Getting into the spirit of things!
Hold onto your hats folks! It's going to be a bumpy ride!! A wonderful, glorious bumpy ride.
As I look at some of the folks that are being interviewed...Some people saying that they're soo glad now cuz they (and I quote) "won't have to worry bout' buying gas or paying the mortgage".
A Maryland state official saying that "It doesnt matter that Maryland is broke..now that obama is prez"..
Its astonishing how idiotic things have gotten. Now don't get me wrong. I say this with a big ole smile on my face. What we have here is..
After you strip away the branding.
After you take away the bling bling..
After you take away the facade...
After the illusion....
What you have is...Jimmy Carter.
And so...America has given itself a self inflicted wound.
And I look at the states that have the most enthusiastic support for the man-child..
New York.
What do all of these places have in common... All broke. All pathetically flatlining. All bankrupt.
And all run by dems.
Its my hope that obama would turn away from some of his silliness. Turn away from his carter influences..and would do great things.
Yet I doubt that he will. Dems are notorious for doing the same dumb things over and over and over again. My hope is that the country wont bleed itself too much due to this self inflicted wound.
As for me...I almost feel a little bad for obama. He has been put on such a pedastal, (partially of his own doing), that when the crash happens...which it almost certainly will (cuz no man can be ALL things to all men)...
The crash will be.....SPECTACULAR.
And for that....I break out the really good popcorn.
PS: A little bit of reality. Dow has been giving obama its thumbs down vote of confidence since he's won the election. Today was no different.
Dow: -4.0
NAS: -5.8
AlSo: matt "TAYLOR"...now THATS helpful...
Who's watching who, little matty.
Matt 'Taylor'....
Yes..very, very helpful. Thanks for that!