Back in 1992 there was a movie that came out called the 'distinguished gentleman'.
It was about a con man who cons his way into getting elected...
His speech, his....message, kinda rang a little familiar to me. I don't know where I've heard it.
I can't quite place it...
Hmm a CON man who cons his way into congress...
I don't know...Maybe someone out there can help me out? Does it seem familiar to YOU?
Just a little bit?
(I thought so).
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hmmm..this sounds kinda,,familiar?
Friday, June 20, 2008
My very "special" friend...'countsy.'
And then let out a big ole unforgiving wet oatmeal fart. Of which they giggle maniacally, while making sure to squeeze out every last ounce of farty goodness.
We all have those 'special' friends. In short...We all know a democrat or three.
I know many. One of those that I speak of is a guy that goes by the name of "countfunkypants"
On countsy's bloggy, he has listed that obama is basking in a 15 point bounce. Based off of a 'newsweek' poll.
Countsy....I realize that you are looking for anything to boost your side. So if you hear from oberman (spelled incorrectly on purpose) that obama has a 45 point bounce, you will believe it. Newsweek is always...ALWAYS unreliable.
Just about every poll...every RELIABLE poll, from Gallup to Rasmussen to even zogby (which isn't as reliable as Rasmussen's) has this thing polled with obama having a 4 point lead. Basically a statistical dead heat.
Now, even I thought that obama would get that bounce once he was nominated after hillary fell out. never happened.
And THATS astonishing. And worrisome for your side.
Being that Bush has low ratings and congress has low ratings and the mood of the country is what it is, and with Hillary finally out, and just the precedent of the other party coming in after a two term would think that this would be a walk away. Wouldn't you?
Nope..Dead heat.
Which says that the public is looking at obama and they are very VERY hesitant.
Now I'm not cocky about this. This COULD go either way. And he COULD come up with a 15 point lead. Its possible. Depends on if the public drinks from the stupid juice.
OR If they continue to wake up and see just what is at stake and the RISKS that are involved with electing a black separatist, leftist and her weenie spined Carter'esque husband....then we'll be ok.
There is always the chance that the country is asleep at the wheel..complacent...apathetic...lazy. And therefore drink from the stupid juice.
You know....the same juice dribbling down your chin.
I do have my hopes though. Especially since there is the issue of the energy problem, which is not looking good for your side. Looks like nancy is giving ground on that one. Look for more ground to be given up. Unless she wants to go down with the ship on it.
Heres another reliable poll for you..
"Released: June 20, 2008
"Zogby Poll: 74% Support Off-Shore Oil Drilling in U.S. Coastal Waters"
Here countsy...wipe your chin....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
In McCains case, he is simply coming over to the correct side....THE RIGHT SIDE.
Of which has always been the Conservative position.
It makes no sense to NOT do that. Its idiotic.
An idiotic line that has been the democrats position and sadly....many Americans.
When things are nice and tidy it gives folk...reason to turn off your old nogging and just stop thinking logically. You become lazy.
You don't think about the ramifications of your actions (or in this case- non action)....
Until it comes up and bites you in the ass.
Hey all my leftist pals . How ya like paying 4.00$ per gallon of gas?
Hey "countsy"!! How much is it costing to fill your car these days?
How bout you "Robo"? (what am I doing? Robo is a pod person from invasion of the body snatchers. So never mind the question. Go back to sleep.)
Now my lefty friends are quick to say...ITS THE GAS COMPANIES! ITS THE OIL COMPANIES.
Their idea is to TAX the oil companies because they don't like the idea of those companies making the 'profits' that they are making.
There is so much stupidity to this 'idea' that one has to just choose a few items to illustrate how dumb it is.
1) who cares how much the oil companies are making. It does not matter! The reason? It has NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW MUCH GAS COSTS.
The oil companies don't set the costs for gas. It is A WORLD MARKET. IT IS a WORLD DEMAND.
So...being that taxing them would have no impact on lowering the gas price, what WOULD it do?
2) It would RAISE THE COSTS. Because not only are you NOT doing anything productive about the issue, you hinder it by TOTALLY HOG-TIE'ING the companies that are trying to GET the oil.
Hello? Beauler? Hello??
Well, here is the butt-ah! Obama said himself, what really ALL of the democrats feel.
When asked about how he felt about the rise in gas costs...
Obama said that he didn't mind that they were high, but he just would have preferred that the rise were more Gradual. A "gradual adjustment rather than a shock to the system".
Why? Because its a way to bind...YOU! To force you conform to their nutty extremist ways.
And then the public:
The public, in their want to remain the ones on the "green highground" finds out the folly of turning a blind eye to this issue by not wanting to take advantage of OUR OWN RESOURCES.
