Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Well over the memorial day weekend, I did a post ABOUT Memorial Day, Thanking the troops and remembering those who have fallen. I also made a distinction between Conservatives who love and support both their country and the troops, and leftist democrats who loath both.
Well while I was posting that over the weekend, somewhere in Orcas Island Washington, there were filthy no nothing leftist degenerates, tromping through a cemetary, vandalizing veterans graves by burning the flags that decorated the graves for Memorial Day and then replaced them with hand drawn swasticas on paper.
Looking back on my post from a day ago, it seems to underline what I was saying doesnt it?
Also, recently Republican candidate Mitt Romney said that he was going to donate (if elected) his presidential salary to charity. Now I know that those socialist out there will say " well he should, he's rich"!
But,,,Has john (300 dollar haircut) edwards said that he would donate HIS salary if elected? Or hilary (joke) clinton said that she would donate her salary if elected (shudder)?
Well the answer is of course ......no.
Another telling difference is that at an enthusiastic event, Romney was shouted at by someone saying that he would NOT vote for Romney because of his faith.
Romney said "Well, can I shake your hand anyway?"
The man said "NO!"
Questioned afterwards, the man said that he was not a 'right winger' but that he was a liberal who planned to vote for hillary if shes nominated.
There ARE differences folks. I have given you clear examples in this post and the last.
One side has class and loves thier Country, and love and support the troops.
The other side are democrats.
Note: Next post will have to do with some animation industry junk. It should be a hoot.
Monday, May 28, 2007
To most on the left, this day is nothing more than 'Monday'. Or at the very most a day off from work. To those of us that both love our country and love our service people, this is
"Memorial Day"
A day we set aside to remember and pay our respects to those who have served and to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, for this country.
Now I wish that I could say that everyone in this country both love their country and love our troops, but when just days ago the democrats have to be virtually beaten up to finally and begrudgingly (at the 11th hour!!) release the funds to support our troops in the work that they are doing, and then complain about it, saying that they have not given up on the quest to surrender to the enemy....Obviously, there are those in this country who do NOT love their country OR the service people who defend it.
Thankfully, most in this country DO love their country and service people, and do know why this is the best country in the world.
And WILL celebrate a moment of silence or reflect on those who have fallen and who have served. who DO keep you in daily and nightly prayer.
and while those on the left who know nothing about this day or could give a damn about it, as is summed up by their House 'leader' who is on this very important day, is now in (where else?) Germany, for a lil talk about 'climate control'. Pretty telling isn't it? Their constituents which are the ones who riot in Seattle and burn cars and look like they haven't showered in months, are happily in the minority.
WE support you, and we love you and pray for you and your family. Because you ARE our family.
I respect you, I Honor you and for the fallen, I will remember you.
God bless you, and may God keep you.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Well, for those of you that are unfamiliar with my views, I lean unabashedly to the right. When I first came into the bloggy mix, I had many an argument with a wussy man by the name of 'countfunkypants'. He was pretty much the epitome of the leftist nutbag. A whole lot of emotion with very little thought. Well now he has a 'by the numbers' chart on his blog. I'd like to address them.
He (like most leftists) are crying about the loss of troops. As if they really gave a damn about the troops. We all know that they don't. But lets take some of his numbers, shall we?
3,000 plus troops have lost their life in Iraq. Fighting and ultimately dying for the core beliefs that make this country the best country on this planet.
Each loss is tragic. But we have to look, well....at the numbers!
War of 1812: 20,000 dead
Mexican-American war: 13,000 dead
Civil War: 62,000 (approx)
World War I: 116,000
World War II: 405,000
Korean: 34,000
Vietnam: 58,000
Folks, While each loss is tragic, It is STAGGERING that our losses are that low after these three + years. Staggering. Especially when the task is enormous.
The fact of the matter is that leftists don't really care about the numbers. They don't really care about anything at all. They care about themselves. And that's pretty much it. They are Narcissists. The fact that there are people that raped children, that buried thousands of people in mass graves, that killed parents in front of the children. That tortured children and women in front of husbands. That killed entire families as punishment for a family member speaking his mind.
