OK!! Here's my take on the VP Debate.
I think I may be in the minority when I say I am less impressed with style than I am with substance.
Biden, who has been in the senate for 200 years, of course is going to have a backlog of names to rattle off at any given moment. That will impress the non thinkers in legion like my leftist friend "countsy" and his nancy "me too" tag along "robo".
But Joe Biden has a looong history of being wrong on so many things, and on the wrong side of so many things that its no surprise that the debate would show some light on a number of either lies or just being so ignorant of reality that its both jaw dropping and scary at the same time.
The remark about obama "two years ago warning about the subprime portgage crisis".
OR about hezbolah "being forced out of Lebonon.
These are just two of maybe 9 things that I counted that were either fabrications or just ignorance on ole Joe part.
But he has a style that allows him to cover up his idiocy. By trying to sound like he actually KNOWS a thing or two.
The real sad thing is that it is done knowing that the press won't do their job and will let it slide (as they do the real important work of trying to see if baby Trig is actually Palins Baby....oh brother).
How did I think that she did in the debate? I thought that she did great. Seriously. I think that many were waiting to see her fall flat on her back side. But of course thats not going to happen. The press in their want to controll a story has built her up to be this moron, just as they did with Reagan...and she killed it.
She of course is not a moron. People forget (check that...elitist forget) that she has argued before and debated succesfully and with style and TEETH. She knows what shes doing. And she does it better than Biden.
Now again, the non thinkers (countsy) will point out post debate polls. Well that doesnt ring true to me. From a media so entrenched and invested in obama (again putting out every rumor and tabloid lie about Palin and never touching Obamas Ayers or Rezko connections or even the Edwards affair).
So... I don't pay awhole lot of attention to them.
The Presidency wont be won or lost by the VP debate or choice anyway. (not really).
When McCain was UP by 7, A friend wrote me and said "Oh man! Up by SEVEN!" I reminded him that its a close election. And a seven PLUS is meaningless. This could go either way.
I still believe that even with Obama now up by 7.
Now that said...theres still a possibility that it could be blown wide open. And we could see a landslide by one of them.
Again...it could go either way. All it takes is an event (big or small)...and we could have a winner tomorrow!
I personally am still of the mindset that it will go down to the wire. We'll see.
It'll be a looong 29 days though.
In either respect, whether McCain/Palin win or lose, SHE will be back...Because shes a tornado. The way to tell that?
The firestorm that erupted when she was introduced to the world. The hysterics that she generates from the left. And believe me...the left saw that debate and convention speech....They're scared out of their lil sissy panties. (countsy).
She'll be with us for a loooong time. And for that....I'm thrilled.
MORE on my thoughts of Palin in the next post.