The folly of listening to the idiocy of the leftist enviro nutters and leftist no nothing democrats.
Only now, after being faced to look at the CONSEQUENCE of such up to 4.00$ (and the very real possibility of a higher cost!) a gallon, are now open to drilling.
And with McCain and Bush touting the OTHER thing that conservatives have been FOR while the democrats have been AGAINST due to some irrational fear.....that other thing?
Nuclear energy.
Look for the public to now look more favorably to that as well.
Nuclear energy. Cheaper, cleaner, more efficient. And plentiful. Not to mention safe.
The one thing that the french have been good for is being a guinea pig on this issue.
They have been using nuclear for some time, and it is now powering up to 79 % of their needs.
Now I ask you. IF alternatives such as Nuclear, along with relying on our OWN RESOURCES such as drilling in our areas...things that have been touted by conservatives for a loooong time..
IF we were doing this 10 years ago....5 years ago.......3 years ago..
Would we be in the position we are in now?
Would we be paying 4.00$ per gallon of gas?
With polls saying that the public has finally woken up to this question..anywhere from 60% (reuters) to 80% (washington post) backing drilling...Its an issue that the dems find themselves on the losing end of. And the public finds themselves beginning to ask themselves the question..
"Is this what we have to look forward to with a total democrat takeover?"
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Lets see...there was his lifelong mentor pastor wright, rev plegor (sp), tony rezko, and of course obamas grandmother. And now, jim johnson due to his suspicious sweetheart deals.
That space under the bus is getting abit crowded.
Longtime Washington insider Jim Johnson became the first casualty of the general election campaign Wednesday, leaving his seat on Barack Obama’s running-mate search team after coming under fire for his lucrative ties to financial corporations and lenders.
Johnson, a former Fannie Mae CEO who also helped vet running mates for Walter Mondale in 1984 and John Kerry in 2004, stepped down following reports that he received favorable loan terms from a mortgage lender that Obama has criticized sharply on the campaign trail.
“Jim did not want to distract in any way from the very important task of gathering information about my vice presidential nominee, so he has made a decision to step aside that I accept,” Obama said in a statement issued after three days of criticism.
Though there appears to have been nothing illegal about Johnson’s actions, John McCain’s campaign has used his prominent role in the Obama campaign to portray the presumptive Democratic nominee as hypocritical.
And when Johnson stepped down Wednesday, the McCain campaign attacked Obama for caving to pressure.
“Jim Johnson’s resignation raises serious questions about Barack Obama’s judgment,” spokesman Tucker Bounds said in a statement, adding “the American people have reason to question the judgment of a candidate who has shown he will only make the right call when under pressure from the news media. America can’t afford a president who flip-flops on key questions in the course of 24 hours.”
The crossfire portends the scrutiny that every campaign aide or adviser easily could face in the months leading to the November election.
During the Democratic primary, Obama and Hillary Clinton each waved goodbye to several aides and advisers who in some way had offended the other side. Obama foreign policy adviser Samantha Power left after calling Clinton a “monster” in an interview with a Scottish newspaper. Geraldine Ferraro, a former vice presidential candidate, left her seat on Clinton’s finance team after saying Obama was being aided politically by his race.
The general election campaign formally began last week, when Obama clinched the Democratic nomination, and Johnson swiftly became an early target of Republicans.
The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that Johnson received favorable loan terms from lender Countrywide Financial Corp., a firm Obama has criticized for contributing to the home mortgage crisis. That report opened the door for several other reports, including by The Washington Post and The New York Times, which revisited Johnson’s history with Fannie Mae before the company drew the scrutiny of regulators and his role on several boards granting hefty payouts to CEOs.
Don’t expect Johnson’s exit to end criticism about either candidate’s campaign team.
The Republican National Committee released a statement Wednesday saying, “If Barack Obama is concerned his campaign’s ties to special interests are distracting from his VP search and message, why is Eric Holder still on his search committee?”
Holder, a former deputy attorney general, has come under fire by Republicans for his role in helping fugitive financier Marc Rich get a pardon from President Clinton. He is still on the running-mate search team for Obama along with Caroline Kennedy.
Meanwhile, Johnson continued to garner kind words from Democrats on Wednesday, despite his exit from the Obama campaign.
“We have a very good selection process underway, and I am confident that it will produce a number of highly qualified candidates for me to choose from in the weeks ahead. I remain grateful to Jim for his service and his efforts in this process,” Obama said in his statement.
Kerry, speaking with reporters on a conference call Wednesday, praised Johnson for the work he did four years ago and said the criticism is just “one of those … Washington grab stories.”
