in great measure, don't even believe that there IS such thing as "EVIL".
And until one does admit to themselves that 'EVIL' exists, those people will glom onto Ideologies such as Communism,Socialism, Marxism and Fascism.
You will hold people such as Stalin, Castro, Che Guevara, and Arafat up as freedom fighters and great visionaries.
You will be more likely to have a twisted moral compass where "relativism" is your norm. Therefore making it easy to make idiotic statements like "Bush is worse than Hitler".
The Boy Scouts and Christianity become your idea of bad while those bastards that send out clueless children with bombs strapped to their bodies- with hopes to blow up as many people as possible at a popular Israeli hangout....become your idea of people who you should sympathize with.
Yeah..I attack those that are leftist. Because they are setting us up for another attack. They in their disdain for this country (all while taking full advantage of the perks of living in it) are doing everything they can to weaken it.
Let me ask you countsy. You have every NUTTER website linked on your blog. One of those of course being, "moveon.org".
How do you feel about that dumb ass organization attacking General Patraeus the way they did?
Are you embarrassed by it? You should be. But you probably aren't. Because in true leftist fashion, You probably agree with 'moveon'. In your view (and moveons) you probably think of Petraeus as the enemy. More so than you think of the terrorists that he is fighting the good fight against.
Right, countsy?
I'd ask robo the same questions? But I have a feeling that he's wanting to steer clear of any and all of this. You really cant defend the indefensible. So my guess is that he's under the bed on this one.
How pragmatic.
And just for the record countsy. You don't remember the victims of 9-11, by choosing to surrender to the enemy. That isn't doing them justice.
That's saying that they're lives didn't mean shit. Or possibly you have the same view as your fellow leftist Ward Churchill, likening the victims of 9-11 to "little Eichmann's". "Non Innocents".
No sir. IF you choose to run from evil, then you do NOT remember the victims with honor.
And why ARE leftists so quick to run from evil? Because remember..they don't believe in evil.
You've been served your ass, countsy. Would you like a spoon or a fork?
Bon appetite.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

While looking for a photo for this entry, I saw many pics. Many of them were beautiful tributes to the trade towers. Many having the image of the towers standing tall and proud. Many were pictures of the two lights that stood as a temporary monument, that shot two wonderful beams of light straight up into the air. And it was lovely.
Many of the tributes had captions along side the beautiful pictures that stated
As I thought about which tribute picture I would choose, I thought about those lovely pictures with that caption of:"we will never forget". I think that that is what we say to lull us into a sleep. To lull us into....forgetting.
The lovely picture tributes.
The lovely captions.
With that, we have indeed forgotten.
SO I chose a more appropriate picture. A picture that is not a fluffy tribute of two buildings pre 9-11 standing tall. Or of two radiant beams of light: post 9-11.
I chose an image of the day itself.
Specifically a news paper front page.
this should be the image that we have. This should be the image that has the caption "WE WILL NEVER FORGET" plastered across it.
It is more accurate. It is more appropriate. It is reality.
There are those that have said, We are not in a war. There is no such thing as a war against terrorism. There are those that want you to be lulled to sleep. There are those that want you to believe that WE are the bad ones. That THIS country is the enemy.
Sadly, those that would like you to believe that, are in fact themselves....americans.
(in name only)
Dennis Kuscinich is in Syria, (SYRIA!!)trashing his own country.
Jimmy Carter displays his hatred of jews and Israel and his sympathies of and for Terrorist states.
Nancy Pelosi also travels to Syria to cozy up to Hezbollah.
DICK durbin slanders the troops..
Countless examples.
In this day, Keep this in mind.
ONE party (democrats/leftists) wants you to be lulled to sleep. To forget that evil exists and/or convince you that the only evil that does exist is THIS country.
ONE party (Conservatives/Republicans) want to fight terrorism-and kill it.
To go on the offensive.
To stand up and face off against those that are wanting to kill women and children.
To recognize that REAL evil exists, and to fight against it.
To fight for freedom, to fight for the innocent. To fight for liberty. To fight for a better world.
In short.
One party that truly believes the term...
The choice is clear.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Petraeus Hearings...
One of the most important hearings, and congress cant EVEN get the damn mics up and running!
HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA! SO, didn't they think that someone should maybe CHECK ON THEM before the damn thing started?
Remember now...WHO is running congress?(dummycrats) And WHO wants govt to be in charge of health care? (dummycrats)
ONE word...
HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA! SO, didn't they think that someone should maybe CHECK ON THEM before the damn thing started?
Remember now...WHO is running congress?(dummycrats) And WHO wants govt to be in charge of health care? (dummycrats)
ONE word...