People that will send children with bombs strapped to themselves---to kill mourners at a funeral.
That BEHEAD grade schoolers outside of their school and toss the heads into the school, to 'send a message'.
This isn't important to a lefty. You will hear them say: "Not one more life for this worthless war!!"
In France circa 1939 this would have been translated to "Not worth a single life.....NOT FOR A JEW!"
It kinda makes you wonder what the limp wristed, noodlespined leftists would be squealing if they had been alive in 1944 after the pounding that we took after the landing on Omaha Beach. Where we suffered over 3,000, during the first few hours of the initial landing.
OR after the battle of Iwo Jima where we lost close to 7,000 troops, after the 36 day battle.
What would they be saying? "Its not worth it." "lets leave, Lets run away."
My goodness! I bet they would just be screaming and crying at the top of their squeaky little voices!!
But that was a different time. Surly there was no such thing as the narcissistic left back then.
Oh but there was, though. It was called....France. And what was France back in 1940?
Occupied. Surrendered to the Nazis.
At this point in time, We have our crazed left, all to eager to surrender to the modern Nazi. islamo-facists that have all the insanity, and all of the evil of the Nazi 67 years ago.....and MORE.
The left is as always, all to willing to cozy up to evil. They sure aren't willing to fight it. Not for the innocent of Iraq. And they still after all these years, still hate Jews. Which is why there is so much venom aimed at Israel.
Maybe the reason that they are all to willing to surrender (and the quicker the better) to evil, Is that they, the leftist, have SO much in common with them.
Hatred of Jews and Christians.
Narcissism and the love of self.
Ego and insecurity
and freakish elitism and group think.
and small penises. ( Well that's what I heard!)
LASTLY: Another set of numbers was that Bush's Job approval was 33%. That's pretty tough. But he's making the hard choices that one has to make. And sometimes you have to make those decisions because its THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
What 'countfunkypants' declines to tell you, is that the democrat congresses approval is at 29%!!!
LOWER than GWB's approval! Now why IS that? What's THEIR excuse?
HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I don't know...I love that though. I'm not one to take polls seriously. They dont mean a thing to me. The 'right thing' is the 'right thing'. Whether or not its popular at the time. But I did find it VERY interesting how that was left out of his (countsy's) numbers.
LOWER than Bushes. That's a hoot. Poor stupid wide eyed nancy. Poor stupid 'countsy' (and his mindless tag-a-longs).
Poor stupid left.
To be fair though, strength, courage and the love of country has never been their strong points. so it only makes sense that they would fall back on what they know.
Surrender and the appeasement of evil.
What a proud legacy.
He (like most leftists) are crying about the loss of troops. As if they really gave a damn about the troops. We all know that they don't. But lets take some of his numbers, shall we?
3,000 plus troops have lost their life in Iraq. Fighting and ultimately dying for the core beliefs that make this country the best country on this planet.
Each loss is tragic. But we have to look, well....at the numbers!
War of 1812: 20,000 dead
Mexican-American war: 13,000 dead
Civil War: 62,000 (approx)
World War I: 116,000
World War II: 405,000
Korean: 34,000
Vietnam: 58,000
Folks, While each loss is tragic, It is STAGGERING that our losses are that low after these three + years. Staggering. Especially when the task is enormous.
The fact of the matter is that leftists don't really care about the numbers. They don't really care about anything at all. They care about themselves. And that's pretty much it. They are Narcissists. The fact that there are people that raped children, that buried thousands of people in mass graves, that killed parents in front of the children. That tortured children and women in front of husbands. That killed entire families as punishment for a family member speaking his mind.
People that will send children with bombs strapped to themselves---to kill mourners at a funeral.
That BEHEAD grade schoolers outside of their school and toss the heads into the school, to 'send a message'.
This isn't important to a lefty. You will hear them say: "Not one more life for this worthless war!!"
In France circa 1939 this would have been translated to "Not worth a single life.....NOT FOR A JEW!"
It kinda makes you wonder what the limp wristed, noodlespined leftists would be squealing if they had been alive in 1944 after the pounding that we took after the landing on Omaha Beach. Where we suffered over 3,000, during the first few hours of the initial landing.