“Jim Johnson is a very experienced, very discreet, very capable individual who is performing a voluntary function without pay … he’s not seeking a job,” Kerry said.
“Jim Johnson is a capable guy. He has been vetting VPs for a while,” Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean told MSNBC on Wednesday. He said Johnson just was doing a volunteer job, and “this is nothing to do with special interests and influence in the campaign, unlike John McCain.”
After McCain on Monday called the Johnson connection a “contradiction” for Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee told reporters he can’t be expected to track down the mortgage history of his search committee members.
“I would have to hire the vetter to vet the vetters,” Obama said in St. Louis, Mo., on Tuesday, adding that Johnson was not technically working for him since he was an unpaid volunteer.
Obama strategist David Axelrod repeated that argument in an interview Wednesday morning.
“We honestly didn’t ask him for his mortgage statements of his financials and I don’t think anyone would expect us to,” he told MSNBC. “We can’t vet all the vetters.”
McCain’s campaign went after Obama on Tuesday for being “in a state of denial” about Johnson’s role in the campaign and his past taking “sweetheart deals” from Countrywide.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 a rare moment of truth telling.
The moments when you get truth from democrats on what it is that they REALLY want, are when they ACCIDENTALLY let it slip out.
What I love about this clip is that even her own democrat colleagues are laughing at her in the background.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Here chicky chicky chicky.....

McCain, Obama fail to agree on town halls
Associated Press
"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday rejected Republican rival John McCain's proposal for 10 joint town-hall appearances, offering instead to have just one on the July 4 holiday.
Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said he offered to meet McCain in five joint appearances between now and the Nov. 4 election. But only one of those was a town-hall meeting, plus three traditional debates and an in-depth debate on foreign policy.
The McCain campaign said Obama's offer was to hold the single town hall on Independence Day _ which likely would have resulted in less attention while Americans are on holiday. McCain told reporters traveling with him in New Jersey that was "a very disappointing response." McCain had said the more intimate town-hall format, a give-and-take between a candidate and the audience, would allow real interaction with voters and would be more revealing than formal televised debates. Town halls are also McCain's favorite style of campaigning and would allow him to get free media attention alongside the better-funded Obama. When a McCain adviser first floated the idea last month, Obama said it was a great idea. But the Illinois senator told reporters Tuesday that it's not realistic to have 10 town halls with all the other campaigning he needs to do after just clinching the Democratic Party's nomination months after McCain wrapped up the GOP nod. The two campaigns have been unable to work out a deal, other than to agree that the town halls should not be sponsored by media organizations and instead be open to all networks like presidential debates. The two sides on Sunday jointly rejected an offer by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and ABC News to host the first town hall for that reason. Plouffe tried to place the blame on McCain for refusing to agree, saying five joint appearances "would have been the most of any presidential campaign in the modern era, offering a broad range of formats and representing a historic commitment to openness and transparency." "It's disappointing that Senator McCain and his campaign decided to decline this proposal. Apparently they would rather contrive a political issue than foster a genuine discussion about the future of our country," Plouffe said. McCain responded during a brief news conference in Pemberton, N.J., where he traveled for his own town hall. "I'll let the American people decide which is the preferable proposal," he said. "I want the American people to have the exposure to a number of town hall meetings, not just one."" Now I don't think that obama would do lousy at these things. But I do think that he knows he is far less effective on these types of platforms than he is with a prepared text in front of him. Its called thinking on your feet. The more I see him out there on a Q&A format, the more curious I am about how GOOD he actually is at it. You would think that a guy who has spoken in 57 (or is it 60?) states and who has conversations with dead people, would be a pretty good on his feet. Or maybe it's just cracks in the illusion. The illusion known as 'obama'. >:)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
'McCain invites obama to Iraq'

McCain invites Obama to Iraq
'The Australian'DID someone say road trip?
Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting John McCain has offered to take his likely Democractic counterpart Barack Obama to Iraq to "educate him" on the real situation there.
Senator McCain has said Senator Obama has not been to Iraq in more than two years, since before the so-called troops surge announced by President George W. Bush at the start of 2007.
He has said the country has been transformed since then and Senator Obama cannot have a credible policy on Iraq unless he returns there to see the improvements in security.
"Look at what happened in the last two years since Senator Obama visited and declared the war lost," Senator McCain has told the Associated Press. "He really has no experience or knowledge or judgment about the issue of Iraq and he has wanted to surrender for a long time."
"If there was any other issue before the American people, and you hadn't had anything to do with it in a couple of years, I think the American people would judge that very harshly."
Senator McCain supports a long-term US military commitment in Iraq, but Senator Obama wants to start withdrawing troops.
