More on this later. But it is a GOOOOOD DAY! Unless your a lefty and dont like capital punishment for evil people. But for all of us normal people...GOOOD DAY INDEED!
a counter viewpoint to all things
OKAY! Here we are with your other post robo. This one I find to abit more important than the whole “I know you..” thing. The reason I find this more important is that I really want us to understand eachother. The fact that you think I say what I say to just be a….a….’dick’. Well that’s just frustrating. It takes no effort to be a dick, just ask countsy. I on the other hand have points to make. Not based on nastiness, not based on anger, but based in logic. Now you can toss em out the window if you like..but the fact that you think its just because I want to be a meanie shows me that you really ARENT understanding what I’m saying. ESPECIALLY on these points in your post.
Robo says:::
“””’ You manage to cover a lot of subjects in your post,…. RELIGION
Here's what you said about my Storyboredom compadres:””””
(quoting me, ‘Handel’)”” Yesssss, I saw the saintly and descent behavior for my very own self. Very saintly. Very tolerant. Very descent."
Back to robo saying:: “””You saw nothing. You don't know them, you've never spent anytime with them. The internet is NOT real life Handel. It's the internet. I'm talking about REAL LIFE. You remember, the stuff that matters? I have observed behavior in the Count and Underbite that is the very definition of Christian behavior in REAL LIFE.
Clever use of the word descent though. You made a funny.””
Robo you must be a very VERY skinny guy, very flexible, because your bending over backwards and tieing your self in pretzels to make excuses for these gonads. It’s actually a little embarrassing …your justifications, and defense for them.
So! What is it that you are saying then? that they are either ignorantly spoofing or they are lying about what they are saying, and don’t really even believe what they are saying. Both of which are hardly noble causes. When you say that the internet is NOT real life, well…duh?
BUT am I to believe that countsy and the rest don’t believe in what they are saying? Are they lying? Are you? I said long ago, that people will know ME by my posts. Do you think that I believe something, ANYTHING differently than what I have thus far written?
You say I ‘don’t know them, have never spent time with them’. Tell me,,,do you think that they have a good idea of who I am? Based on my writing? I do. And so I feel I have a good idea of who THEY are, based on theirs.
There are really only two choices robo. Either they are lying and bigoted, or they really do believe what they are saying, and are just honest and bigoted Take your pick.
But don’t be disingenuous robo….that’s a suit that doesn’t look good on you.
Robo says:::
“””I have observed behavior in the Count and Underbite that is the very definition of Christian behavior in REAL LIFE.””
Right….I’m …..Sure you have. What did they do? Pet a puppy? Give to their locale ‘planned parenthood’? Laugh at fat people but in a very HUSHED voice as opposed to their regular HAR HAR way? Yes, I’m sure you have.
Robo says:::
“””Clever use of the word descent though. You made a funny.”””
Thanks, I’m a very clever guy. And my bottom is plump like a ripe strawberry.
Robo says:::
“””Then you make assumptions regarding me and how I conduct myself among these "heathens".
You weren't there, so you don't get to pass judgement. Let God do that. Remember him?”””
Okay robo. Heres where we get into some down and dirty. Please (and I am saying this with all sincerity), DO NOT put words to me that I haven’t said. DO NOT quote me as saying something that I have NOT said. Countsy does it, and several others do it to try and lend credence to their flawed point(s). It is a form of lying. I don’t think you are a liar. I think you have been caught up with how others express themselves though. Because you hear nothing but ONE view.
You have “heathens” in quotes. I ask you, have I said that they were “heathens”? Ever? No.
Nothing bugs me more than having words put to me that I never said. I go out of my way to quote you and everyone else-word for word. It’s important for me to do so.
1) I owe it to you to do so.
2) Because your (or anyone else’s) words are often times MY best weapon. If you cannot quote me, then all I ask is that you do not bestow words to me that I have not said.
I didn’t make ‘assumptions’ on how you conduct yourself among the good ole boys. I made observations of your silence.
Observations on your justifications.
And as now, observations for your defense of them and their words. Nobodies perfect robo. Just know when to stop digging that hole for yourself.
robo says:
“”””my 2 cents on this cinematic masterpiece. ……””””
Ok..You say that with all the sarcasm that you could muster. So you didn’t like it. I thought it was cinematically amazing. Beautifully captured and filmed, incredibly acted, brave in its choosing of having it in its native language. All together a very VERY courageous effort. Especially since Gibson went over the heads of the big studios in order to get it done! Really incredible feat. And in the end, a 110% total success. Even with all the flack that was raised against it (wrongly).
Surely any reasonable person would say that that is an incredible achievement. And Gibson didn’t even a garner a nod for best director. Why? Hmmmm is it any less a directing feat than Scorsese ‘last temptation”?
Why didn’t it get more of a notice from the Oscars? Well. Because the ‘last temptation’ was more in line with the way
But truth be told, I really don’t care if it gets nominated or not. I laughed upon hearing the ‘snub’. But for THIS film, I didn’t mind that it wasn’t up there with the rest. Its like that old saying (As with people) you are often known by the company you keep.
Robo says:::
Now, why didn’t I like it …Gibson neglected Christ's teachings. You know, the stuff that takes up about a full 3rd of the New Testament?..... 3 hours, lots of blood. No teachings. No sermon on the Mount, no Beatudes, nothing. Even the "Let he who is without sin" beat was played silently (although I thought that was cool, a lot of people didn't know what was happening).
So, in the
Well now I can understand WHY you didn’t like it robo. I don’t agree with it but at least I can understand it. You didn’t like it because you didn’t understand it.
The movie isnt called “the life and time of J.C.” or “Jesus :word up” OR even “Jesus of Nazareth”. It was called “The PASSION”. The title itself tells you right off the bat what this film is about.
It is not the PASSION for pizza, or the PASSION of baseball. Or the PASSION for talking fish and dancing camels.
Its about specifically the last 12 hours of Jesus life.(with some other scenes intercut).
Its about the mental and physical suffering of Jesus in the hours before as well as his trial and execution by crucifixion.
The anguish of knowing WHO you are, and what you are to do. And what you have to GIVE, what you must sacrifice. To redeem the sins of the world.
No content? To know that you could leave or escape your situation at anytime, but choose to stay. To stay not because of the nails driven in you, but out of love. The agonizing fight between your human and heavenly wills as you struggle with your fate.
“No content”?
Is there really “No content” in that, robo?
And if there really is nothing in THAT to converse with and about….then surely the scenes/flashbacks of the saving of the prostitute from stoning….(”those without sin”)…with just the visuals, OR the washing of the disciples feet (“…The world will hate you, remember they hated me first…..they persecute me, they will also persecute you”).
OR yes, the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ segment (“…I say to you love you enemies and pray for those who persecute you…”)
Teachings that YOU say (for whatever reason), are not there.
The whole thing is about Christs ‘teachings’. The fact that you pass it off as a “blood fest” and that you didn’t like it because there was a “LACK of content” is kind of odd, robo.
