Dear "toot".
I am a voter. I will be voting for the conservative this year as opposed to the Marxist which I'm sorry to say is your grandson. It is a historic election with the first black man AND woman running for VP. Its pretty exciting.
I understand that you are in ailing health. I'm certain that part of that is due to being abandoned by your grandson. Being called a 'racist' by him to further his position in the election must have broken your heart. I am very sorry for that.
While it shows extremely bad character for him...I feel that you should know that many on my side will not hold you responsible for his despicable and shameful actions.
In an effort to show 'distance' from REAL racists such as the pastor that he had mentored under for over 20 years, subjecting his own small children to hate and delusional views.....He tossed over the only person who probably cared for him, unconditionally.
It is very tragic.
You should not blame yourself. You did all you could do. His lack of character, and confused psyche stems from many many things. Such as his father walking away from him. His walk to try and find something to fill that void...led him to the very fringes to find his 'daddy figure'.
A 'strong male' presence to try and emulate. Only to develop into a very weak man himself.
Shallow, and empty. While he may (or may not) succeed in this presidential quest...It WILL get harder for him. Things will come out. And he will be the embarrassment that many know him to be....The truly terrible thing is that that means the country will have to go through pains to reveal it. Race relations will plummet as he tries to expand a victim mentality across the country which will only be tolerated for so long.
The weakening of the country and the making of it vulnerable to our enemies, due to having a childlike view of the world. A view that never seemed to 'grow up', due to the father issues that he has.
The anger that he must have due to it, making him more...comfortable to befriending evil rather than stand up to it.
The promises (lies) will be broken, and people will see him for what he is....
...A nothing.
But the fault will not be with you Toot....
I pray for good health for you . I pray for recovery from your illness....
And for your broken heart. Over the loved one that maligned and abandoned you.
YOU...the only one, who never walked away, should never have been the one who was walked out on.