OR after the battle of Iwo Jima where we lost close to 7,000 troops, after the 36 day battle.
What would they be saying? "Its not worth it." "lets leave, Lets run away."
My goodness! I bet they would just be screaming and crying at the top of their squeaky little voices!!
But that was a different time. Surly there was no such thing as the narcissistic left back then.
Oh but there was, though. It was called....France. And what was France back in 1940?
Occupied. Surrendered to the Nazis.
At this point in time, We have our crazed left, all to eager to surrender to the modern Nazi. islamo-facists that have all the insanity, and all of the evil of the Nazi 67 years ago.....and MORE.
The left is as always, all to willing to cozy up to evil. They sure aren't willing to fight it. Not for the innocent of Iraq. And they still after all these years, still hate Jews. Which is why there is so much venom aimed at Israel.
Maybe the reason that they are all to willing to surrender (and the quicker the better) to evil, Is that they, the leftist, have SO much in common with them.
Hatred of Jews and Christians.
Narcissism and the love of self.
Ego and insecurity
and freakish elitism and group think.
and small penises. ( Well that's what I heard!)
LASTLY: Another set of numbers was that Bush's Job approval was 33%. That's pretty tough. But he's making the hard choices that one has to make. And sometimes you have to make those decisions because its THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
What 'countfunkypants' declines to tell you, is that the democrat congresses approval is at 29%!!!
LOWER than GWB's approval! Now why IS that? What's THEIR excuse?
HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I don't know...I love that though. I'm not one to take polls seriously. They dont mean a thing to me. The 'right thing' is the 'right thing'. Whether or not its popular at the time. But I did find it VERY interesting how that was left out of his (countsy's) numbers.
LOWER than Bushes. That's a hoot. Poor stupid wide eyed nancy. Poor stupid 'countsy' (and his mindless tag-a-longs).
Poor stupid left.
To be fair though, strength, courage and the love of country has never been their strong points. so it only makes sense that they would fall back on what they know.
Surrender and the appeasement of evil.
What a proud legacy.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
.....and not the kind with receding hairlines and killer riffs, but ready to rock me like a hurricane all the same.
Its pretty fascinating really. I'm still amazed that I didn't get stung. Especially since my foot was on him for at LEAST five seconds. My Dad seems to think the stank from my foot might have stunned it.
I'm glad that I'm here to share the lovely little critter story with you. Enjoy.
PS: I'll have another post for you on late Friday. Gots me sumpin to say. Little hint?
Time to slap your assy countsy. You kinda have it coming. Don't worry though, I wont be too rough on you.
Monday, May 21, 2007
SO! Last Monday, the 14th, I went to my studio to finish up on some work. Bowl of popcorn in one hand, huge cup of coffee in the the other. I set my corn down and pull out my chair--all set to get a head start on the next days work. Feeling good about where I'm at in the work, and riding a corn n' coffee high, I pull my chair out and prep myself to lower my well formed hiney on said chair. When I feel my foot....on something. I think nothing of it, thinking it may be a runaway corn kernel.
I look down as I pull my foot up off the foreign object, only to see that the corn kernel ended up ACTUALLY being....a friggin SCORPION.
Yes, a scorpion...about four + inches long.
I let out a loud (yet manly) scream. Which brought my wife down to see what the commotion was.
When I took my foot off of it, it turned quickly and scurried a little bit. It surprised me that
1) It wasn't squished. And was TOTALLY intact!
2) that he didn't run in panic as an ant or a roach would. He pretty much stayed in one spot.
TOUGH mutha which actually freaked me out some.
and 3) That the damn thing didn't STING me! I looked at my wife after I told her what it was, and asked her " now I would KNOW if this thing stung me, wouldn't I??" she said "Oh yeah!"
Since I wasn't foaming at the mouth or peeing on myself, I considered myself fortunate, And told myself twas now time to take care of the situation.
My wife offered me a shoe for my surgical strike and I braced myself for the assault.
Pondering a war cry I briefly considered "TAKE THAT LIBERAL SCUM!" But since this was indeed NOT a roach, I found it ill fit for the task. I opted for a quick and silent yet very deadly strike.