I think that THAT is one of the truly astonishing things about this movie, And probably the reason that so many in your congregation found it ‘important’ Because it was respectful to Christianity and it was fairly accurate (with of course some creative license—for maximum impact). And THAT’S why it is in fact important. Because in today’s “movie world” those two things are usually absent when making a “Christian” movie.
Your congregation understood what the “PASSION” is, and what it means.
I’m sorry that you didn’t, and that you walked out of the theater ‘numb’ and missing what the whole point was.
NOTE: For the record; ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ is a GREAT movie as well. And yeah, I love it for what it documents. As I love “THE PASSION” for EXACTLY what IT documents. In all of its harsh reality. (as well as its beauty. ). Some things you can’t water down. Just so one feels more comfortable when they’re eating their popcorn.
I don’t mean to sound like I’m judging you, robo. No doubt you’re going to use that as a defense. I just strongly disagree with you. And if you’re “HIGH PROFILE director wanted to know more”, and you said nothing about any of the facts, or the bits of the movie that I pointed out to you. Then let it be shown that once again, you listened but said nothing.
Again though (in your defense), I know how difficult it can be, especially in the industry that we both know.
Robo says:::
“””This thing that happened between me and Sony was a long process. it wasn't over one thing, it was over many things over a period of months. I was driving 2 and a half hours a day to a job that was stressing me out to the point I couldn't sleep. I'd very often fall asleep at the wheel. The situation was so bad that it affected my health AND my marriage. You know, REAL LIFE.
You weren't there, you know nothing. I'd have sucked it up and just did as I was told, I might be dead. I am not exaggerating.
Looking back was it worth it? Yes. I have my heath back, and my marriage is back on course.”””
Robo …that’s my whole point and your just underlining what I’m saying. If you look back at my “ROBO” post on this very blog, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
I said “You DO NOT get fired.” Not over dancing bears and singin fish. If it’s a problem that simply can’t be worked out…and you’ve tried everything and your just miserable, You (as I said way back when) you pack up your crayons and you go to somewhere else. You don’t blow your top and get fired. There’s no control of the situation in that. If your ‘stressed, not sleeping” and especially if its affecting your health and your marriage…you go somewhere else. You don’t risk everything for the toons. NOT singing horses or the next fart gag. You go somewhere else.
Robo says::
“””And I now work at one of the best cartoon studios in the world.
When I came up here, I discovered that most of the people who work here shared my experience in one studio or another. Many were labeled "pains in the ass….you'll find that a lot of people in this business have had similar experiences; Teddy Newton, Brad Bird, Kirk Wise, Glean Keane, John Lasseter, Mark Andrews etc. ".””
Robo, I don’t care if any or all of those people got fired. It doesn’t make it a good thing. Is that really what you want to hang your hat on? Do you think your wife would think that that’s a good rout to go, and a badge of honor? I have loads of respect for people that go and do ‘their thing’ (which is one of the reasons I like Mel Gibson, because he is doing is own thing), that takes a lot of guts. For someone to say, “Screw this. Cant make it work here”. That takes a lot of courage to make that decision. Getting fired is letting the circumstance make the decision FOR you. Not good.
Your talented, you could have gotten into that studio WITHOUT getting fired. You make it sound as if you couldn’t have UNLESS you DID get fired.
BUT you are NOW at that studio …with the SAME MENTALITY.
Again, not good.
Do you remember robo, when I said that you were ‘undisciplined’? Do you remember that? Do you remember the context of that comment?
I remember being astonished when you wrote back. You wrote back “he calls me undisciplined“,… and then you proceed to tell me about what ‘art program’ you were learning (I think it was ‘flash’).
The reason I called you ‘undisciplined’ was due to you saying that your into martial arts and wanted to fight me, because you didn’t like what I was saying to countsy…waaaaaaay back on the ‘lest ye be offended’ thread. Remember that?
YOU don’t even know me, and yet you assume what? Man…that’s pretty dangerous. You pull that out in the street and your gonna get your self killed by some numb nut gang member one of these days man.
That’s why I called you ‘undisciplined’. You have that same mentality when you said “no more” and got fired.
It’s something that you obviously need to work on. Something we all need to work on in some fashion. Although when I hear you…it doesn’t sound as if you’ve learned anything by the way your saying “well so and so have many of the same experiences and blah blah blah”.
You probably STILL don’t know what I’m talking about. And will probably tell me in another post “WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNDISCIPLINED?? I’M learning the latest version of ‘Photoshop’. HA!”
Robo says::
“””Now I work at a place where……..and CHIPPY AND LOOPUS…Texture? Yeah, …I…””..
dancing monkeys and singin fish…Just keep it in perspective robo.
I think that we covered the more important stuff robo. And I hope that there is better clarity now.
I don’t know if I’m going to be able to post again till the new year..(Although I do still owe countsy a proper ass wuppin). So I will say to you..Have a good Christmas, and to your family I wish nothing but the very best to. To you as well countsy (believe it or not).
A Merry CHRISTMAS and a safe and bountiful New Year!
Countsy says::
Oh sweet lil miss. I wasn’t “attacking your grammar”. I said LONG ago that I rarely will ever do that. Because in the heat of the debate everyone makes a mistake or misspells something. So it’s not even worth noting. I was talking about your phrasing. It was like you had TWO different thoughts on two different subjects strewn together and it didn’t make any sense. That just underlines that story guys aren’t always the best writers.
Here let me help you out:
Countsy should have said::
“””Sure! ‘Storyboard’ isn’t the biggest of the blogs out there, but it DOES get more than its fair share of traffic. People from all walks of life visit the site. Everyone from your average Joe on the street to the best of the best in the art and animation fields. The very people that you would HOPE would visit.
Yes. I banned Handel. Why? Because he offends me. And now no one can benefit from his OH SO SUPREME KNOWLEDGE, and THAT just has to kill that egotistical bastard.
And he has the nerve to call US thin-skinned. HA!!”””
You see what I did there? I just cleaned up the phrasing a little bit. It’s not perfect, but it IS a little easier to understand and a lil bit more fun to read too. Just takes a little practice. Now for a rebuttal.
Handel says::
Yeah, sure countsy. The blog is a fun one. Even if it IS nothing more than a show and applaud gallery. There isn’t a thing wrong with that. As far as being banned from the comments section, I stopped posting in everyone’s blogs long looong ago. (Before I even knew I WAS ‘banned’ really). Why? So that in the very small amount of time that I have to do so, I could post in my own. I’m not offended by you banning me. Really and twully! Cross my heart. Ban away, oh master of free speech.
But make no mistake about it. You are most DEFINITLEY thin-skinned. You are. You cry the loudest when someone challenges you on any number of subjects. You like to dish it REAL hard. But…like so many on your end, you can rarely take a good shot without squealing like a stuck pig. Then its “boo hoo..others are being big ole meanies”.
