Friday, June 20, 2008

My very "special" friend...'countsy.'

We all have special friends. You know the type. Those that you hold the cup up for them to take a little sip from, and they do so-- and dribble all over their shirts. Unleashing a torrent of chewed up pizza that they had been working on for the past hour but just forgot to take that extra step of commitment and actually swallow, so it ends up floating in said glass of beverage. Those special friends that look up at you after spitting up all over themselves and look into your eyes with their one non lazy eye and say to you: "TOR GOOOOD ! TOR FORHEAD IS SMMOOOOVE! SMOOOVE...TOR GOOD!"
And then let out a big ole unforgiving wet oatmeal fart. Of which they giggle maniacally, while making sure to squeeze out every last ounce of farty goodness.

We all have those 'special' friends. In short...We all know a democrat or three.

I know many. One of those that I speak of is a guy that goes by the name of "countfunkypants"
On countsy's bloggy, he has listed that obama is basking in a 15 point bounce. Based off of a 'newsweek' poll.

Countsy....I realize that you are looking for anything to boost your side. So if you hear from oberman (spelled incorrectly on purpose) that obama has a 45 point bounce, you will believe it. Newsweek is always...ALWAYS unreliable.
Just about every poll...every RELIABLE poll, from Gallup to Rasmussen to even zogby (which isn't as reliable as Rasmussen's) has this thing polled with obama having a 4 point lead. Basically a statistical dead heat.

Now, even I thought that obama would get that bounce once he was nominated after hillary fell out. never happened.
And THATS astonishing. And worrisome for your side.
Being that Bush has low ratings and congress has low ratings and the mood of the country is what it is, and with Hillary finally out, and just the precedent of the other party coming in after a two term would think that this would be a walk away. Wouldn't you?

Nope..Dead heat.

Which says that the public is looking at obama and they are very VERY hesitant.

Now I'm not cocky about this. This COULD go either way. And he COULD come up with a 15 point lead. Its possible. Depends on if the public drinks from the stupid juice.

If they continue to wake up and see just what is at stake and the RISKS that are involved with electing a black separatist, leftist and her weenie spined Carter'esque husband....then we'll be ok.


There is always the chance that the country is asleep at the wheel..complacent...apathetic...lazy. And therefore drink from the stupid juice.

You know....the same juice dribbling down your chin.

I do have my hopes though. Especially since there is the issue of the energy problem, which is not looking good for your side. Looks like nancy is giving ground on that one. Look for more ground to be given up. Unless she wants to go down with the ship on it.

Heres another reliable poll for you..

"Released: June 20, 2008

"Zogby Poll: 74% Support Off-Shore Oil Drilling in U.S. Coastal Waters"

Here countsy...wipe your chin....