Well..for starters, we learned that I..well.....to put it lightly, I am a genius!
Well...actually, not really. It never took a genius to see back in the campaign, what was going to happen. Much of the reason being that he (obama) to his credit--so much as said what he was wanting to do.
But it also took not so much genius as to know that the numbers for what he wanted to do...didn't add up. They COULDN'T.
You simply can't do what he wants to do, and make it work. Not without bankrupting the country and skewering small biz AND shafting the middle class.
The really interesting thing, was that the 'man-cub obama' got so many people...not dumb people--- believing that he was not the tax and spend liberal radical that he REALLY is.
That he convinced them that he had the KNOW HOW, as to how to run a country.
That he knew how to get the economy up and running again. That he could LEAD.
All that based on..well...absolutely NO experience to show otherwise!
No record. NO past. No history of ANY success, on any front!
But he had a slogan. He had a poster. And people bought it.
"Yes..we can..."
or my personal favorite....
"Hope and change...."
So....The 'change'.
We have the man-cub now keeping many of the same policies that he roundly criticized "W" for.
He can't close Gitmo, because contrary to what he believed..no other country really likes the idea of taking in terrorists.
The few that were released, were released into a tropical paradise of Bermuda and Palau.
(with OUR country PAYING Palau upwards of 200 MILLION to take them..)
We have our pinhead lightweight prez also keeping many of "W's" terror policies in place:
*Obama has argued that detainees at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan do not qualify for habeas corpus ("Robo"? are ya out there? paging egg on face "Robo"? Aww never mind. Go back to sleep where reality never intrudes..You might want to ask whatever pin head lawyer friend you were getting your talking points from what he thinks of this.)
*"State Secrets".
ALL THINGS criticized by lil webster, and he now does the same things. Oh, theres lots more. But you get the idea.
In Februrary, the Dems forced through an 800 BILLION "stimulous" that had TONS of pork spending (waste).
They forced it out quickly and without any real effort to make enough time for anyone to read it. Including themselves!
Little did they know that there was also little nuggets like the bonuses for AIG in it....
Now again...had THEY read their own bill.....yeah. They would have seen that.
So out went the 800 billion 'stimulous' (with no republican votes) and what is the effect?
In fact..its made things worse. Because its gone out to pay for tons of pet (LIBERAL) projects and wasteful spending and some even unaccounted for.
AND they said it would go out quickly to those needing it...to stave off unemployment at 8%
Uh huh..Well..as it turns out, ALOT hasn't gone out yet and unemployment is now past 9.5 % and in some states 10% .
And now these a$$ clowns want to be in charge of Healthcare too? Want us to believe that they know what they are talking about??
Now our lil man tate prez says he wants 'universal healthcare'..and says he wont tax anyone but the rich.
Aint gonna happen .
It's impossible. You can tax the rich 100% and not be able to pay for the mess he wants to put us under. Which essentially is 'canada care'.
In other words...obama is going to (very soon) have his own "READ MY LIPS" moment come up.
He's going to have to tax us. EVERY ONE OF US, for the crap healthcare that he wants to force on us. It WILL drive quality down and force prices ON EVERYTHING.... UP.
Drive unemployment UP! Shut down small biz's.
Such as is Canada.
And my good lil blogger pals on the left? "Robo" and "countsyfunkypants"..where are you now?
Where are you now that the projected ten year deficets under obama policies will be near 10Trillion?
Well.."Robo" is not speakin. Other than a 'thumbs up' on universal healthcare that i've seen posted on Facebook..theres really not much more than that. Because this bright boy can't figure any way to explain HOW WE GET THERE..so he'll be content to live in peter pan world.
Well close your eyes "ROBO", clap your hands, and say " I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES! I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!! I DO! I DO ! I DO!!"
And speaking of Fairies, that leads me to "Countsyfunkypants".
"Countsy" was the brains to robo's igor...The one I had the most back and forths with.
"countsy" had a "POLITICAL BLOG", but is no longer blogging due to not being able to back it up with his boy crush (Obama) in there now.
Can't defend his positions...can't defend the actions...so best to just tuck tail and stop all together and say ..."things are just too busy to do so."
'countsy' and 'robo' are just a tip of the ice burg. Yeah..while they have their thumbs ticklin' thier prostates and pretending to be 'smert', there are several just like them.
Those that are average hard working people. People that VOTED for someone for the highest office in the land...based on nothing. Nothing.
The only sollace I take in it is....(true believers like 'robo' and 'countsy' aside...)
is that many of those people, 6 months into this epic failure in judgement--are waking up to the truth. And voting NO on obama care and NO to OBAMA.
Am I a 'genius'? Well...yes. But it doesn't take a genius to figure out the truth about this poser. Just a little common sense.
Lets hope it continues, because that is HOPE that I can truly BELIEVE IN.