It’s amazing what a walking contradiction you are. Sadly, its infectious (poor robo).
Lastly counts, when you say::: “””…You float above us all”””.
No, I don’t float above ALL counts. But, most definitely YOU.
WOW! I even beat MYSELF in a debate! Crap!! Dude, you should just give up and go kill yourself.
Till then, take care!
Robo says::
“””I keep politics out of Chipps and Loopus for a reason. I want their world to feel like their world, not ours. I go out of my way not to reference pop culture or politics in the strip. I am a big fan of Walt Kelly, and he mixed politics into his strip all the time, to the detrement of the strip at times. Many have said that the politics in Pogo tainted that little world forever, and that is why I stay out of it in "Chippy and Loopus."”””
Well! A moment of agreement. I think that it’s a wise choice. UNLESS you’re whole thrust is pretty much a political cartoon. Where it IS what it is. Even the ones that do it REALLY, REALLY WELL, it still kinda bothers me. No matter what the slant. It always reminds me of a cameo of a star that’s just in the movie for like a split second..(ala Christian Slater in the star trek movie….bugged the crap outta me!). It’s just a mental speed bump and assumes wrongly that everyone is gonna think you’re the bees knees in being clever. When it’s just being arrogant and narcissistic. COUGH! COUGH! COUNTSY! COUGH! COUGH!!!
Robo says:::
“”””I know who you are, and you know I know, so let's drop the coy double talk. Don't worry, I won't "out you" so just calm down. “””
Again, I don’t know how else to be more clear. You assume that I’m worried. Somehow a’shakin in muh boots <<<”so just calm down”>>>. At the thought of being “outted”.
Tell me, robo…..even countsy who we can safely say, pretty much can’t stand me, even HE doesn’t think I’m stupid. Do YOU think that I would come into this thing and say the things that I say, in the manner that I say them. Straight from the gut, and not think that someone, SOMEWHERE wouldn’t know who I am?
Of course not.
Do I care?
Of course not.
We both know it’s really not that big of an industry. We, no doubt know many of the same people.
You may or may not know me or at the least, know who I am. Let’s return to my original question. How have I been unfair to YOU? Yeah….I’ve called you out on a few issues. Yeah, I’ve been in debate with you about art issues, and I have also been complimentary towards you. I’ve been honest with you, both in crit and compliment.
If you DON’T know who I am, then go back to one of my waaaaaaaay earlier posts, where I say that you will know me by my posts. You will. I will be honest with people. About their work, (if they are posting) or their philosophies from art to politic to ANYTHING. I WILL do my very best to be honest with people. Countsy is a monkey ass, but a very, VERY talented monkey ass. I can say that. And it aint even hard, sweetheart. Because it’s the truth, and I have to be honest enough to myself to say it. AND admit when I’m wrong. You still have me pondering something these many months later. And I’ll get around to that, Later.
IF you DO know who I am, then all you have to do is look into my past, and tell me if what I have had to say is anything that I wouldn’t tell anyone. Be it a friend or be it a foe.
Would I have it in me to say it. No matter to whom, if it were what I observed it to be or felt it needed to be said. If I believed it was important enough to say. IF I believed it to be the TRUTH.
If you DO know who I am, then I think you would have to come to the conclusion,
‘Yeah….he would.’
Maybe that’s the thing…I wont needlessly pet someone for pettings sake. I will always TRY to be honest with them. Whether I know them or not. I owe it to them to be so.
But trust me when I say this robo, and I mean this with all my grisly blackened heart.
I don’t care WHO knows who I am. Let me say that in Spanish just in case you’re of the Latino descent.
“”Los pies huelen
Or of the French descent:
“”Hé le marin est que mes fesses que vous mâchez sur ?”””
Maybe German descent:
“”Meine pepperoni Brustwarzen sind spur mit Vorahnung””
And what the heck, so there is no confussion, just in case you’re an IIII-TALION:
“”””Prego, la faccia di conti somiglia al mio pooper su un giorno pruriginoso.”””
So please..dont think otherwise. Feel free to spread the word if you like. It ISNT I who is afraid of not being invited to the Starbucks to laugh at fat people. Somehow…I…I think I will carry on
My confidence is high, and
My priorities are elsewhere.
I think I’ve answered your post. Although I WOULD still like to know where you feel I’ve been unfair to you. I really am curious. So do tell me if you like. I mean, it’s not as if I’ve said anything to you that’s just OUTRAGEOUS! Or said anything to you like: “ “”You SIR, are a punk a@@, hairy back Martha, jerk weed, camel nose, retarded, stinkwad, weevil bottomed, baboon a@@, noodlespined, sissy of a Nancy boy, bill clinton, hack of a toad testis, flaccid, weenie, anal gland, turdball, pansy that stinks of beck Bristow penis.
Because THEN you would have a legitimate beef with me. Because it’s not true, and I would be speaking a falsehood. And besides, ‘countsy’ already HAS dibbs on that name, and I cant give it to the BOTH of you.
OH and let me say for the record, that I really am glad that you are at the pixie!! I was praying for ya, during that bout. I really do think it will be great for you and that you will learn and hopefully do something that I think is hard to do at Disney for a story guy…GROW. So hopefully they will kick your assy, cuz you need to delearn all the butt gags, and get back to…well…making good stories.
And you will..cuz you good.
I wish you well robo. Believe it or not, I don’t wish ‘countsy’ any ill will either. I hope nothing but the best for ya both! With that, I will say I hope you had good turkey day. Although you are a lefty so I hope you had good tofurky day, and I wish you a fantastic Christmas! (Although you are a lefty, but sorry, I just cant bring myself to say happy ‘winter solstice’—again, ssssssssssssssssssorry.)
Hip hop le hibby to da hibby.
Outta here.
Hiya Robo.
Well its been awhile. Busy busy, busy. You know how it is.
I’m way behind on the many things that I’ve needed to write about. On that long list of things was a proper response to your post (way back in august on ‘countsy’s’ carnival blog.) And while you were a little farther down the line on the list, I DID want to get to you before things got crazy busy again.
Firstly, thanks for your post. I appreciate it…I do. Now, TO your post. I get the feeling as though you think I’ve been unfair to you in some way. I’ll come back to that in a second.
But to the specifics of your post: You quote me:
“”Handel sez:
"I don’t care if you and ‘countsy’ are friends. Not in the least!"
and robo says::
“””You say this, and yet your actions prove to be contrary. You may not care, and you may be a happy-go -lucky guy who is happy with his life and his family, and yet your actions are those of a warped frustrated old man….Guys who sit around and write angry rants on the internet are generally lonely bitter guys. Once again, you say that you do not fit this description, and yet in word and deed, you do.”””
