So obama is about to 'clinch' the nomination and yet there is still the thorn named hillary. I love it. What is even more yummy is that hillary is looking to upset obama in s dakota.
So...she'll go to the convention with yet even more evidence that she herself would be the most worthy opponent to John McCain. And that it should be HER that goes up against him.
Not obama.
Well I think that she may have a very good case to take to the convention.
Will she succeed? No ...Prolly not.
But it makes for some wonderful drama to the freakshow that we have come to know as the democratic primaries. Otherwise known as the march of the asses. (dumb assess, but that would be redundant).
SO what should we expect now that the democrat messiah has clinched the nomination? Well, in short a bump for obama in the polls. medium to large..
But short lived as there will now be a focus on the general...and no way to escape the blaring differences between the two candidates. With a whole lot of bitterness between the two democrat camps.
This could go any which way. And just so ya know....I sit here....smiling.
(EDIT): obama is pictured with a camel...He is the one on the far lower right.