Well over the memorial day weekend, I did a post ABOUT Memorial Day, Thanking the troops and remembering those who have fallen. I also made a distinction between Conservatives who love and support both their country and the troops, and leftist democrats who loath both.
Well while I was posting that over the weekend, somewhere in Orcas Island Washington, there were filthy no nothing leftist degenerates, tromping through a cemetary, vandalizing veterans graves by burning the flags that decorated the graves for Memorial Day and then replaced them with hand drawn swasticas on paper.
Looking back on my post from a day ago, it seems to underline what I was saying doesnt it?
Also, recently Republican candidate Mitt Romney said that he was going to donate (if elected) his presidential salary to charity. Now I know that those socialist out there will say " well he should, he's rich"!
But,,,Has john (300 dollar haircut) edwards said that he would donate HIS salary if elected? Or hilary (joke) clinton said that she would donate her salary if elected (shudder)?
Well the answer is of course ......no.
Another telling difference is that at an enthusiastic event, Romney was shouted at by someone saying that he would NOT vote for Romney because of his faith.
Romney said "Well, can I shake your hand anyway?"
The man said "NO!"
Questioned afterwards, the man said that he was not a 'right winger' but that he was a liberal who planned to vote for hillary if shes nominated.
There ARE differences folks. I have given you clear examples in this post and the last.
One side has class and loves thier Country, and love and support the troops.
The other side are democrats.
Note: Next post will have to do with some animation industry junk. It should be a hoot.