Well robo, You believe what you want. But mind you, I didn’t even HAVE a blog before I came across yours and countsy’s blog. Of which I was met with the typical hostility that is trademark of the left. It was even YOU who said “BAN HIM”, and that was to the very mild criticism to countsy’s BS on ‘free speech’, and I said it was the left that preaches ‘free speech’ and then does everything it can to squelch it. I thought you by saying “BAN HIM” was SUCH a lovely illustration at just the right time. I thank you.
Again, You and countsy had a great deal of a head start on the ‘blog thing’ long before I came in, writing your own “ angry rants”. And that was fine then! Oh yes it was. Why? Hmmmm, was it because you were all engaged in a mutual thought, pet-athon? AAAAAND utterly UNchallenged. Well sure it was. Then and only then is writing angry rants on the internet a fine and dandy thing. And I would be careful with your terms and definitions about “guys who sit around writing angry rants…bitter LOOOONLY guys.”” I mean after all, what is your strip, but one loooooong bitter angry rant.
Comon robo, do you mean to tell me that countsy’s postings which far outnumber MINE are NOT angry rants? Is HE a “bitter, lonely, warped man”? Of course you would say no. because he’s your amigo, compadre, ((siiiiiigh))soulmate (in a non ‘broke back’ way of course…although I don’t really know ya both so I cant assume either way.)
Its just inconsistent robo…Not really surprised by it. But it IS what it is.
But if you want to see me in that light, well what can I say? I look around me and I see nothing but goodness. A life truly blessed. The fact that lil ole ME makes all of you lefties a little crazy…well…that’s just puddin’ sugah….just puddin’.
But STILL, back to you…where have I been UNFAIR to you. You’re mad because I have the gall to challenge you and countsy on any NUMBER of issues? Is THAT it?
Hmmm if that IS it then its pretty shallow ground you stand on. Seriously…tell me where I’ve been unfair to you. I would really like to know.
You quote me as saying:
"I’ve found it fascinating to watch YOU be loud on some issues and yet oddly silent on other issues. “Why?” I wondered….I pressed you on it and came to the conclusion that you just might have differing opinions than the rest of your crew….yet chose to be silent. Because you maybe what?....felt uncomfortable being…the ‘odd man out’ as well?"
and then robo says:
Right robo..You’ll throw your two cents in. When? “when the time comes”. That’s what I thought. So I waited. I’m a people watcher. I’m just curious to see what they say and when they say it….I was curious on YOUR views of the subject. I knew countsy’s and it pretty much was what I thought it would be, bigoted, stupid, insipid, ignorant and smelling of bad cheese. Your typical thoughtless lefty.
But YOU robo…I wanted to hear from you. And so I waited and continued to wait…sifting through countsy’s and then rickarts silliness…waiting.
YOU who were not too shy usually about piping up.((chirp, chirp, chirp)) It’s often said that when so many are shouting that the one voice that is the loudest is the one that is silent.
You were silent.
Which piqued my curiosity sompin fierce!
So I asked you a question…(POKE)
And another question…(POKE, POKE).
And I got a lil insight….(POKE, POKE, POKE}
And Then I knew that I had struck pay dirt.
YOU didn’t pipe in, or as you say “throw your 2 cents in”, and you wouldn’t have EVER piped in unless I pushed you. Unless I poked you out of your cone of silence. Turns out you might have a little different view (not by much maybe), than that of countsy, and the other bots. So it’s safer to be silent. Let it pass. After all, lunch is at the ‘smokehouse’ tomorrow and why rock the boat.
WHEN prodded…you then come out but then try and alter it as much as possible to still seem…oh I dunno…palatable to the wing nuts. (Remember the ‘smokehouse’. remember the ‘smokehouse’).
Some such sillyness about Bush and …..etc, etc.
But as you say….I know it’s a tough issue to talk about, especially in the world we work in. And its not always comfy. ESPECIALLY when you hear your pals bashing it to the hilt ---oh and they were. Hard! And yet…
How was lunch by the way? Good, I’m sure.
Robo says::
“””and I’m not the lefty you think I am”””
dude…I don’t care really what you are. As long as it’s for real. Countsy is a jack ass, fine. You’re a lefty, whatever. I can deal with all that. As long as I know that what I’m dealing WITH is for real.
“”And sticking to my beliefs and values even if that means clashing heads with a lot of the people around me””
Robo says::
Ok robo. Let me put this to you bluntly…but as clearly as I can. Everything that I’m talking about there has to do WITH REAL LIFE!! NOT THE FRIGGIN CARTOONS! NOT TALKING SQUIRRELS AND DANCING FARTING BUNNIES!!
Look, I’m sorry you lost your job over whatever. I can only imagine how that conversation went:
Director: “no, no I think that he should just drop his pants.”
Robo: “NO! NO! NO! It would have the cinematic PUNCH we’re looking for, the emotional pull if you will, if he farted a little while the pants fell.”
Director: “hmmm..nooooo I think we did that the last three films robo. Let’s return to the basics, okee doke?”
Robo: NO! We’ll move the camera and have an upshot of the pants and THEN the fart! THE CROWD WILL LOVE IT!
Director: “I…”
Robo: “&^%$# YOU! IT’S
I mean really…If you lost your job, I’m sorry about that. I knew that you would bounce back. I did. And I’m glad you did, sincerely. BUT if you are equating what I’m saying about “beliefs and values” to your JOB. Then you have a problem with priorities. And that’s HUGE.
Well ok! Now we’re making some progress! It looks as if Ole ‘countsy’ is finally coming around to some sort of concession. On his bloggy entry of July 26th, he ‘countsy’, said:
“””Sorry gang, it's hard to roll over when someone straight up lies about you. And also just lies...... I NEVER delete comments.”
And then on his entry on his August 5th ‘countsy’ says:::
“”””Yes, you were banned from storyboredom……show up on storyboredom, and you'll be deleted again.””””
So!! What we have here folks is an admission of being a liar OR an admission to being an idiot. But I like ‘countsy’…and since ‘Liar’ is a very strong word, I’ll just say it’s an admission to being an idiot. But the facts are the facts. He DID delete posts. (said he NEVER did, but did. AND then admitted to it).
Although, I didn’t have any idea that I was BANNED entirely from that blog. Ha-ha! So that was news.
'Countsy' is like many lefties…a little bit on the crazy side. His rant of:
'countsy and robo' say::::
'countsy'::""""How's it going, John?""
'countsy': Hows it goin?
robo': “Pretty good, I'll call you and we can jump into our cars and go to “Spagos” for lunch, and bitch about how much this country sucks for not conserving by carpooling. OR about how commercial this country is. Consume, consume, consume.”
'countsy': “Sounds good. Meet you at “Spagos” then?”
robo': “Yes master.”
‘countsy’: “g’boy.”””””……
‘Counsty’ says::::
“”You clearly have it in for me more than anyone, so welcome, you "holier-than-thou" frustrated, Bush loving weirdo. Yes, I called you a weirdo. you're weird. Who else sits around making up people having conversations like that one above except an attention craving weirdo like you”””.
