Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
"Give me your demented, vile and evil...."
As the man-child tries to find a way to close gitmo..the question rises (duh), "Where ya gonna put the terrorists?"
Well John guy that he is says.."SURE, I'll take them!"
I think that's a great idea! I think that his constituents would maybe think otherwise though. And really, if they were consistent...they shouldn't. If they were honest...they wouldn't be troubled by it at all.
I think California should take them as well..Maybe NY too! Now that would be fantastic in its IRONY, wouldnt it?
Let the dumb dems put their money where their mouths are...
"Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., says he’d be willing to house prisoners from Guantanamo Bay in his congressional district if President Obama makes good on a plan to close the U.S. prison there.
As one of his first acts in office, the president circulated a draft Wednesday that would shut down Guantanamo Bay within a year.
Murtha only has a minimum security prison in his district. But he says he’d have no reservations about holding detainees there in a maximum security prison.
“Sure, I’d take ‘em,” said Murtha, an outspoken critic of the Iraq war. “They’re no more dangerous in my district than in Guantanamo.”""
matty taylor...
I have no problems debating anyone. Realio and trulio. If people wanna cross into that territory. But please..have a little bit of class. Facebook, myspace, and other outlets are other peoples territory. Its ...kinda bad form to hijack someone ELSES page for a long drawn out back and forth.
Those places arent the right forum for it. (be it that FB only lets you post about 15 lines of dialogue before cutting you off)..
THIS is the perfect place for it.
As for comments..There is no place on here for comments because its redundant. You (or anyone else that has an account) can place their own post to me, about me, for me. And we'll go back and fourth on that as well. Mano a mano.
To open a comments allows the dialogue to get 'distracted' and before you know it, It's a free for all and the main point of the original argument gets lost.
You want others to have a chance to yell at me? Post a link to THIER blog on your blog--I'll see it and get back to them with a response.
Believe me..theres not a person that I wont have a back and forth with. I have no qualms taking off the gloves. If THEY get nasty, So will I. Doesnt matter who it is. If the respect isnt given...I'll eat them.
If your a big shot director (pseudo) who thinks your a top dog and your ego gets you to a point where you believe your Shite don't stink?....Bring it.
I'll slap your ears back the same way I slap countsy's ears. IF thats the rout you choose.
I'm not a drone of the industry. I am not shackled (like robo) to the thought of "gosh I need to be thought nicley of, otherwise I'll have troubles getting another gig."
Let me know if you have any questions about this (I'm sure you do..its like the zilionth time I've gone over it with you)..OR if you have any troubles with the big words.
Till then my little miss...Talk with you again soon.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Aww but ..but shes a princess don't cha know??
"Like ya know?, like...uhhh, you know..I'd know... Like totally..ya know?"
It looks like the imbecile princess of the fictional 'camelot' may be thinking of dropping out of the senate bid for NY.
Caroline Kennedy has told Gov. David Paterson that she is withdrawing her name from consideration to replace outgoing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the U.S. Senate, The Post has learned.
Kennedy cited “personal reasons,” according to sources.
Her stunning move comes as sources revealed that Paterson had intended to appoint her to the now-vacant seat today.
The 51-year-old Camelot daughter’s decision removes the highest-profile name in the ring to step into Clinton’s seat, as she departs after getting confirmed as President Obama’s Secretary of State today.""
Don't know if this is a sure thing, but my guess is that it is. Such an embarrassing person. I personally think that she should stay in it and really, I can't think of a better person to be a senator for NY.
She kind of suits that place perfectly you know? (but without the smell).
('Like, you know?)
A letter to my friend "matt taylor"
Look my lil sister. I wish you nothing but all the love and luck in the world. I want you to succeed and do well. As well as ya CAN in a failing and floundering state like cali.
Live and be happy. We will continue to have wonderful back and fourths as we have in the past. And I will teach and educate you as I have in the past.
But again, please know...I speak just as freely as anyone else. In fact..I think I'm abit more controlled than most. If anyone...ANYONE wants to have at it with me, be it friend, then they can say their piece. But they better be prepared for a response.
