Well first off, let me wish you all a very, very, VERY happy new year. That's right.
Now some of you in the forums have been wondering where I've been. Why I haven't really been commenting on the goings on's.
Well...It isn't that there hasn't been much going on, because there most definitely has .
The answer is two fold.
1) I wanted to take a little time off, and smell the the roses. I just wanted to drop trou- and step out on the back porch , cup my testis with my left hand and raise a mug o' joe to the sky with my right-- and shout : "UP YOURS CANADA !"
Not because I hold any ill will towards our neighbors to the north. Nay. Ne'er has a land so 'almost a country' had so much to give and given so little, which is why I'm guessing that the left love it so. Because they can relate to that frame of mind.
No..I shout out my Canada reference soley to scare the neighbors. (What? Were you expecting a deep explanation? Screw it damn it, you relax your way, and I'll relax MY way.)
2) I also wanted to take a month or two and see what the next steps of the man-child known as obama would be.
You see, it makes no sense to attack him really on whats already been stated. That was just warning shots.
Now...NOW its time to sit back and see if we were correct in our warnings.
Its also a time to, in all fairness, to give him a chance to prove those warnings to be false.
To in essence, give him a chance. You know?...."Hope and change" and all that mutha jazz.
So...Lets give him a month or dos.
Lets see what he does in the run up to inauguration.
Lets see how he takes the mantle.
Cuz, lets face it..Its ALL ABOUT THE PRESIDENT ELECT after the elections, and no longer about "W".
So we've seen quite a bit as of yet, from the one who stood so high on the empty platform of "hope...and...change".
And I've got sompin to say about it.
Check back in a day for the beginning, cuz we gonna have some fun with it.
We're gonna have fun talking bout Mowgli and his 'hope and change' so far.
Bring some popcorn.