Whoooooooooooooooo hoooo! Wow. Looky here ‘countsy’..I don’t ‘have it in for you’…don’t be overly paranoid. Let not your iddy biddy heart be twubled! You said it yourself. I am your ‘political bizarro’. (I like that).
The typical thing about you lefties is that you are so apt to ‘dish it out’. On YOUR blog, you felt as if it were your duty to trash Bush and conservatives to the very max. And now…you whine and blubber “YOU HAVE IT IN FOR ME, YOU SCARY MAN YOU”! Crumpling like a paper tiger the moment anyone challenges you. Typical lefty. No wonder people don’t trust you guys with national security. They know it’s like giving the car keys to a 6 year old.
As far as the “attention craving weirdo,” Comment. Um….for the record, WHO has three blogs? (Three that I know of anyway).
WHO needs to have nothing but nonstop praise and adoration from his workmates?
Your ‘comments’ section is nothing of the kind. It’s a ‘compliments’ section. Just admit it and let’s move on. I’ll respect you more for it.
“countsy” says::::
“”””Here I am wasting my blog space answering you, because you're too big of a pussy to have comments”””
I’m answering you toots. Right here! What difference does it make if I have the ‘comments’ section open? I’m answering you and ANYONE else that wants to debate right here in the open…right on the BLOG ITSELF. Not in a comments section that may or may not even be seen. And I am quoting YOU word for word. You’re a nutty chick ‘countsy’.
Hope you had a grand time visiting family. Now for ‘robo’.
You said a lot ‘robo’. And I hesitate to quote it all just because it will take up a lot of space. But I want people to see what you wrote, because I feel a lot of it is very thoughtful. So here it is.
‘robo’ says::::
“””Every now and then I think "Handel ain't so bad. He's even had a good suggestion or 5 concerning my strip" and so I not only tolerated his comments on his blog, I welcomed them because they made life interesting. This is something I learned from a buddy of mine named Dean DeBlois. Dean hangs out with some of the most fucked up people you will ever meet. Why? Because they are interesting and thus they make his life interesting. And Look at my hero Howard Stern. He has crazies on his show all the time, even people that berate him like Elliot Often or Eric the Midget or even Daniel Carver. He does this because he finds them interesting and funny, and thus they help make his show funny. This is the reason why I let Handel have free reign on my blog, because after they read the little cartoon, they can pop in and check out whatever hi-jinx Handel is up to in the comments section.”””
First off, I thank you for the kind words. I do. But understand….I am not a random ‘throw away’ character on the howard stern show. Solely for ‘entertainment’ value. Artistically I have been in a lot of different things and have things to say. I have done so and have been met with both anger (‘countsy’), and with thoughtful debate and consideration (people on your blog). You don’t always agree with me, and that’s fine.
There are POLITICS in the arts as well as government. And I fight in both those fields. As ‘countsy’ does. The difference is, YOU are politically on ‘countsy’s’ side. So his ‘screeds’ are more…..palatable, to you.
‘robo’ says:::
“”””However, that little imagined conversation where we plan a lunch at Spago's revealed something else, a side of Handel I don't think about very often. This is a frustrated, bitter, lonely man. He attacks us because we are obviously friends and obviously having a great time. This seems to really burn his ass.””””
‘robo’….please. I don’t care if you and ‘countsy’ are friends. Not in the least! In fact I’ve said it many times before, that I am sure that he (and you) are probably very sweet people.(especially if one believes in the same things as you both do). You KNOW that I’ve said that. In fact I could probably hang out and have a beer with you two (who knows…maybe I have.> :)
And why not. I have many lefty friends. How could I not in this field?
That’s not the issue, never has been. The issue is the hypocrisy of your thought process, the groupthink of you and your mates. I’ve watched a few times someone give a good crit, and then swerve to accommodate your egos, because he didn’t wanna be the ‘odd man out’. And you just accept it. Ick.
I’ve found it fascinating to watch YOU be loud on some issues and yet oddly silent on other issues. “Why?” I wondered….I pressed you on it and came to the conclusion that you just might have differing opinions than the rest of your crew….yet chose to be silent. Because you maybe what?....felt uncomfortable being…the ‘odd man out’ as well?
THAT is what ‘burns my ass’. NOT that your friends with stalin jr, but at the lack of conviction. It makes me wonder what it IS that you DO believe in. And how much would it take to make you ‘change’ to accommodate others? You asked me once, in a serious way, “ dude, do you really like everyone hating you? Is that really what you want?”
Well my answer is this: It is not my goal to have people hate me, but dude…sometimes that’s just the way it is….IF you have values and you hold to your beliefs. And if that means you don’t go out for beers with the director, or a story pal. So be it. People are just going to not like you sometimes because of what you believe in. Dont overcompensate to 'fit in'.
‘robo’ says:::
“””This is a frustrated, bitter, lonely man….He's like the guy who goes to the senior prm by himself and grinds his teeth and mutters obscenities under his breath as he watches all the happy couples dancing together. That's no way to live. “”
Haha…well I’ll have to tell that to my love for the past 22 years. She may get a giggle out of that.
Truthfully…I did NOT go to the senior prom though. Just didn’t seem to have the want to.:(
Did YOU go to the snr prom? If so,,,what did I miss?? Did you get your girl/date a big ole pink flower to tack on her dress and was it awkward like in the movie ‘valley girl’? Do tell!
‘robo’ says:::
“”””So Handel! Come on man! Life isn't that bad! Don't be bitter!.... . It ain't worth it, man.”””
Ha-ha!! Well thanks ‘robo’. I appreciate the concern. I do. I think that you might actually mean that. Ha-ha! But believe me; I’m not bitter, really. I have had a truly incredible, blessed and happy life thus far. But it has been a life of not ‘going with the flow’. Whatever the cost. And sticking to my beliefs and values even if that means clashing heads with a lot of the people around me. And I’m glad to say that it’s made me a stronger and happier person for it! I might suggest you try it…who knows…..YOU too might be a stronger, happier person for it.
Ok...thought I’d take a sec and answer a few more things from our old friend 'count flatulence' and some of his comrades, before going on to some other things.
‘countsy’says:: in his July 26th post,::::
"""""Sorry gang, it's hard to roll over when someone straight up lies about you. And also just lies. Handel , when he started his blog, said he was going to open up his blog to comments and that has never happened."""
Yes, if you look at my very FIRST post. My introductory post, you will see that I did indeed say that I would open my bloggy for comments at SOME time. But I later said that I might have to rethink that. Why? Well because I tend to want to answer (and argue) with each comment/commenter. I feel like I would be obligated to do so, as I do when I argue on other people’s blogs. I tend to (for better or worse) garner LOTS of response. One only has to look at any of the other blogs that I attend and offer comment on. For instance, take poor 'robo'....for a while he was garnering 6 comments, maybe 7comments per post. Till I left a comment, which THEN garnered something like 60 comments, (And up to 87 on countsy’s blog : kagematch march 16th),consisting of allot of back and fourth argument and debate. Fun...but also time consuming. VERY time consuming.