The Republican candidate once spoke of a "100-year" deployment, but later claimed he was just using the figure to make the point that he was thinking many years ahead.
A supporter of Senator McCain floated the idea of a joint visit over the weekend. On cue, Senator McCain said he was supportive of the idea.
"I would also seize that opportunity to educate Senator Obama along the way," he said.
*******'Educate' indeed. Just make sure that he brings his 'binky'.
Monday, June 09, 2008
obama when there aren't any teleprompters around...
Well its getting out there that the great orator whose lofty prepared speeches that SOAR as on eagles wings...when off promptor is more like a lame drunk duck with a gimpy left foot. Just plodding along. Barely aware of any facts and hardly able to string an entire sentence together.
Give him a prepared speach that someone else has written for him and a teleprompter....aces.
But get him without......THUD.
Yeah..lets get junior to those town hall meetings, shall we?
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Obama Willing toTalk With Iran; Refuses toTalk to Our Troops
Pathetic...sad...and yes, not surprising.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Democrats against obama...
Its kinda interesting that the dems dont even trust giving junior the keys to the car.
Its telling. (not to mention a very good ad!)
OBAMA close pal and fundraiser , CONVICTED.
The day that obama has clinched the nomination for the socialists, also saw his very close friend and fund raiser AND financier of his big ole house (quite possibly by illegal means that are being looked into) has been found GUILTY in 16 of 24 COUNTS of corruption.
...""The nine-week trial included explosive testimony about drug-fueled parties involving the government's star witness and allegations that the governor discussed a state job for a donor after the donor handed over a $25,000 check for GOV Blagojevich's (A DEMOCRAT)campaign.""
Tony Rezko, being a very close friend and fundraiser of obamas and who also under a cloud of suspicious means bought helped obama fund his house, just shows once again....That obama has no problem hanging with this crowd because ...well....this is who he feels comfy with...people just like him.
Gonna git interesting up in here. Especially with the possibility of Rezko cutting a deal?
Hmmmmmm interesting indeed.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
obama about to 'clinch' nomination..
So obama is about to 'clinch' the nomination and yet there is still the thorn named hillary. I love it. What is even more yummy is that hillary is looking to upset obama in s dakota.
So...she'll go to the convention with yet even more evidence that she herself would be the most worthy opponent to John McCain. And that it should be HER that goes up against him.
Not obama.
Well I think that she may have a very good case to take to the convention.
Will she succeed? No ...Prolly not.
But it makes for some wonderful drama to the freakshow that we have come to know as the democratic primaries. Otherwise known as the march of the asses. (dumb assess, but that would be redundant).
SO what should we expect now that the democrat messiah has clinched the nomination? Well, in short a bump for obama in the polls. medium to large..
But short lived as there will now be a focus on the general...and no way to escape the blaring differences between the two candidates. With a whole lot of bitterness between the two democrat camps.
This could go any which way. And just so ya know....I sit here....smiling.
(EDIT): obama is pictured with a camel...He is the one on the far lower right.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Obama Leaves Trinity Church To Save His Political Career
....So let me see IF I have this correct.
Obama listens to this kinda stuff for 20 years. 20 YEARS....And only NOW because its being broadcast (THANKS in large part to outlets like You tube and radio that the 'mainstream news HAS NO CHOICE but to cover it)..NOW he thinks its time to go??
Phoony and a liar. Rev Pleger apparently is A VERY good friend of obamas. Good enough to get an 'earmark kickback' for his pal phleger.
What'cha think countsy? Or is this another thing you will ignore (and keep noticeably silent) as with the progress in Iraq. Notice how THAT is no longer a 'talking point' for your leftist anti-American side? Just sayin...
Soon I'll have a post up about animation and art . I wanted to have TWO up by now but everytime I go to do it, theres more news coming from the embarrassing debacle known as the democratic primaries. Stay tuned.
REV PHLEGER...obamas OTHER pastor and close friend.
a week ago, rev Michael Phleger was invited to "trinity church"...Yes that 'trinity church'..obamas church, to give a guest sermon. This segment contains some of what he said.
Since he announced he was going to run for prez, very little was known about obama. Since that time, much has come out. Alot of it being the people and places that he considers close friends and life mentors.
The latest being rev Phleger and the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayres (of the 'weather underground', of whose home was where obama decided to launch his presidential bid).
The term : 'you know a man by the company he keeps' has never been more telling then those who obama calls 'friend'. (and perhaps 'robo' >:)
And we certainly know the reasons why obamas shrew wife has come to state that she wasnt proud to call herself proud of her country until obama ran for prez.
The reason is that she has listened to morons like phleger and wright for over 20 YEARS. In that den of thieves called "trinity church".