Sunday, September 09, 2007
If your not sure of who to vote for on the democrat side..
...might I just suggest a name to you? How about...
Osama bin Laden.
Yep! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats right. Osama bin friggin laden! If you haven't heard by now, Osama put out a video the other day, touting everything from global warming, to referencing Noam Chomsky. He even seems pissed that the democrats, it seems the party of his choice- isn't able to do everything it can to end the war.
It is TRULY stunning how what he is spewing is the same EXACT crap that comes from the 'daily kos' and 'move on.com'.
Isn't it interesting that there really isn't that much difference in Osama and the dems? They both have similar interests, you know.
The hate for this country.
And the want to hurt this country.
Pathetic,But not surprising in BOTH counts.
HEY COUNTSY AND ROBO? What do you think? Can I expect you both to have "Osama for President" t-shirts this election cycle? No doubt your a fan of chumpsky, as is osama.
You see a problem in that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Prolly not.
'Pragmatic' my ass.
Osama bin Laden.
Yep! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats right. Osama bin friggin laden! If you haven't heard by now, Osama put out a video the other day, touting everything from global warming, to referencing Noam Chomsky. He even seems pissed that the democrats, it seems the party of his choice- isn't able to do everything it can to end the war.
It is TRULY stunning how what he is spewing is the same EXACT crap that comes from the 'daily kos' and 'move on.com'.
Isn't it interesting that there really isn't that much difference in Osama and the dems? They both have similar interests, you know.
The hate for this country.
And the want to hurt this country.
Pathetic,But not surprising in BOTH counts.
HEY COUNTSY AND ROBO? What do you think? Can I expect you both to have "Osama for President" t-shirts this election cycle? No doubt your a fan of chumpsky, as is osama.
You see a problem in that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Prolly not.
'Pragmatic' my ass.
Friday, September 07, 2007
...will be coming on Sunday. In fact there might even be TWO. One of them is an answer to count.
I cant believe how much traffic the storyboard posts generated. For those of you out there that I've spoken with on the forums and those who have IM'ed me, I appreciate your feedback. Positive and negative. I'll have more to say to you in future posts. I wont be able to answer any more for a little while tho, due to work. But again, thanks!
See ya on Sunday.
I cant believe how much traffic the storyboard posts generated. For those of you out there that I've spoken with on the forums and those who have IM'ed me, I appreciate your feedback. Positive and negative. I'll have more to say to you in future posts. I wont be able to answer any more for a little while tho, due to work. But again, thanks!
See ya on Sunday.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
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Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Well It looks as if countsy has taken issue with my last post ("the most difficult gig in animation").
And to be honest I guess I cant say that I blame him.
I do think that he has missed my point or chose not to see where I gave credit to the story guys where its due.
I SAID that there is no job in animation that is easy, but there are some that are easier due to the technical demands on each dept.
How is that NOT correct? Does he disagree with that? Countsy doesn't really answer that. He just says that I'm an ass for stating it. Stating what? A fact?
And HOW exactly is it an ego thing for me by saying that the most DIFFICULT gig (and not to mention one of the most important to my way of thinking) is and has been the inbetweener.
I'm NOT EVEN AN INBETWEENER. I've never BEEN an inbetweener. I've worked with tons of inbetweeners though. So how does that make me an ego mad bastard?
Comon countsy, you have to admit that board artists have the easier of the gigs. TECHNICALLY speaking. There just isn't the same demands on ya. And that's fine! I'm not crapin on ya guys. I am just relating a fact. I'm relaying what I tell people that ask me about the different gigs in animation. Do you deny that what I said is indeed a fact?
I am not saying this because I hate story guys or think them "lesser" of folk in the anim world. Not at all!! But a fact is a fact, don't you think? Its fine! You shouldn't get so defensive about it. The work that you do is as important as the work that anyone else does. But if you tell me that "oh we do technical type stuff to, I have to do it all in photoshop and put it all together and edited, blah blah blah!"
Its NOT the same thing. It goes back to what I said about getting a wacom or cintique, Its NOTHIIIIING! The average 6 year old knows about that stuff. It doesn't compare to the technical crap that an inbetweener has to deal with.
""" I've been super busy lately, but I saw this and I had to comment.""
OH HI, ROBO!! Hey-I've missed you! Missed you so. I hope your all moved by now and that all is well.
It's always good to hear from you. Lets touch on your comments abit.
"""Handel, your information is about 10 years out of date. """
Really? well, that would be surprising, robo. Inform me. Do you get someone ELSE to draw for you? No, seriously...let me know where I'm wrong.
My point still stands, be it on paper or photoshop, scribbling on either is hardly facing any technical demands or difficulties. (on/off button. double click on the program. pen. big woop).