SO! I had to rethink the open comments for my bloggy. If I did have it open. I would spend MORE time answering comments than writing on my own bloggy.
Which is one of the reasons that I have momentarily stopped commenting on other blogs such as ‘countsys’, and ‘robos’? Also not coincidentally, the reason you've seen more posted on MY bloggy.
It’s either: find the time (somewhere!) to write on this thing or cancel it out totally. So I've found the time from NOT commenting as much on other blogs, OR my own.
But that’s not to say that I won’t be commenting on the other bloggys again soon though....stay tuned.
The kind of nice thing is that THIS sort of becomes my "comments" section. THE ENTIRE BLOG. I can answer comments and attacks leveled at me from others in other blogs AND post on MY OWN blog while doing so. Viola!
""""Countsy""" says::::::
""""""Coupled with the fact that he calls me a hypocrite about free speech. AS always always always, I am here with the comments section wide open and I NEVER delete comments, even those that disagree with my politics""""
Wooohoooooooo!! There be some serious B.S. stank in here now, and it aint my bottom lip (not tonight anyway)! Well lessee here. Firstly, 'countsy'..you are a hypocrite. No doubt about it sweet cheeks. You IS! You IS! And you are, sadly but not surprisingly, also a liar. (You big fat fibber McGee you!)
You say that you "NEVER delete comments".....And yet....for some reason, I couldn’t find any of the comments that I left on 'storybordom'. HMMMMMMM! curious id'nt it? Where did they go? ALL gone! POOF! Well, except for one. It's quite telling that out of ALL the comments that you deleted of mine, the one that you left up happens to be.................a compliment.
Quite telling indeed.
But you said that you never delete any comments though, right? Sorry to break it to ya sugar. But I'm afraid that’s EXACTLY what that is: "DELETING comments". Is it not? Not to mention the "lest we offend" thread that no longer exists due to you DELETING it.
What’s more of an amazing thing to me than you saying these stupid things ( ''I NEVER delete comments!!"), is that everyone there such as 'scrbles' and ESPECIALLY 'robo', KNOW that you have ‘deleted comments’ and WHOLE threads. And yet......silence about the lie. Hmmmmmm.
My theory on this is: That while all you lefties are 'emote’rs' rather than thinkers....the 'power' belongs to the one that can whine the loudest. The others just kind of roll up on their backsides and well.....follow. Soooooo, your kinda the "LEADER"!! You’re kind of like "KING OF THE BOOBS"! "LORD OF THE WHINERS"!! So good for you 'countsy'. Who says you don’t have aspirations and lofty goals.
Although I feel sad for the others though. Not solely for the fact that their standard for leadership is so low. But also because I wish I could give them more credit for at least standing on their own beliefs, instead of being cowed to believing what others do, solely to fit in with the crowd. It’s disappointing.
"robo" says:::::
""Ignore him. If he wants to argue, he'll post a comment. Currently he's not posting on any of our blogs anymore. Perhaps we hurt his feelings. Ahh, well, I've moved on.""
Naw, you didn’t hurt my feelings robo..not at all. I think I've stated quite clearly what I’m doing though. But I’ll be back around. Don’t fret. (And for the record, I like the Photoshop colors.) And if you want to ignore me...well you go right on ahead and do so. Its a free country (unless hillary gets in***shudder***).
'robo' says::::
""It's like Pat Benatar says: "Love is a Battlefield",
Right Handel? Wink,wink, nudge nudge!"""
WOW! What are you, like 45 years old or something????
'countsy and robo' say::::
'countsy'::""""How's it going, John?""
'robo"::::"""Pretty good. I'll call you, we gotta do lunch again!"""
'countsy': Hows it goin?
'robo': “Pretty good, I'll call you and we can jump into our cars and go to “Spagos” for lunch, and bitch about how much this country sucks for not conserving by carpooling. OR about how commercial this country is. Consume, consume, consume.”
'countsy': “Sounds good. Meet you at “Spagos” then?”
'robo': “Yes master.”
‘countsy’: “g’boy.”
That’s it for now! Next up,,,A tribute of sorts, And a wrap on comic con. Have a good one all and be good people.
Ok! FINALLY, some time. As promised part two of my 'response to the penis gallery'! In this response, I will respond to the comments directed at me from the aforementioned 'countflatulence' post in which HE was responding to MY July fourth post. (Whew).
So let’s start with all of the relevant ones from beginning to end.
'robo says':
""Yeah, I went to Handel's site....Handel is Ann Coulter."""
First of all, a big thank you about the comparisons to Rush and Ann Coulter. I am very flattered. (Especially to Ann). Believe it or not, I have NEVER read a single Ann Coulter book! I want to though. Maybe soon. But I am very familiar with her, and think that she’s just awesome!
'robo' says:
"""He's like Rush Limbaugh without the drug problem."
Well thanks for the benefit of the doubt on the drug thing! But I'm more sure that that comment was more of a dig at Rush than a compliment for me. Obviously from someone who:
1) Has had a very sheltered life.
2) Has been very blessed in life, to not have to experience much physical pain in life.
3) Is just hateful person, and more than willing to take pot shots at people like Rush.
So being that I want to return the favor to 'robo' of giving the benefit of the doubt, I will choose JUST #1.
'robo' says::::::::
"""Just kidding. Handel's political rants make even less sense than Ann Coulter's idiotic babble.""""
Well, what can I say.......Maybe if I pepper my sentences with 'cock', and 'fuck', and 'shit'...then perhaps you would be able to follow a little easier. But then I don’t think I would be doing everything in my power to teach you. I think of myself sometimes as a " “Anne Sullivan” type, and you robo, ‘countsy’ and the others are my lil Helen Kellers, slamming your heads against the water pump saying: "Gooooo twa! GOOOOOOOOOO TWAAAAAAA!!!". So sorry 'robo'. I simply cant lower the standards so that you and 'countsy' can pass the class. This after all is NOT public education. So along with the aforementioned words, you’re going to have to learn some of the two syllable words as well. But don’t fret! I'm a very patient person. What? Patient.....'pAy----sh-----ENT'. SOUND it out, youngster.
"ricart says""
"""I will say this for him... he had a nice post about Alex Toth. ""
Thank you. Toth was and will always be amazing. He is already deeply, deeply missed.
'ricart' says:::
""The rest not only sounds like Coulter, it sounds like it was lifted from Coulter. It's all designed to enflame rather than enlighten. Piss people off on both sides of the spectrum and don't allow for a middle""
Believe it or not 'ricky', I actually very much appreciate your comment. It is a thoughtful response and while I don’t think I would agree with you on much of it, I thank you for it.
