Friday, July 17, 2009

Moron+Racist+california= Barbara Boxer.

Heres a WONDERFUL clip from the other day. Barbara Boxer gets her a$$ handed to herself on a silver platter, with garnish and a tad of rice pillaf to munch on down.

Barbara Boxer has always been one of the most idiotic people in the senate. Truly! When I say "IDIOTIC", its not just for flourish. She really is a moron, of highest degree.
Not just stupid, but an arrogant, full of herself, garish, elitist jackass (every one of those things incidentally are requirements to be a card carrying democrat by the way), who lets her full on racism show (as all democrats do more often than not), and gets it shoved back in her face. HARD.

So eat this up, cuz its yummy!