But, who knows. I'm open for conversation on the topic.
If you think you have JUST as many hurdles an inbetweener has. Let me know,story guy.
""Thing have changed"""
Yes, I know. That's why I was talking about "traditional" animation of say the last 17 years. Which included inbetweeners and roughs and keys CU. Things have changed drastically.
And every ones gig is still as difficult as its ever been. But the demands have always been lesser for story. That doesn't mean that story is "EASY", but the demands on that dept are not and never have been as tough as for other gigs. Why do you think you see so many animators going INTO story? (insert jeopardy theme music here).
I cant believe that this is even debatable for you and countsy. I don't say this out of anger or hatred for story people. I thought I was just stating the obvious. I think you guys are a tad bit defensive about things.
""""Educate yourself."""
Robo, I know you have been busy. Very busy with your move to the pink triangle, So I'm going to let this slide.
But you say this again, and I'll slap your ears so far back, you'll have to unzip your pants, bend over, spread your cheeks- to listen to what I have to say.
Fair warning.
(good album and good advice)
Which reminds me, lets go see Van Halen. It's sure to be fun either in a sad way or a BITCHEN way. I'll bring the popcorn, you bring the...gosh, I don't even know what you like.....you a vegan now? You bring the broccoli.
And to be honest I guess I cant say that I blame him.
I do think that he has missed my point or chose not to see where I gave credit to the story guys where its due.
I SAID that there is no job in animation that is easy, but there are some that are easier due to the technical demands on each dept.
How is that NOT correct? Does he disagree with that? Countsy doesn't really answer that. He just says that I'm an ass for stating it. Stating what? A fact?
And HOW exactly is it an ego thing for me by saying that the most DIFFICULT gig (and not to mention one of the most important to my way of thinking) is and has been the inbetweener.
I'm NOT EVEN AN INBETWEENER. I've never BEEN an inbetweener. I've worked with tons of inbetweeners though. So how does that make me an ego mad bastard?
Comon countsy, you have to admit that board artists have the easier of the gigs. TECHNICALLY speaking. There just isn't the same demands on ya. And that's fine! I'm not crapin on ya guys. I am just relating a fact. I'm relaying what I tell people that ask me about the different gigs in animation. Do you deny that what I said is indeed a fact?
I am not saying this because I hate story guys or think them "lesser" of folk in the anim world. Not at all!! But a fact is a fact, don't you think? Its fine! You shouldn't get so defensive about it. The work that you do is as important as the work that anyone else does. But if you tell me that "oh we do technical type stuff to, I have to do it all in photoshop and put it all together and edited, blah blah blah!"
Its NOT the same thing. It goes back to what I said about getting a wacom or cintique, Its NOTHIIIIING! The average 6 year old knows about that stuff. It doesn't compare to the technical crap that an inbetweener has to deal with.
""" I've been super busy lately, but I saw this and I had to comment.""
OH HI, ROBO!! Hey-I've missed you! Missed you so. I hope your all moved by now and that all is well.
It's always good to hear from you. Lets touch on your comments abit.
"""Handel, your information is about 10 years out of date. """
Really? well, that would be surprising, robo. Inform me. Do you get someone ELSE to draw for you? No, seriously...let me know where I'm wrong.
My point still stands, be it on paper or photoshop, scribbling on either is hardly facing any technical demands or difficulties. (on/off button. double click on the program. pen. big woop).
But, who knows. I'm open for conversation on the topic.
If you think you have JUST as many hurdles an inbetweener has. Let me know,story guy.
""Thing have changed"""
Yes, I know. That's why I was talking about "traditional" animation of say the last 17 years. Which included inbetweeners and roughs and keys CU. Things have changed drastically.
And every ones gig is still as difficult as its ever been. But the demands have always been lesser for story. That doesn't mean that story is "EASY", but the demands on that dept are not and never have been as tough as for other gigs. Why do you think you see so many animators going INTO story? (insert jeopardy theme music here).
I cant believe that this is even debatable for you and countsy. I don't say this out of anger or hatred for story people. I thought I was just stating the obvious. I think you guys are a tad bit defensive about things.
""""Educate yourself."""
Robo, I know you have been busy. Very busy with your move to the pink triangle, So I'm going to let this slide.
But you say this again, and I'll slap your ears so far back, you'll have to unzip your pants, bend over, spread your cheeks- to listen to what I have to say.
Fair warning.
(good album and good advice)
Which reminds me, lets go see Van Halen. It's sure to be fun either in a sad way or a BITCHEN way. I'll bring the popcorn, you bring the...gosh, I don't even know what you like.....you a vegan now? You bring the broccoli.
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