In response; I don’t 'lift anything. Nope. Also, I'm not 'trying to piss people off'. Its just that I wont water my opinion down, OR water down the truth in order to make friends based on the shallow ground of compromise. I don’t feel comfortable with that. Neither does 'countsy'. Just look at his past posts. He has no want or desire to taper down his opinion. And yet you have no problem with HIM saying what he says, because well, you agree with him. But when others with an opposing view come in. Well! Then that’s crossing the line. And you view them as inflammatory. But to be fair, I know that you include franken and Carville ( I believe he’s the name you couldn’t remember). But in this case, with 'counsty' and myself.....you see me as the 'inflamer'. Yet NOT 'countsy'. Interesting no? Double standard, yes.
'rickyart' says::::
"""""'Most Americans are neither conservative nor liberal... most people can't be graphed easily on a single sliding spectrum but feel differently about a variety of issues and subjects. But Cable news and the like need the extreme conflict to keep viewers interested, so they put on the entertainers.""""
I only 'kinda sorta' agree with you on this topic. To be sure, this country is most definitely politically divided. Between the people that actually VOTE. Then you have that small little sector of voter: The 'mushy' middle. The people that are like reeds in the wind. Listlessly swaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaying from one side to the other. Those that really basically believe in nothing. Have no real core. Just swaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaying back and fourth. The clueless. Now before you get all breathless with being insulted. YOU said it yourself....:"""So if you a leaning one way or the other, they might tip you to one side because of their over-the-top rhetoric."""
THERE ARE CLEAR differences between parties and their beliefs. There is no reason to be leaning ONE way or the other. You should KNOW by now what it is YOU believe in. Not wait to be "tipped".
And then you have the people that are barely aware of what day it is. That have way too much on there minds than to be bothered with becoming aware of the issues. Things to do! Such as going to the mall, or getting a keg for the Saturday get together, Or learning to fart and burp at the same time. These people are the ones commonly seen on 'the tonight shows' "Man on the street" segments. HILARIOUS, but extremely depressing at the same time. These lazy minded people usually when pressed, tend to say " uhhhh yeah, I'm a democrat, because... uhhhh, they are cool." And really they say that, because the democrat’s view of things appeal to the lazy minded. The only problem for the demoncrats is that, well...these people don’t vote....they're at the mall, remember?
Remember when, before the election, dems were touting what a big turnout they were going to have with the youth vote? And NOBODY turned out!!!! HAHAAAAA! The IRONY is FANTASTIC! “the want to give a message that appeals to the lazy...." But then the lazy don’t VOTE!!!!
Sorry folks...that was to wake up 'robo'. If you don’t throw in one of those, his eyes roll back into his head. And I DO so want to include him as much as possible.
'''''county says"""::::
"""You know what's interesting though is I did see a similarity (gasp!) to something I posted recently. The idea in my "I'm Keen on Dean" post that I assert that Republicans hate
Wow...Well, firstly the day that I ever cop anything from ‘countsy’ is the day I should just stop and give it all up entirely. 'countsy' is not the most original individual. Creatively or thoughtfully. Don’t get me wrong, he’s talented, but he's stunted. I guess we all SOMEWHAT fall victim to that. Some more than others because they get 'comfortable' with it.
Back to the question at hand...I'm not sure EXACTLY how he thinks I 'cop' from him. His 'keen on dean' post, is basically saying that this left wing moron is a 'straight shooter'. (right...sure he is). I was commenting in my bloggy about a
'countsy' says:::::
"""""I also realize that Handel seems to eerily cop from me on occasion. Look at his early posts and mine on kagematch,
I see similarities. Hmmmm...."""
Oh really? Aaaaaand where exactly are the similarities in those debates? In every one of those, where I wiped the floor with you? Please do tell me where in kagematch you are talking about sweety. Just curious.
"Cop from you"...Please. Its makes no sense. If one were ever to 'cop' from someone, I don’t think that the 'norm' is to 'cop' from someone so obviously below ones self. Try again, cookie.
"Robo"" says::::
"""This is the interesting thing about Handel. He has a lot of great things to say about art, comics and animation. The guy knows his stuff when it comes to those things. I like his article on the Daredevil comic too."""
Well thank you 'robo', I think you’re pretty too.
'countsy' says:::
""I'm not saying Handel never has a point. It's just the source is so tainted, that it's harder to give even a decent idea credence coming from him. His lack of respect for others' points of view also makes even his stories of how he was moved by Daredevil hard to swallow. You have to feel someone is capable of sympathy to give them sympathy."""
'Source is tainted'? How? Look, you either disagree or you agree with what I have to say. You dislike me because I don’t 'pet' you like 'robo' or 'scrbles' and the rest. I've been honest with you. Ever since our peepers met for the first time across a crowded blogger room. The problem was and still is that you have an ego and you get easily bent out of shape when confronted. I understand that. You are more comfortable being in conversation with your bubble of small thinkers. Which reminds me, hold on a sec.
Ok..I'm back. Lets move on.
'Ricky schmutz' says::::
""" …Dead on about not being able to take a guy seriously when so much of what he says is absolute do-do. How do you tell when he is being straight with you when he can go from reasonable to hysterical from post to post? The natural assumption is that he is never straight with you""
Well here’s the thing lil ricky. One thing about me, Is that I am always up front and straight with EVERYONE. About everything.
I come from a different political side than the rest of you, to be sure. I love this country and you guys like to burn the flag. And that’s where we both can say that we are both trains heading for a collision course. Our values are totally different.
ARTISTICALLY, I haven’t made a single comment to 'robo', scrblbs' or even 'count' that was meant out of malice or spite. I WILL not JUST compliment someone for the sole purpose of stroking someone’s ego so that we can all go to lunch. Its dishonest, its disingenuous, Its narcissistic....Its sickening.
If I had the same political mindset as the rest of the pack, I don’t think it would be that big of a deal. But the fact that I don’t, Is a big source of the battles. But again...I am always 'straight' with people. Well,,,I sure try to be in any case.
'countsy' says:::
""It's anyone who blasts others for their points of view and ideas, who wants to eviscerate them for even putting them out there. It's anyone who claims others are narrow minded and afraid of contradiction and then refuses to allow open debate about their own views. If I'm not mistaken, Rush Limbaugh is the same way. I believe he doesn't allow callers on his show, right? Or liberal callers? If anyone knows different, let me know. I (obviously) don't listen to his show."""
Oh, please, you can almost hear violins in the background, do you need a hanky 'county'? Pooor lil fella! I certainly don’t mind you saying anything you want. I'm just gonna challenge you on it. And when I do you start to cry and pout about it, like your fee-weengs are hurt. If your going to say stupid things, then we are going to have a lil talky bout it sugar. Deep down you know that that’s the case. You want to make charges. You want to make accusations and attack. BUT you don’t wanna be challenged on it. And when you are, you cry foul and play the part of what all democrats are at heart....victims. With a sad, small, weak, victim mentality.
tsk tsk tsk.
As for Rush's show. Yeah, his show is more of a 'information' type show. So is Hannities show. I don’t listen to either one because I tend to like more of a debate type of show. A fun and spirited debate. I've heard Rush debate though....He's incredible. I wish his show was more like that.
