A palie of mine asked me, "Handel...(he doesn't really call me 'Handel') He says "Handel...what are you going to do if barry wins?"
I remind him that I have always thought that this thing could go either way. It just depends on whether or not the people out there are awake and care about facts. But yeah..It could go either way. I still believe that tonight. On this election eve.
If McCain wins, I'll sigh and be glad that the grown ups are still in charge. If barry wins, I'll sigh and have my first day of worry as I wonder when the terrorists will bring their game to the malls of our country.
Another palie of mine, who follows my back and fourth with a nemises of mine by name of 'countsy', said to me..."Oh man, what are you going to say to 'f**ckula' ( his term)?"
I say: I will wish him a hearty congrats and then remind him that its time to produce now. On the ridiculous promise to give 95 % of the population a taxcut, increase spending, decrease the military AND keep our country safe, produce jobs while bankrupting small business, and increasing taxes on everyone. (and thats just a few items).
But I will give my congrats to his scurviness.
I say this even after recently stopping by his bloggy and perusing this quote after Palin gave her speech at the RNC convention::
"George Bush with a vagina!!
Nice speech, bitch. Reading a speech someone else wrote from a teleprompter. "
(Now lets put aside that shes got more experience GOVERNING than obama has. Lets put aside that obama is almost lost without his teleprompter....)
Theres the difference right there between conservatives and leftists...clear as glass.
I'll wish countsy a congrats, and sit back and watch the train wreck...but I'll wish him congrats..
HE (countsy) says things like "bush with a ..."
There's a term for that folks...."bad upbringing".
What more can be said? When I'm confronted with these examples, it strengthens my belief that little boys shouldn't grow up with 'two daddies'.
Baaaaaad upbringing.