Again..this goes for ANYONE. If you choose to throw the gauntlet out of arrogance or just cant help yourself..If you choose that rout, you'll get no bad feelings from me. No resentment. But we'll test your 'tolerant' side and see just how 'open minded' you really are.
I look forward to the next four years. Confident that things will be well on my side. Because it all rests on someone else now. And we'll see how things go when the responsibilities are completely someone elses.
Dow down alot yesterday as they took in the man-child.
California is at deaths door due to one party rule.
Let the good times roll baby.
'Yes we can'.
(rolls eyes)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Inauguaration day !

Getting into the spirit of things!
Hold onto your hats folks! It's going to be a bumpy ride!! A wonderful, glorious bumpy ride.
As I look at some of the folks that are being interviewed...Some people saying that they're soo glad now cuz they (and I quote) "won't have to worry bout' buying gas or paying the mortgage".
A Maryland state official saying that "It doesnt matter that Maryland is that obama is prez"..
Its astonishing how idiotic things have gotten. Now don't get me wrong. I say this with a big ole smile on my face. What we have here is..
After you strip away the branding.
After you take away the bling bling..
After you take away the facade...
After the illusion....
What you have is...Jimmy Carter.
And so...America has given itself a self inflicted wound.
And I look at the states that have the most enthusiastic support for the man-child..
New York.
What do all of these places have in common... All broke. All pathetically flatlining. All bankrupt.
And all run by dems.
Its my hope that obama would turn away from some of his silliness. Turn away from his carter influences..and would do great things.
Yet I doubt that he will. Dems are notorious for doing the same dumb things over and over and over again. My hope is that the country wont bleed itself too much due to this self inflicted wound.
As for me...I almost feel a little bad for obama. He has been put on such a pedastal, (partially of his own doing), that when the crash happens...which it almost certainly will (cuz no man can be ALL things to all men)...
The crash will be.....SPECTACULAR.
And for that....I break out the really good popcorn.
PS: A little bit of reality. Dow has been giving obama its thumbs down vote of confidence since he's won the election. Today was no different.
Dow: -4.0
NAS: -5.8
AlSo: matt "TAYLOR" THATS helpful...
Who's watching who, little matty.
Matt 'Taylor'....
Yes..very, very helpful. Thanks for that!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Well first off, let me wish you all a very, very, VERY happy new year. That's right.
Now some of you in the forums have been wondering where I've been. Why I haven't really been commenting on the goings on's.
Well...It isn't that there hasn't been much going on, because there most definitely has .
The answer is two fold.
1) I wanted to take a little time off, and smell the the roses. I just wanted to drop trou- and step out on the back porch , cup my testis with my left hand and raise a mug o' joe to the sky with my right-- and shout : "UP YOURS CANADA !"
Not because I hold any ill will towards our neighbors to the north. Nay. Ne'er has a land so 'almost a country' had so much to give and given so little, which is why I'm guessing that the left love it so. Because they can relate to that frame of mind.
No..I shout out my Canada reference soley to scare the neighbors. (What? Were you expecting a deep explanation? Screw it damn it, you relax your way, and I'll relax MY way.)
2) I also wanted to take a month or two and see what the next steps of the man-child known as obama would be.
You see, it makes no sense to attack him really on whats already been stated. That was just warning shots.
Now...NOW its time to sit back and see if we were correct in our warnings.
Its also a time to, in all fairness, to give him a chance to prove those warnings to be false.
To in essence, give him a chance. You know?...."Hope and change" and all that mutha jazz.
So...Lets give him a month or dos.
Lets see what he does in the run up to inauguration.
Lets see how he takes the mantle.
Cuz, lets face it..Its ALL ABOUT THE PRESIDENT ELECT after the elections, and no longer about "W".
So we've seen quite a bit as of yet, from the one who stood so high on the empty platform of "hope...and...change".
And I've got sompin to say about it.
Check back in a day for the beginning, cuz we gonna have some fun with it.
We're gonna have fun talking bout Mowgli and his 'hope and change' so far.
Bring some popcorn.