Dennis Prager is fantastic. So is Larry Elder. And they (and other shows that I listen to) are about 80-90% leftist callers. They are encouraged to call. That’s why its so interesting and fun.
The funny thing is that Dennis is a Jew and Elder is black. And they are both despised and called 'self haters' and "uncle toms". Hmmmmm, By WHO I wonder??? Hey 'Countsy', does your line :"""""....It's anyone who blasts others for their points of view and ideas, who wants to eviscerate them for even putting them out there"""....
Does that line of yours apply here? hmmmmm?
"lilrickart" says::
""Rush and his ilk do take callers, with opposing views. Those who disagree with conservative dogma are shot down pretty fast."""
It’s a debate sweetie, Not a 'get on and just start spewing your leftist nuttiness' (ONE of the many reasons npr sucks so badly and ESPECIALLY why air-head
If you get on a Prager show, or Larry Elder, and IF you have something to say, you should be able to defend it and why you think that. If you cant, (and some do have trouble because their beliefs are not very well thought out, or logical) then your gonna have some troubles. But please don’t make excuses for them like "oh they are just not slick enough, or the callers are nervous"....that’s pathetic.
hold on a sec......
Ok...and lastly.
robo says:::::
""""Hey! FYI, although he is not commenting, Handel has been checking this blog out 2 or 3 times a day. How do I know? He has been visiting "Chippy and Loopus" 2 or 3 times a day for the last 4 days spending anywhere between of 40 seconds to half and hour clicking through the pages, and most of the time he clicks over from this very blog!
He's a PC user by the way. Scary thing that Site Meter. Want to know his monitor resolution?"""
I always kind of get a giggle with robo...Like this for instance. Sometimes its as if he thinks hes the only one in on something, like site meters, and he wants to let ya know that he’s learned about them and that NO ONE else probably knows about it. "Aren’t I clever? Look what I know!"
Yes 'robo' site meters are neat-o. But what’s even MORE neat-o are ISP protector filters, software that allow you to protect your internal information, files, and overall hard rive. One of the nifty things is that it gives you decoy addys.(several with a premium grade--too expensive and not needed). The downer is that I can’t have a site meter (unless I go with the premium pckg).Want me to post on your bloggy with a
Anyone who does any amount of computer work SHOULD get this! You do have to know a little bit about computers beyond just where the power button is, so story artists shouldn’t concern themselves with this.
But you are right. I do check the bloggy circuits often. (And not just you and ‘countsy’). I'm stunned that that’s a surprise for you. I think you and 'countsy' are FASCINATING! Not as much as you both think that you are. But interesting all the same.
That’s about all for now. There might be another on this, as I see that another post has been posted on 'countsy's’ bean.
But stay tuned.
Well. I thought I’d take a brief intermission from the comic con posts, to answer a few comments from what I’ll call the 'penis' gallery.
There are a few 'artist' blogs that I visit and have all too often argued on. One of them (we'll call him "count flatulence") felt compelled to write a lovely little post on his own bloggy, after reading a July fourth post on my bloggy.
I'd like to address some of the things that were said. The good, the bad and the stupid. While there is usually very little good, there is alot of bad, and a TON of stupid. So I will have to make this a two parter. So hold on to your nose rings, here we go.
After screeching like a stuck pig about my post on July fourth, OBVIOUSLY angered and hurt by it, He then for whatever reason vents about our FIRST arguments waaaay back in February:
......."he would post anonymously and viciously. His comments were personal attacks as much as comments as on peoples art."
Let me correct ole 'countsy'. Correcting him is something that I find I have to do far too often. When I FIRST started to post, it WAS indeed anonymously. I had posted on other forums, but never on a "BLOG". I didn’t see the need to join and take a name for myself as I wasn’t really planning on sticking around to post on a regular basis. I really didn’t see that I had the time to do so! So I posted my first posts as 'anonymous'.
My first posts were basically directed at 'countsy's post about 'freedom of speech'. On a thread titled "lest we offend". He was basically spewing all the typical, soaring rhetoric about ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘expression’ to someone who had made a comment about the pic that he had up at the time.(which was a nasty drawing about Bush if I’m not mistaken)
I had said that I agreed with much of what he said...but that “I always get suspicious of those people---especially on the left--- that preach so hard about 'free speech'. They are usually the first to want to stamp it out"
What followed was a barrage of nastiness of which I just gave as well as I got. And wouldn’t you know it? What followed was the TOTAL deletion of that specific thread and the calls from the 'penis gallery' to Ban ME totally. Funny how quickly 'free speech' gets thrown right out the window, isn’t it?
Which goes to show how dead on CORRECT I was about WHO are the first to want to stamp on ‘free speech.’
So I was indeed banned from 'countsys' blog....And the funny thing is, I was called a 'coward'...ME! After smoking him, 'robo', scriblles, and everyone else that was posting at the time. Smoking them all in debate after debate...Yet I was called the ‘coward’ for posting anonymously. So...I gots me a lil name.
The debate continued...not only did I get a name o' my vewy own. But I got my own 'blog' to talky talk all I likes. About any and ALL subjects.
It didn’t go over very well with my
Only after calling them on the fact of their hypocrisy in the starkest, most embarrassing way possible...THAT IS WHEN they did a turn about and desperately tried to FORGET the obviously quite embarrassing (yet quite telling) showing of their hypocrisy.
Anyone from the other forums that I go to, who wants me to mail you that thread--contact me via email, I save everything that is written, for proof against lies and mis-quotes. And it comes in QUITE handy.
"""" Handel is still a chicken shit. I saw his blog today and he had a new post up. . Here's the difference between him and me however. I'll defend my point of view. He STILL doesn't allow comments. chickenshit. I welcome opposing points of view."""
HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! You have gotta be kidding me. I have battled EVERYONE in his THREE rooms. And EVERYONE in ‘robo's’ room. Giving my 'point of view’, AND defending my point of view. In fact, there isn’t one person that can say that they've done that AS MUCH as I have. Not ONE.
And yet he thinks I'M the 'chicken shit'.....crap! I'M STILL waiting for a response from him on the 'minimum wage' argument that we were having BACK IN APRIL. I believe the last thing written by him on that was “I’ll respond when I want to! WAAH WAH WAH!" (That’s pretty much a quote folks, except I think I added an extra 'wah'.)
He "welcomes opposing points of view"...right...not until I kicked his puckered lil rumpus, and exposed him for the dweeb he is for attempting to 'ban' me.
Bottom line folks...is that what REALLY bothers "count flatulence" has nothing to do with 'defending my point of view', It has everything to do with ARGUMENTS, and the fact that I keep winning them.
Hold on for part two, which will have to do with the 'comments' made about his post about me from (what I'll call) the 'penis gallery'.....I feel that it would be only fitting to hand them their asses on a silver platter, to go along with 'countsy’s' head.