Now since I've never had to actually KILL a scorpion before, I thought I would just play it safe and smack it REALLY REALLY HARD!
I did a wind up, in order to open up said whoop ass on said scorpion, and raised my weapon of choice (said shoe).
Whoop-ass commenced.
Twas the end of the scorpion, twas the end of the story........or so you would think.
I raised my scorpion stomper,only to find that the DAMN THING WAS STILL ALIVE!!
Now I had a very pissed, and somewhat more mobile scorpion as he pivoted around as if to say
"what the hell? Is it raining in here?" He didn't even look fazed!
Puzzled, I stood back expecting him to leap at my face Ala the cute killer bunny from Monty pythons 'holy grail' and kill me dead.
Where were the guts??
Where was the bug blood? Where was the gruesome mess that I'm so accustomed to cleaning up after such a savage attack on other bugs?
It is at that precise moment that I came to the wise conclusion that "Dem scorpions is tuff, sum-bitches!"
So, I figured that I should have another go at him before he figures its time for a counter attack.
So I swung back even higher. If you've ever watched any sort of "pro" wrestling, then you might have the image of someone going to the 'top rope'. You wouldn't be far off the mark.
I 'TOP ROPED' it baby! I ' TOP ROPED' it goooooooooooooooooooooood.
I held the shoe down for several seconds. Teeth gritted, neck veins buldging. All very "Frazetta dramatic"!
I lifted the shoe....He was definitely feeling some of the effects from the whoop ass. But believe it or not...NO GUTS! A---freaky deaky--MAZING!
So I partook in a third dosage of whoop-ass'ing. JUST to be safe!
Although just a little, but enough seepage to tell me that it was OK to pick up the sucker .
As I scooped him in a cup, his damn tail curled up. Scared the crap outta me. But it was dead.
Yes, it was dead.
All hail the scorpion killer! (thank you).
I walked around the house for awhile just looking at this thing. Totally flabbergasted at how tough these things are. I took some pictures of it, I'll post those when I get the chance. Maybe in a day or so. Keep yourself peeled for that.
I pondered a Viking Burial, but since I did not have any small boat to set flame to, I settled on tossing the carnage in the back yard and got myself back to work.
The only thing is, that I kept thinking that there are times when I'll just pull up a pillow and take a nap on the floor of my studio. After thinkin about that, I ended up giving myself the creeps all night.
If you've ever had 'pee shivers', it was very much like that! And that made getting ANY work done for the night- a very, VERY difficult task indeed.
Moral of the story:
When life hands you scorpions, GO TO THE TOP ROPE, BABY!....Everytime.
I look down as I pull my foot up off the foreign object, only to see that the corn kernel ended up ACTUALLY being....a friggin SCORPION.
Yes, a scorpion...about four + inches long.
I let out a loud (yet manly) scream. Which brought my wife down to see what the commotion was.
When I took my foot off of it, it turned quickly and scurried a little bit. It surprised me that
1) It wasn't squished. And was TOTALLY intact!
2) that he didn't run in panic as an ant or a roach would. He pretty much stayed in one spot.
TOUGH mutha which actually freaked me out some.
and 3) That the damn thing didn't STING me! I looked at my wife after I told her what it was, and asked her " now I would KNOW if this thing stung me, wouldn't I??" she said "Oh yeah!"
Since I wasn't foaming at the mouth or peeing on myself, I considered myself fortunate, And told myself twas now time to take care of the situation.
My wife offered me a shoe for my surgical strike and I braced myself for the assault.
Pondering a war cry I briefly considered "TAKE THAT LIBERAL SCUM!" But since this was indeed NOT a roach, I found it ill fit for the task. I opted for a quick and silent yet very deadly strike.
Now since I've never had to actually KILL a scorpion before, I thought I would just play it safe and smack it REALLY REALLY HARD!
I did a wind up, in order to open up said whoop ass on said scorpion, and raised my weapon of choice (said shoe).
Whoop-ass commenced.
Twas the end of the scorpion, twas the end of the story........or so you would think.
