To most on the left, this day is nothing more than 'Monday'. Or at the very most a day off from work. To those of us that both love our country and love our service people, this is
"Memorial Day"
A day we set aside to remember and pay our respects to those who have served and to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, for this country.
Now I wish that I could say that everyone in this country both love their country and love our troops, but when just days ago the democrats have to be virtually beaten up to finally and begrudgingly (at the 11th hour!!) release the funds to support our troops in the work that they are doing, and then complain about it, saying that they have not given up on the quest to surrender to the enemy....Obviously, there are those in this country who do NOT love their country OR the service people who defend it.
Thankfully, most in this country DO love their country and service people, and do know why this is the best country in the world.
And WILL celebrate a moment of silence or reflect on those who have fallen and who have served. who DO keep you in daily and nightly prayer.
and while those on the left who know nothing about this day or could give a damn about it, as is summed up by their House 'leader' who is on this very important day, is now in (where else?) Germany, for a lil talk about 'climate control'. Pretty telling isn't it? Their constituents which are the ones who riot in Seattle and burn cars and look like they haven't showered in months, are happily in the minority.
WE support you, and we love you and pray for you and your family. Because you ARE our family.
I respect you, I Honor you and for the fallen, I will remember you.
God bless you, and may God keep you.