So there I am, taking a walk with my family. Just a nice leisurely stroll on a Saturday morning.
Every now and then the neighborhood does a block party garage sale. Those are always alot of fun. People selling their old stuff for money to buy NEW stuff, so that in a few years it can be deemed 'old' stuff, that they can again sit outside on a Saturday morning to sell to people that want to buy old stuff that will be considered 'new' stuff that they can add to the mass of 'stuff' that they have collected in their household of 'stuff'.
In a nutshell.
There we are strolling and looking. And most of the time, there really isn't anything to git. Nothing that meets your guidelines of acceptable 'stuff'. We were turning the corner, and just about to our house. I was playing 'zoooom' with my kid, when all of a sudden.....a pop of GREEN flashes through the corner of my eye. I turn back and look...
I compose myself as I walk up the driveway. I was figuring:
1) That they will be priced around 7 bucks -At least! Considering that they sell for about 15 bucks in the stores.
2) That they would be really messed up with poop stains on them or something.
Well, Not only were they BOTH present and in good condition, they still worked (with crashing sounds and 'grrrs')!
When I turned them to see the sticker expecting a 8-10$ price, what did I see??
I turned to my wife and said in a controlled voice and demeanor, "one buck?"
She could tell by my smile that I wanted em'. So she said in a very supporting tone, obviously sympathetic to my lifetime dork qualities, of which I assume is one of the appealing things she sees in the goof that is 'me'. She sweetly said:
"You should get them!"
I thought to myself: "who knows? I may have to use these to fend off danger! To protect not only myself from oncoming threats but also MY FAMILY!!
It would almost be...almost be IRRESPONSIBLE of me if I DIDN'T buy these massive foam green mits with crashing, 'grr'ing sounds!"
I glanced down at my puzzled looking daughter and said...
"You know...I think I will. I think I will."
Although I make it a point to never carry mass wads of cash on me when strolling the neighborhood, so I didn't have the......dollar on me.
So I told the nice lady (who obviously didn't know the treasure that she was about to lose) to hold onto the Hulk Hands, that I would be right back.
We got home and I grabbed the.......dollar and walked (briskly) back to the house to take hold of my prize.
The lady was talking to another lady when I walked up her driveway.
"I'm back for the Hulk Hands." I said.
"Oh yes, here you go."
The lady that was talking to her when I walked up, turned to me and said,
"Boy, the kids walking around with their parents are sure making off well today!"
I said;
"Yeah, but whats sad is that these are for ME!"
They got a good laugh (as did I). I thought to myself (As I walked down the street making CRASHING and GRRR sounds)..
"what the heck do I care?....