I raised my scorpion stomper,only to find that the DAMN THING WAS STILL ALIVE!!
Now I had a very pissed, and somewhat more mobile scorpion as he pivoted around as if to say
"what the hell? Is it raining in here?" He didn't even look fazed!
Puzzled, I stood back expecting him to leap at my face Ala the cute killer bunny from Monty pythons 'holy grail' and kill me dead.
Where were the guts??
Where was the bug blood? Where was the gruesome mess that I'm so accustomed to cleaning up after such a savage attack on other bugs?
It is at that precise moment that I came to the wise conclusion that "Dem scorpions is tuff, sum-bitches!"
So, I figured that I should have another go at him before he figures its time for a counter attack.
So I swung back even higher. If you've ever watched any sort of "pro" wrestling, then you might have the image of someone going to the 'top rope'. You wouldn't be far off the mark.
I 'TOP ROPED' it baby! I ' TOP ROPED' it goooooooooooooooooooooood.
I held the shoe down for several seconds. Teeth gritted, neck veins buldging. All very "Frazetta dramatic"!
I lifted the shoe....He was definitely feeling some of the effects from the whoop ass. But believe it or not...NO GUTS! A---freaky deaky--MAZING!
So I partook in a third dosage of whoop-ass'ing. JUST to be safe!
Although just a little, but enough seepage to tell me that it was OK to pick up the sucker .
As I scooped him in a cup, his damn tail curled up. Scared the crap outta me. But it was dead.
Yes, it was dead.
All hail the scorpion killer! (thank you).
I walked around the house for awhile just looking at this thing. Totally flabbergasted at how tough these things are. I took some pictures of it, I'll post those when I get the chance. Maybe in a day or so. Keep yourself peeled for that.
I pondered a Viking Burial, but since I did not have any small boat to set flame to, I settled on tossing the carnage in the back yard and got myself back to work.
The only thing is, that I kept thinking that there are times when I'll just pull up a pillow and take a nap on the floor of my studio. After thinkin about that, I ended up giving myself the creeps all night.
If you've ever had 'pee shivers', it was very much like that! And that made getting ANY work done for the night- a very, VERY difficult task indeed.
Moral of the story:
When life hands you scorpions, GO TO THE TOP ROPE, BABY!....Everytime.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Some of the most powerful memories I have, have to do with my Mom. An incredible woman who taught me some of the most valuable lessons in life.
Lessons of love, happiness, sorrow, pain. The heartbreak of loss and the joy of triumph. How to face your fears and how to fight. Courage and Faith.
And how to laugh. ...Oh, that laugh.
Happy Mothers Day Mom. And thank you for inspiring me. For teaching me
how to live each day and to thank God for every one that I am blessed to live.
I love you and carry your laugh in my heart.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Now I wasn't going to write about the movie for this entry, But I thought since I have some thoughts on it, why not share a lil bit!
Last Friday, My studio took us on a noontime screening of "Spiderman 3". A very cool theatre that serves you up lunch or dinner right at your seat! I had a very good steak sammich, but skipped the alcohol..I did after all, have to get back to work for the rest of the day.
The movie: I liked it. Not sure if I loved it. I definitely have to see it again to make that determination. Although I did walk away a lil frustrated.
Not because its over two hours long, but because I just felt like so much valuable time was badly spent. For one thing there is just TOO many frigging villains in this. Raimi kept it in check for the first movie..just one villain. Did the same for the second movie...just one villain. Which makes me doubt that he's going to be doing another Spidey movie, because it almost feels like him saying, "well since this is my last...lets have FOUR VILLAINS!"
Yup..four villains. 1) Sandman 2) Venom 3) Harry aka goblin junior 4) Eddie Brock.
I'll get to Eddie and venom in a sec, first lets talk about 'Sandman'.
The sandman as played by Thomas Hayden Church, is just fantastic. I didn't think that they were going to be putting as much into that character as they did. But MAN! Was he awesome.
You really feel for him. You feel for his situation. You wish you could help him. I wish there was MORE of him.
Then there is Harry, who is still being freaky deaky with hatred for Spiderman/peter. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
But lets get to Venom. Venom was treated as a throw away character. Which is fine because Venom is and always HAS been a nothing character. I've never been all that crazy about him. The best thing about that character is the effect that he/it has on the people that it commits to.
You see the effect that he has on peter. And its played pretty well. UNTIL....and this is what really bothers me....Until its played for cheap laughs.
There is something that I always play in my head, no matter what I'm drawing,painting, etc..."remember what type of story your trying to tell."
Not too long ago, disney put out a film, called the 'hunchback of notre dame'. Now there are scenes in that movie that i remember saying "what the hell???"
The hunchback story first of all is a very dark story, So disney taking a stab at it immediately sends up warning flags. And sure enough....there's a song that the gargoyle comical sidekicks (ugh I cant believe i said 'comical gargoyle sidekicks') sing that is just soooo idiotic. It even has them all playing poker with 'quasi' wearing a visor!
Well..that's what I was saying in my noggin at certain times in the Spiderman movie. One such moment is the jazz club dance between 'dark peter' and Gwen Stacy. Peter goes on this spider powered waltz in order to tweak Mary Jane.
Now don't get me wrong...it all looked damn cool, especially the chair stuff. But the focus should be on making you really feel how dark and nasty peter is turning. You should really feel it-the intention to HURT, really HURT someone he, peter, cared for.
Instead...its mainly played for laughs. Playing the piano like hes a jazz pro, waltzing as if ......I don't know. Silly.
For anyone that knows anything about movie history, it is what it is: An obvious tip of the hat to Jerry Lewis's "nutty professor". (geeky professor makes a serum, drinks serum-turns nasty and mean, but hip, dances around...etc).
I don't know..the whole sequence was pretty powerless to me. And it shouldn't have been.
Another thing that bothered me, was Eddie Brock....man! I loved the way Topher Grace was playing him! Lots of texture, lots of personality. While 'venom' the character is a throw away, Eddie Brock is NOT.
But they end up wizzing through some major important stuff like him being humiliated in front of the office staff. Which should have really been played up so that YOU felt it too...You should have felt the rough competition between him and peter. To lead into the harsh humiliation. Enough to JUSTIFY him wanting to "kill Peter Parker". And you don't. Not one bit. You kind of roll your eyes when he delivers the "kill peter parker" line.
Again....more time being fritted away.
Here's what I'd do:
movie is 2 hours 20 Min's.
1) Cut harry out all together. I don't want to see the goblin for awhile. Let us feel like a lot more time has gone by to justify Harry becoming a pro goblin glider and fighter. (sheesh).
2) Cut out silly scenes that shouldn't be silly- don't waste the time or momentum. There is ( I SWEAR!!) FIVE MINUTES of song and footage of 'dark peter' walking down the street to a song ( a cool song albeit) pointing at girls. Getting a suit, and doing a little jig. But I don't feel the threat of a darkening personality. I just see a geek who was a geek and well...still is a geek, who now for some reason can dance and play piano. (silly).
3) It shouldn't have been Harry coming to help Spiderman, It should have been Sandman. Therefore spending the time making 'venom' a more powerful threat. Rather than just a nothing.
4) Don't put Gwen Stacy in unless your going to have her be more than just a model.
jeesh....Gwen Stacy is as close to a 'canonized' character as your going to get. Give her something more than just a dance scene otherwise why have her in the movie at all?
(The actress DID look exactly like her tho--good choice).
5) Don't make 'dark Peter' look like 'lil nicky'. That kinda sucked. Again I didn't feel the threat of a changing personality as much as I saw a gay goth geek. Pretty much any fine art grad at cal-art.
Well...those are a few things that jump out at me. I have other things, but it would just be small nitpicky stuff. Not worth mentioning. Believe it or not, I did like it. I had fun and I'm just not going to hate anything that at least respects its source material, and takes it seriously.
And Raimi does do that. I just would have liked a little more coherent take on this story.
But it was fun.....and that steak sammich was da' bomb, baby!
although...now that I think of it....In hindsight, I should'a had that beer.
Go see it. Its doing bang up bidness and I'm glad. Cause its fun and its good for COMICS!
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